Daz Studio 4.14 Pro, General Release!



  • Hamfast said:

    I am not comfortable with DAZ3d forcing its users to use DAZCentral as the only way to download and install D|S. Especially when I have heard rumours that DIM and D|C so not work well with each other and older products and those from 3rd party vendors like Renderosity disappear or do not work as advertised.

    DazCentral is certainly being heavily promoted, but it's not the only way as DIM is still supported.

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 2,000
    edited November 2020
    PerttiA said:

    This moving 'Environment' and 'Tone Mapping' is just bloody annyoing and stupid. 

    Where the hell am I supposed to change my scene render settings when half the settings I need are no longer where they were. As for 'they are now nodes in your 'Scene' screen, no they are not, I still have just the usual items in the scene page, nothing new added, nothing taken away.

    I totally hate it when people mess around changing things that didn't need to be changed.

    If you want mess around chaning things for the hell of it why not get a job on Facebook, they do that kind of thing all the time.

    It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location

    Really? That is such a niche case. Why mess up our workflow for that?

    Amen to that brother!

    ...and another thing, under this new stupid system, everytime you clear a scene and load anything new guess what? Yes, you have to create yet another 'Enviroment Node' because the render settings no longer saves where you were up to.

    There is a work-around, just load a pre-4.14 version of a scene file, and once loaded use the create menu, add the environment/tone mapping items, delete everything in that scene (Characters/clothing/etc) and re-save it as a default render setting file and set it as your start-up scene...

    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • Greyed out products sound as if you aer looking in the products tab of Smart Content. Instead, look in daz Studio Formats (or Poser Formats) under the content directory you installed to 9if it isn't listed then that si the problem; if it is listed and the files are there then the issue is communication between DIM/CMS/DS at some point, or possibly having the CMS closed during installation.

    How it's happening is of no importance, specially not to the end user. the fact that it's happening again and again is the problem.
    In case nobody in daz have ever thought of it, here's how a responsible company deals with these [stuff].

    First: they consider the types of their users, in these case there are 3:

    1. connect users that like to see the big thumbnails, tags, description and the categorized content that allows them install what they need when they need it
    2. central users that like new shiney things and don't mind installing another program with less functionality than connect
    3. DIM users that like DIM for some reason.

    Second: they write down their users likes and dislike, I'll list some that most users can agree with.

    • users like to see programs that are ready to use when they open them, not fiddling with files and folders to get it working
    • users don't like downloading the same thing several times
    • users like to keep their computers clean and running fast with installing less programs
    • users don't like their hard drives full of content if they're not going to use them
    • users like to use their time to create, not spending it on forums complaining about problems that hindered their progress
    • users like portable programs that don't need re installing when they migrate to another computer
    • users like to choose where their files are stored, almost nobody installs their library on the precious NVMe or SSD that is their drive C
    • users like when the developers are considerate and ask where to store the files before downloading the whole library

    Third: they buy some cheap laptops and install their program on them according to their different user types.

    • One with content installed using connect
    • And two for the inferior methods laugh

    Fourth: they go through few scenarios and make sure the software still functions and fulfills user's likes and avoids user's dislikes, for example:

    • The user upgraded their hardware or migrated to a new computer
    • The operating system has been corrupted and the user had to re install it
    • The user wants to use an older version alongside the new one
    • The user haven't opened the software for a while

    if they spot something that might annoy any of the user types, the developers would try to write some function or tool to handle the situation with minimum effort on the user's side. It's really that easy and cheap to make sure the user is unhindered to "create their own universe".

    Once you have that system in place, you can open those laptops every time there's an update and check if the update would reek havoc on the users before unleashing it on the unsuspecting users right in the middle of doings some [stuff] that's important to them, interrupting their workflow.

