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Daz Central does that to keep everything together, and so that the end user can specify the drive to use without having to worry about specific paths. Advanced users who are willing to set up the various paths should continue to sue Install Manager.
I doubt that's the problem but if it is it will be obvious from the crash log report when Daz gets it; this contains the exact location of every DLL along with the user's PATH. When I've encountered problems with application/suite installations which used non-default installation directories it has only been because I put the stuff somewhere other than the "C:" drive, and last time I had such a problem it was in late '90s.
I did just notice that the crash report no longer includes the log file ("log.txt"), just "cloudLog.txt"; I think I might have objected to that in the past because log.txt implicitly contains potentially private information and most of the time only the last session is relevant to the bug. I don't know if the change is because I've just started using -instanceName on the DAZStudio.exe command line (the log is per instance and in an instance-specific directory) or whether Daz figured it was a disincentive to users to provide the crash report. If may be worth adding the end of the log file (the last session) to the bug report.
Not mandatory, I have my DS installed to C:\DAZ 3D\DazStudio4, just to avoid any shenanigans Windows decides to do with protected folders.
Not so out of date for me because those sit in my scene tab when I load Daz Studio and I can not delete them. I wish I could and if needed use the create, to call them.
Oh! That is so nice, I wish I had known - I would have spent more time playing with Daz Central, as it is I just rebuilt my entire installation a couple of weeks ago to clean out cruft (I'd decided to put the output of the wardrobe/etc converters into a separate installation tree - not my tree and not "My DAZ 3D Library".)
In my case everything which is regularly written that I could move via the configuration files has been moved but I left the programs in C:\ because that's an NVMe RAID file system (the two NVMe slots on an ASUS motherboard) and so program paging is fast.
The problem is, apparently, the charactor morphs and this seems to be reasonable from what I see; if I go into the animation timeline and open the character "properties" entry there are an enormous number of morphs there, possibly because I bought an enormous number of characters ;-) I haven't separted my DB into multiple folders, so I can't do what you suggest, but it sounds like a damned good idea and I'll certainly be working on that separation; possibly grouping characters into folders by general purpose.
What I have to check out first is whether I can group characters thus then deselect the folders in CMS, construct a scene, and have it reload ok when I have changed the folder selection in CMS. Otherwise it is pointless; I just want the morphs for the characters in the scene, but I don't want to have to remember which particular CMS settings that scene used...
Having updated my new iMac Pro to Big Sur on Thursday, like many others I am now no longer able to run Daz Studio. Some who depend on Daz Studio for their livlihoods have mentioned buying a Windows PC as a solution to this problem. But I'm wondering whether using Bootcamp to install a Windows partition on our Macs might be a better solution. However, I'd like to hear the opinions of more knowlegeable users before spending the money on Windows 10.
I have just had to reboot again, which is annoying, on my desktop. The laptop is doing nothig. I made the mistake of uninstalling and then could not find it to re-download through DIM, which also seems to have been removed from Daz site. Foolishly downloaded Central, and now have no access to anything.
Daz is really tee-ing me off at present, considering how much time and money I have invested (a nice round 13000 files).
Both times I used 3Delight.
Where would I get the GPU drivers?
Are you sure that the 2nd time was 3Delight? Check your Render Settings, it may have defaulted to NVIDIA Iray. As for the GPU drivers, if you have a NVIDIA video card, then you can get that from NVIDIA.
Check that the various paths in DazCentral are the same as what you had in DIM. DIM is still available for download in the Product Library of your web account.
Before any updates, you should read what's changed;
Known Issues:
Can DAZ Studio 4.14 be downloadad and installed WITHOUT DAZ Central or Install Manager?
When I install via DAZ Central, DAZ Studio no longer appears in my Windows 10 "Add / Remove Programs"
Also it does not install DAZ Studio in the folder C:\Program Files\
But installs it in "C:\DAZ 3D\Applications\" which I prefer not to.
Is there a benefit for installing it in this folder over C:\Program Files\ ?????
Cheers & many thanks
Yes if you're talking about the general release. Betas can only be installed with DIM.
Daz Central has apparently been created for non-technical minded new users, for others it seems to be "not that useful".
