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Actually, the "Moon Modern" stuff over on 'Rocity has a very nice 60s-sci-fi look to it, since its meant to be a Jetsons pastiche, but with a bit of care would work easily in a general 1960s Star Trek, you just have to chuck the more obviously-toon pieces like the really goofy food-selection machine in one of the packs, or maybe hide the little antigravity-doohickies at the bottoms of some of the furniture by using prims. I've been slowly accumulating these sets and props precisely because they look nicely 60s-retro-scifi to me. Heck, the flying-car garage that comes bundled with the flying car would easily pass for a Starfleet shuttle-bay/hangerbay if you make it larger.
ACCURATE historical anything. Bonus points for accurate underclothes for women. Any period will do, I'm just desperate and get sad any time I see a dress that might be PERFECT but the lacing is out on the outside, or the skirt doesn't actually match the time period the sleeves are from or... well, you get the gist. :) By far the nicest, most accurate Victorian gown I've found is actually for G2, which is a bit dated even for me... but the quality, accuracy, and realism is years ahead of anything I've seen made in the past few years (for any item)
I really wish that female clothing came with non-high-heel options! When they come witrh heals, I have to omit the shoes/boots that they come with and kit bash.
Tools, scripts and enhancement morphs are my mainstay!
Non-modern european exterior and interior architecture
Non-posh appartments
Non stylized female characters
European vehicles of the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s
Hair styles of the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s
OOT hairs with dforce. ;-)
And 8k displacement maps for G8 characters.
...same here particularly morphing, shaping and, skin resource content as I create my own characters (about the only ones I use "out of the box" are Aiko 3 and several of the toon characters like Sadie, Sam, Mavka etc...).
I also have a fairly large collection of shader resources and scripts as well.
And if they don't have high heels, they walk on tiptoe, which is just as inappropriate and silly.
I grew up with three sisters. My mum, my sisters and myself ALWAYS walked around on tiptoe, just like in the Daz promo pics. Our dad and our dog were the only creatures in our household that stood and walked normally on their feet.... LOL
In fact anatomically, dogs, cats, horses and most mamals are walking on their tip toes.
Just smartassing here ;-)
I would like functional futons, hide-a-beds and murphy beds. Trundle beds would be nice too.
I'd like to see modern cars that aren't high-end sports cars. The only other options seem to be 70s muscle cars or "classic" cars. Where are all the Honda Civics and Hyunda's?
Normal Rockwell inspired Americana environments. I plunked down hundred bucks at Kitbash 3D for their Americana set out of desparation.
Contemporary British houses. There's nothing in the store that looks like where I live and aside from the Northern Terrace and the European Suburb, nothing that actually fits in with any British suburb. No detached houses from the 80s, no wood-clad semis from the 60s... Just normal houses, not big luxury mansions.
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson clothing, sets, and tools of their various trades. Gibson Girl dresses. Edwardian era clothing and props. Feast foods, delicacies and desserts from various eras.
Historically accurate under garments would be brilliant!
It seems the same things keep being made over and over, and I don't just mean sexy lingerie. There are several football, and especially cheerleader outfits, but not a single baseball uniform.
And while I'm a big fan of the Fugazi/Ironman products and the new 50's Diner looks great, I already own two very similar products. Some other shop interiors would be more useful. Or an exterior for all those diners.
It's like the only apartments they see are on TV, where people with minimum-wage jobs in NYC live in multi-million dollar condos. And as for the occasional "messy apartment" products, I would think I was in the wrong house if my home was that clean.
American Football, yes there has been a few, but of the far more widely played (at least outside the US) version of football (or soccer as the US calls it), the only uniform available here is one for M4.
Speaking of sports, Hockey could also use a lot more love. Haven't had any uniforms since M4 and there hasn't ever been a rink designed for Daz AFAIK.
Vertical starships.
...agreed. I'd also like to see a more "basic" cheap flat that shows its "age" with mismatched furniture and older appliances. Particul;arly those cheap "cookie cutter" apartments from the 70s and 80s.
A few images of the apartment complex off campus I lived in when I was attending Evergreen College in Olympia WA back in the 80s. It was a bit more run down back then (as the management we had was pretty bad when it came to upkeep) but it's still the same basic cheap construction and as I mentioned "cookie cutter" floor plan as all apartments (save for the ones on the at the ends of the buildings on the ground floor) were the same basic layout.
LIving room and kitchen
One of he bedtrroms
Floor plan
Another very common cookie-cutter apartment layout has a walkthrough galley kitchen immediately to one side of the entry door which opens to the combined dining/living area. On the opposite side of the entry door are the bedrooms, bathroom, front closet and sometimes laundry/storage room, although often there is a communal laundry room in the basement, and the storage rooms are in the basement as well. In bigger buildings it may be one communal laundry room per floor.
Simple, non-fancy houses would be nice too. Collective3D's neighborhood sets are still the best in the field, and he stopped making content years ago.
And throw in a ice hockey field. Just the rink would do.
Baseball. Have the field, balls and bats, but not one single, useable modern day baseball glove to tie them together.
Motocross. Have the bike, but need the modern day helmet, goggles and chest protector.
Cycling/Mountain biking. Have a good road bike and a workable mountain bike but could really use some bike helmets, especially for the mountain bike.
Preferably for G8f/m seeing how I don't use G9 but I'd still buy, even at full price, even if they are made for G9!
...I have all of them.
Yeah so much of what I see in the store lately is too "modern" for my tastes.. Bad enough in RL where I live developers buy and tear down nice charming classic homes and replace them with hideous modern apartments that are "eyesores".
there is a frozen lake
I recall a rink and a vehicle for smoothing the ice but canot find either
update Poserworld had the rink
There was a rink in this one;
and no it was a snow plow not an ice resurfacer I was thinking of