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Does Daz not work with the most recent version of Mac OS?
It will install, but won't open, saying it might not work with this OS version.
See here:
That's just Apple; my blood glucose monitor says the same thing and if that doesn't work it is really serious. I haven't upgraded to the latest version because of the warning, but the warning happens on the current version, it just appeared after an update!
I am moving back to
Till DAZ can fix this new version it is useless as it keeps on crashing even on basic scenes.
What are your system specs? Is this rendering, simulating, or just in general use? What Viewport drawstyle are you using? Have you reported the issues to Daz?
Try a clean start of Daz (4.14); look in:
You will see a folder in there called Studio4. (If you use the beta the relevant folder is "Stdio4 Public Build".) Temporarily rename that folder. Now start DAZStudio and see if the problem has gone away. If it has you can just work from that but you will have lost all your old (global) settings; e.g. the "Personalize your copy" setting... If you want your old settings they are in the saved folder in the ".dsx" files, but one of those files has a problem...
Note: when running DAZStudio with the "-instanceName something" the settings are in the sub-directory "Studio4 [something]", with something possibly modified (# is replaced by a decimal number) but the initial settings come from the "root" directory Studio4. In that scenario settings are not saved on exit, apart from "Recent Files" which is overwritten on each exit.
It is also possible to poison DAZStudio with things as simple as an animation pose preset: I have one which has a bad TCB, it seems to work just fine but clicking to an intermediate frame causes DAZStudio to crash. This can poison a single scene in a bad way; I ended up running and crashing DAZStudio with a complex scene about 10 times before I was able to isolate the problem Thigh Bend.
A couple of issues have been identified in DAZStudio 4.14; they are in this thread or the beta thread. IRC one was Iray section planes (which I never use) and another seems to be some issue with the NVidia RTX3080(?) (which I don't have :-(, but those have simple characteristics with a crash/failure happening on Iray rendering and/or obvious messages in the log file. I find it is worthwhile to have the beta installed as well as the general release; the startup bug was fixed in the beta some days before was released to fix the general version.
OMG Somebody please help with this horrible nightmare.
A while back I submitted in here that my Genesis 8 Female default figure was corrupt somehow.
I have never overwritten the original file (until I was told to), only saved preset character shapes and materials.
Somehow along the way, default Genesis 8 Female took on the shape of some of my experiments along the way. I could tell it wasn't overwritten because it still had the original Icon for loading it in. I have been collecting quite a few shaping morphs to get my character the way she was. Note how I said "was". This totally sucks. She's lost!
The correction I was told to do was to go back through Genesis 8 Female and set every parameters default value to 0.00% as it should be - so I did.
I then remade my character from scratch again - tweaking over the last few months.
Just now I wanted to bring in an OBJ to turn into conforming clothing, so I loaded in Genesis 8 Female Default. What?!!! She's got all manner of shapes dialed up! How the hell is this happening to me?!!!
So I go through and set everything back to default = 0.00%
Now when I load a saved scene of my character, she's all borked!
At my end here. There's no fricken way that I can start rebuilding my character. I saved a preset shape for her, but because the base shape was borked with values, the preset doesn't work anymore.
So now I go and load the default base back in... it's not default again! WTF?!!!
Okay, this is my workflow for saving my custom characters:
Create shapes via morphs
Create materials
Save As > Charcter Preset > Unique folder in the Character directory
Save As > Material Preset > Subfolder within the above unique folder > Materials
Save As > Scene
I don't overwrite anything.
I humbly ask again: Is there a way to reset the Genesis 8 Female Default Base? Is there a script or something? Do I need to uninstall every fricken thing, dig through my AppData, etc., and delete everything and reinstall?
How do I get the base back to its original state? And how do I keep it from getting borked?
I have no choice but to let Daz Studio sit idle until I figure this out. And I just spent every dime of extra holiday funds on this. Bad call on my part. At least it went to artists I really appreciate - so there's a good thing - even though I can't use any of it.
Sorry. Just really upset. That was a LOT of sleepless nights animating, rendering, figuring stuff out - and now losing all of my saves. I am really quite sad right now.
Does this help?
I don't have an explanation but I do know of several things which should immediately tell someone more familiar with DAZStudio than I am what is going on.