Go to your "My Account/Product library" here on the site and search for "DAZ Studio 4.X Pro" and you find the link for manual downloads
You can download a stand-alone installer from your Product Library:
It doesn't show up in Add/Remove programs -- if you install it with Daz Central or DIM you uninstall it the same way.
Daz Central simplifies the folder structure by installing everything into one folder, C:\Daz 3D Since it's installing content there as well as applications, it's better to stay outside of Program Files.
To me the filament renders look bad. So , I also cannot render Iray with the gpu anymore? Also no 3dl preview render possibility in the preview pane?
You can still do either of those.
This wasn't added until a day or so after release and by then it seems like a lot of us had already updated to Big Sur.
Guys have the problems been sorted out yet? I wanna update but dont want to disturb my timeline, as it is I am already trying to find an excuse to leave it and start gaming.
Also, have you guys noticed improvements in your iray renders? If so then I believe I would like to update but if you cant spot any with your eyes (no documentation from daz) then it really gives me nothing cuz I dont care about filament and dont particularly need memory optimizations.
Which problems?
The benchmark thread seemed to be seeing a marked improvement although I'm not sure what hardware that applied to - someone else reported a slow-down, however.
I can use GPU on Iray just fine.. Also the Filament looks absolutely amazing for real time scene setup like im doing here. This is light years above Texture Shaded. Sure somethings need work though. Hair standard opacity is currently too opac that almost all the hair look like ghost hair or thinned out hair. But that im currently easily solving by just throwing the opacity map in GIMP and doing some gausian blurs on top of it to thicken it out. Also transparent material as well pop in and out of visibility at certain angles. But this is a major leap from working in Texture Shaded view. If those minor issues get sorted I might be using Filament as primary shaders for my renders. It's giving me tons more use than I got with Iray due to Filament being real time!
I mean, if I can get daily deals in my email, perhaps I could have got an update about Big Sur not being supported in a more prominent way. Regardless, here we are and my open question is will it ever work on Big Sur?
My same thoughts. I've even gone so far as to DM them on instagram when this first started. I tweeted at them. Sent 3 helpdesk tickets. I've posted how many times in this forum. Not a single word. And I'm sure they have many important things to do, but they're alienating users right now. I know that we're probably in the far, far minority of users that are on mac. But i know that if I was a casual user like i literally was before, I wouldn't think to go onto the forums to see whats going on. I only had that thought because I've been here before. I keep getting back messages that they have it on the known issues. Yes. But they added that LATER. And I know for myself that my computer didn't automatically update. The DS update messed up my program on catalina, so after uninstalling and installing over and over, I thought the way to fix it might be update my entire computer, because I know Im very slow in updates and maybe having the latest software would aid THIS latest software. Only to find out hours AFTER I updated, after already searching this forum for anything about mac, that they let us know at midnight EST - oh nvm. not compatible with big sur. If I knew that I wouldn't have updated my computer lol.
It's listed under 'Known Issues' though and as I said before, that wasn't a 'known issue' directly after the launch. So perhaps theyre working on it? Or maybe not. Who knows.
100%, I was just getting into this again and spending money on assets for various projects. I paid for the PC subscription and was stoked to be using DAZ for some new client work. Like you, I'm not scanning the boards for this info and I certainly don't recall any official notice about it until things just didn't' work. After some research and an open ticket, I finally found out what happened. Honestly, I just need to know if there are plans for it to ever work on Big Sur, if so, a rough ETA would be great. But at the very least, communicate with me.
The problems related to Big Sur support have been explained in several threads, I wouldn't hold my breath for any quick (this year) solutions.
Where can I find the download links for the new build of studio,.. I refuse to install central,.. IF I click on download studio it just suggests hey why not download central,. if I go to my products and go to DS pro from there,.. it just suggests Central if I click on the DS picture it takes me to a "Oh not there anymore missing page"
DAZ seems very determined that we install Central - if, as we have been told, it's targeted at newbies who are overwhelmed by DIM or by -heaven forbid- installing from a zip file, why shove it in everybody's face like this to the exclusion of any other download or install method?
It's designed to be the most new/novice PC user friendly. Therefore it is the one pushed most heavily towards new/novice PC users. It's also relatively new. And that's what you do with new things - introduce them to people who don't yet know what they are. DIM doesn't get pushed as hard (at least not right now) because pretty much everyone on an advanced enough level to appreciate its features already knows about it.