The PC Anniversary Sale - Platinum Club Power Up



  • jimmulvaneyjimmulvaney Posts: 341
    edited December 1969

    Just wanted to throw my two cents in here... I did not enjoy (or fully understand for that matter) the Power Up Points idea. I tried it the first two weeks but saw that what I was buying was not counted as part of the sale on that specific day and so i missed out on points, then the points I did acquire were not enough to merit a reward so... Yeah Daz - please do not do this again.

  • ArvanorArvanor Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    Yep, please not again such a stupid Power Up story. Quality not quantity is another point. There were lots of products that i wouldn't purchase and i don't give a damn about collecting points. This was definately crap. Sorry to say that so harshely.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,507
    edited December 1969

    Well, all this certainly seems to have polarised members.

    Just wanted to chime in quickly to say once the dust settles we can look at the month as a whole.. and take it from there :)

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited November 2013

    Condensed Version.............Have already spent Mega Bucks !! The word Prize does not Imply in any ,way ,shape or form that you should have to spend more money....Not too long ago I spent big bucks also to upgrade to Carrara8.PRO.Then you come out with 8.5...come on can't use the coupon? If you think I am forking over 171.00 dollars you have lost your minds...I will buy Zbrush ..never mind don't bother to reply you have lost a Carrara customer....and probably PC member as well....just my 2cents...Trish

    Post edited by Trish on
  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited December 1969

    I like aspects of this sale, I think Jack and all the other mods have done a really great job. I thought other aspects could have been done better - things from HQ like equating a female mankini with a probundle would be one example. It was also disappointing that very few PAs seemed to advertise their products.

  • gabriel.delacruzgabriel.delacruz Posts: 82
    edited December 1969

    I do complain about power up, the rest was ok. And we got plenty of items from jack which by the way are excellent. Thumbs up for a bit of the thing, but Ill drop all the rest to the lions and let it be eaten with no mercy and I would still feel like the most just caesar ever, because, oh man!. What a waste of energy. And the thing that makes me angrier over anything else is the amount of my time expend here.

    Anyhow, thanks jack for showing up, independently of all the power up ting, you have well earned a space in the grades far away from sand and kittens. ;-P hehehehehehhe

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    There's a lot of emphasis on the mega prize being the M6 bundle but if you are tier 2, there's the $50 of daz originals also. Granted, many of us will have to scrape to find something we don't already have if we've been here awhile or buy many things- but frankly, the broad picture of getting $50 of merchandise and a discount on a new release that has been eagerly anticipated (stacking discounts) AND having products on sale in the stores ON TOP OF the 44% (tier 2) has been quite rewarding. Not to mention the $6 off this, $6 off that, etc.

    I didn't buy things I couldn't use, there was a wide variety, and enough family friendly each time to make tier 2.

    Should they have announced what the end game was? Yep. What really bothers me is the budgeting aspect of this- people have spent so much money to get to a prize, and the $50 alone is mere pittance compared to what you had to spend to get that. People are frankly tapped out.

    Also, this has built a great deal of distrust for many people. It will reflect in the Christmas promotions if a "prize" or "great deal" is offered- people are not going to hop on it as readily as they would have if this were an upfront promotion. However- we still don't know the price of the bundle or what's in it- so it might end up being really good. Keep that price low DAZ- Christmas is coming and you'll regret the lost revenue from pulling a stunt like a so-so bundle or so-so discount. People DO remember when they get burnt.

    I'm hopeful.

  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,718
    edited November 2013

    I am quite pleased with the megaprize, especially with the $50 :)
    No-one ever stated that M6 was going to be free, it was something we HOPED for.
    Although I can imagine that a lot of people were going down that road (I also did) because of previous years.
    But they did stated things were going to be different with this PC Month.
    Also, please keep in mind that every single artist in this store needs to get paid and artists should be kept motivated to make the great stuff we are used to.
    I don't want to sound belittleling or throwing oil on the fire, but those people have to get paid one way or the other.

    I lately experienced a costumor who didn't want to make use of my work because I was " too expensive". Costumor asked for a day of work and I wanted to get paid for a full day of work. Sadly, she/he felt that apparently, making art isn't considered work and would find someone who would do it for less.
    Well good luck with that...

