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Either you ask for a partial refund or
if you have enough money buy the Ranger Bundle with the coupon again and ask for a refund for the first order.
Customer support does sometimes have problems adding a coupon in retrospect ...
Again my confusion continues unabated. Thought Michael 6 was going to be some kind of bundle, only to now learn that it's not (?) and oh by the way, the discount is only be 30%. Can't find it anyway. Is it not yet released?
I also feel that the staggered redemption times adds to the confusion and is too much of a hassle; I think I've missed on some coupon codes for weeks 2 and 3 because they have expired already.
At least I picked up a couple of decent bundles and I also did get some great deals on those Anniversary PC Bundles, but now in retrospect, I should have stopped (or greatly curtailed my economic activity) once I made Tier 2 in Week three and got David. Weeks 4 and 5 had some useful items, but I should not have agonized so much nor spent so much money.
And to take it one step further, I've decided that I probably will not play in future sales that are not simple, straightforward, and who's "mega prize" isn't fully disclosed up front. Color me "still confused" and "still frustrated".
It is M6 Bundle. Jack Tomalin has advised Daz that they have this wrong.
M6 hasn't been released yet.
2 coupons, same result.
Reward details: Save 44% on the following PA stores. Unlimited uses (excludes new releases) until Nov. 15th.
Reward details: Get 50% off of all PA stores involved in the Platinum Power Up sale (excludes new releases). Expires Nov. 15th.
Would anyone use the first coupon having the second one? :-P
There should had been a BIG warning telling that making 2 extra weeks would give nothing extra, all rewards are superseded by the final price.
How long will the 51% discount on ranger last? (I mean the one already active, before coupon).
As the banner says "save 30% today" - I would guess one day.
Okay, thanks.
But this reveals a deeper problem. The sale was so complicated that even DAZ webmasters didn't understand the details.
Actually, is the Ranger Bundle Discount right?
Because, right now it seems to be Platinum Club Discount (30%) + New Release Discount (30%).
However, right now, the PC Discount should still be 40%, shouldn't it? And therefor the bundle price around $17?
It would be a big surprise, too, you know, cause we're only seen this problem with every single DO released during the sale.
Poor Britney ... she is probably sick of seeing my name on tickets .... ;)
Why do the coupons for week 4 and week 5 end on the same days, Nov 8th and Nov 15th? Shouldn’t the ones for Week 5 expire a week later especially considering how they just unlocked today. That gives us 3 days to use the “Save $2/$6 coupon that unlocked for Week 5.
Also, why am I not surprised that the “Mega Prize” requires us to buy something (M6, no mention of a bundle, just the single figure on the page) or use a coupon that cant even be used on new products, except the Ranger Bundle one.
The email that came out a few days ago did say something about the bundles, but the coupon isn't very specific. Hopefully it will be useable on the lone figure, starter bundle, or pro bumdle.
Thanks! lets see what I do, I kind of like the hair...
Okay, I am not to big a person to admit that I may have been wrong.
I am going to admit here that I might have been a "bit" too harsh about the mega prize coupons. I still would have preferred that a "prize" be a real one that did not include my buying more .... but .... it was not quite as bad as I had imagined.
First I did not expect a sale price on the Ranger Bundle (would have loved to have those two discounts reversed 50% on M6 and 30% on Ranger because standard cost on Ranger was not too high) But even so getting four products for 9.98 after the discount is nothing to scoff at! So, my apologize to Daz on that one.
Next the $50.00 off of a Daz original was also a profitable endeavor for me. First, yeah Daz for not ending the sale on bundles when the coupon came out. I was extremely worried that would be the case (which is why I bought my horse 2 with a 44% coupon instead of waiting) BUT ..... again I was pleasantly surprised AND made out like a bandit. I was able to use that to grab the Ultimate Millennium Dragon Bundle for an amazing price of $3.97! Standard Price on the Bundle is $88.95 with it still on sale at $53.97 minus the $50.00 coupon and boom $3.97
There were no glitches with the purchases, the coupons applied and changed the price and it was a smooth and most enjoyable experience for me.
Sooo ... my apologies for being overly judgmental with Daz, if the M6 bundle ends up being discounted on top of the discount coupon I will not feel as robbed as I dd.
