March 2021 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Posing and Posing II



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited March 2021

    @vamok yes these thing can get quite challenging for the equipment. remember to alway close the eyes on stuff that is not visible in the camera angle, for clothes people I close the eyes on every bone that is covered by clothing (as well helps avouiding pokethrough

    use instances on the helis and everyting else that comes double or more and in renders like these where the characters themselves are not needed that detailed you can turn down the subdivision level

    But that's for the future, I think this one looks really good

    same goes for the blight, very well made, the change of environment makes this much more interesting

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    @Alias52 tavern scenes are always a challenge esp. whn it comes to a lot of characters

    I like the posing of the left character, the right ladies has soem problems. they way she leans back she needs something to support her back or she will either toplle over or be tired of itreally quick and it seems she's putting her hand in her head (that might help thinking wink)

    It probably wold be good to adjust the lights a bit, like more light from the front and a bit less through the windowm because that draws the attention away from your characters

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    edited March 2021

    @katywhite that is such a fun reference with the image turned up when he's actually just crawling through the mud. 

    I love how you muddied him up.

    you're already close to that, but I think the upper body and esp. from the neck onwards the head need to get closer to the bottom /surface

    his right shoulder is carrying a lot ow weigth and with that is pulled out backwards, the right hand is more directly "under" his schoulder. his right foot is actually touching the ground almost drawn through it the left knee is further down the body

    the light needs to come more from the camera side. you can try to  add a geometry to the prop that makes your surface and add a water shader preset to that

    about the dog, I like the pose so far, There are still differences (his head is lying more on the corner) but I think this migh be as well coming with the limits of the model, since dogs tend to taker very different forms

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    @sueya I think you need to adjust your camera position to a lower view so we get a  more similar view on your character, but I think this is really close to the original pose

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    I have lowered the camera and adjusted the hands and legs slightly. This is my final image.

  • AstrofoxAstrofox Posts: 7

    Repost of Bored, for intermediate challenge.

    Thanks for all suggestions. I have changed the lighting, which I think also addressed the issue that the wood on the chair looked 2D. The pose is the same. I used facial posing on her left to lift her face, while on the right used poses and expressions to move facial features down. On the right hand one finger is picking at the side of the other. I have moved the camera back slightly so her feet can be seen (she was so bored she has kicked off her shoes)

    1000 x 1414 - 2M
  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302
    edited March 2021

    Linwelly said:

    @Alias52 tavern scenes are always a challenge esp. whn it comes to a lot of characters

    I like the posing of the left character, the right ladies has soem problems. they way she leans back she needs something to support her back or she will either toplle over or be tired of itreally quick and it seems she's putting her hand in her head (that might help thinking wink)

    It probably wold be good to adjust the lights a bit, like more light from the front and a bit less through the windowm because that draws the attention away from your characters

    Totally agree with that. The pose of the right character was the first thing I changed. First, I tried her on the other side of the table and then where she is now. With the addition of the barmaid, it seems to work. I increased the light from the front of the scene to put more on their faces. Additionally, I went to a volumetric cube to try to keep the sunlight through the window but be less bright.

    Rogues Inn Waiting 2

    Gallery Image


    Post edited by Alias52 on
  • perlkperlk Posts: 854

    Those pectorals gave me so much trouble! I realize I ought to have turned limits off for those, too. 


    Yes, it is quite different! Poser is definitely easier in some ways, harder in others. Learning curve for sure but I am finding Daz is a huge bonus in rendering - not only in the quality but the time it takes to render. It's less customizable than Superfly but I don't think I need to get that granular in render settings.

    Linwelly said:

    welcome to the DAZ side of things @perlotk_326646d265 I can imagine it's quite different from Poser

    I think you've come pretty close to the pose with your character already. I think you can give her pectorals a push upwards wo help the little details. The legs already look perfect. her upper body probably bends and turns backwards only with the lower chest bones and her neck is even a bit more stretched

  • ioonrxoonioonrxoon Posts: 894
    edited March 2021

    I tweaked the arms a bit, not sure if they're closer to the image now, but at least the left arm no longer seems to be in a weird/unnatural angle as it did in the first render. Also experimented more with lighting, so the face and especially eyes are no longer so obscured.

