The PC Anniversary Sale - Platinum Club Power Up

We are so excited to announce the Platinum Club Power Up as part of the PC Anniversary Sale. This year's anniversary sale should be better than ever with the Power of Platinum Club. So here's how it works: Each week every customer will be given the opportunity to earn power up points throughout the week. These points are earned by purchasing items that are part of the Platinum Club Power Up sale. If you get enough points at the end of the week you will be eligible for a reward. Each week week there will have two rewards tier 1 and tier 2. 6 points gets you to tier 1 while 12 points gets you to tier 2.
So what items are part of the Platinum Club Power Up sale? Every day there will be 4ish new releases. These new releases will give you points if you purchase them at any time during the week they are released. If you are a Platinum Club member you will get an additional 20% off those new releases (only on the day they are released).
Fortunately we have an awesome page to help you keep track of your points each week. It is the Platinum Club Power Up page. This page allows you to see at a glance how many points you have, what rewards you are working towards, and what items are part of the Power Up PC sale.
Now to the fine print:
- 1 point is given for each Platinum Club Power Up item purchased.
- Points earned in a week are only eligible for that week, they don't roll over. Make sure you have enough points for each week to get the reward that you want.
- If you purchase an item and return it, you lose your points earned for that item.
- Once you redeem your points for rewards you won't be able to return the items that earned you the points.
- Rewards for points are issued after the close of each week.
- If you earn rewards for 3/4 weeks of the Platinum Club Power Up Sale you will be eligible for a super bonus prize thingy.
- You must have fun. This is more of a guideline than a rule, but the sale is set up to be fun, and we hope you all have fun participating in it.
**Edit** Additional Platinum Club Member Perks during the PC Anniversary Sale
- 40% off of DAZ Originals instead of the usual 30% off.
- Access to at least 2 Freebies every week.
- Access to the Platinum Club Mega Bundle for free (a $200 value).
- Access to 2 categories of 99 cent items.
- New $1.99 Platinum Club Items released every day.
If you aren't a member now is the perfect time to join with either an Annual or Quarterly Platinum Club Membership.
To clarify one part:
Points are also given for PA items released that week too.. *and* any PC freebies! So we've made it easy to get the full 12 points and unlock those tier 2 rewards ;) They're also marked on the sliding banner page too, as to what is eligible.
Items which are in other promotions however (such as any 99c category sales) aren't eligible for the points.
I'll reiterate Jareds last point too.. let's have fun! I'll be about on the forums most of the time, at least for the first few weeks. So while you won't get any new content, I'll be about if anyone has any concerns etc.. please PM me before panicking :)
One more thing.. you can only get one point per product. So for those looking to do a "I'm going to get the freebie 12 times".. yeah, we know how some of you think. :)
Hahah, good point Jon.. ;)
The "PC MEGA PACK" is supposed to be free but shows $1.99 in cart.
Edit: It's been fixed.
Question for clarification...
With the two different tiers, does that impact the particulars of the MegaPrize? (Not asking what that is yet. I know you guys and your surprises. :) )
For example, if I only make tier 1 two weeks, but make tier 2 in week 3 Or if I make tier 2 for two weeks, but only make Tier 1 in week 3?
Just curious for the most part.
I don't know the answer (I'm not in marketing) so all I can do is speculate.. so don't take my post here as gospel. I would imagine the SuperMegaPrice Reward at the end would be tier based as well. I'll ask marketing more details on it tomorrow, but they can be tight lipped about things sometimes and they might not want to even hint at what the surprise at the end is.
I think some cleanup or clarification needs to be done on the rotating ad thing on the Fast Grab page and the Sales-Promotions page. The rotating ad explicitly says that the PC Mega Pack = 1 Power Up Point at the bottom of that ad, whereas on the sales-promotions page, the silver banner explicitly says that items in the PC Mega Pack do NOT qualify for Power-up points. Judging from what happened when I checked out, I'm guessing the second option, that the Pack does not qualify, is correct.
Also, in the PC Mega Pack, the link to the A.M.S. RT-05 doesn't work. It's just the link; if you search for rt-05, the item comes up.
Fair enough.
Of course, if they're willing to let slip what the tier 2 MegaPrize is (if there is such a thing), it might be a suitable incentive for more people to try to get it.... :coolgrin: (I miss the devilish smiley)
How many roughly of the new releases each day are going to be PC Items?
I'm trying to figure out if a person buys all the PC items each week about how many PA items will have to be purchased to get Tier 2.
I've fixed the RT-05 link, just sit tight for a few while the pricing settles again.
There are 7 PC items a week slated, and 2 freebies.. so that leaves 3... 'other' items to be purchased ;)
calculating mode on... If I've read the tea-leaves right, there's going to be ~2 freebies a week, so that's a free 2 points...voice drifts off into unintelligible numerical musings... Mumble...mumble...okay, that's fun and really not too bad, price-wise!
