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@wondergirl0706 - Correct!
Thank you both for participating in my little quiz.
Well someone was on the tip of my tongue as I thought I recognized your sculpt but it's been one of those days, I can't recall nouns. And it's always nouns I can't recall on these sorts of days. I guess it's a true test if folk get who it is when a bit younger with not quite the hairdo he was most commonly seen with. So much of recognising these famous people have a lot more to do with their typical expressions than I would of thought too.
Thanks you two for correcting me on the cause is dimples. I think you are close but his face needs to be somewhat more angular and thinner, although I suppose with young photos he'd have more baby fat.
I have noticed that too - Clark Gable's signature Cheshire Cat smile really makes Clark Gable Clark Gable. His face wasn't angular - certainly when he was young - he had a more oval shaped jaw and very round cheeks (see attached photo), so no - that is not where the mistake lies. I have to work on his mouth area more and try to "relax" his face, because now he is smiling too much.
The issue of using hair that is wrong for the character really bugs me, because the hairline and hairstyle so influence how we perceive the face. Doesn't look though like any vendor has plans to make a slick, 1930's-1940's style hair.
Oh, so Gable in your sculpt really looks more like that photo.
Sorry, my earlier reference to a thinner, more angular face was for Heston, not Gable. My prior post's language was garbled and vague.
No worries. We got it sorted out.
Pop quiz: Who is this mystery man?
Clues: The hair in the image is wrong. Imagine him with longer, straight slicked back, light brown hair. Always plays the hero. Strong, silent type.
He almost reminds me of Paul Newman but Paul Newman is too modern for the stable of stars your are doing. Also, Paul Newman wasn't known as the strong, silent type in his movies, or was he?
You're right, this isn't Paul Newman. This is my take on Gary Cooper. I have worked on him only for less than two days, so his likeness is still definitely off but I was wondering how much of him I've managed to capture so far...
So that explains it. I've of course heard so much about Gary Cooper but have never even seen a picture of him, unless he was that guy that played Lou Gerig in that film I saw as a boy in the 70s. This model does look like Lou Gerig as portrayed by that actor in that movie.
I love that song, Puttin' On the Ritz! Now this is a character I'm excited you are making. He needs to be in a Yankee uniform!
That's the guy. My mom adored him. No wonder - he was a babe magnet, he was so tall (6' 3"), manly and handsome. Check out his photos as a young guy. A real looker.
I have been avoiding upgrading to G9 for ages. But your gallery is SO GOOD, I feel like I need to start looking more seriously at it! My main issue is that there are so few free textures and characters for G9, so I've been slow to adopt. Although since I took like a 8 month break from 3D art, maybe there are more G9 freebies out there. I just haven't looked that hard.
I did the search you suggested. He looks a lot like those men in those advertising art layouts for expensive fashionable clothing in those magazine ads from way back During my entire elementary school days I thought Gary Cooper was actually Lou Gerig!
@perlk - Thanks for being so enthusiastic about my gallery. I'm trying!
I really like G9 with two exceptions: that I practically always have to create a second eye morph for the characters I'm making (this won't affect DAZ users not interested in character creation). Another issue - often when I dial in a female body into the base model the clothing on it , especially around the breast area, gets crumpled. I also find that sometimes the weight maps don't work as they should (I'm talking about G9 clothing products).(Edit: Please see attached photos) I have a sense that some products get rushed into the store nowadays. The crumpling issue is definitely something that should be adressed when body types are changed.
As for textures, I like the texture I created out of the female Asian base texture. I took it into Photoshop, cloned out the worst imperfections on the "skin", desaturated yellow and lightened it a bit and voila - I've got a perfect female, Caucasian skin.
If you want a set of 4 nice textures for a Caucasian male, then I suggest buying the Rogues HD G9 character. Lovely textures, don't look so great on the promos but they are the best I've come around so far and they are really good.
@nonesuch00 - those big stars used to be fashion icons as well. Gary Cooper certainly was one of them along with Cary Grant, Clark Gable and Tyrone Power, so no wonder he looks like straight off a fashion magazine cover. But he was also a real Montana boy and would be a great Marlboro Man - which makes sense as he was a chain smoker which finally led him to die of cancer.
