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Ok, I'll write another bug for that specific package; I faked out the download to persuade DIM to get the .dsx and that says:
Which you will note is not the GUID in the .part file:
But that is an even worse bug; it means that because DIM does not download the .dsx first it spends 2+ hours downloading a file that it should know from the beginning is the wrong file. It then deletes the file (removing the evidence of its ghastly crime), says "Download Failed!" and leaves the poor users to repeat the whole pointless excercise again, and again, and again.
BTW the file coming out of the manual download still seems to match the .part file from DIM, at least the first 86940130 bytes are identical...
UDPATE: In fact all the bytes that I downloaded before match the bytes from a manual download and I am now well past the point at which the network error occured and DIM deleted the partially downloaded file. I've got about 728MB of the product part at this point.
UPDATE 2: There are two separate bugs here; one is the one I originally pointed out in DIM, the other is in the .dsx file of the product in question. The .dsx file contains an incorrect product GUID; it does not match the GUID of the package on the server, the one which is downloaded. I verified this by the manual download of the product then using the "Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier", which outputs the MD5 checksum of the file as a UUID (GUID in Microsoft-speak):
That GUID (MD5 checksum) exactly matches the GUID in the .part files. Using the downloaded .dsx DIM reports that there is a product update (it got a new GUID in the .dsx) and offers to download it; of course this is a major disaster because the downloaded file will have exactly the same GUID as it did the first time. I don't know if the original reported GUID mismatch problem is what happens but it seems likely. If so it would mean that everyone who buys this product will repeatedly download it hammering the server and the users own ISP connection.
When I fixed the GUID in the .dsx everything is hunky dory, until the next time DIM downloads the .dsx, I think that happens once a day, at this point the spurious "product update" will happen again.
None of this explains the bug I saw; the one provoked by the length mismatch. Obviously the lengths mismatched because the download really did fail due to a network error. Most of the time DIM manages to restart the download when "Download failed" is pressed, when it doesn't do that (as in my case) that is a bug in DIM. I've now established beyond reasonable doubt that there was no problem with the partially downloaded file beyond the fact that it was shorter than the length the server correctly reported.
Every developer had the chance to test macOS Big Sur since last June. I know I can't claim anything because it's a free product, but I also spent a lot to have my 3D library. Happened almost the same last year with Catalina, wasn't working at all, the update arrived after months. But the future of the Mac is now changing with the new Silicon CPU's. So far I know DAZ Studio is not made with Apple Developer Tools, so in the best of cases, Studio will run by emulation with Rosetta II (will run faster? slower?) until is supported (2 to 5 years). A native version for Silicon CPU I think we can forget. Just my opinion.
The issue is balancing compatibility with Big Sur against compatibility with older versions. Daz can estimate from customer service tickets which versions of MacOSX are being used, and must decide whether supporting Big Sur is worth dropping support for older versions. It's the same issue as deciding when to update Iray to support newer GPUs at the cost of dropping support for older GPUs.
...had that happen about a two years ago, however my scene and DIM download library were on that drive as well (the boot and application drive is only 256 GB). Lost years worth of work which I'm still trying to rebuild and still have not totally reconstructed all my custom runtimes. Kind of stifled the muse for a while.
...was going to ask about the hair until I watched the video (very nice i may say). So it was generated in Carrara?
Been looking to rebuild my Merida character (who's also quite a "kitbash") and hair like that would be ideal. for the GPU (Maxwell Titan-X) that meagre system is far more of a beast than than mine: (6 core Westmere Xeon and 24 GB DDR3 1333 memory)
...make sure that before closing Daz you save and close out the scene file first. I've had scene files corrupted if they weren't closed before exiting Daz and I needed to force a shut down in Task Manager when the programme hung too long in memory afterwards.
Sure it's a free product. But of course the the items you buy from their store are not free, and many people (no doubt including yourself) have spent major amounts of money on Daz 3D content. The whole point of Daz Studio being free is that people will pay for that content.
