NFT''s - again? You ARE kidding, aren't you?
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Agreed, I would have preferred that DAZ said something like the first $2000 in sales of the bundle would go to the charity, then 50% of all additional sales of the bundle would also go to charity. No NFT at all.
Caleb: That is so ludicrous that I actually laughed. But no, it's not close to being the same thing. If two pizza places had decent pizza but one said they were giving 50% of their sales to a charity, I'd probably get the pizza there. I don't see it as being underhanded to tie charity donations to a sale if it results in more good being done.
Personally, I think the new AAPI Bundle is a great bundle set with some good products and bringing more awareness to stop AAPI hate crimes is a worthy endeavor. I think the Daz Marketing Department is really good at coming up with new sales promotions, discounts and deals. They are in the business to make money after all, and I really like that they are donating half of the proceeds to the charity.
As far as NFTs go… they are continuing to get more and more mainstream news coverage, and many artists are experimenting with art for this new marketplace. If it wasn’t for the damaging effects on the environment from the crypto-miners, and the shortage of GPUs do to mining, then I think NFTs would be accepted by more people.
At least nVidia is starting to do something about it. Their latest GeForce RTX cards will have a LHR (Lite Hash Rate) identifying marking to indicate reduced performance for mining. And nVidia is releasing a new line of cards that are aimed at mining, and not graphics.
I closed off my normal routine of big purchases when the NFTs started, but still was making use of my PC coupons.
Anyway, I've let Daz know my position, and have asked for a refund of my last purchase. It isn't much, but at least they'll be aware of my opinion.
What I don't understand, and maybe I'm wrong, the first round of NFTs had unlockable content attached to them. Wether you think it's overpriced or nothing, at least you got something you could use in DS if you bought one. This one doesn't look like it has anything unlockable. It's just the image you see. And it only looks like they're minting one. So basically the charitable donation depends on mulitple buyers fighting and bidding up the price instead of going for mass appeal by putting out multiple copies a lot of people could buy...sell it as a charitable donation, and you might get a bunch of people throwing $5 or $10 to buy one just to support the charity (actually, it would cost them more with the gas fees).
We could stop climate change dead in its tracks, and that wouldn't do a thing to address hate crimes again AAPI individuals, because they're wholly unrelated problems.
Were any of the last round of NFT's sold? The whole crypto thing confuses me (how do you mine something that doesn't exsist?). Also how are NFT's driving up the prices of GPU's? (Not being sarcastic or anything just seriously have no clue)
Ok that makes sense but is there really a market? Like who is buying these NFT's?
I think I will just stick with the way I have been selling my digital art. Printing, framing and selling it through an art gallery
NFTs cost money to make and transfer. I have checked Daz's Opensea and Wax accounts for activity and there is barely anything being sold. IIRC many were actually trashed. So I would be surprised to hear that they are making a profit from this. Add to that how unpopular they are in the forums, and the environmental impact, and I'm not sure why they are still at it.
I also have to agree with Blue Fingers on the point that trashing the environment to stop hate crimes makes no sense. They might be very different problems, but both have a huge impact. What if someone offered to fix your window by tearing down a door? You'd think they were crazy.
It's not just NFTs. There is so much money in crypto currency, you have businesses springing up just to mine the tokens and sell them. They set up their operation in a warehouse-sized structure (sometimes multiple warehouse-sized structures), and they fill the space with the equipment it takes to run the calculations needed to create those strings of blockchain. And they're buying top-of-the line everything to get as much power out of their computers as they can - chips, graphic cards, hard drives, you name it. The crypto miners are driving the shortages because they're scooping up all this computer equipment, and with the price of crypto, they can afford to pay whatever it takes to get that stuff. I think someone posted an article somewhere here about a company that bought an entire power plant just to run their crypto mining operation, and they thought nothing about spending $65 million to upgrade it.
I can not stand this iteration of DAZ.
Such trash.
Well you have to admire their persistsence...............
Ok, I am not saying I do or don't support Daz by buying here, I am just saying separate the NFT crap from the product stuff. I am only interested in the 3d aspects of content for Studio. Now when I wrote the initial msg. I got a mail alert for a new bundle, When I opened it it looked all about NFT's. I didn't see the actual 3d bundle, when I loaded up the shop page, I am just now seeing it. So naturally I assumed the whole thing was some nft crap. So my bad. But seriously, if your going to insist on trying to capitalize on this nft crap, do it on the side, and inclusive only to those who care about it. I get your all starry eyed over the chance that someone may pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a digital "bite brother's finger" knock off nft, but I am shopping at Daz3d not DazNFT...