    I wanted to try and improve the second dancer as well.... but there was a different lesson to learn there. Name your saves properly and keep back-ups! Seems I deleted the scene when I did some cleaning in the mess of saved files I had.

    Dancer 1 v2.jpg
    3351 x 2160 - 4M
    Post edited by ioonrxoon on
  • Hello again! Linwelly, Thank you for the welcome and the additional critique. I agree with you that the left hand of the man looks odd. Looking from the side, in real life terms, it seems inches away from the shoulder. I tweaked the hand and forearm a bit then, changed the lighting to create more of a shadow behind the left arm, to hopefully create the look of more space. I am thinking it is better but I may have been looking at it too long :- )

    Source Image.jpg
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    Solid v2.jpg
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  • Whoops, posted the wrong file...this one :- )

  • one more try...

    Solid Final.jpg
    847 x 851 - 441K
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    whatever made it look odd before, it looks perfect now!!

    very nice work

  • ioonrxoon said:

    I tweaked the arms a bit, not sure if they're closer to the image now, but at least the left arm no longer seems to be in a weird/unnatural angle as it did in the first render. Also experimented more with lighting, so the face and especially eyes are no longer so obscured.


    I wanted to try and improve the second dancer as well.... but there was a different lesson to learn there. Name your saves properly and keep back-ups! Seems I deleted the scene when I did some cleaning in the mess of saved files I had.


    the background looks a bit weird for it

    I would think of somrthing more simple 

    like a clear sky and a sandy beach

    or a cornflower field with some particles glaring in the sunshine and depth of field

  • perlkperlk Posts: 854

    OK, so here's my revisions to the torso to try to lift it a bit (damn limits again!), also messed with her neck and gave her a necklace. This isn't final, but I wanted to get it out there for comments. Unless there are other major revisions, I'll render before I go to bed tonight! Thanks all for the advice!

    1000 x 1300 - 2M
  • katywhitekatywhite Posts: 456
    edited March 2021

    vamok said:

    katywhite said:

    Title: Reflecting on the Long Journey Ahead

    Software: Daz 3D

    Challenge: Beginner

    Second entry - Reference photo and my attempt at its recreation. Feedback would be highly appreciated!

    I'll chime in again with my O.C.D. eye. First, let me say this is an odd image and you have a very good start. Please know that I am only making observations. I do not intend to come off as snobby or overly critical. I swear it is just the obsessive compulsion talking :-)

    Here is what I see different from your reference image:

    His booty is a little higher in the reference making a nice arc up from his shoulder blades and back down toward his extended foot (This is a very slight difference).

    His back leg "intersects" his foreleg at the knee in your reference. Your character's foot is much closer to the pelvis.

    The reference image's shoulders are rotated away from the camera so that you do not see his upper back, which makes sense the way he is extending his left arm.

    The reference image's left hand has a more relaxed, curved feel to it. Also, the fingertips on the right hand are slightly curved and digging into the sand.

    It is hard to tell from the reference but it looks like his right toes may be in contact with the wet sand...(trying to determine this from the reflection)

    Lastly, and this is not a beginner bit of advice, but it would be epic, is if you could add enough glossiness to the ground plane to get a bit of a reflection! Maybe someone can hint about how to pull that off...


    I just noticed the dirt on his body and face. Very cool! I am looking forward to seeing how this pieced develops.

    @vamok Don't worry you're not snobby. I appreciate the criticism! I applied your pose suggestions
    @Linwelly I applied your pose suggestions too. Though I didn't have time to figure out how to adjust the lighting (I"m using time of day so I'm guessing I'd have to muck around with the dome or something to change light direction?).

    Here's my newest with adjustments. Probably the last I can do for this contest:


    Pose Challenge Person 2_edited.png
    1600 x 2000 - 4M
    Post edited by katywhite on
  • vamokvamok Posts: 242

    katywhite said:


    @vamok Don't worry you're not snobby. I appreciate the criticism! I applied your pose suggestions
    @Linwelly I applied your pose suggestions too. Though I didn't have time to figure out how to adjust the lighting (I"m using time of day so I'm guessing I'd have to muck around with the dome or something to change light direction?).

