NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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So it looks like Protozoon's store is gone, and Jack Tomalin said all his assets will be back rebranded as "Daz Originals".
Sounds like somebody cashed out...
Sounds like somebody doesn't want to transcend their flesh and join in crypto-libertarian harmony with the ineffable blockchain.
Get with the future, man!
@margrave, Just a businessman's breather. I'll be back soon :)
Oh, alright. I thought the timing was a bit suspect, but I'm glad we'll be seeing more cool stuff from you. Still have plenty more instruments left in an orchestra.
The biggest problem with NFT is, that it is not enough to make the art that sells, but you need to pay first to put NFT on sale.
The more art you create, the more cryptocurrency you pay in advance.
Not a win/win situation...
If your NFT will not sell at all, you just loose a money.
No. I contacted support and they told me that's not possible.
NFT doesn't need the art, go check the auction site and see what the NFT's are attached to;
Use the filtering and sorting options and pretty soon you will understand that whatever the NFT is attached to, does not matter.
Listening to other people? Where's your digital Randian spirit?
"No! Do not applaud in unison, that is collectivist! We will now applaud as individuals, unmoved and unnoticed by the applauders around us."
If you want to transcend the physical and fuse your soul with the blockchain, don't listen to the people who try and drag you down. Like, oh, your customers.
You just go ahead and do it.
have people forgotten the junk bonds and savings and loan scandals already?
people worked all their lives, then lost their retirement savings. had to go back to work. disappearing pensions.
New generation, new bubbles...
Well said. I love, love, love Daz, but I get the feeling that we're in the last days of the Roman Empire here.
While other, similar companies seem to be inovating their tails off, Daz appears to be resting on their laurels. When was the last big new feature? The poorly-implemented strand-based hair -- and that was 2 years ago. Since then, we got a small update to Genesis 8 and a new skin shader which basically only added the ability to have micronormals.
And then, of course, there are the QA issues you mentioned.
Sadly, we never hear from Daz about what they're working on...
(The Beta doesn't really count)
Actually, I think Tafi and Daz are both owned by the same venture capitalist company (and I'm sure they own other stuff too, which I wish they'd done the NFTs under rather than put that garbage on this site).
Yes, I thought about this as well. What if Meta-Humans take off. What I understood is that it can be run as a browser based application solving your hardware needs as well (is this true?). But mostly if the customer experience is better, I fear for Daz.
" Those that fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it."
barbult says she asked CS and they told her no, you can't.
I would not even opt-out for NFT alone but ANYTHING with Tafi.
You just said EVERYTHING I've been thinking. Thank you. And I'll add one thing. NFT's are probably the most destructive thing for the planet we've had in recent more reason. I think I might be done here :'(
Totally agree with this statement.
But you can always do it on your end. Create a rule that automatically deletes any emails coming from Daz that contains a reference to NFTs or Tafi in the subject and/or body if that's what you want to do
Yes, and how about the Dutch Tulip Craze in the 1600s.
Some bulbs fetched upwards of $750,000 in todays dollars. When the Bubble finally burst in 1637, the lucky buyers were left holding a bag of ordinary tulip bulbs.
NFTs, or something like them, might eventually be a reason and means to purchase digital art, just like a painting is one of a kind, but the way it's set up now I would not waste my money.
I just unsubscribed from within the email. And I still got my morning DAZ new products email which I look forward to every day.
No more NFT b*llsh*t so far.
I know, but it's not the same. Opting out of something could have an impact. Merely deleting the unwanted spam, I get from DAZ Productions. Inc. will not change anything as they do not notice this.
Wow! I went away for a little bit and the bonfire exploded! Interesting reading. I agree with many of the sentiments and arguments pointed against this mess.
Daz 3D and Tafi are privately held — Daz 3D is venture capital-backed by several investors that hold a minority stake.
This article on VICE ( asserts that the digital assets themselves are not stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Whether this is true some of the time or all of the time is not clear. An NFT would be less valuable in my mind if the underlying IP asset itself is not on-chain and encrypted by a key held by the owner, and/or in possession by the buyer (e.g., downloaded) after the NFT is purchased.
I am an IP lawyer licensed in California. I have also written a book (Blockchain Faith, available everywhere) about using immutable public ledgers for decentralized governance, so I am pretty familiar with uses of blockchain technology and their intersection with law. What I dislike most about the new platforms for NFTs is the lack of clarity about what IP rights, if any, are associated with ownership of the NFT. The platforms (including Opensea) have not done anything to standardize, certify, or secure rights. Their business model is directed at generating traffic and users. This is not the highest or best use of NFTs in my opinion. That said, NFTs have tremendous potential to empower artists and improve their quality of life, that is just beginning to be realized.
As a user of assets sold on the DAZ store who is uninterested in speculative trading, NFTs don't offer me any benefit. I would rather continue to purchase a non-exclusive right to use the assets commercially under Daz's EULA, for now. At least I know what I am buying.
It would be cool to buy an NFT token that would allow me to transfer my rights under the EULA to whoever holds the token, so long as I register the transfer with DAZ. That way I could resell assets when I am done using them. I would probably use the funds to purchase more new stuff from the DAZ store! But DAZ will probably not be brave enough to go there. Also, an NFT is nice (because of the immutable record) but not necessary to enable transfer of rights under a EULA. Nonetheless, NFT trading platforms may at some future time facilitate EULA trading certificates, and the 3D model platforms that offer this as an option may gain an advantage in the marketplace.
daz/Tafi must have had very strong arguments to convince HanesBrands, the company behind Champion, doing NFT's. That must have been really strong arguments, as that company seems to be really commited to sustainability. I wonder why Daz/Tafi did not present those arguments in the forum posts.
As I do not really expect any answers from Daz on that topic, I decided to ask HanesBrands. Perhaps my information on NFT ecology is all wrong and HanesBrands/Champion has more robust information from Daz/Tafi.
Here an artist sold this for 0.50 ETH which is currently $991. So you can make money, but it’s a gamble if you’re not a cryptocurrency investor.
Thank you very much. Your insightful post clarified a lot and might, in my opinion, reveal the possible intentions of Tafi/DAZ with NFT.
Still, — I might be too old to see any good in it — I wish there were laws against cryptocurrencies and everything connected with it.