    But it is, broadly, behaving correctly - the products are listed as uninstalled and DS therefore displays them as such. While theer may be ways of detecting that DIM shows a product as installed and the CMS doesn't (e.g. parsing the Manifests folder) it's easy to think of ways in which the process could go astray and, given for example that the Manifests folder is movable, many of them would increase the complexity for the end user in configuring the system and would add extra points of failure. Ultimately this is a consequence of trying to give users choices to suit their tastes - if DS instead handled only contebnt isntalled through Connect, to a location specified in the code, then many of these access/configuration issues would go away - and users would be up in arms.

  • PerttiA said:


    There is a work-around, just load a pre-4.14 version of a scene file, and once loaded, delete everything in that scene (Characters/clothing/etc) and re-save it as a default render setting file and set it as your start-up scene...

    Thanks Takezo, how do I save render settings? I've tried this before but it never worked, or at least I should say my save never loaded unless I went and did it manually evertime I booted up.

    I can't find where we save the settings to now, has that been moved too?

  • But it is, broadly, behaving correctly - the products are listed as uninstalled and DS therefore displays them as such. While theer may be ways of detecting that DIM shows a product as installed and the CMS doesn't (e.g. parsing the Manifests folder) it's easy to think of ways in which the process could go astray and, given for example that the Manifests folder is movable, many of them would increase the complexity for the end user in configuring the system and would add extra points of failure. Ultimately this is a consequence of trying to give users choices to suit their tastes - if DS instead handled only contebnt isntalled through Connect, to a location specified in the code, then many of these access/configuration issues would go away - and users would be up in arms.

    If I (as somebody with a rudimentary knowledge of programming) can think of a piece of code that can solve this problem, there can't be any excuse for a team of software engineers to not figure it out except for them being too lazy and not care about it.
    how hard is it to get a list of files and compare it with the list of products that the user owns? we're not trying to solve P vs NP problem. checking installations and managing content libraries are things that lots of programs do without giving the users any grief.
    it's as simple as: the user installed this, the target library folder is that, these [stuff] must be in that folder. if they are, don't bother downloading and installing them again. how many lines of code is that? 100, 200? hire a freelancer to do it for you and charge the users a dollar to pay for it if you can't be bothered.
    It's frustrating that we got to a point that I'm trying to explain to a software company how to program like I'm talking to a kid.

  • But it is, broadly, behaving correctly - the products are listed as uninstalled and DS therefore displays them as such. While theer may be ways of detecting that DIM shows a product as installed and the CMS doesn't (e.g. parsing the Manifests folder) it's easy to think of ways in which the process could go astray and, given for example that the Manifests folder is movable, many of them would increase the complexity for the end user in configuring the system and would add extra points of failure. Ultimately this is a consequence of trying to give users choices to suit their tastes - if DS instead handled only contebnt isntalled through Connect, to a location specified in the code, then many of these access/configuration issues would go away - and users would be up in arms.

    If I (as somebody with a rudimentary knowledge of programming) can think of a piece of code that can solve this problem, there can't be any excuse for a team of software engineers to not figure it out except for them being too lazy and not care about it.

    "Think of a piece of code" doesn't mean anything. You may think of an approach, but turning it into code and delivering aceptable performance as a result is a very different thing.

    how hard is it to get a list of files and compare it with the list of products that the user owns? we're not trying to solve P vs NP problem. checking installations and managing content libraries are things that lots of programs do without giving the users any grief.
    it's as simple as: the user installed this, the target library folder is that, these [stuff] must be in that folder. if they are, don't bother downloading and installing them again. how many lines of code is that? 100, 200? hire a freelancer to do it for you and charge the users a dollar to pay for it if you can't be bothered.
    It's frustrating that we got to a point that I'm trying to explain to a software company how to program like I'm talking to a kid.


  • Padone said:
    PerttiA said:

    It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location

    Thank you for the explanation. I guess animating the tone mapping can be useful for flash effects such as when we move from dark to light and eyes take time to adapt. Animating the environment takes more imagination can't think of anything right now, apart spinning the sky may be ?

    In fact the properties unique to these nodes are not animatable (at the moment) - and the fact that the trasnfdorms, which don't really have any function, are aniamtable is a bug; they should be hidden.


