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and How do we do if the creature pack was buy this morning with only 44%
Will i recieve a difference coupon ?
This is what Jared said in another thread:
and How do we do if the creature pack was buy this morning with only 44%
Will i recieve a difference coupon ?
DAZ_jared said somewhere that they will be issuing store credit to those who bought it at 58% who should have gotten 66%.
Ok i recieve a coupon mail for age of Amour store ... Thanks for your answers :)
I just noticed this morning that the half-banner on the main site says "Last Week" but when you click it to enter, there is a tab for "Week 5".
So which is it right now, Week 4 of 5, or "the last week?"
We are in week 4, some thoughts about the week 5 are simply that it is to claim the mega prize if you've earned it, or for a catch up week so you can qualify for it. They usually do catch up sales. It would also include another payday for people, so it would be a good strategic move to let people try to qualify who didn't the first time around. Or could just be another week tacked on. But we are in week 4.
Major glitches again, in the Country Dining Room. The two presets for furnished and unfurnished both look for a floor specular texture in the Country Kitchen textures folder, then load a group named "Country Kitchen" into the scene.
Incidentally, are these two supposed to fit together, like the Dream Home sets? The kitchen and dining room do load side-by-side, but the common wall has windows that don't line up (and the Dining Room doesn't have any doors anyway). It just struck me as a bit weird.
Will have a look into this, thanks for the heads up :)
I actually kind of like it that sets don't fit together. I prefer sets to be at zero. One reason I don't like the housing products is that they can be too large to navigate- for me.
The scaling was off (too big for real world dimensions and DAZ characters) in Country Kitchen. Is that corrected in Country Dining Room? Maybe that is why they don't fit together.
Well, the upper half of the stepped Dining Room ceiling merges seamlessly into the bottom of the angled Kitchen ceiling, so they at least appear to match. Except they don't if you look at the common wall, the two windows are offset. Maybe we're supposed to turn off visibility for those walls, for an open-plan kitchen/dining room look?
And there's a weirdness with the doors splitting the Dining Room in half, one of them is totally black until I render. Could the normals be reversed or something like that?
I completely forgot to write this at the time, but...I kind of like maid outfits, particularly of the non-porn variety, so when DAZ released a Maid Outfit for Genesis 2 Female it pretty much blew my mind. And only then I realized that it was a PC item and that I would only pay $ 1.59 for it. And only then did I see the new Creature Creator morphs, which, btw, did pretty much everything right (head and body morphs, many partial morphs, had morphs). That was an amazing day and for all the crap I tend to give DAZ for their mistakes - this one hit it out the park.
Okay, but now what happened to it? All pages seem to be gone now and I still have two days to choose between David 5 and Freak 5 pro bundles. The whole power up page has disappeared.
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it; just not in the normal place. And extended another week, which explains the "Week 5" tab and another 6+6 points...
I'm sorry to always be harping on product errors, but Country Dining Room is a mess. SpottedKitty reported on this first. As I tried to use it, I got so many errors, I gave up. Products like this reflect badly on the PA, DAZ 3D, and the Platinum Club. I'm sure that is not your intent. But remember, quality is remembered, long after price is forgotten. We cannot even return it, because of the Power Up sale restrictions.
1) It is scaled way too large. It does not match real world sizes or DAZ figures. The promo image is misleading, because it shows it scaled to fit DAZ figures. Out of the box, it does not fit.
2) Some material files do not match the settings that are used when the furnished or unfurnished set is loaded. For example, door handles reflection 0% vs. 88% and glossiness 50% vs, 95%.
3) Some specularity, bump, displacement, and UV maps are missing.
4) One of the doors appears black in the viewport.
5) The furnished set file loads with some chairs intersecting the table cloth in an unnatural way.
6) The furnished and unfurnished set files load as "Country Kitchen" in the Scene tab, not "Country Dining Room".
If I finished Tier 2 on all 4 weeks, do I have to do that again on week 5 before I qualify for the month end mega prize?
I hope not ... that will really screw my budget for the sale up.
The rules stated 3 times Tier 2 ... you overdid it anyway. :)
So, no massage after 5 weeks on tier 2? :-P
No but the credit cards/payment method does for endurance ;-)
Beloveddalia please check your messages.
Thanks Kerya, it really had me worried there!! Not to mention that so far week five has not thrilled me other then the first day Anniversary bundle.
Though I had purchased at least 3 of the items in it earlier in the month, I really did want the others so that was a worthwhile buy to me.
The thought of having to do 12 more items for another week would have spent what budget I have left to use my discount coupon sales.
So again thanks for letting me know I'm square with them for the mega package!
We'll look into it ASAP, thanks
How long will week 5 last - until tomorrow, until the weekend or until Tuesday like the other weeks before ?
The dates for Week 5 are listed on the Week 5 tab on the Power Up PC page. Week 5 ends on Nov. 5th.
Just received an update for Country Dining Room.
A few things were fixed, but there are still multiple missing file errors and preloaded surface settings do not match the settings applied by the material preset files. One door is still black in the viewport. I hope they are still working to really fix this product, because this update didn't take care of all the problems.
Not worth re-downloading yet, then. Unusual that everything wasn't fixed in one go, though.
In hopes that they will really fix more problems later, you might as well wait for that, I guess. Jack said they would look into my list of problems, so maybe they will test it more thoroughly in the next round of fixes.
For yur information; cupon codes for week 4 are wrong, they shall start with w4 not w1.
Someone might want to fix the page.. ?? :D
SilvaAnt3d and the 3dwizard stores are still doing 404 not found. Are they working for any of you?
The dates for Week 5 are listed on the Week 5 tab on the Power Up PC page. Week 5 ends on Nov. 5th.
Thank you ! I must have overseen that somehow.