Darwins' Schtuff Pt Deux



  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    @deathbycanon Those renders are to drool over, wow Kyle is versitile for sure!!!

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    @deathbycanon Those renders are to drool over, wow Kyle is versitile for sure!!!

    Thank you, he really is, there are sooo many options with him. 

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Finally got a full-fledged render out myself. ;) 

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Looks really nice, though I can't help but wonder what he has been up too considering the blood on his neck/shoulder and what look like blood on his knee under the ripped pants *curious* though that under the knee could be parts of a tattoo too perhaps?

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    Great render Darwin, he looks so good in this scene sporting his goth look. Also what hair is that, it looks so good on him. 

  • MollytabbyMollytabby Posts: 1,163

    I can’t wait for him to be in the shop smiley

    @deathbycano and @DarwinsMishap those renders are fabulous!

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I hope that Christian and Kyle don't come to close on eachother, cause at the moment I can only afford one of them.. and admittingly that will be Christian if I have to choose between the two lovely men :)

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    A quick change of topic… Darwin, when I think of whiskey-colored eyes, this is the color I'm imagining. Either one, actually, from liquid in the bottles in this image.

    Now back to our regularly scheduled program… (Which is drooling over the upcoming male characters, of course!)

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087
    Carola O said:

    Looks really nice, though I can't help but wonder what he has been up too considering the blood on his neck/shoulder and what look like blood on his knee under the ripped pants *curious* though that under the knee could be parts of a tattoo too perhaps?

    Actaully-that's all tattoos. XD  As for what he's up too?  Lord knows. ;)


    Great render Darwin, he looks so good in this scene sporting his goth look. Also what hair is that, it looks so good on him. 

    Thank you!  It's the Short Curls hair.


    I can’t wait for him to be in the shop smiley

    @deathbycano and @DarwinsMishap those renders are fabulous!

    Thank you!  I have to fix a promo, but I think he'll be accepted after. ;)


    Carola O said:

    I hope that Christian and Kyle don't come to close on eachother, cause at the moment I can only afford one of them.. and admittingly that will be Christian if I have to choose between the two lovely men :)

    You shouldn't have to worry- he's not technically accepted, so there will be time between the two (if the changes are accepted) releases.


    L'Adair said:

    A quick change of topic… Darwin, when I think of whiskey-colored eyes, this is the color I'm imagining. Either one, actually, from liquid in the bottles in this image.

    Now back to our regularly scheduled program… (Which is drooling over the upcoming male characters, of course!)

    Hm.  That's about the color range I was shooting for, but the refractive qualities in the liquor makes it hard to match in the refractive quality of an iris.  I saved that render though for future reference, thanks!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    You're welcome. smiley

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited April 2018

    Good to know about Christian and Kyle, thanks Dar :) and It's all tattoos? heh.. I was sure it was blood splatter.. interesting.

    I have to admit I find it funny how much it can differs when one think of the same thing, though I do agree those colors are certainly good me personal is thinking more like this (attached pic). In the end there is nothing wrong with either ofc, just struck me as funny :)

    Now to follow L'Adairs shedule *drools*

    540 x 720 - 113K
    Post edited by Carola O on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited April 2018

    Another shot of Liam, not quite out of the box but nearly :) 

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Nice render!  He looks quite nice there!

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Thanks Dar :)

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    You're very welcome!   

    Gonna have a sneak peek of something soon.  XD

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Sneak peeks are fun :D Bring it on! angel

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,057
    Llynara said:
    @oliverstwist  Scrivener is a great program. I don't think I could write without it. I'm pretty sure @Llynara knew what she was in for when she offered. She's good like that. Is the craptop Windows or Mac? I can't wait to get my hands on the new update for Windows when it comes out. 

    You can add me to the list of Nano Buddies if you need more. You know they have Camp NaNoWriMo, too, in April. You could dip your toes in and get some writing done sooner. It's a little more relaxed than November. Give it some thought.

    How strict is AIP? Can you do almond flour, stevia, and erythritol? If you can, I'll send you my favorite low carb waffle recipe. Light and fluffy and very yummy!