    I have posted Rob's explanation of why the new nodes are sensible before, but heer it is as a reminder:

    The singleton nodes are the embodiment of scene level options moved (not copied) to nodes in the scene in order to provide access to those settings outside of the limited context there were previously provided under. Because it is now possible to have a viewport set to the Filament (PBR) DrawStyle, and also have the active renderer set to NVIDIA Iray, both of which have similar settings, it was not intuitive to have to go to Render Settings for the NVIDIA Iray renderer in order to adjust a setting that affected the Filament (PBR) DrawStyle. Similarly, it would not be intuitive to have to set the DrawStyle for the active viewport (of which there can be several) to Filament (PBR) and then access the Draw Setting pane in order adjust setting that affect the NVIDIA Iray renderer. It made more sense to expose the common settings using a familiar paradigm (a node in the scene), introduce the concept of singletons, and present the properties on those nodes in the appropriate panes w hen/where applicable.


    Creating the nodes explicitly through the Create menu is one option, but if you don't they will be created automatically when needed (use of Iray render or DrawStyle, Filament Drawstyle)

  • PerttiA said:

    This moving 'Environment' and 'Tone Mapping' is just bloody annyoing and stupid. 

    Where the hell am I supposed to change my scene render settings when half the settings I need are no longer where they were. As for 'they are now nodes in your 'Scene' screen, no they are not, I still have just the usual items in the scene page, nothing new added, nothing taken away.

    I totally hate it when people mess around changing things that didn't need to be changed.

    If you want mess around chaning things for the hell of it why not get a job on Facebook, they do that kind of thing all the time.

    It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location

    Really? That is such a niche case. Why mess up our workflow for that?

    Amen to that brother!

    ...and another thing, under this new stupid system, everytime you clear a scene and load anything new guess what? Yes, you have to create yet another 'Enviroment Node' because the render settings no longer saves where you were up to.

    As noted above, DS will create the nodes when needed. However, you can simply set up a scene the way you want (including other elements like camera or lights) and set it to load on New in Edit>Preferences (Daz Studio>Preferecns on Mac) in the Scene tab

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    edited November 2020
    Padone said:
    PerttiA said:

    It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location

    Thank you for the explanation. I guess animating the tone mapping can be useful for flash effects such as when we move from dark to light and eyes take time to adapt. Animating the environment takes more imagination can't think of anything right now, apart spinning the sky may be ?

    In fact the properties unique to these nodes are not animatable (at the moment) - and the fact that the trasnfdorms, which don't really have any function, are aniamtable is a bug; they should be hidden.

    They are hidden; they don't appear in the parameters pane.  They are also immutable; they can't be changed using the "universal tool", however touching the universal tool does produce nodes on the timeline:


    Because the options are "hidden" they only show on the timeline if "H" is enabled in the "Types" drop-down (as shown above), but the nodes can be moved (using keyMate) and deleted.

    It is slightly annoying that when they are selected in the scene tab a node appears in the viewport.

    Post edited by jbowler on
  • JQPJQP Posts: 512
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

  • Zennia said:

    Can't install DazStudio 4.14 through the Install Manager and there is no way to download it and do a manual install. When I try to go to the link for the product it takes me to my Product Library with nothing selected. The Install manager downloads it just fine but errors out during install. I also can't create a ticket in Daz3D because it thinks my browser is of the wrong type that can't display the CAPTCHA challenge. It's like they don't want to support customers anymore.

    Download here: https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files/prod/13176/file/1739371596935056425/DAZStudio_4.14.0.8_Win64.exe


  • JQP said:
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

    Let's not exaggerate. It is a known issue, which has been fixed.

  • jbowler said:
    Padone said:
    PerttiA said:

    It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location

    Thank you for the explanation. I guess animating the tone mapping can be useful for flash effects such as when we move from dark to light and eyes take time to adapt. Animating the environment takes more imagination can't think of anything right now, apart spinning the sky may be ?

