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After upgrading to MacOS 11.0.1 (Big Sur), DAZ 4.14.x will not open, even after trying to bypass the MacOS restriction on using software from unknown developers or from outside the App Store. When trying to open, the attached screen appears. Why is DAZ being prevented from opening in MacOS 11.0.1? Had no similar problem with DAZ prior to the MacOS upgrade.
Please take note of this Sticky thread at the top of this sub forum
I followed the instructions on how to use the new filament render engine in a tutorial (that I can no longer find) and it worked great. However after I installed a couple of new figures, the environment node completely stopped working. I can get a half way decent flat render, but NO SHADOWS now, and neither the environment node, the tonemapping node, nor the filament draw node make any difference at all. I can move the sliders all day long and NOTHING happens. STILL NO SHADOWS.
I had the same issue. I had to reinstall Daz from the Daz Central program, and it solved that problem. However, I now can't get the dang tonemapper. environment, or filament draw nodes to work.
Do opacity maps not work in Filament? I have a custom map (which works in Iray) applied to my character's face and her entire face renders at 50% opacity.
I went from 4.12 direct to 4.14, and had to do a full (re)install. Did DS have a brain fart? I have'nt changed any settings other than the UI (Tree), and probably a third of my content is grey icons.
What's going on here?
I have a love-hate relationship with that Hair. There was a time when I couldn't get a dForce simulation to complete in a million years (well, a day or so). Nevertheless the thing comes with fireflies attached; I believe they are specular reflections off strands of the hair. They really are there! They probably disappear in lower resolution renders because then they become single pixels which, I'm guessing here...., the FF filter will eliminate. I insist on doing 4K renders so the specular reflections span more than one pixel; Hair renders take hours, days if I'm patient. I'm not sure they look any better for all that time, I should probably just render at 640x480 then scale it up with PhotoPlop, but I'm much more of an engineer than I am an artist...
the button for the manual download on the order page takes me to a page to install daz central.
I'm on a satellite connection with a data cap, and my connection speed is horrendously slow. This is my only ISP option for my location.
having to download software to download more software is daunting.
please consider an actual manual installer.
There is a manual installer. If you enter 4.x in the search field in the Product Library, click Description beneath the image and scroll down.
Has anyone else noticed that Smoothing just stops working? At first I thought it was a fluke and just shut down and restarted the beta. I had it happen a second time. Nothing would smooth no matter how many times I turned it on/off or adjust the iterations. I finally got it to start back up by turning "interactive" on, however while the item smoothed, the status bar in the lower right hand corner of the screen does not show up.
Really starting to like Daz Studio. The latest update really improved 4.14 IMHO - but I'm still a very new DS user as far as anim/rendering, so I'm not sure how well I'd have done before 4.14.
Like another animation-related post, I find it quite inconvenient that I can't simply select a main key and delete the whole thing. I have to twirl through the hierarchy - but I've gotten much more efficient at that now too. Also getting used to how to adjust position, rotation and scale without using working screen widgets.
It still takes forever and a day to render. I just saw a post where someone eleiminates the CPU in the render settings to get faster renders because it then relies soley on the GPU. I'm going to try that next.
That's a Carara animation, right? I can't tell; the hair is close to:
and the animation seems to be uncurling with time; the hair starts at elbow length and descends to the navel. Curious.
Animations sucked, well, waiting for animations sucked. Filament makes a lot of difference but 4.14 Filament has teething problems; bad falloff of DS lights and bad handling of transmit/refracted light under some, yet to be determined, circumstances.
That should not be a problem; we can select the whole node heirarchy by closing everything at the top level in the timeline and dragging over the entire scene (box selection) to select all the keys at a given frame (or, indeed, multiple frames) then using the "key-" icon to delete them all. It used to work in 4.12, it seems to be broken, works only intermittently, now. You have to change the "type" field to TRSOVHIWABCDE" to make it delet everything. I have KeyMate:
But it seems to have disappeared from the Products actually sold (that's why I posted a customer product link; it probably won't work for you.) KeyMate just makes things easier; I don't think it actually adds any functionality, it is just so much easier to use.
You may be annoyed by the result ;-) Removing the CPU as a fallback means that the render fails if the GPU runs out of memory. The shall we say, "traditional" bug in Iray rendering is that every other frame fails because Daz somehow doesn't manage to free up all the GPU memory before starting to render the next frame. This may not be true at all with Filament, is there any GPU support? Using the CPU integrated GPU with Filament might be an enormous perf benefit. If it is we will probably all be going out to buy Apple M1 based systems when Daz actually runs on them.