    I love the Star Wars theme you have going on. Lol. You can never go wrong with Star Wars. 

    @DarwinsMishap  Not so sure about your choice in office decor. But, somehow, I'm actually not surprised you might be attracted to such an interesting decorating scheme.  ;)

    AIP, during the elimination period, is very strict.  No nuts, dairy, nightshades (tomatos, peppers, eggplants, etc.), no seasonings with seeds....O can explain more if he wants. ;) No sugars-real or substitutes, no coffee.

    I'm following AIP due to the neurological issues I've been yolked with after having pneumonia last year.  We went to the nuerologist and he wants me to go for an MRI, then to see a neurosurgeon.  I "only" had 2 levels out of about 8 fused some years back so I know what I'm in for. I'd rather not put either of us through that "magic" again. So, after 14 days in the AIP elimination period, I was no longr dragging my left leg, or having to lift it with my hand to get in the car. I was essentially numb from the top of my head down and after 32 days in the elimination phase, I can feel my biceps and parts of my thighs and calves.  I'm no doctor, but I believes this means it's autoimmune.  The rhumatologist was a total d*** and Dar had to stop me from decking him.  $1,000 in bloodwork (just my co-payment!!) and they can't tell me why I'm like this.

    So, more info than anyone needed, and thank you for the offer of the recipe, but essentially I can't have anything that isn't completely natural. Even if it says "and other natural ingredients" it's a no go. Do you know how much of our food has guar gum in it?  Holy hell. Anyway, off my soap box.  LOL. I won't reintroduce any foods until I can feel my hands again (though that may actually be from my neck, HAH)  

    I'm DLing the program next weekend.  This weekend is research and visual gathering.  I may join that camp for a kick start!  Thank you for letting me know about it. devil-O 

    I'm just catching up on this thread, sorry... @oliverstwist Question: When you had pneumonia, were you given any medication? When I had an upper respiratory infection after Christmas this year, I was given a medication and I'm sorry I'm blanking on the name, and after two days, I started to feel weird tingling in my feet. Then I read about the medication (an antibiotic that is often prescribed for pneumonia) and it was KNOWN as being a very dangerous drug that can give people permanent neurological problems! There were/are several class action lawsuits against the company that makes it! I would recognize the name if I heard it, but just can't think of it now. Luckily I stopped it after two days. I had weird neurological symptoms for a few months but luckily acupuncture helped it! 

    Anyway, back to catching up on the thread and art stuff! 

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087
    mori_mann said:

    Sneak peeks are fun :D Bring it on! angel

    Sneakiest of sneaks. :) 

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited April 2018

    oh my... sneaky indeed, and such a tease... :) looks good!

    I'm trying to figure out if it's a new one you working on, or if it's a sneak peak on a Christian or Kyle promo pic 

    actually.. is it Two pictures you turned into one? Using the flowing hair to hide where the two pics meet? The position of the head compared to the chest/belly seems almost like there's two pics *much curious now*

    And naturally I am likely to be wrong, but hey.. I'm speculating ;P

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    New guy, in fact- David. Was playing with hair-so this won't be his final.  He's in WIP mode; I just started him yesterday.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Well hello.... *tilt head, let eyes roam, smirks* must be pretty darn well equipped to keep those up hm? *eyes pants*

    *teasing grin* he look nice, the low cut pants are certainly drawing eyes :) really like the body hair!

    He's part of the Family or more like Kyle and Stryker? Who both worked in some pub if I remember correctly? *tilt head* that actually make me curious, are those part of the story so to say, or are they from something else entirely? 

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited April 2018

    I'm just catching up on this thread, sorry... @oliverstwist Question: When you had pneumonia, were you given any medication? When I had an upper respiratory infection after Christmas this year, I was given a medication and I'm sorry I'm blanking on the name, and after two days, I started to feel weird tingling in my feet. Then I read about the medication (an antibiotic that is often prescribed for pneumonia) and it was KNOWN as being a very dangerous drug that can give people permanent neurological problems! There were/are several class action lawsuits against the company that makes it! I would recognize the name if I heard it, but just can't think of it now. Luckily I stopped it after two days. I had weird neurological symptoms for a few months but luckily acupuncture helped it! 