If you missed it, the problem was reported by @barbult in the new releases topic (middle of page 40), the PA answered and will look into it.
@Elor - Thank you for letting me know. That is good news indeed!

I have just finished the final version of Sweetheart G9 (Marilyn Monroe). I could tinker with her likeness some more but I feel like I simply had enough. I made a fast render of the finished version of Sweetheart G9, so you know what you will be getting:
While I'm writing, I thought I'd give you a status update on the Classic Hollywood Stars project:
I have finished all the female likenesses (ten of them) and five men. There will be 9 men altogether (I couldn't settle my heart on the tenth guy), so four require still more work .
Here is the full list of the finished morphs:
Audrey Hepburn (Luminous G9)
Ava Gardner (Contessa G9)
Elizabeth Taylor (Violet G9)
Grace Kelly (Princess G9)
Ingrid Bergman (Pure G9)
Judy Garland (Nightingale G9)
Lauren Bacall (Sultry G9)
Marilyn Monroe (Sweetheart G9)
Rita Hayworth (Passionate G9)
Vivien Leigh (English Rose G9)
Clark Gable (Rhett G9)
Gregory Peck (Magnificent G9)
Humphrey Bogart (The Legend G9)
James Dean (Rebel G9)
Robert Mitchum (Tough Guy G9)
Gentlemen in the making:
Burt Lancaster (name not chosen yet for morph)
Cary Grant (Debonair G9)
Gary Cooper (Hero G9)
James Stewart (Jimmy G9)
At least you don't have to wonder who will be included in the bundle. I wanted to do Fred and Ginger but I ran into problems with both of their likenesses, so I dropped the idea. Maybe later. Besides, the height of their popularity was in the thirties and I am making likenesses of stars of the 1940s and early 1950s, so it makes more sense that they aren't included in this bundle.
That's all for now.
Edit: I am attaching a render of Sweetheart in a zeroed pose and just with Portia hair, so you can better evaluate the resemblance to Marilyn Monroe:
Great final roster. There are some I wish could've been there, like Olivia De Haviland, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, or Paul Newman and Marlon Brando, but I completely understand. A set amount of characters. Your Marilyn looks phenominal, by the way.
@wondergirl0706 - Thank you for liking "my" Marilyn!
There are so many excellent actors who didn't make the cut but I will be continuing to sculpt morphs after I'm done with this bundle and I am sure I'll make Bette Davis and Joan Crawford likenesses. I like the idea of making Paul Newman (I don't particularly care for Marlon Brando, so I doubt I'll be sculpting him). I would include Paul Newman in this bundle but I don't think I will have time for another morph. I'm already keeping you waiting so long...
She is good, a great likeness I recognize even without her "trademark" expressions of her personality. I am itching to mess with DAZ again and use your morphs but I have to remain disciplined and wait until I rejigger my PC and network to my satisfaction. I've bought a quite a few DAZ products I have yet to download then too.
That's quite a list and you are now the all time top Hollywood Star morph maker for Poser/DAZ 3D dating back to 1999, and there have been a few.
Whoa, nonesuch00! I feel the bubbles rushing to my head!
I think the distinction for most celebrity morph-maker belongs to magnus but I never checked out other sculptors so I wouldn't really know. Anyway, your enthusiasm is appreciated!
I hope you manage to set up your computer and network properly until mid-January. I plan to release the bundle then. I'm not doing presets as I am not including any materials nor anatomical attachments like brows and such, so there is little point in that and it would take quite a lot of time to prepare the icons and make the presets which I'd rather spend on the morphs. There will be only the regular morph sliders (yes, those will have the little face icons). I believe it is simpler and cleaner this way. Less ratther pointless clutter in your content window.
Glad Sweetheart is looking good to you.
If I may suggest a few candidates for #10, I'd put forth any of the following:
Lon Cheney (father or son)
Bela Lugosi
Vincent Price
Charles Laughton
Errol Flynn
@Eustace Scrubb - That is a very interesting (and spooky!) list. The only problem with Lon Chaney senior is that he is always under different types of makeup and I wouldn't know how to sculpt him! LOL I think that instead of Bela Lugosi I'd rather sculpt Christopher Lee - DAZ users would get Dracula and Saruman (not to mention a certain James Bond villain) at the same time.