    Here's my newest with adjustments. Probably the last I can do for this contest:

    I see that you also figured out how to get some reflection off of the wet sand. Nice! The has come along way from your initial render! 

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    perlotk_326646d265 said:

    OK, so here's my revisions to the torso to try to lift it a bit (damn limits again!), also messed with her neck and gave her a necklace. This isn't final, but I wanted to get it out there for comments. Unless there are other major revisions, I'll render before I go to bed tonight! Thanks all for the advice!

    I think the pose is much closer to the original now, but yes the chest area keeps being a hassle at times, what you can try is to adjust the breast shape of the actor. Select the character for that and go in the parameters tab to the actor. Unfold that until you find chest.  Depending if you have bought additional morphs there is a varieaty of options shaping the breasts. even the basic genesis 8 comes with some shapes. If you have then I suggest trying to dial in cleavage and dial out completely what comes with the name natural shape.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    very good @kathywhite this is so much closer to the original!

    So about the light settings, I'm assuming you are just turning the image at the end and render him crawling on the floor, in that case yes, one thing you can try is changing the daytime settings, and once the sund has a low position you can use the dome rotation to get the sunlight coming from the right direction

  • Luftsturmregiment40Luftsturmregiment40 Posts: 328
    edited March 2021

    second entry: syfyman no particular challenge

    1920 x 1080 - 6M
    Post edited by Luftsturmregiment40 on
  • perlkperlk Posts: 854
    edited April 2021

    Final render. Messed with the dials in the bust area, I think it helped. I also got more picky about her right hand. I then decided to edit the materials in Photoshop to make them darker, and in doing so I realized that half of the problem with her torso is because the outfit is not cut the same way. But since I don't know much about modeling for DS yet, I'm leaving it as is.

    Edited to include my revision with a non-cut-off finger!

    626 x 937 - 155K
    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    Post edited by perlk on
  • vamokvamok Posts: 242

    perlotk_326646d265 said:

    Final render. Messed with the dials in the bust area, I think it helped. I also got more picky about her right hand. I then decided to edit the materials in Photoshop to make them darker, and in doing so I realized that half of the problem with her torso is because the outfit is not cut the same way. But since I don't know much about modeling for DS yet, I'm leaving it as is.


    I really like the right hand position. That was a nice improbement. I also like the slightly closer camera shot. Unfortunately, you cropped her fingers a bit when you zoomed in.

    It has been fun watching this render continue to improve during the month. The judging will be tough this month will the many quality entries. 

  • perlkperlk Posts: 854

    Oh damn! I didn't see that.  I'll re-render. Thanks for pointing that out!!!!

    vamok said:

    perlotk_326646d265 said:

    Final render. Messed with the dials in the bust area, I think it helped. I also got more picky about her right hand. I then decided to edit the materials in Photoshop to make them darker, and in doing so I realized that half of the problem with her torso is because the outfit is not cut the same way. But since I don't know much about modeling for DS yet, I'm leaving it as is.


    I really like the right hand position. That was a nice improbement. I also like the slightly closer camera shot. Unfortunately, you cropped her fingers a bit when you zoomed in.

    It has been fun watching this render continue to improve during the month. The judging will be tough this month will the many quality entries. 

  • perlkperlk Posts: 854

    I edited my original final post to include a re-rendered version with her whole hand this time :-)

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    This challenge is now closed.

    Thanks to everyone for participating!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited April 2021

    March 2021


    Showcased Participants for the March Beginners "Posing" Challenge



    unnamed, by ioonrxoon



    unnamed, by isis4444merlin



    unnamed, by perlk

    Showcased Participants for the March Intermediate "Posing II using Advanced posing tools" Challenge



    Bored, by Astrofox


    Master's Apprentice

    Master's Apprentice, by jkp


    The Blight

    The Blight, by vamok

    New User Welcome



    Jump, by _7



    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302

    Congratulations folks! Lovely renders here!

  • congratulations

    my favorites for this competition 


    very convincing natural poses

  • Wonderful renders in March for sure. Well done everyone!

  • vamokvamok Posts: 242

    Grats everyone. There were many quality renders this month.

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