Oh; it's kind of a pity that the mega-pack isn't part of it. I was seriously considering NOT getting it yet, to keep it as a super-uber-dooper extra free PC power-up point later in the month, to 'repair' any week that wasn't going well, since it would be available all month. :) Instead, I just went ahead and picked it up now, since there were a shocking *nine* products in it that I didn't already have!
Edit: Will there be other ways to earn PC power-up points, or am I peeking to much [strike]under the skirt[/strike] behind the curtain? ;)
Bring it on! :coolsmile:
-- Morgan
For those of us that are not in the U.S. does the U.S. government closing down affect any visa or paypal payments to DAZ?
Nope, it shouldn't. Commerce carries on no matter the whimsy of government bureaucrats.-- Morgan
Be careful, I dont think the points roll over, so by the end of the week, any points you haven't collected you can't go back and buy later in the month to make up for it.
But yes, I do believe there will be additional items eligible for points at various points during the month.
Just looked over the opening of the sale. Neat freebies and a glowing progress bar!
The dopamine is flowing.
I like progress bars..:)
I like them being full... Fill, my pretty...FILL!
In other news, I'm betting that the mad nurse G2F and G versions came out on the same day because one was scheduled to be released on the 1st, and the PA sale bonus extra-special awesomesauce ketchup day pushed it over...
-- Morgan
p.s. I presume the West Park category and Mega-Pack AddOns categories will have the right links by morning... http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ indeed. ;)
Actually not quite.. we had always slated them to be released together as a 'single' item :)
Where abouts are those links?
Platinum Club 11th Anniversary - Category Sale: West Park and Category Sale: Mega Pack Add-ons have the wrong links for category items. Lots of 'x's.
Minor, as birthing pangs go. :)
-- Morgan
Ah yes, well spotted.. sorted and thanks!
Ok, so the first week started Wednesday 2nd. When does it end?
Edit: Actually, the way there is some overlap with regards the power-up points, so check the promotion page. They are showing as Oct 2-10, 8-17, 15-24, 22-31.
However our PC release 'weeks' run from Tuesday to Tuesday.
I took it that the PACK itself counted (as 1 points worth), but the individual itesm within the pack did not.
Does the proress bar work for anyone? I've bought nurses uniforms and the two freebies and it stil registers as 0 of 6 products
I took it that the PACK itself counted (as 1 points worth), but the individual itesm within the pack did not.
Does the proress bar work for anyone? I've bought nurses uniforms and the two freebies and it stil registers as 0 of 6 products
I was under the impression that the pack wasn't counted, but I will get this verified and corrected as needs be :)
The progress bar for me looks like it's increasing - but I've got the mega pack, West Park Ailments and just bought 3 PC items, so that's 5 points, but it still says only 1 of 6 products - so it doesn't look as though it's updating properly, unless it's just taking a bit of time...
The progress bar for me looks like it's increasing - but I've got the mega pack, West Park Ailments and just bought 3 PC items, so that's 5 points, but it still says only 1 of 6 products - so it doesn't look as though it's updating properly, unless it's just taking a bit of time...
What were the 3 other PC items.. the Mad Nurse ones?
There is some confusion over the mega-packs eligibility, so I'm waiting on clarification.
Bother, these kind of promotions really don't encourage me to buy.... "buy a lot of cheap stuff you probably don't need or want right now...but its cheap and you can get a mystery surprise! or discounts on things" that never works for me. If I have money to buy all those things to get enough points, i'd rather put that towards a few products that I absolutely need to use.
These can be fun games for people with extra funds who don't mind paying extra to get to the "meat" of the sale/party, but sales like "buy one, get one free (and not from a list of a few things, that you may or may not already own) are a much better incentive for me. Or last month, when everything was discounted. if Daz was to have, say, "buy one, get one equal or lesser value" for Daz originals, for example, I'd totally be on that wagon. or a solid 50% off Daz O's. I'd be on that wagon too. Or "renew your membership, get a 50% off any cart of Daz O's. Things like that.
Deals like "buy what we tell you to, every day, to get something mystery" doesn't really appeal. Nor do many of the coupons lately that say "spend at least $$$ to get coupon for $ off".
Last month was awesomeness. Straight up sale prices, at least if you're a PC member, slightly more costly to non pc members, and coupons off as well. Last month was great, best sale of the year so far! Looking forward to more from the PC anniversary but I hope it's not all dependent on buying PC items. I get plenty of PC things, and I have several west park things, and i just bought a couple PC items last week. But i get them when i need them, and not a "pay this much to get a PC reward" which is basically what this type of event boils down to.
Still, watching with interest!
So the only items that count as powerup points are the ones listed on the power up page? None of the other pc items count?
Correct.. :)