NFT''s - again? You ARE kidding, aren't you?
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Damn, I totally forgot to condemn that NFT in the survey. But the survey was quite fishy anyway; it felt more like "fishing-for-compliments" and self-praising instead of an honest approach to listening to the community.
And I was torn between laughing and crying when I read about "Special webinars and training classes" and "Exclusive content" for PC+ members. Have I missed something? The only special webinar I know of was for Season Pass owners. Training classes? Where? Exclusive content? Are they talking about the "Platinum Club Members Only" forum part and the contests they hold for their own self-promotion?
@The Digiitals, @karuki
Sorry, you have lost all credibility with me. I will gladly ignore any initiative you may ever post anywhere.
Instead of spending money on the AAPI bundle, I will donate to AAPI directly. If put in my cart, the bundle is $15.68 as I do own quite a bit already. I will NOT buy the bundle, but rather donate the $15.68 directly. Thanks to Daz for making the decision so easy.
That survey was a bit targeted. Don't ask things you won't like to hear. That is the general issue with all surveys. Same applies to my companies surveys, e.g., If you do not want to haer some special things, just don't ask. I usually live with the manifist: If you ask a question, be prepared to recive an answer.
I actually thought it was a survey of why isn't anyone buying a lot of the stuff released lately? I've been paying attention to releases and when there's awesome stuff released that I'm sure folks are buying, I never see a flash sale, but on days when it's kind of thin, or a bundle is released to little to no fanfare, I see flash sales all day long, and I've been seeing more and more pop up so I figure they're trying to get people to buy some stuff. And also extra banners later in the day, like I believe happened with the Fred release and had flash sales on both release days. I never saw a flash sale on a pro bundle release a year ago and beyond. So when that survey came I figured they were trying to figure out what's going on. I talked a lot about quality of clothing like pants just being a cylinder and reiterated numerous times about how bad the rig is for animation and how Daz is the only program that doesn't get IK right. Had I known this NFT junk was on the horizon, I would have mentioned getting rid it but I last I looked really none of the NFTs were selling so I thought this would quietly slip away.
From what I can see Daz does trade most of it's NFTs on WAX now, some are still on OpenSea. Wax prides itself on cross-blockchain integration, with as a consequence most NFTs originating from the Wax blockchain will end up on the ETH blockchain in search for profit.
So using the Wax blockchain does make a difference, but how big of a difference is at the least debatable.
EDIT: OpenSea activities are related to older NFTs, however they still pollute with every transaction.
Thank you, I hadn't seen that. The only way I would start selling NFTs is if it somehow became so commonplace among 3D artists like us that I would be left behind. I have no intention of being a trailblazer in any of this, and I'm much more in FSMC's camp of wanting everything cryptocurrency and NFT to just go away.
Happen to have any links to independent articles about Wax? On their site, of course, they talk about planting sapling trees with purchases, but I was hoping for even rough numbers on energy consumption.
I am not a fad chaser, and I confess to utter resentment of the whole crypto bitminer nft thing as it has prevented me from buying the hardware I need to upgrade which I hoped todo here. Aside from that the environmental issues seem unhealthy. Hard pass.
Absolutely this.
Using a social issue as a shield against criticism of how unethical NFTs are is NOT a good look, Daz.
Shame on all of those involved: Daz, Karkui, et al. This is beyond disgusting and morally reprehensible.
Some of us have been looking for those, but we couldn't find any. The theory behind the WAX-blockchain sounds right, however any real world numbers have not been found. Anyhow, it does not make a much of difference if the NFTs end up onn the ETH blockchain.
I haven't found the Ethereum Adress of those particular WAX orginating NFTs, does anyone now how to find it? I am interested in calculating the carbon footprint.
Just donated my share at Better than buying the bundle and support an organization I do no longer trust.
Thanks. I thought my search skills had failed me. I would have expected(if their system was so much better) them to be touting their numbers proudly instead of the squishy, feel-good-we-planted-a-sapling statement on their site.
Checking WAX, it sounds a lot like smoke and mirrors. Not any clear staetements on the whole site. Just a lot of some - more or less - esotheric/marketing blabla about the way their bock chain might operate. Or not.
Nothing wrong with your search skills I'm affraid.
+1. I have never ever noticed any special webinar for PC+ members within one whole year. I do have glasses, but I am not THAT blind.
I'm surprised this thread is still open ... I don't think it will be here when I wake up tomorrow (it is middle of the night in Europe).
I am still up, in the middle of Europe, just because of that. I am so much disappointed of Daz, I could not find any words for (at least words I could post).
roll my eyes,
quickly close the banner
back out of the sale page. >.<
if they counting clicks to gauge interest, didn't want to leave my click footprint
So, some NFT sells for bank and becomes news, and here we go again...
Can you please separate the NFT crap from the newsletters you send in the emails,or opt out of NFT posts, and make it only for those that give a (beep) about it, I opened it for a new bundle and this crap. NOT INTERESTED!
In my book if you support DAZ you support NFTs. How could it be any different?
I have a lot of complaints about my country, but I'm not going to pack up and move to one that is much less stable or comfortable just because of them. There simply are no other options for many of us.
When I started to read the promo I was a bit confused and surprised as this was a bit altruistic for Daz, but then I saw it was actually just a marketing exercise for NFTs. Of course. What an absolute joke.
OK, I think some of you are really stretching by saying they're exploiting hate crimes against Asians for monetary gain and whatnot. None of us like NFTs, but if you needed any Asian-themed content that happens to be in this bundle, at least some of the money is going to a charity to help this serious problem.
Pacific nations are being threatend by climate change because of sea level rise, Kiribati already has evacuation plans. So selling NFTs to combat hate agains Asians and Pacific Islanders to me does not make sense at all. If Daz really wanted to be on the right side of both issues, they could stop selling NFTs and donate the money directly they would have made on those NFTs.
What's next... an NFT with all proceeds going to support First Responders, and a link to buy the Frontline Heroes Bundle again?
An NFT on Memorial Day with 50% of proceeds going to support fallen heroes and military families with a link to buy Graveyard Bits 'n Pieces and the Delta Alpha Zulu Bundle if you buy or own From the Baracks Bundle?
Fair enough. I edited out the exploit part of my comment because it didn't accurately express my thought. I can't speak to intention, but I do think the consequence is expoitative.
A proper description. What Do You Actually Own If You Buy an NFT?
As I previously stated, I will NOT pay more than $1.00 US cash for an NFT if all I get is a link to an object on a server I do not own.