Is there any need for classic Hollywood G9 head morphs?

AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

Hi there,

I started converting my classic Hollywood head morphs from G8.1 to G9 using the method outlined in Jay Versluis' tutorial on Youtube with some additional steps I came up with by myself, so you would get the head morph with the base, androgynous body of G9. While I'm at it, I am using this opportunity to resculpt the heads so the likeness is better and more detailed. I believe I have started and (in some cases) almost finished the re-sculpt of 5-6 heads.

Then the question in the title of this thread has arisen - is there any point in me doing that? Are you interested in the upgraded G9 versions of my head morphs? Maybe I am just wasting my time? As there is no "View" counter next to the thread titles, I have no way of gauging the amount of interest in my work and I don't want to do all this tranferring, resculpting and turning the sculpts into morphs just for myself.

What are your thoughts on that?

Next issue:

As I would like to release all the new, G9 morphs all at once and I don't want to clog the Freebies forum with a huge zip file that most likely won't upload anyway, can I post a link to Google Drive , so you could download the morphs in one package from there?  If that is not an option, what else could I do?

I might add two new characters to this package and my question is who would be the best candidate? If you have an interest in any particular actor from the 1930s to early 1950s period, please let me know. 

Thank you for taking time to read this post and even more for answering to it! smiley





  • Yes there is.  Genesis 9 is the future, at lease for the forceeable future, and I have already made the switch.  I am impatinetly waiting for the Monroe & Bacall head morphes cheeky.  I would also like to see a few pinup model morphs (Bettie Page, Bunny Yeager, etc...).  Not sure about Google Drive though.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,946

    I will confess I am a slow adopter for G9. I have V9, and that character has convinced me to pause with G9. Superb close-ups, just not sure about the bodies. I want to be convinced, but haven't been yet, especially as most of my images are distance views rather than portraits.

    So, from my POV, do it if you wish to and will enjoy doing so. There is no 'Urgent Desire' coming from my corner.



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well asking 3D media collectors if they've had enough is well, sure to get a unanimous "no".

    I think it will be a good learning exercise for you to do the conversion and then the extra sculpt mods with the higher G9 resolution. You might find it teaches you a few new tricks and approaches because technically, if you have the possibility to get better results than with G8, wouldn't you want to give it a whirl and see if you actually do?

    Good luck!

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,709

    Did we get James Cagney yet, or Fae Wray, either in G8 or G9?


    May we, please?

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you all for your input so far. Very interesting ideas and thoughts.

    billyben_0077a25354 - I really like your vintage pinup idea. From a practical point of view though it would be better to focus on actors who starred with the ones, whose likenesses I have already made. This way you can make scenes from movies with "actors" interacting with each other, so for now I have to say "No" to your idea but I will keep it in the back of mind and probably someday return to it. smiley

    nonesuch00 - You are right of course. It was kind of a silly question on my part but I really had that moment when I wondered if there would be any interest in recreating the G8.1 characters as G9. If it isn't a redundant exercise. And yes, you are right, this will give me a chance to master the workflow of converting characters as well as having the pleasure of sculpting the more hi-res model of G9 into familiar faces. Thank you for pointing all this out. Those are valid points indeed. Oh, and I know you vote for Natalie Wood...

    ShadowChaser (I think) wanted James Dean. Natalie Wood and James Dean starred together in "Rebel Without A Cause". So there you have a connection. I promised I would make James Dean for her but I tried already four times and I have gotten nowhere with him, so as much as I'd like to see James Dean among the head morphs I made, for now the outlook is bleak on that one.

    Eustace Scrubb - I made especially for you Peter Lorre (have you seen him?), because I remember you asking for him. Out of the two characters you've mentioned, I think James Cagney is more interesting to me and would have more use as a head morph. I see you vote for character actors. That's good. We cannot have just leading ladies and gentlemen. They need to play against someone. Cagney was such a brilliant actor. Like Edward G. Robinson.

    I guess the real question is whose likeness would prove most useful for the greatest number of DAZ users and that is the best way to look at this issue I would suggest.

    richardandtracy - worry not, Richard. The day will come when you will be switching to G9 for good. It is just a matter of time. Maybe it will be a long time for you but I believe it will happen... wink

    Keep those thoughts and ideas coming. I didn't get a lot of feedback from you lately, so it is good to see that there actually is some interest in my work. kiss




  • SapphireBlueSapphireBlue Posts: 1,048

    Just saw this AOBB. I have a small useful set of G9 products, but don't see myself making the move to G9 for a while at least. But I think eventually more people would adopt G9 for regular use, so at that point your G9 versions would definitely be a wonderful addition. yes

    As for suggestions, how about Frank Sinatra, a young Marlon Brando or James Dean if any of those spark an interest for you? smiley

    Google drive downloads seem fine to me. Good luck! This is a big project!! heart

  • Jan_ScrapperJan_Scrapper Posts: 354

    I haven't tried G9 yet.  However, I went from Poser to Daz in 2018.