Given a borked "Genesis 8 Basic Female" inserted into a "new" scene try this:
This will normally reset the figure to its original shape; for Genesis 8 Basic Female it should remove all shaping, for other derived characters I believe it removes all shaping not included (including indirectly) in the original character file. If the shaping isn't removed that suggests to me that your "Genesis 8 Basic Female" actor file has had something added to it, but then I would expect G8F derived actors to also be borked. Anyway, try a second experiment on a newly inserted "Genesis 8 Basic Female" figure:
That should for certain remove all the shaping; when I insert a derived G8F figure into the scene and zero its shape I end up with the Gensis 8 Basic Female. You can see all the currently set shaping morphs by selecting the figure, going to the Parameters tab and selecting "Currently Used". One of the things this reveals is that it seems to be possible for separate files in the content library to add stuff with settings. For example all my characters have "Viseme" settings and I don't have the faintest idea where they came from. Another experiment is to use the Timeline pane:
It is always possible to recover an installed file by locating it in the original, downloaded, Zip archive and copying it from there. DIM stores the actual location of all the installed files in the various .dsx files in "ManifestFiles" (in the DIM InstallManager directory). It possible to use those files to find out where something came from, though a bit tedious on Windows because it lacks a decent "find" command (unless you install OpenSUSE).
That seems to be the same problem and in that case "Zero" fixed it but then the a morph showed up in "Currently Used". I think that indicates that there is a bogus morph file somewhere which has a default of "on"; a non-zero default setting, since Daz loads all the morphs that might apply to a character (uugh) a non-zero default will morph every character (I think). That's not fixable from DAZStudio, so far as I can see; the problem morph has to be fixed by editing the problem file itself. I'm just guessing here; DAZ morph expect needed, will pay $0 for a lot of work ;-)
This doesn't seem to be a new problem if it happened in March 2019.
@Dartanbeck, Be calm, dear. This morph corruption to a base figure has happened before to other folks The fix is pretty easy.
By uninstalling the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials and then reinstalling it, you can get G8F back to normal.
If you used DIM for downloading it, then go to the installed tab, select Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials and cliick on the Uninstall button. After it finishes uninstalling, go to the Ready to Install tab, select the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials check box and then click the Start Queue button. After it finishes reinstalling it, that should get G8F back to normal.
If you didn't use DIM, then do the same basic uninstall/reinstall process manually or with DAZ Central.
Also, in the remote case that your G8FSE zip file got messed up somehow, you can just download a new copy of it from DAZ.
Hope that helps get you back to having 3D fun with DS.
BTW, thanks for all the help you have given previously in the forums.
I tried restore and zero. I'm quite familiar with those from Carrara, which always work in there. Carrara actually saves a Heavy version of Genesis because it stores every morph availablle (even if unused) as obj within the saved file. This, however, makes it nice for making custom figures with only the morphs needed, because the saved Carrara file won't read the database for updated shapes. Anyway...
The problem is that the morph dials are set to default. So when I "Zero" the figure, I get Lara's head, this shape adjustment, that one... I go through and it takes forever, since none of them are flagged (in bold white) as being changed, since they're set (in properties) to a default value other than the original "0.00".
Which brings me to the next:
Thanks! I did calm down, re-saved G8F Base as described above and overwriting, then arduously rebuilt a new version of my character. Not the same, but darned close.
The first time this problem happened, I uninstalled Genesis 8 Male and Female Essentials as well as Daz Studio and all purchades shapes and such for Genesis 8. Yep, I use (and Love) DIM.
Upon reinstalling everything, the problem persisted. I had to open the Base figure and comb through every dial that I have.
Like I say in the above post, since these changed values are set as the 'default' value for the given dial, they are at their initial greyed-out appearance, so I can't just fly through looking for bold white values. Argh!
Still - in my new state of calm, I will try uninstalling/reinstalling again. This time also checking my AppData, database files, whatever I can to try and fix this.
The problem is that I don't just store things incorrectly - that I'm aware of. I have no clue how this happens in the first place. Is saving something under Scene Subset bad? Could that be the issue? That's the only other thing that I can think of.
Anyway, Thanks for your help everyone.
And Happy New Year!!!!
I guess the new year requires a new figure? So...
Farewell, awesome Action Girl, for you likely will never quite be the same again! Love Ya!
On my system they show up in Currently Used regardless of the parameter default; I loaded "Leony HD for Victoria 8", Currently Used shows the Actor morphs at 100% in white (the default is 0%), I changed the default on every one to 100%, turning the values grey, and reloaded Currently Used. They're still there. What is more in my DAZStudio if I then Zero Figure Shape they all get set to 0% and they disappear from Currently Used. At this point the shape is set to "Genesis 8 Basic Female". So I have non-default Actor morphs, e.g. 0% for Victoria 8 and they are marked as used (set) after Zero Figure Shape sets them to 0% but they do not appear in Currently Used. If I Restore Figure Shape at this point I get Leony back and the Actor morphs are still set to 100%; they appear in Currently Used but are greyed because my change to the default parameter setting has not been reverted.
This is why I was suggesting it might be a good idea to record exactly what these options do. A DAZ engineer with knowledge of how "Zero Shape", "Restore Shape" and "Currently Used" actually work will probably know immediately where the values are coming from.
