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check your log file and upload here...
Will do.
So, I read something about this in another post that I found via a Google search.
Is it common that, when we File > Save as > Character Preset borks the Genesis 8 Female preset?
The solution offered to the author of the post was to find the culprit morph dial, go to its settings and make sure that its Default value is 0%
My own character preset has a Lot of morph dials set, and every one of them stuck to Genesis 8 Female, so I had to go through the base file and find every change I've made to create my own preset character. It was horrible.
Before that 'fix' I just mentionned, I have never before written over my Genesis 8 Female file - ever! Just made some custom character presets in the Characters folder.
From the link below.
So saving a preset changes the default values of the underlying morph assets, such that every character preset - including the base - loads with the morphs set?
After installing 4.14 my renders no longer use the GPU even with super simple single character scenes. GPU rendering was working fine before the install. Is there a setting I need to change or what?
I'll check the others, but the default Genesis 8 Female loaded in with Lara and all of my other morphs that I had applied to build a custom character. I only use shapes that I bought at Daz 3D.
According to the other thread, you asked the fellow to look at the morphs that are dialled up, look at Properties and see if Default is anything but 0%
So I did that and all of the morphs had the same default value as the dialled up value.
Now I wish I could just install a default Genesis 8 Female file, but uninstalling everything and installing (DS, Gen 8 Starter, etc.,) again didn't fix a thing.
I'm normally a Carrara user, but this update promo got me into trying Daz Studio as a render tool instead of just the content creation aspects.
When I noticed that my card wasn't being used I clicked a little "Tips" icon, I think on the Render Settings page. It said (paraphasing here): If the entire contents of the scene can't fit into the graphics card (the whole scene), the card won't be used at all - only the CPU.
Found it!
Here's the thread I'm taliking about. Same thing happened to me but not with just one morph - all of the morphs I used for shaping my Character Preset
This post in there seems to have a clue to the answer, but how did it happen in the first place? I used the actual File > Save As > Character Preset option!
I'll dig through my data folder and see if I can find culprits. The tough part is that I don't really know which Controler files are actually supposed to be there!
Hmnpf. Nothing looks out of the ordinary :(
Update your GPU driver.
Saving a character as a morph asset is different from saving a character preset, the first one will appear in every character/figure if saved with a non-zero value, character preset essentially just stores the values of the different dials needed in creating the character.
To fix any ill-behaving morphs, do as follows;
1. Load your base figure or the developer version.
2. Select "Show Hidden" in the Parameters-Tab, drop down menu (right-click)
3. Zero the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
4. Memorize the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
5. File->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets
This procedure will zero the default value in the ill-behaving morph/morphs, and while saving DS also shows you a list of the morphs it is changing.
This moving 'Environment' and 'Tone Mapping' is just bloody annyoing and stupid.
Where the hell am I supposed to change my scene render settings when half the settings I need are no longer where they were. As for 'they are now nodes in your 'Scene' screen, no they are not, I still have just the usual items in the scene page, nothing new added, nothing taken away.
I totally hate it when people mess around changing things that didn't need to be changed.
If you want mess around chaning things for the hell of it why not get a job on Facebook, they do that kind of thing all the time.
Agreed. Another terrible decision that hasn't been properly communicated or documented.
It was mentioned somewhere that one reason for moving them was that they couldn't be animated in their former location
Well that's fine for those who bother with animation, and just jolly bad luck to all of us who don't.
It's a complete mess now, if I want to run iRay in my Secne window, which I do a lot because it gives you a good idea of how things may turn out, I can now no longer do it with 'Sun and Sky' only switched on and 'Draw Ground' switched on. So, I first have to go to Render settings and change those, then I have to go back to Secne page, then exit scene page and re-enter the Render settings page and lo-and behold I now have back the old options that I used to have....
It's rubbish.
One can Create a New Environments\Tonemapping Node from the Create menu.
Yes, but it's still more messing around than we used to have to do when it was all simply in one place.
Really? That is such a niche case. Why mess up our workflow for that?
Amen to that brother!
...and another thing, under this new stupid system, everytime you clear a scene and load anything new guess what? Yes, you have to create yet another 'Enviroment Node' because the render settings no longer saves where you were up to.
I could see the ability to save your favorite complex env/tone settings as handy scene subsets as being very useful, especially if you have fast/preview and high-def render type settings in your workflow. I happen to like that some of this stuff will also be animatable too, but that's kind of user-specific.
That said, the way the DAZ devs interact with their code and customers does not impress me in the least, so I'm not doing the "rah rah daz" thing here, just highlighting that they've made a decision that may be based on what they know about their market. Similar to their recent choice to release the wealth of export tools that I now use to get everything I can out of DS as fast as I possibly can in my own workflow.
I only frequent the release and beta forum channels now because I'm stuck with my DS investment for a while longer.
Thank you for the explanation. I guess animating the tone mapping can be useful for flash effects such as when we move from dark to light and eyes take time to adapt. Animating the environment takes more imagination can't think of anything right now, apart spinning the sky may be ?
I can't even find it to download it :(
How it's happening is of no importance, specially not to the end user. the fact that it's happening again and again is the problem.
In case nobody in daz have ever thought of it, here's how a responsible company deals with these [stuff].
First: they consider the types of their users, in these case there are 3:
Second: they write down their users likes and dislike, I'll list some that most users can agree with.
Third: they buy some cheap laptops and install their program on them according to their different user types.
Fourth: they go through few scenarios and make sure the software still functions and fulfills user's likes and avoids user's dislikes, for example:
if they spot something that might annoy any of the user types, the developers would try to write some function or tool to handle the situation with minimum effort on the user's side. It's really that easy and cheap to make sure the user is unhindered to "create their own universe".
Once you have that system in place, you can open those laptops every time there's an update and check if the update would reek havoc on the users before unleashing it on the unsuspecting users right in the middle of doings some [stuff] that's important to them, interrupting their workflow.
FOUR types of users: you forgot people who download zip files and install manually. (Characteristic: control freaks with customised runtimes; may also use DIM to keep track of updates to items)
well, they're not using the softwear, the softwear is using them to fetch files.
there are five and six, those whom accumulate assets from free websites and those whom pirate the paid assets. but they're not a paying costumer for daz to care about them, and I think those in four have too much free time on their hand to be included in ease of use considerations.
All the people in four need is downloads that work, and a readme that says when an asset needs to be in its allotted place.
Five is, for installation purposes, pretty much a subtype of four, as are the people who buy from other sites (they're certainly not DAZ's concern).
Six can probably take care of themselves, and if not, well, they can always buy it and get support - so, shrug...
I am not comfortable with DAZ3d forcing its users to use DAZCentral as the only way to download and install D|S. Especially when I have heard rumours that DIM and D|C so not work well with each other and older products and those from 3rd party vendors like Renderosity disappear or do not work as advertised.
And judging by the reports about 4.14 designated as a "General Release" it seems to be more of a "early Beta" and not to be used in a production or live environment. I think I will stick with 4.12 for a while until users are not locked into D|C and the product stabilizes.