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Except that it's pushed at everybody, to the almost exclusion of anything else. Anyone who knows how to find the Product Library and download from there doesn't need DAZ Central shoved in their face.
If there is now a way for a new, but computer-savvy user to download Studio without using Central (not every 'new' user needs crutches) it is so well hidden that I haven't been able to spot it. Right now, I'd hesitate to recommend Studio to anyone, because of the exclusionary focus on DAZ Central for installation and content management.
*there is no delete Ignore this*
You can find download links for the general release in your product library. The links are hidden in the Description section. Expand the little triangle and scroll scroll scroll.
You can also install it with DIM, of course. That is the highly recommended way. Be sure Daz Studio is not running when you update it.
*I* know that, but how is a new user going to find out? But I suppose anyone who buys something from elsewhere and discovers that Central doesn't work for that will either have to find out or give up.
I only use DIM to install Beta versions, and for downloading updates (Studio and products). Manual install all the way.
Well i cant install from 4.12 to 4.14 pro,when download manager show me that i have the the updta e to 4,14 but when i click it,it is istalling it too fast and whn i go to open the application from c/programm files etc,it opes the 4.12 again what im doing wrong??
Daz was aware of the problem and just waited for it to go away by itself? I checked and it was known for years that the library libstdc++.6.dylib would be deprecated. I'm lucky because I have an old MacPro that I can use — it will take a lot longer to render but I can do some renders.
Daz was, I believe, aware of the issue but has to weigh up the consequences - not working for mac users on Big Sur vs. breaking all plug-ins on both OSes, soem of which will not be repaired as the developer is no longer active (or in at least one case, has died).
If there is a way to go back to Catalina, your best bet would be to ask Apple Support.
In four years they couldn't come up with a solution? Come on, it's not something Apple decided four days ago. And if Mac users are second rate users, please do inform us. Right now I have suspended all my purchases from Daz.
They may have a solution, but it requires breaking the API, which will break ALL plugins for ALL users, some of which will never be updated because the developer is no longer with us. That's a big step -- Qt5 is something they've been working on for years, but again it will break the API. Will they release DS5 with Big Sur support and Qt5? I think they probably will, although I have no inside knowledge. When? That's the big question, and since it affects everyone, inside Daz3D and out, Daz3D may not have decided yet.
Im again in the same exact boat. I'm lucky that I didn't update my macpro and I can at least get my work done before deadlines. It still takes significantly longer and I'm constantly checking my memory to make sure I'm not using up too much and I won't run out of room. Especially since the last render I have to complete is of a large scene. Its honestly ridiculous.
If you have a Timemachine backup, then you can convert back to Catalina. Unfortunately, I never put stock into timemachine and royally screwed myself over with that one. Save from doing it yourself by a few options on the internet (that I don't trust to do myself), you'll have to take it into the apple store and have them downgrade. I will be doing that next Sunday/Monday. I have no clue how much it'll cost, but as far as I know, that's the only way. They are able to do it though. I have a friend that works in apple support as a genius and it is possible. They'll probably have your computer for a day or so and then you can pick it up. You just have to make sure you back up the entire thing because I'm pretty sure it'll wipe your computer.
That makes sense. My issue with all of this though is that they didn't let us Big Sur users know until a little more than a day AFTER release. And it wasn't on the announcement page. So many of us users updated and now literally cannot run the program any longer without spending money to go and fix it. I would've appreciated being TOLD that this was an issue BEFORE release. Not to mention somewhere on the main page. The only place I've found Big Sur's incompatibility is on the forum. And if you're just a casual user or a beginner, I seriously doubt that you'll know to check the forums. I know that I wasn't. So now I'm betting you have some daz users who the program no longer works for, and they're just floundering. Now the only option is to drop cash to downgrade our system or to convert over to PC. I've spent THOUSANDS building up my library for this program. It's become irreplaceable for my art (I use renders as the bases for all my paintings because I have aphantasia and can't create images in my head on my own). It's just all really unfortunate and I wish we were made aware on release day.
Macworld has an article on how to downgrade from Big Sur.
I have found that when I want to load 4.14 after having played a game or used a high-end video program the computer has to be restarted for it to launch. If I don't restart I'm clicking the icon with nothing happening. In that instance I have a few choices: either leave 4.14 open and running when I want to use other software; constantly restart the computer when I want to use 4.14; or revert to 4.12 (if I can by deleting the 4.14 upgrade?), which I don't really want to do. Other than that I really haven't had much problem with it.
