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White? Please post a screenshot?
Assuming it isn't white because of the above problem, a damaged "layout", use the DAZStudio Window menu; Window/Workspace/Select Layout... A dialog window will pop up with a choice of layouts, some dark, some light. Some packages add to that dialog, e.g. I have a number of double screen layouts apparently from @esha, probably the "Foundations and Essentials" tutorial.
Window>Workspace>Select Style. Styles control the appearance of the UI, layout its arrangement.
Someone saod that with version closing issue is solved. However I still have to close it from task manager everytime before reopening it.
Depending on the scene that was loaded when closing, it might take a little while before closing.
Is there CPU activity?
From what I've seen, Studio can take a little while to release memory. If it is all physical memory then it seems to be faster than if there is a lot of virtual memory in use (page file or swap file). It seems to me that virtual memory on a spinning hard disk would take longer to release than virtual memory on an SSD. I don't know if that is what you are seeing, but if you start Task Manager (in Windows) the Performance tab should show memory in use along with statistics in real time.
Here's a simple test (TM) with timing for my Intel® Core™ i7-8700K Processor (6 cores, 3.7GHz with 64GByte of DRAM):
Assuming you have a complex scene you can also try the "complex scene" test. I used a scene I had prepared earlier (actually from 2018) with five characters and a full set. "Open as new..." of that scene from a running DAZStudio takes 8 minutes and the DAZStudio application is then using 21GByte of system memory; 57% of the available memory is consumed with the next highest user being Google Chrome with close to 5GByte.
Close of DAZStudio after this point, no save, immediately sends the app into the background where is sits using 10.4% of the available cores on my system. Initially memory utilization sits at 19GByte, but that is expected even if the program is deallocating memory (memory is available for re-use use within the program but not actually released to the rest of the system). About 8 minutes into the close memory is going down, slowly but that's still consistent with malloc/free style memory management, after 16 minutes the memory utilization has dropped to 10GByte and is going down more rapidly. Memory then suddenly drops to around 150MByte and shortly afterwards the program exits. The whole "close" took 17 minutes and 15 seconds.
So regardless of the CPU-hang bug anyone who regularly closes DAZStudio or, for that matter, anyone who regularly loads different scenes ("Deleting Objects" in a complex scene seems to take most of the time) has only two reasonable choices:
The second approach may result in OOM on complex scenes, indeed I had a complete Windows hang (blank screen, had to do a power button reset) as a result of using (2).
Anyway, adding logging which proves stuff we all knew already:
2020-12-05 10:29:28.781 Deleting Scene...
2020-12-05 10:46:27.336 *** Scene Cleared ***
So that's 1018.555s (16 minutes 58.555s) to clear the screen while the whole shutdown runs in around 17m1s:
2020-12-05 10:29:27.296 Saving session layout...
* * *
2020-12-05 10:46:28.389 Deleting Application Settings Manager...
So, if DAZStudio did not delete the scene on exit it would take 2.538s to exit, not 17minutes, on my system.
In the newest builds the log file should give you more information about what is happening in the shut-down process.
I think most of those changes were already in; certainly that version added a whole load of log messages which confirmed that the problem is during the "Deleting Scene..." operation. Here are the corresponding messages from 1.22 with a completely empty scene (i.e. the scene that gets created when DAZ Studio starts):
2020-12-05 12:06:53.246 Deleting Scene...
2020-12-05 12:06:53.251 *** Scene Cleared ***
Pretty fast ;-) 5 thousands of a second... Then here is the log for a scene with a single G8F (and nothing else, apart from tonemapper/environment):
2020-12-05 13:57:49.149 Deleting Scene...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.431 *** Scene Cleared ***
The total wall clock time to close DAZStudio was 44s in this case and 29.282s is accounted for in the "Deleting Scene..." operation but there are no additional log messages (compared to The logged total close down time is:
2020-12-05 13:57:47.551 Saving session layout...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.801 Deleting Application Settings Manager...
