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Well that was an unwelcome surprise. I had planned on buying several items from Dimension Theory today. The 40% off sale made them affordable. I decided to wait until after tonight's power ups were posted. However, afterwards, when I refreshed my shopping cart, I noticed that the 40% off sale on several of the items had expired. Of course I'm kicking myself now. But seriously, how hard could it possibly be to state up front when these sales end?
DT's store should be part of the Mega Prize released tomorrow - 30% or 50% off depending on what tier you reached. Also there is always another better sale with Daz. I doubt you'll have to wait too long if you're not eligible for the mega prize.
I can never find my rewards//"sigh:"
There on each weeks page.. ie..
Are we supposed to get what we earned each week? I somehow miss that
edited and removed by user
Coupons aren't stackable unless specifically stated
edited and removed by user
You'll have to do it in separate orders
I've had some experience with how volatile forums can be, so I want to say first off that everything I put here is meant only as constructive criticism. I know from personal experience that analyzing performance data really only yields more questions and indications of what is going on in the users' minds. Real feedback on what people are thinking is always more valuable, so I wanted to share my perspective and what I encountered.
1. I really only started getting Daz stuff in mid-September, so I have absolutely no knowledge of previous sales/efforts/patterns. I've found understanding the sales to be extremely difficult, and finding information nearly impossible.
2. Since there doesn't seem to be any kind of news threads or reliable Facebook info, I actually only stumbled upon the informational threads in the forums through a Google search trying to find info about the Week 2 coupons, which leads to my next point.
3. Week 2 was the first week that I got Tier 2, mainly because there were some items offered that appealed to me and because I wanted to get both Stephanie and V5 as rewards. At the time, I thought getting Tier 2 would allow me to select rewards from both Tier 1 (was going to get Stephanie Starter, then V5 pro). After searching the entire site and promotional landing pages, I tried Google as a last ditch effort and eventually waded through pages & pages of posts to find out that the entire reason I'd pushed for the final parts of Tier 2 weren't even relevant. Keep in mind, this was also after Week 2 rewards were given out, so I didn't even know some of the sale basics until well into the third week of the promotion.
4. Similar to #3, there were a lot of questions asked and answered across several threads. The moderators seemed to be on the ball responding to questions as quickly as they could, but their answers were spread out across pages and threads. A simple FAQ page, or consolidated thread of purely answers, would go a long way towards making information available. Linking to this from the promotion pages would have been EXTREMELY helpful, too.
5. Week 3 in particular I found rather disappointing in content. It heavily focused on Teen Josie, a character I have no interest in for the time being (I've barely scratched the surface of the characters I have), but so much of the content was just add-ons for that. I couldn't justify buying enough to get to Tier 2 that week - despite the fact that it was the one week where David 5 Pro (the one thing that I TRULY wanted to get) was offered. I was hoping David 5 would be a prize again in another, better week for me, but it never came back.
6. As a general rule, I'd think that you should never introduce a prize which immediately invalidates or dramatically cheapens a preceding prize. The Premiere Artist (took me forever to figure out what "PA" meant, I was looking for the "MA" to go with him) coupons were OK as rewards, but especially compared to the Mega Prize higher discounts they seem a bit...meh. It's hard not to feel remorse looking at any use of those thinking waiting an extra couple of weeks would have been noticeably better, and feel relieved that I don't know as I actually used that more than once. Prize tiers (and, yes, the Mega Prize is promoted as an ultimate tier above the weekly tiers) should expand on each other, not harm one another.
7. When I saw the Mega Prize announcement, I figured it must have been another thing I didn't understand or have the background knowledge for. 30% off a forthcoming release doesn't feel at all like a prize - quite frankly, I'd prefer to simply get my choice of any of the prize bundles previously offered. The $50 Tier 2 offer, plus the Platinum Club 30% discount, might eventually make that happen anyway, but now I'm having to do math to figure out what I'm actually getting, which leads to Point 8.
8. I honestly don't understand currently what the Mega Prize is. I'm not sure if I should feel disappointed or thrilled because it sounds like there's so much math and potential stacking of different items involved that I honestly don't know what I'm getting. If all the various coupons and Platinum discounts combine together, then I think I end up getting some form of Micheal 6 (even though I've barely tapped Michael 5) for free, but I honestly don't have a clue how that math will play out. If it is a really good thing, I'm not excited about it - which seems like a huge experience hit. Shouldn't getting the Mega Prize leave me feeling excited instead of confused? Having to do math is a sure way to kill any buzz.
