Darwins' Schtuff Pt Deux



  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087
    illysArt said:

    @DarwinsMishap, what is the hair used on Guiseppe's legs and chest?

    What CC Said. XD  Trust me, it'll be well worth the wait. 



    I have been dying to show this one off.  I had to wait until Jepe's Cinematic Poses and Props 2 came out today but I think this is one my favorite male renders so far. 

    This is excellent Sonja!  Thank you for using Giuseppe with this one!  He looks abfab. XD


    Linwelly said:

    That's the base-it's at .5 or 50%, so it's mainly the lighting in that one, but he is tan/brown based.  There is a lower setting and another, higher setting to choose from, though.

    New render!

    This is wonderful!

    Thank you very much, Linwelly!  I appreciate that a great deal- I've always wanted to really work in Monochrome- the dust particles are colored, but I left the render black and white for that slight impact.


    Llynara said:

    Another render of Giuseppe wearing Jeroyn's skin and other bits.  Warrior X-This is gonna hurt

    Hooo-eee! Gorgeous! Love the black and white of David as well. 

    Thank you, Llynara!  I agree- I have not tried that man in curly hair-yet.  I should. XD

    Eric Killmonger- Haven't seen Black Panther yet, either, but I plan to.  Hm.  Interesting comparison- I can see hints, yus.

    Failed render with David- will have to re-do, or let this one cook with higher settings to see if it will work with the complex lighting.  Darker renders are a bane of my existance, but I'm persistant. 



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    It was totally my pleasure.  He is fast becoming my favorite!

    And David looks pretty darn good with a violin.  I kind of like the gritty look of the background on that one, I know its not what you were going for but I like it.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Christian finally allowed me to finish my first scene with him (already have two other scenes in the works... demandng man he is ;P ) hope you all like :) Might put up the first version (different background) and a second version of the close up on my dA :)


    Nowhere to Run - full

    Nowhere to Run - Close up

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    It was totally my pleasure.  He is fast becoming my favorite!

    And David looks pretty darn good with a violin.  I kind of like the gritty look of the background on that one, I know its not what you were going for but I like it.

    It was, but not the gritty look to his skin.  I let that render out about 12 hours, so it's time to either re-think the lighting or re-do the entire scene for a different setting.  *sigh* I did re-render it with higher render settings for another 12 hours, and it was even worse.  So-back to the drawing board.


    Carola O said:

    Christian finally allowed me to finish my first scene with him (already have two other scenes in the works... demandng man he is ;P ) hope you all like :) Might put up the first version (different background) and a second version of the close up on my dA :)


    Nowhere to Run - full

    Nowhere to Run - Close up

    Very intense here! I'm glad he cooperated with you.  Well done. :) 

  • I really like that render of David with the violin. I feel like I always say this, but his tattoos are gorgeous. And I love his face, he'd make a great Louis from the Vampire Chronicles. May I ask, what pants are those, I really like the zippers?

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Thank you!

    Those pants are from the dforce Grunge set for Genesis 8 Male here at Daz. 

  • Oh, goodness I actually own those. I need to take a closer look at that outfit.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    And the second scene with Christian, two versions of the close up as I couldn't decide between them *chuckle* enjoy!


    Aware - Full

    Aware - Close up 1

    Aware - Close up 2

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Carol OMG some outstanding renders you have going on making me drool even more!!!!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Very cool, CarolO!

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Thank you both :) He's a wonderful guy to work with it, even if he has his own "mind" as to how the scene should be *grins*

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    That he does. lol

    Wish I had more updates-but for now, I'm cramping between two projects that are still in WIP mode, and just plain tired.  Soon-ish, though!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087
    edited April 2018

    Post edited by DarwinsMishap on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    Ohhh The sensitive artsy type! Be still my heart! laugh

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    XD  yup!  Thank you!

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited April 2018



    Edit: And now later in the morning when I am able to actually think, I can try to do more than just drool *grins* He look fantastic Dar, I especially love the close up on his face. The look in his eyes there just draws one in, almost a little "welcome to my soul, don't get lost on the way" kind of feel :)

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Wow, love that tatoo on his chest.  He looks really good!