    I used V4, then learned to use all of the Genesis generations up to G8.  

    So, I'm still loving G8 and just using G8.1 :)

    I would love a Judy Garland morph.  When she was in "Meet Me in St. Louis!"  I so love your morphs and you are one fantastic artist!!!

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @SapphireBlue - Yes, there isn't even enough G9 content to make the move to G9 an enticing proposition. I am thinking that I will take my time with this project (good several months seems likely) and maybe by then there will be some retro stuff  available for G9 and more DAZ users would have switched to G9. I don't want to rush this project, so I don't end up later with morphs already posted that I only later regret not working on some more. So, I most likely won't be putting up online any new morphs for a long while. 

    Your choices of characters sound great. I wish I could do James Dean but I tried 4 times already and every time it was a disaster. Maybe I'll give him one more shot as I have promised someone before on this forum that I'd make him but it just isn't working out so far.

    @Jan_Scrapper - I remember someone posting an image of Judy Garland on this forum, suggesting that I make her. So there are two votes for Judy Garland. Thank you for loving my work, that gives me even more motivation to make those morphs! smiley

    Thank you ladies for your input! It is much appreciated. yesheart



  • billyben_0077a25354billyben_0077a25354 Posts: 771
    edited June 2023

    Just chiming in with some additional G9 head morphs and ideas.  I really need the G9 versions of Marylin Monroe and Lauren Bacall head morphs along with Betty Grable if you decide to do a morph for her.  I have an ides of a pinup image featruring all of the girls from How To Marry a Millionaire" in 40's/50's lingere (think Bustiers or Bras, Girdles, Garters & Heels)..

    I also would like to see if there is any interest in a Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O`Sullivan head morph set.  The Genesis 9 body size morphs allows you to actually do a pretty good rendition of the height differences in characters now (Johnny Weissmuller's 6'3" muscular frame compared to Maureen O`Sullivan's 5'3" lithe frame.

    Also looking for a lot of Pre-Code ladies (Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Blondell, Mary Astor, Claduette Colbert, Bettie Davis, and many others {I hsve a list of 48 pre-code ladies I would like to see as they appeared from 1927 to 1934}).  These women were smoking hot in their day and I am a pre code movie buff.  A lot of the pre-code stuff is PG-13 and some was pretty close to 16+.  You would be suprised with what they got away with back then.  There are even a few precode 2 color process color movies out there.  Just thorowing some stuff on the wall and hoping something sticks.

    Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,366
    G9's face might be great for male celebrity likenesses, but the body is made for female characters. The eyes alone might make it worth it, though.
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    billyben_0077a25354 - I don't see myself doing Betty Grable. On the other hand Bette Davis has crossed my thoughts several times, so who knows?... Such a great character. I am definitelly considering doing Judy Garland as she was brought up several times.

    Timbales - yes, the G9 eyes are a real incentive for me. I cannot speak about G9 bodies, because my interest is only in head morphs. I've only noticed that the female breasts aren't as shapely in G9 as in G8/1. Not that this bothers me personally, because I'm not very interested in scantily dressed dames anyway. wink

    I must give you all a fair warning. Very tragic things are happening in my family now and I don't have the emotional or even physical resources to sculpt. I don't know how long this situation will last but it means that my deadline for issuing the Golden Age of Hollywood bundle will be moved forward quite a bit. I apologize for that but this is really beyond my control.


  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,946
    Can I offer my sympathies to you AOBB. Take your time and only do as much as you can cope with. I'm in a somewhat difficult position too. My FIL died after a long spell of dementia 2 days ago. Look after yourself and your family. Regards, Richard.
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    richardandtracy - Thank you for your compassion and understanding.

    Please accept my condonlences. You are a good man and I am sure you will steer your family through the time of grief with great kindness and empathy.

    My best to you and yours,


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    AOBB said:

    billyben_0077a25354 - I don't see myself doing Betty Grable. On the other hand Bette Davis has crossed my thoughts several times, so who knows?... Such a great character. I am definitelly considering doing Judy Garland as she was brought up several times.