Of course this is not the bug. It's a sympom of the bug. Something has been changed, I guess in the CMS, which alters the behavior of G8F and maybe other figures. I sort-of suspect that the settings are coming from a saved character preset or maybe even a pose preset (in which case Zero Figure Pose and Restore Figure Pose will produce relevant information). I notice that "Memorize Figure Shape" does not set the defaults of the Leony morphs to 100% whereas that is exactly what happens with "Memorize Figure Pose" with changed (non-0) defaults. Maybe if the defaults are set to 100% in a CMS Actor they will get set on all derived characters?
Anyway it will be interesting to see what a de-install/install of the essentials does; if that alone fixes the bug then a simple diff of the files in the essentials package will show where the problem arises. Personally I'd just do the diff without the de-install/install, but that's just me; I don't like to tamper with a system which shows a bug because all too often the symptom disappears and the bug survives to strike another day.
If a morph is saved as an asset (File>Save As>Support Assets>Morph Asset, or File>Save As>Support Assets>Modified Assets) such that it has a non-zero default value then that will apply to any character laoded that is based on the figure and does not exolicitly set the affected morphs to some value. Saving a preset or scene will not change the assets. Reinstalling the base will not affect the issue, unless a morph included with the base has been given a non-zero value. If third-party morphs have been chnaged (via the Save Modified Assets command) then reinstalling those would help; for custom morphs you want to reset the default value to zero - one way to do this is to load the developer build of the figure (for Genesis 8), zero the figure, and then save modified assets (otherwise I woulda void this command like the plague, given its potential to have unanticipated effects). Presets and scenes which set the affected morph explicitily should still work as normal, unless they were saved (via the options dialogue) with values at (incorrect, non-zero) default values excluded.
Happy new year to all of you and also to MacOS Big Sur users.
I have a strange new: DAZ Studio (I still have the standalone installer) is working on my Mac Min Late 2018 installed with Big Sur 11.1 !!!
The Splash Image is mirrored
Of course all of the improvements of are missing and I can't open scenes created with 4.14 on Catalina nor import .OBJ(don't kwow why) ???.
But creating and rendering any figure or Genesis 8 including Victoria 8 HD Add-On is very fast (about 2 time faster than 4.14 with Catalina...).
Hope it can help
Finally I manage to import or use any previous file, .dae, .obj and .duf created with 4.14 o,n Catalina just by directly dragging the files on the Viewport !
DAZ Studio on my Big Sur Mac is unable to open or import any scene.
Happily the save is correct.
There's really been no reply for the Sort by Order Date bug with DAZ Connect, so I guess I'll submit a bug report about this...
The Windows (well, OS/2) bitmap format was originally encoded with the lowest Y coordinate first, therefore the last television scanline is first. The splash screen is being reversed top to bottom; that's a mirror image with a 180 degree rotate about the X axis. So it looks like Apple made extensive changes to the graphics libraries which includes dropping support for the legacy BMP format. It's very interesting that a DAZ render on Intel hardware is now twice as fast; nice test :-) Kinda suggests that a lot of Apples speed up with the new hardware might be down to them just optimizing the graphics software, including getting rid of support for things that really slow it down like legacy OS/2 bitmaps. That would not surprise me.
Thank you, Richard!
...and Thanks jbowler!
Armed with all of this, I think I can fix this - and yes, afterward avoind that Save Modified Assets like the plague! I swear, I have Never used that command - unless there's a secret key command that I hit accidentally (?) I'm not that great with my new keyboard yet - keep mis-typing , hitting things when I should, etc.,
Thanks, truly for helping me with this madness! :)
Updated to Daz Studio 4.14, but the "Send to Hexagon" and "Transfer Utility" are missing for the menu. Does anyone know where they've gone to and if there's a fix?
I just wanted to leave a comment to state my dissatisfaction with the addition of tonemapping and environment options within the scene tab. This is honestly the worst "update". It feels like a huge leap backwards. Why not make this optional? Why force this down everyone's throat? It's a disgusting addition to the Daz Studio and it has no place in the scene tab. I've worked with the new version for some time now and it doesn't get any better with time.
You will also find that the Defaults button on Environment and Tone Mapping in Render Settings no longer work. And if you merge a scene into an existing scene, the Environment Options and Tone Mapper Options of the merged scene overwrite the settings of the existing scene. I wasn't using Filament at the time and didn't test if those options were also overwritten.
That's exactly my issue with it. The merge overwrite is such a huge problem.
Send a help request. Let them know I'm not the only one complainging about this. I don't know if they consider it a bug or a design change. I haven't received a reply to my help request yet.