I have to say that I have a soft spot for Charles Laughton, because he made "The Night of the Hunter", now considered a true masterpiece but opened first to bad reviews which effectively put an end to Laughton's career as a film director. Brilliant actor but I don't know that I would want to sculpt him.
Vincent Price - interesting face and would go nicely with Christopher Lee. Now all we need is Peter Cushing and Boris Karloff and we have a Hammer Films collection! Great for all your Halloween needs.
Errol Flynn - boy, I wish I had enough hours in the day to make all of those characters.
I know I will be rounding out my list with Bette Davis, Joan Crawford and Paul Newman and I'll give Jean Harlow another shot. Also Fred and Ginger and Gene Kelly. That is my personal wish list. If Jean Harlow finally turns out well, I'll think about William Powell, which in turn means I should make a likeness of Myrna Loy... the list goes on and on.
I really need to focus on what I'm doing now and stop dreaming...
I didn't mean quantity, but quality. I mean I have seen others do better likenesses, but they were not restrained by Poser/DAZ face counts and using COTS texture sets. Also I should clarify - you've never done texures and the texures are THE major part of what made those others sculpts better likenesses.
I probably won't get my network & computer setup by mid-January because the extra car I have has been stolen and I was going to use the sale of that to fund they extra measures I'm taking. I know who stole it and and know where the stolen vehicle is and am almost done preparing the paperwork recording the evidence to file charges. I don't know how long it will take until my extra car is seized and returned but I can start buying the equipment by March 2024 no matter who long the legal system takes to return my car.
I did do some research though on open source security intrusion software and I want to try it out. It runs on all the major platforms. I also want to buy an iPhone 15 Pro Max next year as this iPhone SE 2016 is continually being broke into, and then they have access to the rest of my local network. I think my iPhone / laptop was broke into again but it's difficult to tell between a slow VPN network, a software bug, and hardware that is now 7 years old if one doesn't monitor and record the data which of course I'm not going to spend my time doing. That's what the experts that have jobs are supposed to do. So after I file charges about the stolen car, I will wipe my laptop, desktop, and phone and try this open source security software. My old iPhone will probably lead to that local network getting broke into again so I'm forced to do daily clean image installs - too slow, so maybe weekly, until I got that new hardware. I am interested to see if the oss security intrusion SW works so I promise to do some renders of your morphs in January when you release them.
Anyway, thanks for all your work.
@nonesuch00 - Oh, I see. You are right that a good texture elevates a mediocre sculpt. I personally look at my work and see how uneven it is. That is why I decided to redo my G8.1 morphs for G9. I guess it is a matter of me having a reasonably well trained eye by now - I can see better what works and what doesn't. The positive thing is that I know that I always give my absolute best when doing a likeness, so at least I know I did what I could to the upmost. The same is true so far with the bundle - I'm working for 13 or more hours per day to have the likenesses done on the scheduled time and with a quality that I will (hopefully) finally be happy with. Thank you for your appreciation. I, in turn, appreciate your kindness.
I am so sorry that you are being harrased and in such a persistent and very damaging way. You are a strong and brave man to endure this without giving in. I can only hope that one day someone will come across your case and care enough to put your tormentors behind bars.
I am very much looking forward to seeing your renders. They are always so delightful.
Later, my friend.
My final version of Pure G9 (Ingrid Bergman), featuring perlk's Elizabeth Necklace
Let me know what you think! Thanks in advance!
Render available also in my gallery.
@richardandtracy - Thank you so much, Richard. This is music to my ears and honey poured over my heart.
I have to say I cannot instantly recognise Ingrid Bergman so I had to look up online images of her to verify the likeness - and it's superb. However, my comment above was simply my instantaneous gut reaction based on the beauty of the image you have created, the realism of the pose and the feeling of gentle engagement with something out of view. As a portrait, it's the sort of thing I aspire to with no real hope of achieving.
The fact you have sculped the face is simply.. oh I don't know. You really should be so proud of your achievement, it's amazing.
@richardandtracy - this is clearly put and heartfelt praise indeed. Thank you again. The beauty of this image doesn't compare to the beauty of your honesty, humility and kindness. It takes a real mensch to speak like that. Your wife is a winner, Richard.

I recognize her because I remember from Casablanca. You've done well.