    Timbales - yes, the G9 eyes are a real incentive for me. I cannot speak about G9 bodies, because my interest is only in head morphs. I've only noticed that the female breasts aren't as shapely in G9 as in G8/1. Not that this bothers me personally, because I'm not very interested in scantily dressed dames anyway. wink

    I must give you all a fair warning. Very tragic things are happening in my family now and I don't have the emotional or even physical resources to sculpt. I don't know how long this situation will last but it means that my deadline for issuing the Golden Age of Hollywood bundle will be moved forward quite a bit. I apologize for that but this is really beyond my control.

    I am sorry to hear of your difficulties. Best wishes for all of you.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    nonesuch00 - Thank you. You're a pal.

  • AOBB I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with some difficulties in life right now. I wish you all the strength and love required to manage life's difficulties. My thoughts and heart are with you. Take your time and don't push yourself on anything.

    I do apologize for not having done renders with the rest of your morphs. My life has been chaos since last November (started with a well house fire in Nov, went to frozen pipes in dec, then twitchy electricity and massive stomach issues in Jan, no electricity in Feb & March, a gallbladder surgery in April - May and June disappeared to trying to organize and fix the aftermath). So I understand having to deal with difficulties. 

    I send my love and hope that the tragedies in your life ease away soon. 


    Richard, I am very sorry to hear of your FIL's passing. My wishes and prayers for you in this time of grieving. 

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    K8sGraphics - Thank you for your understanding and support. I am sorry that life is so harsh for you but my hope is that "this shall pass too" for all of us touched by severe circumstances.Get well and may there be a silver lining hidden somewhere in those events. Much love to you, richard and everyone touched by adversity.

  • Jan_ScrapperJan_Scrapper Posts: 354

    Dearest AOBB,

    I just read about tragedy in your family right now.  You need our love and support.  No matter if you have faith or not, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I will not go on.  Your kindness and generosity has meant the world to me and I had to say something.

    Hugs to you!!!

    Jan Freeman

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Jan_Scrapper - thank you for your sweetness and empathy. You are a kind, lovely person. 

  • SapphireBlueSapphireBlue Posts: 1,048

    I'm so sorry to hear of the difficulaties you're facing, AOBB. Just wishing you strength and love to get through this, and strength and love to all the others here too facing their own tribulations. Please take care of yourself. Love & hugs. <3

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, SapphireBlue. heart

  • emanuela1emanuela1 Posts: 700

    Dear AOBB I just heard about your current problems, I am so sorry to hear this. I sincerely hope that everything gets better as soon as possible.!

  • emanuela1emanuela1 Posts: 700

    Dear richardandtracy,  I send you my condolences on your loss!


  • AOBB, I hope the events woth your family are starting to ease.  You are in our prayers.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, friends. Unfortunately the ordeal isn't over. My mother is in the process of transitioning to the other side and she is in the ICU for almost a month now. I visit her every day. My mother and I are really close, so this is a very long and terribly painful goodbye. I won't go into more detail, because this is not the right place to write about such things. Again, thank you all for your warm hearts.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    AOBB said:

    Thank you, friends. Unfortunately the ordeal isn't over. My mother is in the process of transitioning to the other side and she is in the ICU for almost a month now. I visit her every day. My mother and I are really close, so this is a very long and terribly painful goodbye. I won't go into more detail, because this is not the right place to write about such things. Again, thank you all for your warm hearts.

    I'm very sorry to hear. Mother & child are the rock of life.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Very true. Thank you, nonesuch00.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,946

    My heart goes out to you, AOBB. Come here & vent, or just say what you need. You're among friends here. We'll try & help, or just listen if that's what you need. Take care. You're in our thoughts. It's always worse for those left behind, but we're here to help.



  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you richard for your kindness. I always knew you were a good man.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    In addition to the 40's and early 50's  Hollywood stars that I am converting from G8.1 to G9 (usually completely resculpting them or sometimes sculpting them from scratch) I have added to the bundle list Judy Garland, Ava Gardner (both already sculpted) and James Dean (he's turning out better than on my previous attempts at making his likeness, so yes, there is a good chance he will be included). I will also give Bette Davis, Clark Gable and Gary Cooper a shot but I have to see how they turn out before I add them to the collection.

    I am not sure when this bundle will be ready. I am reeling after my mother's life came to an end, so sculpting is an uphill battle now. It keeps me sane though... No condolencies, please and thank you.

    It is good to be back on the forum, my friends.



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