In comparison, you do pay a lot for Poser. But in return, you get a lot of high-quality content for free. There isn't nearly as much free content supplied with Daz Studio, and its quality is mediocre at best.
There's tons of free content supplied with Daz Studio, over 2 GB zipped. I haven't bought Poser since Poser 8, but back then most of the free content was older stuff.
I think the point is too, you shouldn't HAVE to switch over to a new program because of Daz. I've spent THOUSANDS on this program building up my library. I've taken 2 years to finally fully learn it and become comfortable. This program has become irreplaceable when it comes to my art and my job and the only option I have of Daz doesn't fix this right now, is to convert over to windows rather than spend the time to learn a new program. It's just time I personally don't have and I don't think others do either that depend on DS for their livelihood. It's just all really disappointing. I guess the only silver lining is Black Friday and cyber Monday are coming up and hopefully I can get a deal on a windows desktop if this issue isn't fixed within the next week or two. Which I don't think it unfortunately will be.
I've only been using Daz Studio since September; but I really like it and would love to continue using it. However, if it ceases to function after each macOS upgrade, then it seems prudent for us Mac users to avoid it entirely. However, I do understand that isn't an option in your case.
Perhaps someday Daz Studio will be made open-source, like Blender is now. The developers currently in charge of it seem to consider macOS compatibility to be of secondary importance. I'm hoping they will prove me wrong!
I agree but the described behavior is the norm for this industry; this is why people working in IT do not allow upgrades within the corporation they work for until at least a year has elapsed since the release and they have verified operation of all mission critical software.
Here's a very much worse example from my personal experience. I use an iPhone solely because it supports medical software that I use as part of my treatment of diabetes. Part of software is currently reporting that it is not supported on the iOS version I have installed; 13.6.1. It does this for about six months on every iOS 13 upgrade but so far it has continued working. My iPhone also wants to download and install iOS 14.2. If I made the mistake of allowing it the software it might stop working; at least that is what is reported as happening with the latest iPhone. There is a work round, but I have to find that for myself.
It's a general problem. There is a general solution; to have app vendors record the highest supported OS version in the app itself and have OS vendors take this information from the apps and warn users before an OS upgrade about apps that are not yet certified for the new OS. "If you upgrade to iOS 14.2 your blood glucose monitor/ray tracing software may stop working." Then the app can contain upgrade information that does the inverse, "If you install this brand spanking new version of Daz it just won't work on your current operating system. Have a great day!"
For anyone who has the iray section plane problem jumping to CPU I found a solution that works for me.
Go to render settings, section objects and turn that on. You have to turn it on every time you make a new scene.
I used to follow this "wait-and-see" policy too, so I guess I'm being justly punished for having abandoned it. I've now disabled the auto-update feature on my iMac.
There's a potential penalty in waiting to upgrade the operating system or applying security patches. Frequently newer versions of the operating system include fixes for security vulnerabilities. Security patches for Windows are security patches (duh!). Sure, you can wait and let the new OS version prove itself. But, if someone takes advantage of a vulnerability you are then asked why you didn't upgrade or patch the OS since the fix for the vulnerability has been out there for XxX months.
As someone who is retired from an IT support corporation I can honestly say that one approach is to upgrade a test system, test your applications and then upgrade the rest if everything checks out. Sure, this requires a bigger investment in hardware and is unreasonable for those using DAZ Studio as a hobby. If Studio is your livelihood though then I would suggest having a backup plan. I am bummed that my iMac won't run DAZ Studio, but I also have a Windows system that's doing just fine.
Just saying...
Edited to add:
We were required by contract with the customer to have the operating systems patched to current level. This was also required by ISO standards for business practices. Operating system version was more flexible as corporations face the same issues of business critical applications vs the impact of new operating system versions.
You mean Section Caps Enabled? That is a work-around, yes, though it may not always have the desired result.
Obviously, I have never seen DazStudio's source code (although I'm pretty sure thabut what you are saying doesn't make any sense. There are lots of applications that work with Catalina and still work with Big Sur and basing the decision of supporting a new version of a OS on customers service ticket also doesn't make sense — service tickets should be used to correct problems.