    In fact the properties unique to these nodes are not animatable (at the moment) - and the fact that the trasnfdorms, which don't really have any function, are aniamtable is a bug; they should be hidden.

    They are hidden; they don't appear in the parameters pane.  They are also immutable; they can't be changed using the "universal tool", however touching the universal tool does produce nodes on the timeline:


    Because the options are "hidden" they only show on the timeline if "H" is enabled in the "Types" drop-down (as shown above), but the nodes can be moved (using keyMate) and deleted.

    It is slightly annoying that when they are selected in the scene tab a node appears in the viewport.


     Fixed an issue where properties associated with a node that are dynamically hidden (or forced hidden) were being displayed in the Timeline pane irrespective of the “Hidden (H)” types option state

        This was, for instance, causing hidden transform properties on singleton nodes to be displayed and causing confusion as to the purpose of the properties that were being displayed

     I assume you mean Dopesheet, the section of the Timeline with properties, rather than Viewport, the 3D view showing the visible content? The Timeline iss till being worked on.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,485
    JQP said:
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

    Let's not exaggerate. It is a known issue, which has been fixed.

    Has it? I'm still experiencing it with this build. And its not really an exaggeration it has been a problem over the years.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited November 2020
    scorpio said:
    JQP said:
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

    Let's not exaggerate. It is a known issue, which has been fixed.

    Has it? I'm still experiencing it with this build. And its not really an exaggeration it has been a problem over the years.

    Assuming this is the hang-around with 0% CPU activity then it has been fixed in a later build, you can workaround now by opening the Aux Viewport pane and, from the option menu, turning off the IPR Toolbar. However, this one is - I believe - relatively new. There's also the hang-around with CPU activity as DS clears up after a complex character, and that hasn't chnaged. There are also issus with plug-ins which should be fixed in this build as DS now cuts them off if they try staying around, though that does have risks of its own.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    edited November 2020
    JQP said:
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

    Let's not exaggerate. It is a known issue, which has been fixed.

    I still don't understand why Daz often takes 5 minutes to close even in its "fixed" state. I have no other software which does this, and I worked with all kinds of complex programs. 

    Post edited by Leonides02 on
  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 2,000
    edited November 2020
    PerttiA said:


    There is a work-around, just load a pre-4.14 version of a scene file, and once loaded, delete everything in that scene (Characters/clothing/etc) and re-save it as a default render setting file and set it as your start-up scene...

    Thanks Takezo, how do I save render settings? I've tried this before but it never worked, or at least I should say my save never loaded unless I went and did it manually evertime I booted up.

    I can't find where we save the settings to now, has that been moved too?

    I made a mistake in my earlier explanation, you don't have to load a scene, just go to create then enable the environs/tone mapping render items, and save the scene as: "render setting," and then go to preferences> startup>enable the load scene check box, then browse to your new render setting scene and have it load whenever you start daz!

    599 x 591 - 23K
    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • JQP said:
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

    Let's not exaggerate. It is a known issue, which has been fixed.

    I still don't understand why Daz often takes 5 minutes to close even in its "fixed" state. I have no other software which does this, and I worked with all kinds of complex programs. 

    It's clearing up its data and releasing the memory used. How long it takes seems to be related to the complexity (number of morphs and their links) of the previously loaded figures.

  • I'm so confused right now, I updated to bigsur then downgraded back to Catalina and now daz no longer works on my Mac. 

    I'm devistated! I'm not a gamer nor animator, I use Daz to create characters to print. I don't understand all the lingo used in the forums. I used Daz years ago to create characters to print on bags, now its more advanced, but I've been doing ok getting just what I need out of it. Today I actually cried because I need Daz to work! I have no idea of what to do. I've tried to download the Beta, tried to redownload the Pro version. Like I stated I just need to create characters to print out. can somoene please direct me to a solution. Last night everything worked fine today NOTHING.... I've invested so much into this program, now I'm stuck. 

