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Just upgraded and now my video card appears to not be used. It shows up but Iray is very slow and the post filters are not working. My GPU-Z ap shows no usage .NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070.
Did you update your graphic card drivers too?
At a guess you used the free version of DS3? DS3 Advanced was (and still is) available from product library, for the free version only the base content was there.
do we know when will it be compatible with macOS Big Sur?
So, we are talking about August, September… of 2021 (or January, February of 2022). The big question is if it will be compatible with the next version of MacOS. Right now I'm voting with my wallet: when Daz get's it's act together and launches a version of DazStudio that works with my machine I will restart buying stuff. Untill then I'll wait (or just give up, depending on what is coming).
Has anyone tried running the Windows version of Daz Studio on their Macs using Bootcamp?
Okay, at the risk of sounding dumb, what is DS (computer artists don't know everything LOL). But I will check anyway, thx!
Yes it's the latest driver
DS = Daz Studio.
This release (as I understand it) has a newer release of the iRay code in which NVIDIA has discontinued support of some older GPU chipsets. I don't know the details.
Please see this thread for details.
PCIex4 NVMe SSD, 2TB, it's running x2 because I made the mistake of plugging a USB card into a slot it shares bandwidth with but my G8F load is still slow. I checked a load of a scene with a single G8F after a reboot (so no populated disk cache). The load was CPU limited all the time; it was running a single core flat out, but the disk utilization did not go above about 3% and was typically 0.1MB/s.
It is reported that the problem is the loading of character morphs when you own a lot of them, and the character "properties" entry on the animation time line does, indeed, show a large number of morphs. Indeed creating a key-frame for just the properties in that node takes forever. This is not new for 4.14.
The apparent fix, which I have not tried yet, is to de-install all the G8F characters you have then just re-install the ones you actually use; some of the morph sets like the "genesis 8 female body morphs" are widely used but bespoke characters that do not depend on them have morphs which are certainly only necessary if used.
As many of you, I discovered that DAZ Studio 4.xx was not working with Big Sur: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib.
And also DZ3DIM: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa (/usr/lib/dyld).
Without breaking anything (OS compatibility), I think there are 2 QUICK an EASY solutions (minor update) for DAZ Studio to work with any MacOS :
1-Stop trying to load the library explicitly using a system hard path i.e /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib but rather just from a DAZ Studio mandatory one: for example DAZStudio4 64-bit/Frameworks.
(In the begenning I thought the program was looking for the missing lib in all the folders inside the DAZ folder so I copied libstdc++.6.dylib in each of them but it's been a NOGO.)
===>1 line change in the code, recompile(XCODE 12 ?).
2-Replace the load of the library libstdc++.6.dylib by the library libc++.dylib as recommended by Apple since XCODE8....
===>1 line change in the code, recompile(XCODE 12 ?).
Finally: For the developper, please don't tell us you need to wait until august 2021 !.
Thanks very much for the replies.
Sorry but there NO download link at the url you posted.
So I will ask once again - Where can DAZ Studio be downloaded without DAZ Central or Install Manager?
Expand the Description line below the image and scroll down.
I've been wasting my time on this website and on the forum wondering the same thing. WHY is it so hard to find a download link for DAZ Studio. It should be in plain view site.
This is ridiculous.
Once you've scrolled down, you want the Manual downloads. Even though it says Download zip, the actual installers are downloaded.
I've scrolled down. There is NO download links for a ZIP file at the link posted....
Nor is there any downloads at the Product Page.
Did you click on Description and scrolled down? Are you signed in?
One can either download the standalone installer, or the DIM zip.
Anyone else having post Deionizer NOT rendering in 4.14? I've just checked and my machine IS rendering with it on 4.12 (still kept it just in case) - so its Daz3d problem, so not a problem with my computer.
Anyone else have this?
I tried several times yesterday and NOTHING showed. I tried again today and I NOW do see the download links. Strange!!!
Thanks kindly, I did download Studio.
As much as I was loving my experience with Daz Studio 4.14, it keeps having a fatal error crash at critical point on very light (one dressed character with HDRI dome) scenes. Loving it while it's up and running though!
If this is a consistently reproducible crash then please submit a report with the scene attached, and a note of the content used. Try to make the scene as simple as possible.
2 renders 13 seconds and 15 seconds in filament the shadow bug..It comes down to poly's...can be used with green screen for massive enviorments..
used a white enviorment..