So that is 31.25s total which is clearly missing 15s. DAZStudio should log "about to close" at the start and "about to exit" from outside the main loop, i.e. at the end of main(), at the end; that might help track down the missing 15s although it might be inside onexit(), which gets called after main() has returned and, traditionally, flushes all the IO buffers.
I ddn't really expect to see log messages from "Deleting Scene..."; the messages would be highly scene specific though maybe one or two messages per object as it is deleted from the scene would help. I'm pretty sure at this point that this all comes down to just deleting those objects and I think it is self evident that this need not be done at all; just disconnect everything in the scene without deleting it or, for that matter, simply exit. This is what is logged after the scene is deleted:
2020-12-05 13:58:18.431 Deleting Undo Stack...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.431 Deleting Authentication Manager...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.431 Deleting Main Window...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.530 Deleting Viewport Manager...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.580 Deleting Action Manager...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.580 DEBUG: End DAZ Studio to Hexagon Bridge log...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.584 Deleting Pane Manager...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.793 Performing cleanup...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.801 Deleting Plugin Manager...
2020-12-05 13:58:18.801 Deleting Application Settings Manager...
Nothing seems to be saved; all the layout changes etc were saved right at the start (according to the log messages). As I said before it is good practice to clean up in debug and test builds because it detects problems that would otherwise be undetectable and bad practice to clean up in public builds for precisely the same reason.
To Daz mods/forum-maintainers
The beta thread has an issue for me. Here is screenshot.
This was happening last night too. At one point the last post showed about what was hundreds of blue-links for "previous post" included under "quoted Barbult post". Current display shows quote of Barbult's post properly. But that lack of limit of previous post quote may be causing my display issue.
"Leave a Comment" box does not display. Maybe if I wait long enough?
Do you have the Daz-Deals extension installed? If so, it may need updating. If not, it looks like another script which is holding the page up.
Same thing shows to people who don't use the Daz Deals plug in, including Mods. We have reported it.
Hi. Thanks for reply.
No Daz-Deals installed.
All other threads work for me. Though forums and store do get issues very lately. Moreso forums though in last two days.
Enabled all scripts to see and still same issue. Using Firefox 81.0.1. Am a bit out of date with FF83 available. Have noticed more DAZ website connectivity issues in last while. Many other websites I visit have no issues. Guess will wait & maybe update my FF and see?
Thanks for this.
Other threads are messed up, too.
That's what mine looked like too. The beginning of scroll for pages of blue links to previous post.
Also noticed when I quote someone now, the page hard refreshes and am left with this "Leave a Comment" only box. Have to open a new window to see thread was just responding to. Is this a new feature, or just a bug?
MacOS 10.13.6 High Sierra
Vidiocard Pascal 1060
In version 4.14 IRAY does not work - in 4.12 it works fine
CUDA Driver Version: 440.89
Does version 4.14 support Pascal video cards?
Where is the mistake?
The log file writes 2020-12-06 08: 44: 55.446 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY: RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: No worker to render with: aborting render
2020-12-06 08: 44: 55.447 Iray Render error: Internal rendering error.
Here I use edge and most features stopped working. The link to the forum itself doesn't work, I have to bookmark the subforums to get there. Then when I edit a post the source html appears, as if I pressed the source button, and there's no way to get the normal view. This is happening recently so I guess daz is modifying the site.
Yep I know edge is a little old now, but a little compatibility with old browsers wouldn't harm the daz site.
I'm still using DAZ, and though it's opening on Mac Os 11.0 (Big Sur) on Apple M1 chip, it crashes as soon as I try to open saved fiiles. Any suggestions to fix it please?
Running DIM and restarting today I'm faced with this.
I was going to attach the file here but, I'm faced with editing in HTML, and really can't be bothered with that.
