NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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What I would suggest for DAZ is
In the very end, it is us, the customers, who pay their wages. We are not forced to spend our money at the Daz store. I appreciate if Daz wants to explore new ways in helping artists to monetarize their creations. But I am pretty confident that they are currently heading in the wrong direction.
DMCA is not globally effective. If it were, some pirate sites would be out of business.
Given that Daz seems to have gone totally bananas with NFT's, today's bonus item fits 

Btw. before complaining, put it in your cart....
Depends on the site - I would have hoped that the big NFT sites would be responsive.
I disagree. Daz3d taks a cut of everything that is sold here, 50% I believe. If you are intending to preasure daz by hurting their income, then you have to stop purchasing here completely. No Daz originals, No PA products, nothing.
The problem is that an NFT can be sold before the creator is aware of the fact. As far as I can tell, NFT marketplaces perform no due diligence with regard to rights before approving listings. This can result in the object of the NFT being removed from view via NFT marketplaces, and the NFT purchaser with nothing but egg on their face and a string of numbers.
You and me both! The whole thing stinks from the head down.
Depends where that site is based, doesn't it? The point is, there is a ton of unknown about this NFT garbage; and most of the known is pretty bad. I can sum up by saying, I will not participate. It's a scam that makes it harder for me to get hardware I need to make 3D renders. You can quibble about the degree of impact, but there is a negative impact. I liked it better before I heard of NFTs or the Diigitals. To have Daz shoving both in my face like this makes me want to vomit.
If the sister company (Tafi) wants to get involved in NFTs then they're free to go and do it - but trying to force feed Daz users with a diet of child like emojis it in the hope that there's a few suckers over here that will buy into the scam is bang out of order.
I notice all the Daz Studio representatives aren't around today after they were trying to defend it yesterday .. so hopefully the message has got through to the higher uppers that we don't want it here .. but, it's more likely more propaganda training is being dished out so they all shout the same message ..
We'll here's the message we'd like to send back ...
Somehow the page count does not manage to jump to 27.
there are always Fungible Tokens
Otherwise known as links
here is a free one
The poor forum mods have quite a lot to do today and yesterday. I think it is a bit unfair to push the forum mods to the frontline as the whipping boys while Daz is hiding until this wave of outrage (potentially) dies down (granted, this is a very civilized rebellion).
It won't jump till it gets to 30 posts on the page.
I might be wrong, but arent the mods volunteers and not paid employees?
Yeah, you've to feel for Richard .. trying to do his job without much support while the natives are restless ..
That's like someone selling a picture of a wraith on horseback and calling it a Nazgul. When the term Nazgul is copyrighted by the Tolkien estates.
But the NFT is so much more worth whit that tag!!!
Or do you think someone will pay for a fungus link called: "Starved and rotting corpse on a dead horse"?
And I am not doubting DAZ's respect for our gallery images. Just pointing out that they have their own ignorance on display regarding Intellectual Property. Since they had no issue stealing the copyrighted Nazgul term to sell their NFT.
Here I am again, posting I believe for the fifth time about the exact same thing, because Daz employees have been posting in this thread but people are not reading the other posts.
Daz will not create NFT's of your gallery images without you performing a number of actions to say you want NFT's created of them. Currently we are not accepting requests to make NFT tokens for any gallery images but if that changes and we have a way for you to request we will let you know.
That's exactly what I said. But I was pointing out that DAZ doesn't even understand IP as they actively stole one to sell a current NFT.
This confusion also stems from DAZ employees not having a consistent message, not able to explain what the NFT plan was, and interchangable using the words "image" and "NFT" which sowed further confiusion.
The messages came across as lawyer speak with weasel words in place to allow for multiple interpretations of what was being said.
I know I am skirting the line (or outright stepping over the line) for having this message deleted. But I am hoping that this is a learning experience for DAZ in how to plan to communicate to customers and avoid the level of distrust and vingear that is going on now.
There was morph3D/MCS system for unity
succceded by Morph ID
succeeded by "The Oasis"
succeeded by "Make tafi" now active in the Unity store.
The ratings are unanimous
I don't think [SPECULATION!!!1111] that Tafi will reverse itself so quickly. They've partnered with The Diigitals, and now apparently also with Champion, which has an even higher profile. We've no idea how Daz got involved with Champion, a brand not particularly associated with digital art or technology, but every company is a tech company now, I guess. Backing out now because of Daz forum posts could cause Tafi to lose face, and complicate attempts at future collaborations. Of course all this turning out to be a dud could do the same thing.
As for Tafi, it's a bit confusing. The press release about Tafi and Champion says Tafi was founded in 2019, but Tafi's fact sheet (scroll down) says 2016. Also that Daz is one of Tafi's brands, and not the other way around.
Every company that I have ever worked for has made at least one announcement like this.
However, every one of those companies talked to their customer facing employees to make sure all of them had the same information. Almost all of them handed out "talking points" so that all employees would be providing the same, consistent message, to the most predictable questions that customers would have.
Almost all of these companies also had rules that the customer facing employees were not to interpret the talking points and not to speculate about them. They weren't gagged, they were told to collect questions that didn't fall into the talking points. These questions would then be discussed at a follow up meeting so that new talking points, if needed, could be created. With the same consistent message.
Instead whats gone on here is complete chaos and its no wonder that customers are baffled and distrustful for what the plan is.
I believe that the counter point to your statement which has also been posted previously is that EULA's can and will change at anytime the company chooses. Just because daz wont do something today dosent mean they wont do it tomorrow.
I saw the headline and thought it was a question.
Shud U NFT? I dunno. Shud U? I think I shud not.
And they will let us know if the EULA changes...oh my god I could never be a mod here.
Wanna pitch in and send them cookies with me? :D