    Paying a small fee for a bundle that took hundreds of hours to accomplish is not a rip-off.
    if it is anything, it's a compliment to the artists who spend their time making it.

    I want to add: during last month PC members got $152.45 of free items.
    Add that to the $6 or $2 coupons and the $50 or $20 mega prize coupon plus the tier 1 or 2 free (base or pro) bundles or other free item options DAZ offered.
    I got about $425 of free items with 3x tier 2 and 1x tier 1 and week 5 isn't even over.
    Sounds like a heck of a bargain to me.

    Post edited by Sylvan on
  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited November 2013

    It's only a bargain/saving if you would have bought it anyway without it being free.

    ETA: A lot of people bought stuff because they thought they were going to get a big prize at the end, I can see why they feel agrieved. Daz should have been honest upfront about what people were going to get instead of shrouding it in secrecy. In that way they would have managed customer expectations and people wouldn't feel like they'd been ripped off.

    For myself I've done pretty well out of the sale but as I say things could have been run better.

    Post edited by anikad on
  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited November 2013

    Having seen some of the earlier and arguably much better years this one was again a bit of a let down. On a scale of one to ten I give this month a four. Here's my take on the good (+) and the bad (-):

    + Mostly everything worked without too much trouble. I saw complaints about missing points and such, but for me this was an issue only once and it was corrected quickly enough. Also thanks to Jack who at least tried to make up for some of the problems mentioned below.

    + The powerup system is not a entirely bad idea (more on that below), and it's certainly better than the previous "buy-it-all"

    + There were some decent deals to be had I'm sure. Nothing particularly interesting for me, but to be fair I'm very hard to please when it comes to content.

    - Too much focus on PA products. Neither the PC discount nor the PC coupon apply to these items. (And to be clear I expected a PC anniversary, emphasis on the Platinum Club)

    - Few sales on DAZ Originals (other than PC products).

    - Only the Halloween sale is/was gender neutral while the other two non-PC sales were focused on female figures. (i.e. why no love for the male form yadda yadda)

    - Carrara was/is excluded from the reward coupons but this was not mentioned until a few days ago, and the pages for week five and the mega prize still make no mention of it. This is highly questionable given that customers had every reason to expect otherwise.

    - Powerup points only from new releases. For me there were very few interesting products among the new items. Also the tiered model isn't optimal. I would instead use the points as a currency that can be redeemed for rewards at will; so for example the customer might have chosen to get two starter bundles instead of one pro bundle. In other words, need more opportunities to get points and more ways to spend them. The obsession with time limits also doesn't help.

    - Quantity over quality. I'm not sure whether it's just me but the standard of quality at DAZ seems to have gone down during the last year or two.

    - The "Fantasy Fighter" deserves a bullet point of its own.

    - Withholding of information and poor communication in general. Customers had numerous questions, some of which needed to be answered many times, sometimes with conflicting information coming from mods and admins. Apparently DAZ still doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that not all customers want to trawl through mostly irrelevant forum posts in search of pertinent information. I cannot fathom why this information could not be added to the relevant pages.

    That's my $0.02, spend it wisely :P These are just my very subjective views on the subject. For all I know DAZ might be making much more profit than ever before but that hardly means anything to me if such profits don't translate into more value for my money -- i.e. better products, better service.

    Post edited by araneldon on
  • TimesurferTimesurfer Posts: 97
    edited December 1969

    It was a long dry summer and all the creatures were told: "Look to the future... there will be water for each of you."

    Every creature rejoiced, praising the speaker.

    When the water came, each were given one cup of water.

    "What?" yelled the elephant. "How can this be the prize? I is not fair!!! The speaker mislead us all. There isn't another creature in the whole world that thinks this is worth anything."

    Then a mouse came up to her cup of water... "Look, everyone! The speaker granted my wish! This huge glass of water is just amazing. Think of all the things I can do."

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    It was a long dry summer and all the creatures were told: "Look to the future... there will be water for each of you."

    Every creature rejoiced, praising the speaker.

    When the water came, each were given one cup of water.

    "What?" yelled the elephant. "How can this be the prize? I is not fair!!! The speaker mislead us all. There isn't another creature in the whole world that thinks this is worth anything."

