NFT''s - again? You ARE kidding, aren't you?
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I'm happy to give to charity.
No matter the excuse, I'm NOT even contemplating purchasing NFTs; it seems (note seems like as in my opinion) like a synical attemtpt to get folks to buy something shoddy.
Another reason my visits are far less, and my spending is the same.
AAPI (and many others): It's something so aweful, so life-damaging and Daz turn it into a marketing campaign.
... Seriously, get a damn clue.
True the two subjects do not intersect for most people, but I also hope you can see that if you are from Asian/Pacific Islander heritage, something being pushed that contributes to the threat of Pacific Nations (NFTs) to the benefit of people like you (AAPI) feels really bad. So yes they are related for some.
Totally with you.
I wish Daz would concentrate more on its customers' demands.
Just read what is written on:
"After all, what do you have to lose?"
I think, I could loose a money on "Pay a fee to process the listing".
Then, I think I loose a lot of time on "Wait for the NFT to sell".
By the way, does anybody has succeded on "cash out the money on apps like Coinbase" from selling NFT?
It is listed on
Hard agree.
This is beyond disgusting and is so morally reprehensible. Did no one in marketing speak up at all about how horrifically tasteless this is?
I have no idea how this NFT works. All I know is I am glad the biting baby will disappear from the internet and that I see hundreds of DAZ renders in the Gallery that are as good or better than this featured NFT.
AAPI and NFT's... trying to be woke while simultaneously destroying the environment.
One of the things that baffles me about this whole matter is why they think DAZ customers are the most likely people to want to buy NFTs. I mean, I can understand that there are artists here that might be interested in selling their art as an NFT, to supplement what is likely to be a pretty low income. However if they really want to sell this stuff would it not be better to do so on some investor website, where people with more money than sense would think this is something they can buy now and then sell later for a big fat profit.
By selling the stuff here they seem to be pissing off a good slice of their loyal customer base, but I would be very surprised if even one customer have actually bought any of this crap.
The proven way to sell your stuff is to create a niche genre that someone would want to support either through commissions and/or Patreon, nfts are a garbage way of doing this as I have yet to see any of these pieces even sell!
I have some crypto, maybe $hundreds? One of the social media sites that I participate in has a crypto "economy" behind it.
It's the "gas fees" that kill the value (the transaction/processing cost).
If some rich dude wants to commission art? They can pay me and skip the crypto gas fees LOL... that is, if I ever did want to do this professionally and tried to market my work for commissions, etc.
Crypto is not a replacement for creating business value in your work. It's just Wall Street math monkeys creating fake value.
Yes, there's some value there in speculation (bitcoin, doge, etc.), but the business of art is not selling anonymous tokens into the internet. Trading NFT & saying you have an art business seems like saying you are a computer engineer because you own GOOG stock.
I have zero crypto, and want nothing to do with cryptocurrencies or NFTs purchased with crypto (or purchased with any other form of currency for that matter)... not now, not ever.
The whole concept of non-fungibilty is a joke... and cryptocurrency is a heist.
The world's energy is being syphoned off in the name of greed.
Here's another article on the topic, as if all the preceding articles did not spell it out clearly enough.
The title alone captures the gist of it. Non-fungible tokens aren’t a harmless digital fad – they’re a disaster for our planet
Got the e-mail through this morning. Unsubbed from the newsletter. I'm still not spending a penny here but I do have an order that I need to buy Daz assets for. I'm umming and ahhing and desperate to find what I need on other sites.
While I get the sentiment and I definitely see it from yourr POV, I think you're forgetting companies have been doing this for a long time. "Buy product X and we'll donate Y% of the profits to charity." Do you stop buying all Proctor and Gamble products because they only donate a portion of the profits for a particular month to the Susan G Komen foundation? Do you stop shopping at grocery stores when they put up a collection bin for the local food bank? After all, the expectation is that you'll buy the canned goods from them, and hence they're still making profit off your donation to that bin. Or what about actors or musicians who promote a cause asking you to donate instead of donating some of their millions to the cause? They claim they're donating their time, but really, that time "buys" them free publicity, and reminds you that they're still out there. Do you cancel them because they're just using the exposure for their gain?
I agree it looks funny when they're donating 100% of the NFT profits, but only 50% of the bundle profits, but at least it's something. And at least it draws attention to the issue.
Despite not wanting to give clicks to this nonsense, I checked out the linked opensea's page and encountered:
This page has gone off the grid
We've got a 404 error and explored deep and wide, but we can't find the page you were looking for.