Is that after using DS earlier? Check in Task Manager if DS is running as a background process, and terminate it if it is.
Yes, communication could definitely have been handled better.
To be fair, they just had a few very busy weeks with all the problems from the store migration, so they might simply have forgotten that Big Sur was going to be released now.
True. But also don't get me started on how horrible the website is running right now. And how the search function is absolutely HORRIFIC. And I REALLY hope this isn't how they're keeping the website and they're still doing updates. Because I'm shocked at how bad it is. No more subcategories in search. Clothing textures no longer connected to product pages? Broken links? Honestly it feels like they downgraded the website. Rather than add they took away and now I'm scrolling for hours to find what I want in the store.
I'm rather certain they don't intend to leave it like this. The developpers who posted in the store issues threads have all those issues listed, and they're still working on getting things better. (I have no insider knowledge, just based on all the fixes they have and are still releasing, like the recent update on product pages which fixed several issues despite all the hate I've seen for the new design).
Just to be sure what's happening do this (best after a restart so you are sure 4.14 has not already been run):
1) Launch 4.14, wait until the DazConnect poo has finished. (It displays "updating metadata" on the bottom of the screen for a while every time it is launched, at least if you own one of the several products which still seem not to be correct in the store.)
2) Close DAZStudio - don't do anything, just close it.
3) Open the Windows Task Manager (I'm assuming this is Windows :-), sort it by name and look for "Daz Studio Application" in both the Apps list and the Background processes list.
If you find anything in either list DAZStudio won't start until it is gone. If the entry is in "Background processes" and it is at 0% CPU you have the layout.dsx issue. I've managed to produce the same situation other ways but I was stressing my system by running 4 DAZStudio apps in parallel, the 0% CPU on immediate exit test seems to reliably detect the layout.dsx issue; no one has reported having (exactly) this issue after deleting layout.dsx.
More likely you will find DAZ exits just fine and doesn't leave a process lying around. If you have a complex scene auto-preloaded on start you might have to wait a few minutes for DAZStudio to exit but it will always show CPU utilitization (typically 1 CPU) while doing this. This is, unfortunately, expected.
So then, having eliminated those two possibilities, you have a new bug. If you look at the Task Manager window you will see it has a "GPU Engine" column. It's conceivable that the software you use manages to lock DAZStudio out of the the GPU engine. The DAZStudio log file displays the startup; I suggest including that, or at least the last bit, in the ticket you raise with DAZ. Normally the last line is "Shader Program successfully linked.", but at present DAZStudio is continuously polling the Daz web site with apparently broken requests (according to the log file) so the log file gets a bit confusing.
If you do have the layout.dsx issue, the specific setting that was causing DS to never exit in my case was the IPR toolbar in the Aux Viewport when the Aux Viewport pane was closed. To fix it, open the Aux Viewport pane and set the IPR Toolbar to off. According to the Change Log this has been fixed in a future release.
Wow guys, this new version is really great, I personally have found a drastic decrease in render times :D
Is there a way to go back to the previous mouse control scheme? I updated my install and now I can't use right click to rotate around a selected item like I've been able to previously.. The controls are all messed up and I'm not really interested in relearning a control scheme all over again when the previous one worked for me and I wasn't asked if I wanted it changed.. The update to this was completely uneccessary and it could have easily been something that was asked about upon loading the installer.. Like "Do you want us to screw up how you use daz or is the old control scheme fine for you?"
try reloadign the Layout (which will reset cuastom actions), or if they were unsaved changes could use Window>Workspace>Customise to redo them and save the layout for future recovery if need be.
A corrupted layout, or custom action list, is often down to forced exit (closing the application through task manager)
They need to release a DAZ 4 Legecy then, that stays installed in parallel & seperate from DAZ 5 & DAZ 5 public beta right before they are ready to go to DAZ & QT 5. QT 4 and legacy OSes will go away. New OSes eventually won't support legacy apps. Apple is particularly bad to leave users out in the cold and do it fast.
Since it's in your Product Library, the final DS4 will still be available, just as DS3 was IF you had Advanced. Since DS4 has to be in your Product Library it shouldn't be an issue.
OK, I don't have DS3 but it's nice to know I can keep DS4 when DS5 comes out.
Apple may be accused of a many things but the libstdc++.6.dylib was deprecated in XCode 10 which was presented on June, 4 (a beta was available on that day) and launched on September 17, 2018 (two yers ago). So, the ball is in Daz's court.