    Then a mouse came up to her cup of water... "Look, everyone! The speaker granted my wish! This huge glass of water is just amazing. Think of all the things I can do."

    *I would like to be the mouse*

    Apart from that: the $50 are sounding nice - but the exclusion of newer releases is not so much fun.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited November 2013

    Just to add my slightly disordered thoughts to the mix ...

    I have no problem with DAZ doing sales or promotions in whatever way they want. Their store, they can run it how they like! Of course it'd make sense to bear in mind they need customers to make it a working store :)

    This last promotion was, pretty much, for me, no better or no worse that most that I have seen in the past. I, as ever, bought more than I should. I, as ever, winced a little at some of the prizes. On the whole, however, the pros outweigh the cons. Plus, when all is said and done I am big enough and ugly enough to know what I am doing with my money.

    I think, as seems to be happening more often, there has been a stumble or two in the area of communication. As I sip my first coffee of the day no concrete example bubble to the top of my fore-thoughts. Should we have seen what was coming in the way of the mega prize or not? I tend to think that maybe it would have been nice. I cannot recall if details of the week-by-week Tier 1 and 2 prizes was published ahead of time, but seem to recall not.

    My main problem, if indeed problem it be, is that this promotion is like so much with the land of DAZ nowadays - and this is MY perception - geared mainly toward the new users. I don't have a problem with that, it's great to assume tha more and more people are jumping on the Daz Studio bandwagon. But it is a little sad that 'old lags' such as myself (and it hasn't really been that many years ... has it?) seem to get 'no love'. It's a bit like my car insurance recently - I changed car (my old one had developed a swimming pool) and called my insurance company to inform them ahead of time to get the new policy in place in time. Since I was going from a 2litre turbo diesel to a 1.4 (normally aspirated) petrol car I assumed my premium would go down. Nope, it was set to go up by around 15-20%. After a chat with the nice chap at the insurance company be passed me over to their new policies section where I got the exact same policy for ... 15-20% cheaper! Old, loyal customers are taken for granted, and it can grate.

    Post edited by SimonJM on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Most of what I purchased is stuff I would have bought "anyway" ... and the couple of extras enabled me to get the Pro pack ... so "thank you". No complaints there.

    I'm not surprized that coupons for M6 bundles are being offered however the hype for a superawesomesauce [whatever] prize is hardly how I would describe getting a coupon as. With 2 tiers being offered, I was rather hoping that possibly M6 would be free in there somewhere ... and at least one of the bundles just maybe ... THAT would have rated a superawesomesauce comment.

    Hopefully that DO coupon has a good time allowance on it and/or that DO sales are properly timed to compliment it ;-)
    I also already own a lot --- but not all of the stock! Thank you :-)

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    It will be interesting to find out whether you have to use the 50 dollar coupon in one cart ...

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    It will be interesting to find out whether you have to use the 50 dollar coupon in one cart ...

    I think so, since it says

    (1 use, no minimum, excludes new releases & gift cards)

    Atleast I understand that it can be used only once.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Carola O said:
    Kerya said:
    It will be interesting to find out whether you have to use the 50 dollar coupon in one cart ...

    I think so, since it says

    (1 use, no minimum, excludes new releases & gift cards)

    Atleast I understand that it can be used only once.

    That's how I read it too. Stocking up the wishlist ;-)

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Did anyone else get this e-mail? Earn the mega prize?

    598 x 535 - 264K
  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,388
    edited December 1969


    I found the Power Up promotion to be confusing and frustrating. The only reason it worked for me was because I "mostly" bought things I needed and things I thought I might use in the next 6 to 12 months. So I made Tier 2 for weeks 2 thru 5.

    But it STILL continues to be confusing and frustrating. I did end up spending a lot of money and I find that Michael 6 is only discounted?

    This is why I only play Blackjack when I go to Vegas. The rules are easy to understand, and so is the "house advantage".

  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Marketing hype. Nothing has changed on the main page.
    Early coupons - could mean we receive the coupons early and get to use them when M6 comes out - not an early release for us.
    Coupons - the same 10% or 30% stacking as we were told - that is still what is on the main page.

    Don't get your hopes up, and the fall won't hurt as much. This is just DAZ marketing earning their money.

  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,217
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    It will be interesting to find out whether you have to use the 50 dollar coupon in one cart ...