It impossible to use and I can't figure out how to change it. I'm using Windows 10 and the latest version of Daz. It's also now telling me it can't find a list of stuff in :/resources/.....
Make sure it isn't running (check Task Manager) and uninstall & reinstall, as it appears to have been installed while DS was running.
Thanks, I've changed my internet provider today so when I ran DIM it was the installs that hadn't installed last night. I just opened it and it looks like it didn't install properly. I did have Daz open at the time. I have to admit, but, that's never been a problem before, but, I was using a Mac version then so who knows. I'm new to Windows in the last month.
Thank you, it's all fixed now.
Well the libraries seem to have gone walkabout. I had extra libraries above the two standard ones. I now can't find the library manager to get them back.
The help system produces just templates with no details.
How do I get my libraries back please?
After searching around I found a thread with the subject "adding 2nd content library" and was able to add the missing libraries.
It is a shame the update forgot about the possibiliy of more than two libraries existing!
Hmmm... I didn't see this mentioned here yet.
After installing the new update (Daz Studio), no matter how I set the render settings, I get fireflies.
To be fair, I'm using a new (to me) product: Classic Long Hair With dForce for Genesis 8 Female(s)
dForce with this product is fantastic! My little GTX 1660 (6GB) ran it pretty darned well - can't wait to upgrade the card and do this more!
The viewport Iray, after turning on all of the Post Denoise Filter options turns out fine. But when I try to render it out to file, even when I set Quality to 5, which takes a bit longer than before, I still get fireflies all over the hair.
I know it's me... what am I doing wrong?
I don't thing the problem is you.The problem may be with Classic Long Hair materials. I have always had the same problem with that product. There are some glossy presets in the product that you could try.
So, has the Iray (Not using GPU) issue been around this whole while - in previous versions?
I seemed to be able to reduce the fireflies in the hair when rendering in a full surrounding scene, but then Iray kicks my GPU out of the equation - my little render is still running from last night.
I guess I'll have to either render a solo character to alpha, or just not use Studio? I don't like these options. It was just starting to get fun - finally.
I love Iray! Filament just doesn't do it for me. The whole transparency thing... yeah... no.
The timeline seems much better than it was before, but I never really knew that I had to change the View mode? So weird. But now that I'm set to Advanced View, it loads that way - unless that's just because I loaded a saved scene.
As for the crazy translate/scale/rotate tool widgets being so drastically horrifying to use, I'm learning that many users I see doing tutorials are actually doing it the way I used to do it in Poser - using sliders instead of direct manipulation. That works for me, albeit kinda strange for such an advanced software.
Truly - Daz Studio is some Sweet Machinery!!!
Kudos to the devs making this thing what it's been becoming. It takes a lot of genius work to get something this powerful in so many ways!
Back to the Iray issue, My Ryzen 7 is no slouch when it comes to rendering some pretty intense, heavy scenes in Carrara. Even with Rosie 5 with four separate layers of dynamic hair (shader-based - heavy on render resources), simulated clothing, reflection, refraction, SSS and transparency, along with volumetrics and lots of geometry (Urban Sprawl plus a whole lot of extra products added throughout to make it Cyberpunk, vehicles in motion with volumetric lighting, etc., etc.,) I'm still coming in at less thn five minutes per frame.
With Iray kicking my GTX out of the equation, renders slowed to a massive crawl with nothing more than a character with dForce hair, simple clothing and a very lightweight (but really cool!) scene.
I'm certainly not opposed to rendering the character alone to Alpha, and then the scene separately, but I'd still have to render the scene in Carrara, wouldn't I? Most scenes are heavier than what I'm experiencing in this issue: Character and light scene combined. I mean... is it always like this? If so, maybe I should consider quartering the textures of all environments? Damn, that's a lot of dicking around.
My system is granting 32GB RAM for the GPU to use if it wants to, since my normal operation never gets close to using all of the other half of my 64.
Is there some way that I can get Iray to see that and allow the use of it?