EDIT: There are 2 new products, my bad. Still think this bundle is a bit questionable though.
I'm with you mate. It disgusts me no end.
Honestly imho the main problem is the greed driving people to invest into cryptowhatever. Of course it would be better, if DAZ wouldn't sell NFTs but businesses and ethics usually don't work together very well... And as there are so many people completely ignoring any ethical thoughts whatsoever when it comes to making $$ without having to work for them, only restrictive politics banning this massproduction of nothing could protect us humans from ourselves. Btw I don't see myself as less greedy than those people. I believe it is a human thing we have to accept in ourselves and understand that sometimes we need laws to establish limits to our selfdestructive greed...
If Daz wants to know why few are buying their stuff lately, the title of this thread is one BIG clue. I could give them the second, but it would seem mean to some, tho I've alluded to it already in past posts. The lousy Q&A doesn't help either.
NFT is NFT... it's not value in itself. It's only a vehicle, and if the underlying thing (art) has little value, then the NFT has no value.
Doing things to submarine the value of the art is not positive.
dForce tube clothes crowding out higher cost conformers or proper dforce outfits? Not a positive for customer value.
Overly conservative dress code in the store? Not a positive for selling me stuff, not a positive for selling pretty pictures to an audience that will spend money on pretty pictures.
Make decisions that help us make art that sells, if you want us to sell stuff. NFT does not help this. It's a completely different topic.
NFT is not how people create a business out of their work. It's doge-style gambling, like crypto. If you want customers who create business opportunities from this, NFT is exactly the opposite way to do it.
I understand it's the hot new toy for crypto investors and doge memes, but we are here to make pretty pictures... the business side takes care of itself if we make pretty pictures.
Daz Corp. has maneuvered themselves into a position of market dominance with all except Rendo being consumed (like RDNA) or driven out of the market (like Hivewire). So it's no wonder they feel able to do what they please when there's little competition to them. It's the perfect corporate strategy.
I hate this entire pivot they've done. I really, really hate this. I want to support artists who are selling their work here! One of the things I loved most about this whole system was artists selling to artists. There's stuff I would be buying right now if I didn't know I was also subsidizing Daz's fascination with crypto art, which currently means that I'm lucky if someone asks me to explain why I associate with a company responsible for pushing NFTs instead of just assuming I'm into it and walking away. So right now having been super front and center about which software I use and encouraging people to check it out nonstop has worked out really well for me, lmao.
And I can afford to change how I do art, even if it sucks for me! If I depended on income from selling assets here, no longer supporting the company would potentially be a life-changing decision. I can't speak for the PAs and I don't know how they feel about it. But I was making an effort to learn how to make assets for other people, and if I had ever gotten to a point where this was an income stream, welp. Tough choices!
The fact that Daz either a) doesn't realize what they're associating themselves with when they boost NFTs, or b) knows what they're associating themselves with and are perfectly fine with that is where I draw a line. I recklessly assumed I was purchasing things from a 3D asset store for use in digital art, and Daz appears to want to be an asset store for easy NFT creation, so I guess that's how it goes.
They should be--and I think are--aware that the biggest risks to their relevance are Blender and Unreal (yes, even if they got an Epic grant). They are absolutely smart to not sit still on their position as the program that makes 3D art accessible, because Blender is going to eventually be just as easy to pick up and run with as Daz at a beginner level. What they needed was visibility in markets where artists would love to do renders, but the blocker for them is lack of interest in 3D modeling or no time to learn. What they decided on was, I guess, "Hey there are probably a lot of people who have never done digital art wanting to make NFTs!"
...and ETH mining is part to blame for the shortage of, and spikes in GPUs.
Meanwhile on the crypto front.
A week and a half ago Paypal announced itwould be offering an investment service for crypto.
Last week Newegg sent out an email mentioning that buyers could get special discounts if they used Dogecoin for their purchases (Dogecoin was originally started a joke).
The one bright spot, Bitcoin has been taking a major tumble.
...I got an error that basically said "try agian later" when I attempted to submit my finished survey. Likely the offer for the coupon is over.
Oh, and to add, it seems my filter is still working as the latest promo email bypassed the main inbox and went right to my "penalty box" folder
...that could be pushing up "digital daises" a few months down the road.