Yeah, I'm not using Filament in its current state.
Thanks for telling me about the keyframe delete thing. I'll try it. If that still doesn't work, I at least found that I can right-click > Expand > All, which still has to be done in measured chunks, it seems, but at least I can fairly easily (yet a huge PITA compared to Carrara) go through and get them all.
Nope. This one is Daz Studio - the exact hair you mentioned by Linday. I love it!
The hair comes with four very distinct layers - the curls do not uncurl during simulation. The length differences you're noting is the way I started the hair for simulation. For this the options are entirely endless - truly. Eack layer has its own set of many morphs - color coding makes it super simple to see where to go to adjust the hair.
The above test isn't quite what I'm after, but it's close. The way her hair is will make more sense during the story, but it is supposed to be a bit different than ordinary hair.
KeyMate is no longer available as standalone because Daz bought it and is putting parts of it into Studio. I still find it very time-consuming to tweak animations in Daz Studio. Perhaps I just don't know enough key commands yet? In Carrara I can select some keys and:
I use both of those as if I was breathing when I'm in Carrara, yet I haven't found any means of doing #2 in Studio except to move the keys by hand - which is what I just got done spending two hours doing. I really like this hair though, as well as the fact that I can now use Genesis 3 and 8 Aeon Soul costumes!!! (and others, of course!)
Deleted because the post doesn't make sense any more.
I'm taking this information with a ton of salt. DAZ knew that a main library was going to be removed from MacOS a long time ago (as in many years) and they couldn't get Studio to be ready for Big Sur, so why should we expect someting that can run under MacOS (not Big Sur but the new version) in 6 months? Until DAZ can get its act together I'm postponing any purchase from the store.
Mod Edit :- To correct the quotes
As has been pointed out on various occasions, updating DS to support Big Sur will break plug-ins, on both Windows and Mac. Some plug ins will be updates, some won't. While I understand your frustration, you do need to recognise that ending your being locked out of the software you want is going to involve locking others out of using the software they want.
The problem is that DAZ had a lot of time to prepare for the transition and they didn't because things kept working. Until it didn't. I keep reading about making DAZ work with the new MacOS version will break this and that and that for me to use DAZ on MacOS will involve locking others out of the software they want. Guess what, Mac users are now locked out of using the software they want. DAZ made a clear choice. I understand that this is a legitime decision by DAZ but I think that it should be stated very clearly if Mac users are a priority or not so we could move on to other software — Poser, Vue, UnReal, Unity, whatever. A clear statement, that's all I would like to see.
Right now I don't believe that DAZ will have a version that will run in MacOS (wether Big Sur or the next version or even in AoS) by mid 2021 or anytime soon if ever. I would like to be optimistic but I'm not (please, someone prove me wrong). As for frustration: I have an old 2008 MacPro that can still run Studio, but if I had some paying work that depended on using DAZ Studio then I would be really mad (a much higher level of frustration). However, I'm disappointed because I have invested a lot of money in DAZ over the years but no more, at least until someone proves that Mac users are not second rate users.
P.S.: If DAZ gets a working version for MacOS by mid 2021 I will be the first to come here and say I was wrong.
Well then, I suppose this is on topic for the 4.14 general release, yet I don't see why. The binary for a BSD Mac is *completely* different from the binary for an NT Windows machine. They are two different things.
Daz is apparently trying to suggest that they are unable to maintain two different release channels with two different sets of source code. I'm not going to praise GIT but it does actually allow that and, at least in a not-so-cooperative heirarchical organization, it works quite well.
Maybe DAZStudio does use all the Qt style cmake build environment and so on, or maybe the build system is homecraft; I've seen a few of those, give me a really sharp sword and a Japanese posture. Nevertheless the position @Richard paints is both a nightmare ("we drop Mac" seems to be an accurate paraphrase) and just plain wrong. After all, even Microsoft Office did not drop Mac; they split off a whole unit of very commited volunteers before the turn of the Millenium just to support Apple. Surely with the promise of the M1 Daz can do better, or, at least, as well?
So make DAZStudio 4.15, only runs on Apple Max, M1 preferred. Challengingly incredible performance; sacrifice your library of non-M1 compatible plugins for screaming fast renders.
