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See I stepped away to start happy hour and people that don't have law degrees are trying to decipher the law on who can do what
That's kind of the point of all the strict rules around some companies have around making this kind of content. I'm sure they've already had lawyers go through this and give them guidance so they don't end up paying fines or worse. Imma go back to this chilled german beer
I don't know if it counts but I am roughly 12 feet away from my brother who does have a law degree in California. Nonetheless, laws are never created de novo so it is relatively easy to search and find the discussion of the law as it proceeded through the process of being made and see what was said about why the law was proposed and what was covered. The cited Wikipedia article actually states the sorts of things covered.
Modern non harley clone motorcycles that have been checked for real world usability by someone who can ride. I've bought some strange things in the store here. One with no connection between the endine and gearbox, at least one with mirrored controls that wouldn't actually function and a few with no means of support while parked. I wouldn't mind editorial licence items if that's what it takes.
Realistic uniforms of any kind or period.
Cat 3 with left and right eye mats so I could do one blue eye and ane green eye like real cats have.
Love the ideas!
Would love to see more toon animals. Dinasaurs, monkeys (more updated ones :D), etc...
...still waiting for Cat 8.
It would be nice to see Heterochromia eye sets (each eye a different colour) for people as well. It would be nice if such a product were more universal so it can be used on different Genesis generations.
That's absolutely untrue. You can not go hunting for found artifacts, of any type, Native American, American, or even biological on federal or tribal land and then resell those artifacts. You can't even search for them without permission. Universities and those with the proper contacts get that permission all the time (e.g. Clovis Anzick and so many more) but not the likes of an average citizen. On private land you may, and then you may sell what you find without any legal recourse for any tribe, federal, state, or local government. All you have to do is watch a few shows of PBS's Antiques Road Show or go buy a bunch or old arrowheads and such to see that myth dispelled. to motorcycles about the only one that looks close to real is the Triton Motorcycle which is based on the Triumph 550. It at least has a more proper looking engine bur alas, no stand.
I forgot we jumped to 8 with the dog. It's not like mismatched eyes are uncommon, there was David Bowie, so that's one human - and also one of my cats. One cat out of three and a half suggests that odd eyes are pretty normal.
I can sort of see it on a track day toy but it's still a useful thing to have.
I'd buy front and rear paddock stand models, headstands, rollers or liftable workbenches. In reality I use an Abba superbike stand on occasion but that's a pretty specific item and I can't imagine there's any market for a model of it.
with G9 the eyes have seperate material zones so it is easy to put a texture to one eye and a different one to another.
the others have 2 eyes on the texture maps but you just need to edit it there instead
you could use LIE
I'm going to pick up the street bike construction kit later, there's been a lot of effort put into that and it looks good. There are some good scooters and mopeds in the store and lots of cruisers but not so many street bike types. Can't be easy to do believable while remaining generic enough to not fall foul of the manufacturers though. There are a couple of good bikes on Rendo as well.
I'd like to see period-accurate characters or makeup sets that have the correct eyebrow and lip shapes for a particular era matched with the correct makeup colours and placement for that era. It's very seldom you see them together. For example, over-drawing the cupid's bow and not going all the way to the outer edges of the lips was common in the flapper era, as were thin, downturned and often lower brows. Smokey eyes were common, but different placement of shadow from later eras. In the 30's brows were higher and rounded arcs, but still thin. Lipstick was placed to the edges of the mouth and thinner, wider lips became fashionable. In the 40s the brows became thicker,and more sharply arched,and the thinner, wider lips of the 30's now had rounded and shallow cupid's bows. Overdrawing the top other edges and underdrawing the bottom outer edges was also common. Etc., Etc. through the decades. Lips can mostly be done with morphs, but the correct brows and makeup fall short. This may seem like nit-picking, but lack of accuracy in this can make characters seem really out of place in historical images,
...I also have that and it is pretty representational of a contemporary motorcycle with a water cooled engine.
The Hard Tail Rat also looks pretty decent, loosely based off a customised BMW R18 with the "boxer" engine (and it even has a kickstand)..
PA's should take note of this thread. First of all, stop copying what's already been done. We don't need more of the same. Second, make an item historically accurtate. For example, the 1932 Ford Model 18 V8 was a popular gangster car of the era. Focus on the iconic rather than making a silly made up version. Look at photographs of the Frankenstein movie and make a mad scientist lab like THAT.
