Open CL notify: Unknown error executing clFlush on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080



  • Seems to be fixed now.  Had the error earlier so did a clean install of 551.23 Game Ready and simulates OK.

  • marble said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    marble said:

    I'm still getting the unknown clflush error. I was using the January Studio drivers but got the error so I updated to the latest (528.49) and am still getting the error. As this has been happening since October 22 is there any expectation of a fix soon?

    Open CL notify: Unknown error executing clFlush on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (Device 0)

    DAZ Studio Public Build

    If you search the page for dforce you may find some understanding. Try a clean installation of a suitable driver version.

    Not sure I follow you Richard. Your link just brings me back here to this page. I always do a clan install of NVidia drivers and I always install the Studio version. There are comments here that the problem was fixed in more recent drivers but clearly it wasn't unless you are suggesting I go back to a pre-October 22 driver?

    BTW, this error is not happening with every simulation - I have only seen it on certain clothing. I need to look further because I suspect these are older conforming items that I have added dForce to - I know for certain that at least one of them is.

    Sorry, I was probably aiming to link to the change log - though I am not sure whether it was the current line or a previous release.

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