Is there any need for classic Hollywood G9 head morphs?



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited August 2023

    AOBB said:

    In addition to the 40's and early 50's  Hollywood stars that I am converting from G8.1 to G9 (usually completely resculpting them or sometimes sculpting them from scratch) I have added to the bundle list Judy Garland, Ava Gardner (both already sculpted) and James Dean (he's turning out better than on my previous attempts at making his likeness, so yes, there is a good chance he will be included). I will also give Bette Davis, Clark Gable and Gary Cooper a shot but I have to see how they turn out before I add them to the collection.

    I am not sure when this bundle will be ready. I am reeling after my mother's life came to an end, so sculpting is an uphill battle now. It keeps me sane though... No condolencies, please and thank you.

    It is good to be back on the forum, my friends.



    Thanks for your efforts, that is a great list.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, nonesuch00. I'm glad you approve! smiley

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Check out my James Dean (Rebel G9) in the gallery! I'm over-the-moon happy he finally worked out. Sculpting him was truly daunting...


  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,664

    Looks great, well done.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, Faeryl Womynsmiley

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    AOBB said:

    Check out my James Dean (Rebel G9) in the gallery! I'm over-the-moon happy he finally worked out. Sculpting him was truly daunting...

    I think he is on par with your best with the extra details Genesis 9 allows! 

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, nonesuch00. You are very kind! smiley

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    For all Audrey Hepburn fans (yours truly included) - Luminous G9:


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    AOBB said:

    For all Audrey Hepburn fans (yours truly included) - Luminous G9:


     She's much improved! You should be proud.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you, nonesuch00. Hopefully I can improve on her further!

  • Waiting for the day it all appears smiley

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    It's going to be a couple of months before I'm done but this megabundle is happening, DoctorJellybeanlaugh

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Ava Gardner (Contessa G9) is going through another sculpting pass - and to think that I was convinced I had her finished already. Hah!:

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,725
    edited August 2023

    AOBB said:

    It's going to be a couple of months before I'm done but this megabundle is happening, DoctorJellybeanlaugh

    Great, I'm very much looking forward to it!

    Ava is looking fab heart

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Well, how about Judy Garland? Check her out (and thank you for liking my Ava!):

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited August 2023

    I had only read of Ava Gardner, having never saw her picture, but when I campared she was easy to recognize from your model.

    Judy Garland I had seen, both in the Wizard of Oz, Meet Me in St Louis, and in another many other shows and film histories when she was older and I immediately recognized the older version of her, but perhaps that is all due to hair style, clothing style, and style of makeup.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Thank you for your kind words, nonesuch00! I'm happy you find similarities between my sculpts and the stars they are based on. smiley

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    AOBB said:

    And here's Cary Grant!:


     And he's reflecting your best set of improvements from your prior version.

  • How do you come up with the names for these morphs?

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @nonesuch00 - thank you again. I have responded in more detail in the gallery. smiley

    @wondergirl0706 - The names for the morphs come from some defining characteristic of the character or from a role that defined the career of the actress/actor. For example Ava Gardner is named Contessa after starring in the movie "Barefoot Contessa". The additional in-joke here is that Ava Gardner liked walking barefoot in reality... :)

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @nonesuch00  - the new and improved Cary Grant is already in my gallery. Just check out the old image link and you will see the render of the new version added on the side, beneath the old one. Comments are welcome! wink

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    AOBB said:

    @nonesuch00  - the new and improved Cary Grant is already in my gallery. Just check out the old image link and you will see the render of the new version added on the side, beneath the old one. Comments are welcome! wink

    OK, as I said in the gallery, I didn't think there was so much room to improve your sculpt. So withat he had a wth that in mind I decided t see if any old photos of his revealed other subtle differences. I saw only two really.

    a) In all his photos his face/head seems consistently shorter than in your sculpt. I think that might be the camera lens though.

    b) A couple of photos looked to me that he had a wider/broader forehead than average, not a narrower jaw/chin but a wider forehead. Maybe I am just noticing an unusual camera angle though.

    I looked again and it's the camera angle along with that he pulls his chin in on many portrait type photos.



  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @nonesuch00 - Yay!. I'm so happy my sculpt works! It took me so long to figure it out. Especially his jaw and mouth area proved tricky but I think I finally nailed them. Thank you so much for your help. You went to such lengths to give me an educated opinion. I'm honored! smileyyes

  • Jan_ScrapperJan_Scrapper Posts: 354
    edited August 2023

    AOBB said:

    Well, how about Judy Garland? Check her out (and thank you for liking my Ava!):

    It's so good to see you back!!  I know you had some personal issues and didn't think I would see you so soon.

    You made Judy Garland for me!!!  Oh, my gosh!!   She is perfect!  I can hardly wait to play with her.  I would love to help you purchase clothes or hair or something you want!!  Please message me!!!

    Edited:   I just read the issue was your mom.  I'm so very sorry.  I went through this with my mom in 02-2013.  She was fine in 08-2012 and, then, a lump was found on her neck.  The following months were unbelievable and heartbreaking.  

    I have second guessed everything all of these years.  What could I have done differently?  I adored my mom.  I absolutely know your heartbreak!!!

    Please message me if you want to talk about anything that you don't want to share here.  

    I was fortunate because I belonged to a small group forum and was able to talk and share about my loss.  It really did help.  

    Post edited by Jan_Scrapper on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @Jan_Scrapper - My personal turmoil is far from over but sculpting helps me remain sane, so I sculpt rather obsessively. 

    I made Judy Garland with pleasure and you don't have to get me anything. Your gratitude is the best payment. cool Here's one for you:


    What I would really appreciate is if someone made a hairdo specifically for Cary Grant. Without the hair and the proper hairline shape I cannot finish this model. CG's cranium shape and size elude me.... Thanks in advance! heart


    I totally understand your pain, Jan, because I'm right in the midst of my own brand. It is good that you found a place that helped you heal. Thank goodness I have some good help myself, so I am managing. Thank you for the offer to talk through PMs. That is very kind of you. I don't feel there is need for that now but this might still change... heartcrying




  • Jan_ScrapperJan_Scrapper Posts: 354
    edited August 2023

    @AOBB  I hope I did the @ thing properly!!  I have never done that before.

    Anyway, well, this really got to a bittersweet way!!  I said a little bit in my comments.  

    When someone loves an actor or actress, it might be more than just being a fan.  The Hollywood stars that you create were in movies that my Mom, Dad and my sisters watched together!

    I am working with your Babyface morph right now.  I hope to be able to concentrate and finish...I just started!!  I love her!!


    Post edited by Jan_Scrapper on
  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @Jan_Scrapper - I hear you! My work brings back memories and feelings. I can just hope that they are good and if sad - that they bring an emotional release. Enjoy Babyface! I tried making her for G9 but I'm not happy with the result, so she won't make it into the bundle (sorry perlk. sad) I'm super curious what you will make with her, Jan!

  • Frank Sinatra soon? smiley

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