Or live with DAZStudio 4.14 on Windoze. Boring performance, barely faster than an Apple M1 with an NVidia GPU that itself costs twice the price and, curiously, uses the same CPU and all the plugins just keep on working.
I have a certain amount of sympathy; Apple should not have done this to you, but then I also have a whole long list of things Apple should not have done mainly centered on putting me out of a job by bogus marketing twice, but that's my stuff. Those who do not learn from pain will not escape it.
You have no evidence for this at all. We know for a fact that Daz3D has been working on the Qt5 upgrade for a long time, but has not released it yet because it will break all plugins. It may well be that Daz3D has been working on Big Sur compatibility for a long time, and the timetable given for Big Sur is when they expect to have DS5 with both Qt5 and Big Sur compatibility. Now, I have only one piece of circumstantial evidence for my position, namely that Daz3D has been working on Qt5 for a long time but hasn't released it because it will break the API. That's still one more than the evidence for saying that Daz3D didn't know and/or didn't care and/or hasn't done anything.
And ALL users, including Mac users, even those who don't update to Big Sur, will have to deal with lost plugins. That doesn't mean they aren't a priority.
Daz3D has made a clear statement, that Big Sur support is being worked on and is expected in the middle of next year. If they said, "we consider Mac users a priority", would that make any difference? Would you sertiously consider it anything more than a mere platitude?
libstdc++.6.dylib was removed in XCode 10 (that's what, two years ago?), that's time enough for me. As for the rest: yes, DAZ said they are working on a Big Sur version but we'll see what we'll see.
I'm feeling your PAIN and FRUSTRATION Joaquim as I am in the same boat. Invested hundreds of money on DAZ content ONLY to be slapped in the face. I have a Windows laptop and can still operate DAZ if I wanted to but I'm a diehard Mac user. Other applications I use on Mac have made adjustments quickly to accomadate BigSur. Not completely understanding why DAZ lagged in preparation for this.
And Qt5 was released in 2012. The issue is not how long they've been working on it, it's when they're going to jump to DS5 and break all the old plugins. And as has been repeated ad nauseum, the issue is not the removal of the .dylib -- if that were the problem, then DS would work on Macs which have been upgraded from previous versions of MacOSX to Big Sur.
If, indeed, they even bother with Qt5 as Qt6 is in the pipeline and, as of this moment, Qt5 is not supported on Big Sur (MacOS 11 aka 10.16); the highest MacOS is 10.15 even with XCode 12, if I read this page correctly:
It would seem that Qt aim to support BigSur (and, presumably, all the multilib stuff if they don't already) in 5.15, I believe this is the Qt bug:
So who knows; the work to get DAZStudio to run on MacOS 11/Qt5 or even Qt6 may well be complete but until Qt releases a commercial version and that has been tested nothing can happen... As @Fixmypcmike suggests this might be Daz5 so with any luck we will be able to run the old 4.14+ alongside the current release version and continue to get bug fixes for 4.14+, just as bug fixes for the beta and the general release happen in parallel. This way on Windows10 4.14 can still run all those expensive plug-ins that have disappeared from the store.
It would be nice to get a list of the plug-ins that won't be supported, other than by trying to find the ones that have gone from the store but are still in our product libraries.
GenX certainly won't be updated since the author is dead.
I don't use MacOS, but I've seen Daz 3D devs perform miracles with their software over the years - Kudos to them!
I think it's crazy to blame them for an OS company to change their own protocol so much as to destroy so much product availability. But I digress.
Apple can be blamed for many things but blaming them for deprecating a library and informing developers years before certainly is not one of them. In fact, there are lots of other software that didn't needed to be updated to work with MacOS 11 and other software companies had updates ready either before or just after the update.
There are already some other threads on the topic of Big Sur support. I realise it's a major concern for Mac users, whether or not they are immediately upgrading, but this isn't the thread for an extended discussion of the topic - especially given that the official word is already in the announcement post in this forum.
New version Daz 4.14 - does not work not only on macOS BigSur. On other older versions, Daz starts, but the Iray render does not work. In version 4.12 Iray on Mac with nvidia cards worked fine. You must warn all macOS users - that with the new version they will be left without iray. Daz3D is dead for all macOS users. Why do you need software that cannot be rendered? There are no plugins for exporting models to other renders for macOS either.