    Personally, I'd be more interested in it's expiration date...

    I'd like to get new and better money before it expires.

  • ZelrothZelroth Posts: 910
    edited December 1969

    While I was disappointed to find out that I would have to purchase the M6 bundle, I am happy to see that there will be a coupon for DO purchases and a stacked discount for M6 later this month. This will allow me to get some of the DO items that I have wanted but had to put on t he back burner for the moment AND save money to get M6 when he arrives. that is as long the the coupon is the **% off the purchase of any DAZ Originals and doesn't get a stipulation put on top of it.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2013

    Then a mouse came up to her cup of water... "Look, everyone! The speaker granted my wish! This huge glass of water is just amazing. Think of all the things I can do."

    "....but then the mouse noticed that in the intense heat, the water began to rapidly evaporate in front of her very eyes..."

    (couldn't resist.)

    Post edited by Novica on
  • WF3DWF3D Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    Just my 2 cents here...

    I have been following much of the discussion in this thread about the Power Up promotion, and I definitely understand the pros and cons raised. As still somewhat of a newcomer to 3D art (about 18 months total), Power Up has been an excellent way for me to pick up content I had not been able to afford previously, such as the V5 and S5 Pro bundles as weekly prizes, and there was enough content available rather cheaply (below $5 each, including more items than I had expected at $1.59 each if purchased on release day, and definitely more freebies than I had expected) that it did not break the bank for me to pick up items to get to Tier 2, even if I do not see an immediate use for some items. If nothing else, having acquired Age of Armour's Advanced Lights bundle and Teen Josie 6 are major wins for me, and both have already become integral to my projects.

    As for the Mega Prize, I was hoping for a larger gift certificate amount than just $20/$50, and being able to spend it only on DAZ Originals does irk me a little. It also would have been nice if Carrera would be available for free - not because I have actually wanted it, but because it would have been good to experiment with it based on some positive things I have read from others... and in the long run, that might have prompted me to spend more on this site.

    Overall, I look at Power Up as a great way to build the foundation for my future 3D projects. It was also useful for DAZ because I typically spend only about 1/4 of my 3D content budget here, but in October spent about 3/4 of my budget here. That said, unless there are some jaw-dropping must-have items released tomorrow as part of Power Up, I am back to spending only 1/4 of my monthly 3D budget here.

    If Power Up is revived, I certainly hope that there is much better communication up front concerning the prizes and restrictions. Based on many of the comments here, I believe that better communication from the beginning would have alleviated a lot of customer frustrations.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    OK, now that everything's winding down, time for my tuppenceworth.

    The mechanics of the tiered sale rewards: actually worked quite well for me. I know some people have had problems, some of them serious-to-showstopping, but I always had my points show up on the meter as soon as I'd finished the purchase. I wonder if this might be because I use a debit card, not Paypal, so my $$$ always went directly into the DAZ coffers with no delays or weird "wait for approval" glitches?

    QA: mostly OK, but some things were just too last-millisecond-rushed.

    Choice of items: the only real problem I have with the way the whole thing was handled. I haven't yet (and might not ever) get into Genesis 2, so any week where the emphasis was on G2, like the Josie 6 release, almost completely locked me out. I made tier 2 once, I would have needed four or five extra items I wanted to buy in each of the other weeks to hit the big one. There weren't enough in each week.

    Choice of prizes: there's only so many times the Gen5 bundles can be offered until only newcomers won't have them. I got one of the Pro bundles in this sale, and that's it — I have all the Gen5 characters now. I'll be stuck for choice in the next big sale, unless DAZ does something unexpected.

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    edited December 1969

    On which day this week, and time, does Week 5 end?


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    I would think it would be when the prizes are unlocked? Nov 5th?

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    My two cents, for as little as its worth-

    This kind of promotion does nothing for me. It has no appeal. Any time there's a promotion requiring me to buy a whole lot of stuff (that i may or may not want) in order to qualify for a prize) in general drives me away. The only (tiny) plus side that there was at least choice (a very tiny amount of choice) and freebies that helped, but I still never qualified within that very tiny range. And the whole "mystery prize" just meant there was a good chance I wouldn't want the prize and it wasn't worth striving for. Mysteries are never good.... IMO.