    CarolaO I think I like the second one on the portrait, his eyes kind of glow a bit.  But, that could just be the fantasy lover in me lol.  The top one looks great, the depth of field and the smoke coming off the ground gives it wonderful atmosphere.

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Looks like the thougtful type. Awesome :D

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited April 2018

    Wow, love that tatoo on his chest.  He looks really good!

    CarolaO I think I like the second one on the portrait, his eyes kind of glow a bit.  But, that could just be the fantasy lover in me lol.  The top one looks great, the depth of field and the smoke coming off the ground gives it wonderful atmosphere.

    Thanks Ice :)

    That tattoo on David... *tilt head* can imagine how fun it would be to trail the outline with fingertips, or nails ^^

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Carola O said:

    Wow, love that tatoo on his chest.  He looks really good!

    CarolaO I think I like the second one on the portrait, his eyes kind of glow a bit.  But, that could just be the fantasy lover in me lol.  The top one looks great, the depth of field and the smoke coming off the ground gives it wonderful atmosphere.

    Thanks Ice :)

    That tattoo on David... *tilt head* can imagine how fun it would be to trail the outline with fingertips, or nails ^^

    You are apparently my twin lol...although I wasn't thinking hands....


  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    Carola O said:

    Wow, love that tatoo on his chest.  He looks really good!

    CarolaO I think I like the second one on the portrait, his eyes kind of glow a bit.  But, that could just be the fantasy lover in me lol.  The top one looks great, the depth of field and the smoke coming off the ground gives it wonderful atmosphere.

    Thanks Ice :)

    That tattoo on David... *tilt head* can imagine how fun it would be to trail the outline with fingertips, or nails ^^

    You are apparently my twin lol...although I wasn't thinking hands....


    *smirks* weeeellll... one can start with hands.. who knows how it ends yes? 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    "snicker"  Oh I have a fairly good idea of how that would end lol.  Poor DM, we have taken over his thread for nefarious purposes lol

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    That we have.. though, he do give us such lovely men for our nefarious purposes.. so perhaps he don't mind too much *bribes DM with coffee, homebakes scones and hugs for him and O*

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    edited April 2018

    This is probably going to sound really pervy, but I love the way his tattoo encircles his nipple. That looks really cool! 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    This is probably going to sound really pervy, but I love the way his tattoo encircles his nipple. That looks really cool! 

    Lol I'm pretty sure that is not any worse than our current discussion lol

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    This is probably going to sound really pervy, but I love the way his tattoo encircles his nipple. That looks really cool! 

    Lol I'm pretty sure that is not any worse than our current discussion lol

    I had skimmed that conversation but now that I've taken the time to really read it ...Oh my! *blush* I guess I'm not the only pervy one here. hehe :P

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    This is probably going to sound really pervy, but I love the way his tattoo encircles his nipple. That looks really cool! 

    Lol I'm pretty sure that is not any worse than our current discussion lol

    I had skimmed that conversation but now that I've taken the time to really read it ...Oh my! *blush* I guess I'm not the only pervy one here. hehe :P

    Lol clearly not!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Why is everyone doing pervy stuff without me? Geez, a girl goes off to write and you guys all go crazy. Drooling all over the place and tracing tattoos with your fingers. 

    @DarwinsMishap You really need to reel these people in until I get back. Now, about that tattoo! I have to imagine a tattoo like that would have hurt so good. I'm totally with @DivaMakeup. That spiral thing with the nipple is killer. Only, I'll completely own up to any and all pervy behavior. Now, let's talk about this render. Hmmm? 


    Another render of Giuseppe wearing Jeroyn's skin and other bits.  Warrior X-This is gonna hurt

    Wow! You just hit all of my buttons with that one. Very nice. :)

    Okay, back to writing. I still have 10K of words to churn out before the end of the month. Behave, people! I miss you guys.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    The shamelessly pervy sisters... has a interesting sound to it no? *grins* and yeah, that render is amazing Knittingmommy...

    also... Kyle ( https://www.daz3d.com/kyle-for-genesis-8-male ) came today *grins* and was in my cart before he knew it, haven't had time to install yet as I have YET to make breakfast.. kinda forgot about that small thing so now it will be some breakfast/lunch thing instead :)

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    O.o  Ladies, ladies, ladies. LOL

    Yup he was released today!  Totally forgot about that.  *snicker*

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