I went back twice, and I still get the same message... not sure if that means it's actually gone or if it's some sort of a Cloudflare kinda issue or whatever?
I think it would have been nice to just do a donation to the charity sorta thing and have entirely skipped the NFT baloney, knowing how much folks here have disdain for such stuff, but yeah...
Careful there - you'll give them ideas!

I have no issue with organizations or people supporting charity, where did I say that?
I have an issue with saying you care about a certain people, while simultantiously promoting products that are seriously threating the places where they came from, and most likely still have family. That is not caring, it is not funny, and it's ignorant at best.
Still there - two bids, reserve price not met.
That storyline is Galactus coming to Earth to siphon off all it's energy in the Fantastic Four comics!

Don't know if anyone's posted this but SNL did a skit about NFT's that I think about every time it's mentioned. It makes me laugh so thought I'd share it.
All I can say is....
No wonder I haven't watched SNL since the early 90s....LOL
RE: NFT financial issues. Please be aware of potential regulatory uncertainty for folks subject to US law, or interacting with folks subject to US law.
There are a number of financial issues that may be 'clarified' by the Securities and Exchange Commission, or not, in coming months or years. I offer no answers to frequently asked questions. I offer no personal opinions. I merely refer people to issues raised by parties seeking regulatory clarification by the SEC for a number of related issues. Here is one example.
Lol, right!? SNL is about as dumb as NFT's.
TBF its not really pro or making fun of NFTs. its a straightforward Eminem parody. If you didnt sped time in your youth listening to any rap its probably going to miss you
(although parodying Without Me is an odd choice since its already funny and with way more of an edge than SNL ever had)
I haven't read all four pages of input into this subject, but all I'll say is that I'm getting to the age where I've become a lot less vocal about stuff I don't like - I simply side-step and spend money on stuff that I do like.
NFT markeplaces exist, but I have zero interest so haven't even checked them out... That said, I never checked out Bitcoin when it started either, LOL.
This is just my best guess based on the information we have, but I don't think they're trying to sell NFTs to Daz customers. I think they're trying to sell the concept of NFTs as a reason to use their products and services. You want some of that mad money but you don't know how to do 3D? Here you go! In that case, their NFTs not selling well is more of an embarrassment than a failed venture and just makes the idea that you can easily turn their assets into NFT sales way more dubious.
I can even see why they did it; many of the early NFT superstars, including beeple, use Daz assets in their work. Under normal circumstances, this would be a no-brainer. But NFTs are so (understandably) divisive that it's impossible to not alienate people with this, and whether they care or not it is making a provocative values statement. Selling inclusive products and tying sales to charity to promote it is par for the course with NFTs and unethical tech in general--every massive company with ridiculous overreach uses images of a diverse workforce on their website and talks a good game about climate change and makes donations to social justice causes while also using every evil corp in cyberpunk fiction as their five-year roadmap.
I'm not sure! It's interesting to think about. Game dev and content creation in general is moving toward providing services that don't have a steep learning curve, or trying to; I see variations on "You don't have to be an expert in [skillset] to use this, just concentrate on your art!" in a lot of website copy for creative software lately. Most haven't entirely succeeded in making that work, though, since even the reportedly super user-friendly intuitive programs still require you to learn a lot of fundamentals before you can jump in and start making things without getting stuck.
But it's already pretty easy to take Daz scenes into Blender and manipulate them there, and there are plenty of tools and premade assets in that content ecosystem already. Daz's advantage is Genesis, really, since there are tens of thousands of products that all work with and more or less match the scale and style of these figures. And since Blender is open-source and encourages plugin and asset creation, it may only be a matter of time before someone sees all the artists going "I should learn Blender but I don't want to start from scratch :(" and independently creates something Genesis-like that can be easily used in Blender.* Daz does not have high visibility among younger artists (lucky for them right now), and I think the Genesis line could fit that purpose itself, but while the bridges were an excellent start they apparently have time and resources for whatever this is instead.
I think simple tools for scene creation in 3D software will become more popular as 2D artists demand them, since 3D paintovers are a massive timesaver for 2D artwork. Daz could also fit this niche, and also market their software and products to wider groups of people who are not necessarily beginner artists--graphic designers, etc. Their licensing alone is a huge draw. But they're not headed that way, I guess.
*Epic's MetaHuman Creator is an example of this kind of project outside of Daz, but Daz products are still likely to be a less overkill choice for most people's work.