    Something better? a bigger, much bigger, range of choices, less hidden prizes, more flexibility, more openness and less confusion. To date, out of my last 10 years of PC sale shopping, this is probably been the LEAST motivating sale month of all, to me. I think Daz was probably experimenting with ways to make the PC sale more fun and engaging, but for me, this system just doesn't work.

    This month I spent most of my money where I knew what I was buying, what my immediate discounts were, and what the end rewards were.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Something I really liked: The freebies - so many of them and they even counted as Points! :)

  • firefly43firefly43 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Being totally and completely new this sale had it's good points and bad points.

    + I did find items I did not have a great prices. As well as the 1.99 sales that helped me build a scenery library. Again much of what I bought were things by Jack Tomalin, but that was because links on product pages lead me to scenes I knew would be an asset to what I want to do with Daz. There were others that I bought and I did greatly appreciate the sales.

    - Most of what I bought I have no idea how to use, as a new person to 3D. Simple tasks that others do daily because they have worked with the programs for so long are a complete mystery to me. So did I spend my money wisely? I have no idea. I bought things I thought sounded useful and can only hope for the best.

    + For my part the moderators were very helpful and helped many times when I was confused or at a loss, so thumbs up to them for being there for me ...... THANKS! Also many of the members chimed in when I got lost and I deeply appreaciated their efforts to help, no matter how stupid my questions may have sounded to them.

    - Even as a new person the weekly prizes left me disappointed. Let's face it new users as well as old need to have figure content if they are serious about learning Daz. Regardless if it is to earn a few extra bucks making content or just making art to share or sell, without people, building a scene is difficult. As such I had already purchsed every pro bundle for people that Daz made. So my reward for dropping money each week was a free $10.00 to $16.00 dollar product. Not such a happy thing.

    - Coupons for the Artist of the week was nice, (probably not so much for the vendor) but it was hard to fit that into the budget for extra buying. I used that only a few times and that was because I had read so much about Sickleyeild's (hope I spelled that right) morphing items. Don't know how to use them, but it seems from what I read that Daz's internal stuff sometimes dosen't work so well, and these will be useful when I actually know what I am doing.

    - 40% on Daz originals, again another budgeting issue. I only used one and that was because I wanted the Daz Horse Bundle, and with my luck those sales will end when they give us the $50.00 which would not be such a good deal for me then.

    + The $6.00 off -- used them to my best advantage to get $1.99 products for free so that was a happy moment.

    - Mega prize, that is a real ouch as far as I am concerned. I spent alot of money, went over budget towards the end because a prize meant I would recieve something I did not have to pay for. My mistake obviously. As hard as times are for everyone I am surprised at "discounts" as a prize. They did not have to give us Michael 5 free, though it would have been a great gesture on their part, but they could have put together something other then to say "Hey, thanks for breaking the bank for us, now here are some coupons go spend more!"

    - Though 50% off on all vendors stores is nice (and again not so much for the vendors) I don't see how I can even possibly use that if I would want to get M6 and the other bundle coming out. I am not sure what the "stackable discount" means, but if it is just the bundle price given by Daz for a bundle we are not talking about a sizable discount here. Pro bundles usually run $124.95 and 30% off that is still $87 and change, 50% off is another 62 and change. So I am looking at another $150.00 if I want the two bundles. Unless ofcourse "stackable discount" means something other than this.

    I will, be more cautious in the future with sales. Unless they are willing to tell me what I am working towards I will not dive into another sale with a sizable budget behind me like I did this one. It was quite difficult in the end to explain to my "better half" how I justified spending as much as I did for coupons, when I told him the prize was advertised as huge. Oh well, again my mistake for not understanding how things work here.

    I do again want to thank every vendor who took a huge hit to their income to supply us with items to buy. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your generousity so I could build a Library of product. And when I have extra cash (I have saved every name that contributed this month in both items and sales) I will go to your stores first to see if I can find things I want.

    And again my thanks to moderators and members who have answered my questions and helped me when I was lost. Your time, patience and help are things that I can't repay, but will not be forgotten either. As a newbie it means alot when someone is willing to offer their assistance. When I finally learn all this I will try to do the same for others that come in new.

    Stepping off my soap box now ..... %-P

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