Characters/Outfits/Hair I want and need: Vintage Milk Man, Uncle Sam, newborn baby, vintage police officer (think Keystone Cops), vintage fireman, vintage newspaper boy, detailed mad scientist clothes, vintage train engineer, realistic civil war soldier outfit, realistic clown outfit, Napoleon, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Amish people, Pilgrims, car mechanic outfit, realistic farmer outfit, realistic NASA style spacesuit, realistic gold miner/prospector, realistic 50's outfits, Munchkins, wicked witch of the west type outfit, Elvis type character and clothes, 1960's style clothes, vintage doctor, vintage telephone operator, mail man
Stuff I Want/Need: 1950's kitchen, REAL Frankenstein lab, REAL gangster car, realistic Dutch windmill, flying pig, flying monkey, realistic 1950's cars, modern operating room, vintage telephone operator station, realistic vintage drug store, realistic vintage gas station, realistic vintage dentist office, realist vintage doctor office, realistic vintage steam train locomotive
That's enough for now, give me more time and it'll be a much longer list.
Please, don't respond saying we have some of the above. If there is anything close, it's not realistic enough or lacks quality. What gets me is the bones exist for a lot of this stuff, a few tweaks and you have a new product.
David Bowie didn't have mismatched eyes. He had one eye that was permanently dilated due to a childhood injury. Both of his eyes were blue.
as a kid I had a neighbour with a son my age with one brown eye and one blue eye, we walked to school with their family
the teachers picked on him because he was simple
and he was crippled (I know that term offensive now but at 7years old I had no idea of what his actual disability was)
I mention this because I stuck up for him a few times telling one teacher who hit him with the ruler Jesus helped the cripples you must not hit him
he was also my neighbour and I had to love my neighbours as myself so this was all very wrong to me a good little Sunday School kid
I'd like vintage police outfits - but British ones, I'd also like civil war outfits but again British - I'm presuming that you meant US style - it really would help if people didn't just presume that everyone wants US stuff.
You are a good person!
nah I was a nasty little brat TBH, I once poked another kid with a needle in a sewing lesson
got the cuts with the yardstick for that, bloody deserved it
I agree. And because 3D is virtual and not real, I doubt that law even has any teeth. Besides, it's real easy to put the clause "product designed and produced by a non-Native American" in the description. Problem solved. I think that law applies to the sale of artifacts and collectibles made by real Native American tribes - things like woven items, clay pots, jewelry, etc....
I realize a lot of you are really itching to get some great Native American content, myself included, but this will probably not be the place. As I stated before there are a lot of rules around it - maybe that law MM suggested, maybe not, either way Daz isn't too keen on accepting it. I don't want this thread to derail, its been a great source of ideas and inspiration :)
Words I have seen being emphasized are "realistic" "historically accurate" "vintage" "every day" and are a great starting point for vendors looking to fill a niche. Maybe I will try one of these and see how well it does :)
Just like @scorpio would like "civil war outfits but again British", maybe for a battle scene. Every guy my age grew up playing cowboys and the other guys and now we can't play...
It isn't nearly as much fun playing egyptians and mongols, even with plenty of artifacts and clothing.
What is the British Civil War and what do the uniforms look like? Googling brings up the English Civil Wars of 1642, or is it something different?
Around 1642 is the only civil war regarded as such in England. There were insurrections in parts of the country ('Bonnie Prince Charlie' & the Monmouth Rebellion) that could reasonably qualify, but were not really sufficiently protracted or involved a large enough part of the population.
I've seen it said (by an American Historian, I may add) that the American War of Independance was the second English Civil War where those who were revolting had no way to kick the Monarchy out as they couldn't advance on the Capital. As a result, they had to put up with dividing the nation rather than keeping it in one piece. There is a certain amount to be said for this view, (like the little story about a Boston Patriot who declared 'An Englishman's home is his castle' and promptly opened fire on the redcoats) but I don't think it's particularly widespread. I confess to not knowing enough to be able to come to a reliable view on it.
There was no real concept of British in 1642, so yes, this likely means English Civil war of 1642-1651 (although the important part was over by 1645).
There are pretty much no real 3D assets in this store for this, think of loose renaissance style clothing with a steel breast plate. Crude muskets and lots of pikes. It pitched parliment against the king until the latter lost his head, and England had a brief period of it's history as a republic.
I think the War of the Roses in the 15th century would definitely count as a civil war, and it was during this that the largest ever pitched battle took place on what is now the UK, the battle of Towton (
Thanks for the info all. Being in the U.S. you don't always hear about some of the history in other countries and I was curious what the British Civil war was or if that is what the British called the American Revolution since it was against the British.