NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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I don't think threatened and hounding someone is right but revealing personal information like hers or his name? So very justified to me! That would be hurtful? What about me who has to ruin every piece of artwork I make w a big fat watermark when I want SO BAD to show it with no mark for my followers and fellow TR fans to enjoy. So no violence of any kind but revealing their name; serves them right. I put my heart and soul in every artwork I make and then some lowlife scum of the earth thief wants to make a quick buck or bitcoin or whatever and that is ok? They ruin my life and I feel sorry for them being exposed? That would be a hell no!
And for a thief that sees his theft exposed and deleting it? Are you really that naiv? I applogise as this sounds so rude, I mean that, but I just feel so strongly about this.
Edit: the qoute thing got weird here but hopefully you can see where my reply begins.
Edited to fix quoting
An entity that consistently borks metadata and has daily issues setting up links has now entered the business of selling products which consist entirely of metadata accessed via provided links? April Fools!
Also this bit. that means if your art is stolen it can't be taken down as such - theoretically you could gain control of it, or the profits from it, but if you don't want to take part in the system... well tough luck
Uh...that is the complete opposite of what I was saying. I don't feel sorry in the slightest for someone who steals and tries to sell others' art and was actually saying that internet mob justice *is* a potential solution to stopping that sort of piracy. If we understand each other correctly, we are in complete agreement.
Thats actually WHY I started doing sexier art (NOT porn though.) When I was a teenager and doing some modeling, there were sleazy photographers who said things like ‘just unbutton one more button sweetie” and more trying to coerce me to take my clothes off. I want to put those photographers out of business! I don’t do 3D porn, but I’m perfectly fine with people doing it, I think it can be psychologically damaging to real women and better left to CG models.
So can they put forums and the gallery back in the header of the website instead of NFTs?
And yes, I'd much rather see people making digital porn than starring in it themselves. That would be far less likely to be traumatic.
Social media basically does that. If you put a visible watermark on your art then post to Twitter, FB & Insta the same day, you are time stamping. Also if you have Photoshop you can add a copyright to the file under info.
It's honestly even stupider than that. An NFT is a token. It has nothing to do with the possession of the art itself. Wikipedia has one of the clearer explanations I've seen:
(emphasis mine)
In other words, the only thing you are buying is the "hash" that was created when the file was uploaded. The article later compares it to buying autographed copies of a book or piece of art; IMO it's more like buying only the autograph. The work itself isn't in any practical fashion included. At best you're getting a URL pointing to the work, which can of course be moved, deleted, lost, etc.
"Art theft" is used in this context simply in the sense that people who do not create the artwork are uploading images and creating these hashes from them, then selling the hashes. They haven't "stolen" anyone's work, or copyright, but they are making money off something they had no hand in creating, which many artists quite rightly object to.
It's very dumb, very fragile, and very, very wasteful.
I just got a new NFT promotion. Seems that DAZ do not learn.
This one is shadier than everything before because it actually tries to represent a physical object and the promo send you directly to OpenSea without explaining what NFTs are, much less what NFTs are not. So the distrated by a cool gif think they are actyally getting something exclusive when they at best this could be describe as bragging rights........ shared with 99 more people.
So sad anything related to DAZ is tied to NFTs; but if this is Tafi, leave it to tafi and don't mess with your digital models customers. Certainly don't send me email about it because i never subscribed to Tafi in the first place.
Wait, DAZ sent you a NFT promotion/NFT ad?
Wow, that's horrible.
That assumes that the situation remains fair in the case of a shortage, which is entirely untrue.
Once supply starts getting tight, the scalpers and miners break out the bots, and then people play that game and push up the prices on eBay, so more scalpers break out more bots... ultimately, the shortage falls entirely on the people who can't or won't play by the scalpers' rules; If you don't have the time to watch every possible stock alert Youtube video or Twitter account, and the speed to beat the bots and other desperate buyers, you lose.
I got my RTX 3060 by going absolutely all in on launch day, carefully synchronising my clocks to know exactly when the launch was, pre-picking a specific model from a specific site (no prices yet shown), getting lucky enough to discover about 40 seconds early that the site had signed everyone out and was putting them through anti-bot captchas (giving me an extra moment to sign back in) and then refreshing and clicking "Add to cart", "Checkout" and "Pay" as fast as physically possible - with no time to compare sites, prices on different models, etc.