    If someone has a moment to help .... please help me..... I'm running Catalina.. once again I just want to create characters to print... 

    Thanks a bunch

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    edited November 2020
    jbowler said:
    Padone said:
    PerttiA said:

    It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location

    Thank you for the explanation. I guess animating the tone mapping can be useful for flash effects such as when we move from dark to light and eyes take time to adapt. Animating the environment takes more imagination can't think of anything right now, apart spinning the sky may be ?

    In fact the properties unique to these nodes are not animatable (at the moment) - and the fact that the trasnfdorms, which don't really have any function, are aniamtable is a bug; they should be hidden.

    They are hidden; they don't appear in the parameters pane.  They are also immutable; they can't be changed using the "universal tool", however touching the universal tool does produce nodes on the timeline:


    Because the options are "hidden" they only show on the timeline if "H" is enabled in the "Types" drop-down (as shown above), but the nodes can be moved (using keyMate) and deleted.

    It is slightly annoying that when they are selected in the scene tab a node appears in the viewport.


     Fixed an issue where properties associated with a node that are dynamically hidden (or forced hidden) were being displayed in the Timeline pane irrespective of the “Hidden (H)” types option state

        This was, for instance, causing hidden transform properties on singleton nodes to be displayed and causing confusion as to the purpose of the properties that were being displayed

     I assume you mean Dopesheet, the section of the Timeline with properties, rather than Viewport, the 3D view showing the visible content? The Timeline iss till being worked on.

    No; I mean the viewport, to quote myself:

    It is slightly annoying that when they are selected in the scene tab a node appears in the viewport.

    Specifically I mean this:


    It's not just that it is clutter, it appears with a universal control that can't actually be moved or rotated yet, nevertheless, produces a keyframe on the timeline if it is touched.  This is a total waste of space.

    It is entirely reasonable that it be selectable; the smart content pane shows render settings appropriate to the node (so far as I can determine).  The slight annoyance is this:


    The cross is forever present in the scene at (0,0,0), presumably because the "visible in viewport" property has been left on and, because the "Display" properties have been hidden I can't turn it off!

    ... so I've taken to putting both the new nodes ina "render settings" group and simply making the whole thing invisible.

    Post edited by jbowler on
  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    JQP said:
    3DRT said:

    Is anyone else experiencing an issue with 4.14 where after exiting Studio, a background process keeps running and needs to be killed via Task Manager?

    For years.

    Let's not exaggerate. It is a known issue, which has been fixed.

    I still don't understand why Daz often takes 5 minutes to close even in its "fixed" state. I have no other software which does this, and I worked with all kinds of complex programs. 

    It's clearing up its data and releasing the memory used. How long it takes seems to be related to the complexity (number of morphs and their links) of the previously loaded figures.

    True story: sometime close to the end of the last millenium Microsoft Office did the same thing.  Every application carefully and dutifully deallocated each piece of memory when it was asked to exit, well, except on those not infrequent occasions when doing so caused the whole application to crash because memory had been mixed up, somehow.  Then one day someone in charge, who I shall name Bill, got really annoyed that he couldn't close his laptop immediately when he closed Word.  And he did what he did and suddenly everyone in charge below him, i.e. everyone, decided that in release products the applications would just exit, immediately, upon being asked to do so.  The debug versions still released the memory, bit by laborious bit.

  • PerttiA said:


    There is a work-around, just load a pre-4.14 version of a scene file, and once loaded, delete everything in that scene (Characters/clothing/etc) and re-save it as a default render setting file and set it as your start-up scene...

    Thanks Takezo, how do I save render settings? I've tried this before but it never worked, or at least I should say my save never loaded unless I went and did it manually evertime I booted up.

    I can't find where we save the settings to now, has that been moved too?

    I made a mistake in my earlier explanation, you don't have to load a scene, just go to create then enable the environs/tone mapping render items, and save the scene as: "render setting," and then go to preferences> startup>enable the load scene check box, then browse to your new render setting scene and have it load whenever you start daz!