    Anyway, back to catching up on the thread and art stuff! 

    There's an entire class of drugs called fluoroquinolones that causes these issues. (Levaquin and its relatives.) It was somewhat more broadly used for serious infections but now is reserved for antibiotic-resistant pneumonia and a few other things. Carries a boxed warning, though at least it's not a black boxed warning (black boxed warning is "there's a small but not insubstantial chance that this drug may kill you dead, although it's much more likely to treat what ails you" type of thing).

    mori_mann said:

    Sneak peeks are fun :D Bring it on! angel

    Sneakiest of sneaks. :) 

    INteresting ... Is that fibermesh hair on his body that you're making for him or another product from someone, textured hair, or something else?

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    vwrangler said:
    INteresting ... Is that fibermesh hair on his body that you're making for him or another product from someone, textured hair, or something else?

    I was going to ask the same question(s), but you beat me to it.

  • vwrangler said:

    INteresting ... Is that fibermesh hair on his body that you're making for him or another product from someone, textured hair, or something else?

    *smirk* ;)

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    vwrangler said:

    INteresting ... Is that fibermesh hair on his body that you're making for him or another product from someone, textured hair, or something else?

    *smirk* ;)

    Now that's a bigger tease than the image Darwin shared! Now I expect to see a body hair for G8M product from you in the store… sooner, rather than later, please!

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    New guy, in fact- David. Was playing with hair-so this won't be his final.  He's in WIP mode; I just started him yesterday.

    I am so with Carol on this one I am so checking out hisssss......... well you know where my eyes are roaming to winks and "smirks"!!!

  • kcufo2008kcufo2008 Posts: 19

    being extremely new to 3D modeling i have a question.  the figure Athana is remarkable.  Are her add ons,  tattoos, anatomical elements, eye liner, and other make up options usable on your other Gen8 females or on G8F that i create?  Can they bu used like head and body morphs?

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    AANNND He's out... *nabs Christian*  https://www.daz3d.com/christian-for-genesis-8-male

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    kcufo2008 said:

    being extremely new to 3D modeling i have a question.  the figure Athana is remarkable.  Are her add ons,  tattoos, anatomical elements, eye liner, and other make up options usable on your other Gen8 females or on G8F that i create?  Can they bu used like head and body morphs?

    Athana is a Genesis 8 female character. Like all G8F characters, her materials can be applied to other G8Fs. If you create your own female morph based on the G8F character, you can apply Athana's materials to her for your own use. You cannot create a character for sale and use the Athana materials. Athana is not a Merchant Resource. (This is true of characters and their materials in general. To use something as part of your own product, it must be a Merchant Resource. I'm not suggesting that's what you're asking, just covering all the bases.)

    The Tattoos will be part of the skin materials, so can only be used on another character if you use Athana's materials. In fact, most options for a character, from brow colors to makeup to tattos, are applied to a copy of the relevant skin materials. Athana does use L.I.E. makeup presets. Those use the "Layered Image Editor" within Daz Studio to apply a layer over the existing face texture, so those can be used on other G8F characters: They do not require the Athana face materials in order to work.

    For both G8F and G8M, the Geograft mesh that makes up the anatomical elements are only available when you purchase a Pro bundle of an adult character. The Teen Josie 8 Pro Bundle, for example, does not come with anatomical elements. Athana includes materials for the Daz anatomical elements, and the settings that match those materials to the base Translucency settings.

    Darwin does have tattoo products for sale in the store that use LIE and can be used on any G8F character, as well as one for the G8M and two for G3M characters here

    I hope this helps.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Carola O said:

    AANNND He's out... *nabs Christian*  https://www.daz3d.com/christian-for-genesis-8-male

    Did you know Christian can fly?

    (He flew into my cart...)

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