Personally I will be a bit more cautious with sales in the future, and in retrospect I have to wonder if it is me or Daz I have to be cautious of. I did put my own expectations on what the prize would be, and that is my fault.
I did start calculating last night how much I actually did spend on the whole affair.
I am up to week three, and I am calculating on the following criteria:
The original price of each item (regardless of the bundle price) against the price I paid for each item. This is because a bundle gives an extra discount as far as I am concerned and so it is the original price I would have paid had I bought that item as a singular purchase that matters.
At week three I am already showing having spent $296.48 on the items bought and the original worth of buying each item independently would so far have a cost of $1,963.83. Total tally through week 5 and the mega prize I will post when I am done.
I am doing this because as I added it hit me that sometimes we forget just how well we make out on these sales and the savings so far are not something I can justify complaining about!
As always my thanks to every vendor who took a financial loss for this sale ....... AND
ALL the moderators who were helpful, quick to respond and very congenial considering my frustrated state at times. YOU all deserve an extra prize just for being so patient with everyone, and stepping up and jumping in to help us solve any problem we had!!
What? The mega prize for spending so much is a bunch of discounts to spend even more? If I'd known I'd only get 10% off on M6,I wouldn't have bothered.
This morning- It showed $19.58 for me, $9.79 deducted, it cost me $9.79
I am PC member and tier 2.
Now it is $16.78 so here comes another support ticket.
I can only assume this is a error:
- I just bought the JGreenlees Leather Factory Shaders, using my Week 4 Tier 2 discount. No problem there. $2.99 - 44% off
- I tried to do the same with the JGreenlees Ingenious Rock Shaders, but for some reason the discount didn't take
- Out of curiosity, I tested the lesser MEGA1 PA discount and it worked.
The product is not listed as new. So unless I'm missing something, the Week 4 Tier 2 discount should apply as it did with the Leather Factory Shaders.
Here's a screenshot
This morning- It showed $19.58 for me, $9.79 deducted, it cost me $9.79
I am PC member and tier 2.
Now it is $16.78 so here comes another support ticket.
Support ticket is not necessary. DAZ_Jared has posted in another thread that the refund for the extra cost will be automatic, and shoukld appear in your store credit
This morning- It showed $19.58 for me, $9.79 deducted, it cost me $9.79
I am PC member and tier 2.
Now it is $16.78 so here comes another support ticket.
Me too .. paid the $9.79 this morning .... now at $16.78 ... But they do seem to refund rather quickly!!
EDIT Thanks chohole!
Me too .. paid the $9.79 this morning .... now at $16.78 ... But they do seem to refund rather quickly!!
Check your store credit before you submit a ticket, please
My refund is in my account already.
Nope it doesn't work for me on that. Interestingly the week 5 discount works for me and the mega discount.
I'm puzzled why this is still a chronic problem. There is an old adage that goes, "Measure twice, cut once".
DAZ Originals Fantasy Fighter, Fight! for Fantasy Fighter, Cute Minidress and Shoes & Cute Mini Textures are not listed on the October Catchup sale page. Shouldn't they be included in the sale?
Me too .. paid the $9.79 this morning .... now at $16.78 ... But they do seem to refund rather quickly!!
Check your store credit before you submit a ticket, please
Wow! That's a pleasant surprize :-)
Did and yes it's there.
One cent probably isn't worth the time it would take to file the support ticket, but it doesn't make for a good impression when your $50 coupon doesn't actually take a full $50 off of the order.
Enquiring minds want to know.
Get 50% off of all PA stores involved in the Platinum Power Up sale (excludes new releases). Expires Nov. 15th. Thats' what it says. So technically it should discount all the stores. If not, then inform Daz about it and tell them to give your code back if it only applies to one store. However I doubt that will be the case. The previous ones worked on multi stores, where you had to add it in every time. Whether this one works like that or is only entered once, I don't know.
I am curious and cannot find the answer on the Mega Page. Is this a one time purchase or unlimited uses until Nov15 like the 44% discount was??
Let me go try my code..Gimme a sec...Will tell you now.
Ok it seems unlimited.. I added two products from two different vendors and applied the coupon and got the discount. I then removed them, went back to the store and added another two products from other stores. No discount appeared. Then I applied the coupon, and discount appeared for them. So every time you shop, just punch in the coupon, and the discount will appear to whatever you have in the cart from the selected PA's in the PC sale.