9. For that matter, why do I want Michael 6? Hopefully, that will be explained in actual release notes, but this seems to be contradictory to the whole model evolution. From what I've been able to piece together from wikipedia, combing through as many forum posts as I can find, and YouTube (note that none of this came from Daz itself, since if there is info I can't find it) the whole male/female figure dichotomy was because of programming needs. Michael and Victoria (plus their extended family) had to be independent models to allow them to generate properly. Genesis then came along to revolutionize that and allow one base model to be adapted, allowing for ongoing backwards compatibility and cross-model translation of clothing, poses, props, etc. Now it seems like we're stepping back into separating the models, which feels like taking a giant tech leap backwards. I might have misunderstood all of this, but since there isn't a good resource that explains it all that I can find easily, that's what I've been able to cobble together.
10. From a usability stance, I'm having a really hard time remembering what coupons I have actually used and which I haven't. A tab in my account that summarizes what coupons I currently have available (since I seem to get access to so many), what they can be used on, and expiration dates would be EXTREMELY helpful.
11. Assorted bugs seemed to be reported on the forums, though I never experienced them. It may simply be the "problem exists between keyboard and chair" error, but seeing so many people claiming problems definitely raised some concerns.
Again, this is all intended as constructive criticism of the things that really hurt my user experience, and would make me less likely to participate in future sales. These honestly aren't big hurdles to overcome, largely just better communication. Remember the golden rule of marketing/audience communication: Clarity trumps persuasion.
To close on a positive note, I wanted to be sure to call out some of the good things that I saw, so that it's not all negative:
- Forum admins seemed to be really responsive when people were asking questions. This definitely adds a comfort level, and made the issue of bugs in #11 seem inconsequential since even if a problem did occur someone would be working on it.
- I liked how clear, concise, and valuable (at least to me) the weekly rewards were, and honestly I think I would have been happy simply with them and no Mega Prize. Tying those together, with a final week as some kind of "everything's available as a reward" might have been better as it's simple to understand. Plus then I could have gotten that fracking David 5 Pro.
- Aside from Week 3, there was a pretty good mix of items - higher and lower cost. Yes, I got some things I didn't really need or will probably ever use just to hit the next tier, but even then it was only a buck or two. Getting to the rewards didn't feel like a burden or chore, just simple and fun.
- The $0.99 items were good, let me get a lot of things I've been wanting but was going to wait and get gradually over time, and at a 50-60% savings. Saving a buck doesn't really mean much, but saving a buck 10 times... Only thing that would have been better is if they contributed in some form to points accrual, say each one earned 1/4 of a point or something.
phoenix_ritter this is really good feedback. I'd recommend sending this to Daz via a ticket because they do not read the forums as a matter of course.
Oh really?
Again, I'll post this..
"Everyone sit tight, I’ll email the team ;)"
Ok. So it isn't just me. I had the same message even though I unlocked tier two for three weeks.
Here is something else strange. Is it $50 or 50%?????
Another question. Is the PA discount a one use coupon or multi use?
$50.. and it's been reported :)
I'm trying to use the 50% off to get Look At My Hair but the code says it's not valid. This is not a new release and the store was in the sale so I don't know why it isn't working. I had no trouble with the $50 off coupon.
Curious. The web page claims I earned the Mega 2 rewards but I only qualified for the Mega 1 rewards.
Got a screenshot?
Got a screenshot?
Here you go.
Got a screenshot?
I do. I'm in the same situation.
I do. I'm in the same situation.
Thanks, I've reported this.. :)
I do. I'm in the same situation.
Thanks, I've reported this.. :)
It should now be fixed.. can anyone confirm? problem is fixed.
Thanks, I've reported this.. :)
It should now be fixed.. can anyone confirm?
Yes, Jack, it is fixed now. Thanks.
Thanks, I've reported this.. :)
It should now be fixed.. can anyone confirm?
Fixed for me as well. *sigh* So close to greatness. ;-)
And as mentioned on another thread, they don't work for Tier 1 folks anyway, so you would have found out if you had tried to use them. That would have just added to the confusion. DAZ got it sorted out pretty quick.
SOmetimes I make undue assumptions about things or read too much, or not enough, into things ... with the mege prize, for example, is it I get ONE of the listed items or do I get ALL of them?
It's annoying enough I just bought the Ranger bundle without realising it was part of the prize ... ;)
You can have whatever you want from the list of prizes. Submit a ticket asap about the Ranger Bundle and they'll fix you up. I'd do it before they get swamped with tickets from people making mistakes. Well more swamped than usual.