    Thanks again, I'll give this a try for sure. I really hate this new menu settings, it's driving me nuts!

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited November 2020

    I have posted Rob's explanation of why the new nodes are sensible before, but heer it is as a reminder:

    The singleton nodes are the embodiment of scene level options moved (not copied) to nodes in the scene in order to provide access to those settings outside of the limited context there were previously provided under. Because it is now possible to have a viewport set to the Filament (PBR) DrawStyle, and also have the active renderer set to NVIDIA Iray, both of which have similar settings, it was not intuitive to have to go to Render Settings for the NVIDIA Iray renderer in order to adjust a setting that affected the Filament (PBR) DrawStyle. Similarly, it would not be intuitive to have to set the DrawStyle for the active viewport (of which there can be several) to Filament (PBR) and then access the Draw Setting pane in order adjust setting that affect the NVIDIA Iray renderer. It made more sense to expose the common settings using a familiar paradigm (a node in the scene), introduce the concept of singletons, and present the properties on those nodes in the appropriate panes w hen/where applicable.

    I'm not sure I follow. The render settings panel is already contextual to the render engine. In 4.11 we have different parameters for iray and 3delight for example. Filament is just another engine with its own settings, that we can eventually choose for the viewport the same as we can choose iray.

    Anyway it's good to know what this is intended for. So thank you for the explanation.


    edit. Though in 4.14 I don't see filament selectable as render engine, but only as viewport draw style. Then I can choose viewport as render engine to get a filament render. It's a bit clumsy in my opinion but I guess we'll adapt.

    edit. Also tone mapping doesn't match anyway, that is, iray exposure 13 is equal to filament exposure 14.

    This is iray with exposure 13

    This is filament with exposure 14

    This is filament with exposure 13


    480 x 200 - 27K
    480 x 200 - 38K
    480 x 200 - 39K
    Post edited by Padone on
  •  macOS High Sierra, iray rendering does not work in version 4.14. Did a clean install and clean the cache, nothing helps. Rolled back to 4.12.

  • 4jacinta said:

    I'm so confused right now, I updated to bigsur then downgraded back to Catalina and now daz no longer works on my Mac. 

    I'm devistated! I'm not a gamer nor animator, I use Daz to create characters to print. I don't understand all the lingo used in the forums. I used Daz years ago to create characters to print on bags, now its more advanced, but I've been doing ok getting just what I need out of it. Today I actually cried because I need Daz to work! I have no idea of what to do. I've tried to download the Beta, tried to redownload the Pro version. Like I stated I just need to create characters to print out. can somoene please direct me to a solution. Last night everything worked fine today NOTHING.... I've invested so much into this program, now I'm stuck. 

    If someone has a moment to help .... please help me..... I'm running Catalina.. once again I just want to create characters to print... 

    Thanks a bunch

    Same boat

  • 4jacinta said:

    I'm so confused right now, I updated to bigsur then downgraded back to Catalina and now daz no longer works on my Mac. 

    I'm devistated! I'm not a gamer nor animator, I use Daz to create characters to print. I don't understand all the lingo used in the forums. I used Daz years ago to create characters to print on bags, now its more advanced, but I've been doing ok getting just what I need out of it. Today I actually cried because I need Daz to work! I have no idea of what to do. I've tried to download the Beta, tried to redownload the Pro version. Like I stated I just need to create characters to print out. can somoene please direct me to a solution. Last night everything worked fine today NOTHING.... I've invested so much into this program, now I'm stuck. 

    If someone has a moment to help .... please help me..... I'm running Catalina.. once again I just want to create characters to print... 

    Thanks a bunch

    Same boat

    If you are OK with Terminal launch it and then type cd /usr/lib/ and enter. Type ls and enter. See if you have libstdc++.6.dylib and libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib.

    If you don't like using terminal, in the Finder use the “Go” menu and navigate down to “Go to Folder” and then type /usr/lib/ and see if you have libstdc++.6.dylib and libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib.

