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It's been a couple of days- hopefully, I'll be able to post a render soon. It's been busy as all heck here; we've started the packing process day before yesterday. How's everyone doing?
Alive, mostly *grins* Alternating between "dying" of the heat, hunting wasps that has found themselves a way indoors and trying to get render scenes done :) Hopefully busy isn't also making either of you feel overly stressed
We're doing ok. Just trying to get things done. XD
So, this is just a tester for skin/eye/tear shaders and materials. Tossed some hair on him and violoa- Lorenzo.
I'll post a fully rendered piece in a while- I had to tweak the tear shaders. They looked grayish to me.
Look greyish to me as well, but he do seem to shape up really nicely..
he do look kinda .. oddly sad and annoyed at the same time in that picture
lol- probably is.
Sounds like it may be a story there... *pretends to not shamelessly pry* still, it look interesting where he is heading for sure. Am I guessing correct he will have tattoos and/or scars? *curious*
David's here!
And that happens on my renders too & here I thought it was some wierd big gap between the geometries of the eyeballs & eyelids.
It's more the refraction of light through the tear geometry tends to create a shadow of sorts.
Edit: Though some characters do indeed have a gap.
True what CC said. I'll still need to tweak that a bit I think, but for now I'm trying to figure out what I did with the eye rigging that went wrong. lol When he's posed and I have his eyes lower they fall out of the sockets.
Ah, thanks you I will at least know what to look at.
No problem!
Fixed the tear shaders, base skin pretty much done, eyes done, gens done, lash/brow hair materials done, textured brows done. Now to the fun stuff-scars and the one tattoo he'll have. Tonight though will be packing, so I'll leave this test render here.
Niiiiiice. I have a soft spot for cowboys. Nothing like chaps and spurs.
Thanks! And ditto.
The two behind him are Cocoa again making an appearance (trying to get his attention), and his buddy Spot. Lor's oldest son named them when they were foaled, so. Kinda stuck with the naming convention. XD
What chaps and boots are you using, if I may inquire?
Desperado for Genesis 3 by Luthbell. I autofit them (which worked fairly well, depending on the pose), but had to pose the feet individually then hide the feet and toes because I was lazy and didn't want to do the auto transfer instead. :)
Yes... I own that!! Thank you for the confirmation. :)
He looks really good Dar :) Looking forward to see scars and tattoo *grins*
Very welcome!
Thanks! It may be awhile; I am now switching work days with packing days (after the day job), so it will be slower going.
Yum. I gotta ask, what is the loincloth in the promo pics for David?
The loincloth in the tattoo promos are from Vinnuth Kriegor Battle Mega Armor for Genesis 8 Male(s). I’d link it, but I’m on my phone and evidently my fingers are not friends with this stupid keyboard.
(10 min later, hit “done”)
I have that no need to link on my account.
Hope the move goes smoothly. I haven't recovered from our last move. That was 21 years ago lol. Pretty sure there might be a box or two in my basement that never got unpacked...
lol-Sonja. We don't have enough crap anymore that something like that would happen after the purge I did when we moved from the east coast, but still. It's enough to do. XD
My curiosity is getting the better of me I must admit.. are you staying in the same area or moving further away to somewhere else? Also, when are the move happening? (and yeah, if you have said it somewhere else I admit I have missed it *grins* )
We're just going to the other side of the city- but that is in 8 days. I won't be around much, we have so much to do here. XD
Ohh, can understand you won't be around much than :) hope you both take care, and we see you when you have time *warm smile*
That doesn't sound so bad. I kind of wished that was all we did when I moved. We went from the top of the US all the way down to the very bottom. I still have boxes that haven't been unpacked even after a purge. Good luck with the move. I hope it all goes smoothly. :)
Thank you!
We're both exhausted and in some bit of pain, but we're getting it done. :)