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I'd love to see middle-class and upscale clothing, hairdos and accessories from the 1930's to 1950's era. Classy and tailored clothing as they used to be then. Carefully coiffed hair that Lauren Bacall, young Liz Taylor, Grace Kelly would wear. I want to see realistic shoes from that era without heels so high that no woman could possibly wear them on the street.
I'd love to make Noir and screwball comedy scenes, so two piece skirt suits with skirts reaching below the knee and jackets with shoulder pads for women, cocktail dresses, tails, tuxedos, Cartier-style jewelry, regular dresses, men's suits with wide, pleated and cuffed pants and broad-shouldered jackets with wide collars as they used to wear then. Watches, hats, fascinators, handbags (small to medium, structured and elegant), swing coats, coats in general.
Also - 1940's style interiors that were fairly feminine.
I'd love to see items that scream "classy, tailored, era-appropriate".
Please, please help out vendors! I'd pay big bucks for those and I know I'm not the only one.
If modelers need a good reference for styles of clothing across the past century this site offers generations of inspiration
Traveling in steamship era, historical or imaginary, lavishly decorated interior cabins, and grand dining hall, and everything that goes with ocean traveling on these ships...
There's a hospital room set by a vendor named Ziggie over on Rendo. It's very mid-century in general appearance. But it's in the Clearance collection so you may need to move fast. I bought it years ago and have used it *a lot*.
It's a Poser model, and you'll need to do the conversions if you want it in Iray.
Things that pop in mind
Mesopotamia (Ur, Uruk, etc.)
Minoan culture; Knossos
Ostrogoths - Visigoths
Merovingians, Carolingians.
South American cultures (Mayan, Aztec, Inca)
Polynesia, Micronesia, Maori, Indonesia
Ottoman Empire
16th century in general. French Grand Siecle.
Dutch 17th Century. (Frans Hals, Vermeer)
Cossack culture.
Jiddish culture.
Smaller European countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia, Portugal, Spain)
Art Noveau/Jugendstil
1940s America.
1970s fashion (Yes, I know it was ugly. But for historic accuracy)
1980s Power Fashion with shoulder pads.
1990s rave culture.
I thought of something else that's badly needed. Every really hilly town or city has steep streets with shops and/or homes on either side, as well as long (often narrow) stairs going up to higher levels in those places. Typically, there are level doorsteps with doors opening onto the sloped street. In the case of stairs there is usually a small landing where the doors open onto the stairs. We have a few really nice sets that have different levels (Stonemason's come to mind), but none that are really steep with roads.
Ideally, the set would be modular and something generic that could be found in different parts of the world, and specifically have both a road for vehicles as well as stairs for pedestrians. Add-on packs with different street furnishings, window shutters, roofs, wall surfaces, road surfaces, etc. could be offered to make it more suitable for different locales/cultures/historical eras. It would be awesome if some of the doors, windows and shutters could open and close. Add-on sets with small balconies or rooftop terraces would be awesome as well.
Here are examples from different parts of the world.
New Zealand
World, fantasy and historical musical instruments. Especially a horse head fiddle and a hurdy gurdy.
When looking through the available content here regarding clothing, there are a lot of fantasy clothes available for women that contain skimpy skirts as well as clothing for men that are military style and can't hardly be used for everyday people.
This could be a great item, if a longer skirt would be added as alternative. The same applies to the following item
I probably will get them one day, but I will definitely replace the short skirts with longer ones. I know of other products that provide skirts in different lengths.
@sazzyazzca: I love the streeets in Lisbon, particularly the little trams that go up and down them. Almost like a roller coaster:
[edited to fix several late night typos]
I fell in love with Lisbon the first time I was there. Such a wealth of history, architecture, culture, gastronomy, art, music has everything.
More stately homes AKA Albert mansion or Harwood house they do not need an interior.
Mansions can be derelict or in their prime (both is even better) and if they have an enviroment like albert manion does I will love them even more in fact a landscape garden with nice follys would be even better still.
The only thing I dislike about Albert mansion is all the skulls and witchcraft stuff stuck all over it thankfully thats all removeable and its a VERY useful prop and is obviouly commercialy usefull as if you look on amazon it keeps popping up on book covers.
Another important thing:
I love the Rural Chateau stuff, but I also would love to get an exterior view of that chateau. If you use these internal assets in a story, you probably will have an exterior scene as well and then there should be the same windoes and entrance. Some of the new buildings and rooms have an exterior as well as an interior package (e.g. ROG). I really like that, but for some interior stuff I have, I will have to construct my own exterior.
Have you seen this;
I haven't read every post in here yet, but has anyone mentioned Amish items? That might be useful for some renders.
I'd really like clothes somebody like me would wear to work. Why are all the skirts so short?
...still would love to see a large eccentric English country manor in the Tudor, Edwardian, Elizabethian, or Victorian style.
This! Where the sections grew over the centuries and the family prospered and was able to add to the house. Maybe even a priest hole and tunnel for during Elizabethian/Cromwellian times? Gradual aging shaders for the textures, furniture that blends the mixed styles, trading out old for new, and how was indoor plumbing/gas/electricity was added when available?
Interior and exterior sets that match up as the house grows. Please.
Civil war and napoleonic era would be great to see
Definetly 1940s and 1950s USA !
Yes, we have a bunch of Rockabilly Themed Clothes and PinUp Styles.
But if you take closer look to the Style and Design of that era you'll see the the difference to what is currently offered in the store.
I would love to see more Hats, Coats, Dresses, Hairstyles, Gloves an Suits from that era.
For refernce:
I'd like to see a plaid flannel shirt over a t-shirt for G9 masculine. Obviously it could be worn by both genders, but I'm not looking for "sexy" version.
Kind of like this but with the flannel unbuttoned (or both buttoned and unbuttoned).
There are several polar, alpine and winter environments that need some appropriate clothing, they didn't have down-stuffed polyester/nylon outerwear in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Basically anything before the age of synthetics. Coats and parkas w/hoods and fur trim, scarves, mitts, pants, boots, hats, extra layers... Anything needed for a good walk in -40 degree weather.
We don't have ice fishing items. For some of us in cold winter climates, it's a really big deal. and common winter pastime. The same goes for snowshoeing, snowmobiling, winter barbeques/bonfires, ice racing, ice mazes, and giant ice slides.
I could totally use this too.
...being a former resident of north central Wisconsin, I'd be into that. An environment set/bundle with a lake setting, ice fishing shacks, fishing gear, and appropriate props would be great. Wouldn't have to be "generation specific" either.
Not to forget swimming
Ah! Those Finns...! ;-)
We could use some more slippers, slipper socks and mittens. We don't really have orthopedic shoes for older characters, and we don't have a nursing home set either.
(Closed sheepskin slippers would be great too.)
There are vendors watching this thread ;)
Just remember PAS all have different interests and abilities. You may not be interested in Sci Fi, but the PA may be. Sometimes we make things because we think they will sell, or because they bring us joy. Sometimes, we make things to learn from or build up our skills while still producing a paycheck. Be gentle.
I am very thankful that you started this thread and are watching, and that other vendors are as well. :)