You're definitely right. The only thing that I'm really upset about is that I've never had an issue like this before. I've always updated DS and I've never had this problem. They didn't even let us know that Big Sur wasn't compatible until a day or so after the update was already out. And by then my computer already updated. The only option i have right now is to go bring my mac into the apple store to have it downgraded - just so I can get my work done in the next month or so while I decide whether or not to drop $$$$ on a windows desktop. Right now it's running on my MacBook, but it doesn't have the same capabilities as my desktop that I need to get everything done in a timely manner. Maybe that's on me and I'd totally take responsibility if it is, but I feel like Daz should've checked to see if it worked on Big Sur and if it didn't, let us know before we download it. If I were a casual, normal user, I don't think I'd know to go to the forums to see whats happening, or even know why it's not working since it's not stated on the announcement page. It's just a rough learning curve right now. A mistake I won't make again lol.
I wonder if anyone can help. I've download this new version of Daz and the Invidia Studio drivers to match,
The software crashes randomly, see the error below, this can happen during an Iray render, using Iray in the viewpoint, working perhaps too quickly for Daz.
My hardware is decent and all checked out - Nvidia RTX 2080 Super, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12- Core Processor etc
Does anyone else recognise this problem ,,, when you try to log the problem with Daz it say the page is unavailable.
As previous people have written then Daz really need to stabilise Studio or give better hints and tips to their users.
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module 'C:Daz 3d\Applicatios\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4Public Build\libs\iray\libiray.dll
I haven't seen this, but the path you quote above doesn't look quite right.
I get what you are saying about MacBook vs desktop. My MacBook was never intended for serious rendering.
I have struggled with the Mac vs Windows for DAZ Studio all year. On one hand upgrading one of my Windows systems gives me the advantage of GPU rendering for iRay. On the other hand I had already upgraded the memory in my iMac which helps with CPU iRay rendering. Plus, living with the slower CPU render time keeps me from chasing the upgrade treadmill on a GPU that is still supported by NVIDIA for iRay. Sigh. I'll wait and see how this all works out before making a final decision. How DAZ handles this issue may make my mind up.
Hindsight being 20-20, I should have upgraded my MacBook first. I've not had an issue like this with DAZ though. Live and learn.
Ok, i had to copy type the path ... so maybe a typo in there but in general it is correct
DAZ 3D needs a utility that we can download to tell us what architecture video card we have and then to list which video card architectures work with which versions of DAZ Studio so people can check that before they upgrade to the latest DS in DIM.
Also, it would be nice if DIM had a another build in option for those checkmark and that is "Archive Checked Installers". And then finally, "Unarchive Archived Checked Installers". The mechanism could be a simple as prepending Zzzzzarchived- to the installer name and DIM not letting files with that prepended name be installed or uninstall before they are "unarchived" (have that prefix removed from their name).
Yes, the web site is still broken after the major upgrade a week or so ago, however it's just a broken link. Go to this link:
Or, if you want the link from go here and click on the "SUBMIT A TICKET" button:
I've reported this to DAZ, ticket #355398
I've copy pasted direct from the error file -
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Public Build\libs\iray\libiray.dll" at 0033:00000000F4A4FFC7, mi_plugin_factory()+1580535 byte(s)
Is there something I need to do after upgrading to 4.14, in settings or anything.
I have a scene with 13 chacters and no other props. When I rendered with the previous version it would take about two seconds to render. Not with the upgraded version I could litterly go to the kitchen and make a sandwich and it would still be rendering when I got back.
I am using the same computer, no hardware changes to the computer at all.
I'm using 64 bit.
Is that on a Mac?
3Delight or Iray? It sounds as if the first one was 3Delight and Iray this time.
Did you update your GPU drivers?
Applications are normally not installed to the root of the C: drive ( C:\Daz 3D\... ). For a 64 bit application I would expect it to be in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\...