NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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I'd be up for it, they deserve something nice after the last three days. :)
Perhaps a sticky that once again explains the most important things that people don't seem to get would be in order:
* NFTs are completely separate from DAZ content/DAZ Studio and will not affect your creative workflow or shopping in any way.
* DAZ is NOT GOING TO SELL YOUR ART for NFTs without your permission for the umpteenth time.
* Moderators do not know DAZ/Tafi's long-term plans in regards to NFTs, so don't blame us and try not to speculate about their sales being the harbinger of the end of civilized society. Thank you.
It is not just the gallery thing. I fully trust Daz to respect copyright. Although the EULA leaves a loophole (look for "Combined Works") regarding use of gallery assets, there are a couple of reports from users that have been asked by Daz if they can use their renders, and have been compensated.
What really sets me off is the NFT promotion disguised as a charity action. For one thing, it is not stated how much will really end up for "Black Girls CODE". The other thing is: with NFT's you are (literally) burning the future of exactly those people. Ethereum has a carbon footprint of Iceland (as of 2018). One single transation requires more energy than an average US household uses a day.
And they say that they will move to a more energy efficient type of mining really soon. Since 2018. So really "Daz soon".
If the EULA changes you will have to agree to the changed terms.
You know you kind of get the impression [SHARING OBSERVATION HERE] that Tafi's pivoting from away from avatars and going whole hog with this NFT stuff. The top of their landing page is all Champion NFT.
Reminds me of when Long Island Iced Tea Corp changed it's name to Long Blockchain Corp.
The sad part is that I would have gladly opened my wallet for some champion branded 3d hoodie assets and other goods that were based off of Champion's clothing line that I could use in Daz.
Also, if you really are bugged by the NFT and have no interest in it, you can use ublock origin and just block the element. The "NFT" alone is selectable under "Block element".
Now it's one less button to clutter the site
We already got a lot of clothing products lately, where quality controls failed.
I think what we artists really need are more of such products, branded with logos of companies who paid for it, in the vain hope that all those digital artists will promote their brands without revenue.
True, but is it not also true that if you do not agree to the EULA, you lose license to use daz software, assets, etc.?
Assuming that daz took a more agressive stance towards NFT's and the use of artists work, people would be forced into conforming to an NFT agreement just so that they could use everything in their accounts that they had purchased up to this point. Alot of those accounts have been used for a very long time.
What I can say for sure is that NTF's branded with Champion influences my buying behaviour....
Ultimately, if that comes to pass - then everybody just pulls everything from the Gallery ..
Is there a way to unsubscribe from these NFT mails without losing the daily sales mail as well?
Thank you very much!
I just switched to this addon from another blocker and kicked "NFT" out of my sight!
No, but you do have to have agreed to the current EULA before you can download from the store, so if you didn't agree you'd lose access to updates/replacement downloads/new content.
Customer Service response to my ticket asking this question was no.
Term "Successful Exit" comes to mind...
This is why my DIM Download directory contains 48,000 files totaling just over 2TB. I don't delete packages after I install them, just in case I am not able to download them again.
Anyone read Douglas Adams?
“Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich.”
“So in order to obviate this problem,” he continued, “and effectively revalue the leaf, we are about to embark on a massive defoliation campaign, and. . .er, burn down all the forests. I think you'll all agree that's a sensible move under the circumstances."
Blockchain (bitcoin etc.) is just one more example of mankind's unbelievable stupidity.
It is always sensible to backup installers of purchased assets, just in case.
Exactly. A lot of things can happen other than not accepting a change in the EULA.
It's hard to accept that 2TBs are being occupied on a live drive of mine, one local external drive, and my cloud backup. It seems like a pointless investment... until that day you really wish you had.
Thanks. This was really helpful.
I haven't seen an answer anywhere.
Is it possible to opt out of emails from Daz if they contain NFT?
If not then everything it is.
OK, I just went to a meeting in VR all about NFTs and I think I understand why Daz (or anyone with money) may be interested. The NFT market helps anyone who has invested in cryptocurrency. So if you pay $150 to mint an NFT and don’t make a profit, you can still make a profit if you are invested in cryptocurrency because it drives the whole market up. So if Daz as a company or the CEO or you or me have invested in cryptocurrency it’s a no lose situation. All minting drives up the market. Also if you create an NFT of your art, you WILL make money any time it is sold. For right now this whole thing really only helps people who want to invest and make money in cryptocurrency although if you’re lucky and your art sells, you can make money too because investors are more interested in driving up the market than the quality of the art which is why a lot of junk is selling. They admit it’s still the Wild West and the ‘bubble” could burst any minute. But right now investors are buying up NFTs just to drive up the market.
There is more to this than fears of art theft. Though many people are, with justification, worried about that. If anyone were to steal any of my work I'd consider it a compliment.
I've had a growing sense of disillusionment with Daz for a while (and I don't think I'm alone). Over the last few years I've spent a small fortune here (I dread to think of the actual amount, well into five figures), and I now think I've wasted it. There seems to be next to no quality control on new products, and a lackadaisical attitude to after sales service (sales support is okay, but that's about money isn't it?) When problems are brought to your attention, nothing happens. The latest example, disappearing thumbnails, raised a week or so ago. Still nothing. How long should that take to fix? But now we know why it isn't fixed: all your energies are focused on this NFT swindle. We can't even get the hardware that your software needs, because scalpers and their bots are seizing it before your customers get a chance, all for this blockchain scam which you are now supporting. Is it any wonder we're angry? Our only outlet to vent is these forums, yet heavy handed moderation removes any post which comes close to reflecting this depth of feeling. I'm sick of my posts being deleted (I expect this one to last about ten minutes).
And what's happened to the content? There was a time when every new day was exciting in the world of Daz. Now, I believe, the word is 'meh'. Are your PAs suffering the same disillusionment as your customers?
There was a time when I'd recommend Daz to anyone who would listen. I would sing its praises - Daz was a way for the artistically challenged, such as myself, to produce something of their own which resembled art. I loved it. Now if anyone expresses any interest I tell them to avoid it like the plague. I'll probably stick around purely because I'm reluctant to write off all that I have spent here, not because of any customer loyalty. I'm afraid you've lost that.
Look up Metakovan — Vignesh Sundaresan — the one who started this whole NFT gold rush by purchasing Beeple's NFT for $69 million in the Christie's auction... heavily invested in cryptocurrency and working in the blockchain space.

I can only wholeheartedly second this.
I would add to it that in addition to all the issues, DAZ Productions, Inc. has increased the prices for bundles and reduced the purchase incentives. Pro Bundles now have less content for a higher price, with nearly nothing extra coming along in the sales compared to the old bundle sales.
Yeah... I did loose my company (and everything I had) ten years ago because someones bubble burst and the ripple effects ceased the investments I was making my living out of with my employees for years to come... My english is lacking in finding the words to describe how much I despise those who are using companies and other peoples hard earned money just as stepping stones in pursuing their own private benefit