Frankly, I behaved like a complete jerk; I was one of the people who made the situation less fair. But it was the only strategy I had for even a slim chance at being able to get one at retail, and had I not got it then, I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't have one now, over a month later. (And even if I did, I probably would have had very little choice about which model). I know there are people on the Daz Slackers Discord who have been looking since launch and have still come up short - to the point I actually genuinely feel quite guilty about the whole thing, because I'm not actually any more worthy of having that card than they are.
The situation right now is so bad that I recently sold a used 750 Ti - a card that was respectable but very distinctly entry level even when it was new - for a third more than I paid for it from the store nearly six years ago.
While a large part of this is down to the pandemic meaning that many workers need to, and many gamers want to, upgrade their systems, the miners are still exacerbating it. Anything that takes the pressure off will make that situation less unfair, by encouraging fewer scalpers. A mining crash would arguably be the best case scenario, because not only does that reduce demand, it *massively* increases supply - previous mining crashes have seen a flood of ex-mining GPUs washing onto the second hand market.
Not in the slightest. I'm in pretty deep here, and even I'm seriously wondering what my relationship with Daz is going to be like going forward. I've been working on things with the intention that they'd be saleable assets (and I already know there's the interest out there for them; I've had people DMing me on Discord asking if I'm selling them yet), but I honestly don't know if I'm willing to approach Daz about that at the moment.
I got an email too, yesterday. i just deleted it.
Makes sense, I used AdBlocker/Block Element on all the NFT movies and ads on the website.
Absolute savagery. I like you.
Sorry, I know that post was a thousand pages ago, but I just started reading this thread. Got about nine hundred and eighty-three pages left till I'm all caught up.
And to all those wondering about multiple coipes of NFTs, yes, you can make multiples, linked to the same work, but the NFT is unique. It's not the actual piece of art that's being sold, it's the number associated with it. Unless you're talking about socks. Those are real. Yes, I said socks, real life socks with NFTs.
DAZ sent me a Tafi (who/what is that?) Champions (?) NFT promotion o_O.
I have zero interest in that and don't see how it relates to 3D assets in any way. So I've hit the unsubscribe button with a *sigh*. (I actually liked getting the newsletter, but I don't want anything to do with NFTs)
First, you need a crypto wallet, then you need to buy ethereum, then take any image and mint it, pay a "gas" fee that is getting quite high, and will probably continue to rise. Then you decide how many of the things you want to make and then if you want to collect royalties on the further sales of the NFT (or something along those lines). Then you sell it or auction it or whatever. If Daz is going to start facilitating all that.... I don't even know what to say. It's probably going to be just some info on how to do all that and where to go to do the aforementioned "all that".
I got that too. Maybe the "Join the Community" pop-up was an effort to help push their NFT advertisements.
Same here and also immedtiatly ubsubscribed. To say it nicely i'm very very dissapointed with DAZ and there decision to jump on the NFT hype this way.
And the promoted "art" in the email you can bid on ..i find it a complete joke and Daz unworthy to attach themself to this. Very fitting to receive this on the first of april but i fear this isn't a april fools day joke
I received the same mail and also unsubscribed immediately. Given that this email has only Tafi content (even if it sent from a Daz account), I consider that an unsolicited email. Please turn back Daz, you are on the wrong track.
If you want to continue to receive the newsletter, you can create an email filter that deletes emails from Daz containing the string "NFT". Any modern email client should be able to do this.
In Gmail
newsletter public net version
I have no words
I am extremely disappointed to see Daz using their established communication with customers to promote this bullshit. Don't they realize how much respect they're losing with this nonsense?
The person who bought the one (1) Studio render so far also bought the Champion scrolling hoodie one. Their profile is the Real Crypto Experience.
Thank you, sounds like far more trouble than it's worth. I think we should just all start Patreon pages and support each other. I gave a little to HDRI Haven every month for a year and a little bit to a disabled manga artist for a few more.
I'm still shopping here though - NFTs will exist whether or not DAZ is involved. I'm not going to limit my own artistic resources and punish PAs who had nothing to do with this because the parent company is doing something we don't like.
...@Sevrin, Thank you for the memory jog, just set up a filter for my inbox.
Yeah, another one here now unsubscribed from the Daz newsletter after recieving unsolicited NFT crap .. it would almost be tolerable if it was Daz related but it's spamming some emoji rubbish from Tafi and Champion .. whoever the hell the latter is ..
Daz .. seriously .. stop this rubbish now .. nobody is interested and you're creating a lot of ill will ..