    If these files are not there you can get how to reinstall them by searching the net.

  • skyteyl76 said:

     macOS High Sierra, iray rendering does not work in version 4.14. Did a clean install and clean the cache, nothing helps. Rolled back to 4.12.

    Won't render or won't render with GPU? There's been a minimum driver versuion increase, it's quite possible (in fact I think it is the case) that even if you have a Mac that has an nVidia GPU there are no drivers of a sufficiently recent date to use it in 4.14.x.x

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 2,000


    Thanks again, I'll give this a try for sure. I really hate this new menu settings, it's driving me nuts!

    Glad to help, hope it works out for you!

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    Padone said:

    I have posted Rob's explanation of why the new nodes are sensible before, but heer it is as a reminder:

    The singleton nodes are the embodiment of scene level options moved (not copied) to nodes in the scene in order to provide access to those settings outside of the limited context there were previously provided under. Because it is now possible to have a viewport set to the Filament (PBR) DrawStyle, and also have the active renderer set to NVIDIA Iray, both of which have similar settings, it was not intuitive to have to go to Render Settings for the NVIDIA Iray renderer in order to adjust a setting that affected the Filament (PBR) DrawStyle. Similarly, it would not be intuitive to have to set the DrawStyle for the active viewport (of which there can be several) to Filament (PBR) and then access the Draw Setting pane in order adjust setting that affect the NVIDIA Iray renderer. It made more sense to expose the common settings using a familiar paradigm (a node in the scene), introduce the concept of singletons, and present the properties on those nodes in the appropriate panes w hen/where applicable.

    I'm not sure I follow. The render settings panel is already contextual to the render engine. In 4.11 we have different parameters for iray and 3delight for example. Filament is just another engine with its own settings, that we can eventually choose for the viewport the same as we can choose iray.

    Anyway it's good to know what this is intended for. So thank you for the explanation.


    edit. Though in 4.14 I don't see filament selectable as render engine, but only as viewport draw style. Then I can choose viewport as render engine to get a filament render. It's a bit clumsy in my opinion but I guess we'll adapt.

    edit. Also tone mapping doesn't match anyway, that is, iray exposure 13 is equal to filament exposure 14.

    I believe it is more like a 2EV difference; for Iray scenes correctly set up for tonemapping at EV13 if I render with Filament I need to change to EV15.  It's complex because Iray emissive surfaces don't seem to be mapped to anything in Filament (i.e. they don't seem to contribute light to the scene) and DAZStudio lights seem to penetrate non-transmissive surfaces in Filament, at least to some extent.  Also the same lights in Iray and Filament seem to have different fall-off rates or, maybe, the fall-off in Filament is a higher power law than the (correct) inverse square law used in Iray.

  • 4jacinta said:

    I'm so confused right now, I updated to bigsur then downgraded back to Catalina and now daz no longer works on my Mac. 

    I'm devistated! I'm not a gamer nor animator, I use Daz to create characters to print. I don't understand all the lingo used in the forums. I used Daz years ago to create characters to print on bags, now its more advanced, but I've been doing ok getting just what I need out of it. Today I actually cried because I need Daz to work! I have no idea of what to do. I've tried to download the Beta, tried to redownload the Pro version. Like I stated I just need to create characters to print out. can somoene please direct me to a solution. Last night everything worked fine today NOTHING.... I've invested so much into this program, now I'm stuck. 

    If someone has a moment to help .... please help me..... I'm running Catalina.. once again I just want to create characters to print... 

    Thanks a bunch

    Same boat

    If you are OK with Terminal launch it and then type cd /usr/lib/ and enter. Type ls and enter. See if you have libstdc++.6.dylib and libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib.

    If you don't like using terminal, in the Finder use the “Go” menu and navigate down to “Go to Folder” and then type /usr/lib/ and see if you have libstdc++.6.dylib and libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib.

    If these files are not there you can get how to reinstall them by searching the net.


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