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Actually.. I don't have a single generation 5 Pro bundle. As a matter of fact, the ONLY generation 5 character I have is David 5. So for me personally, this is a wonderful offer because it means I can finally get M5 pro bundle which I have been wanting for some time.
I would advice to be a bit careful with taking for granted that everyone has the same things that you do. For those that are new, or simply have not been able to afford the pro bundles before, a offer like this is a real nice treat.
Edit - that is, unless I totally missunderstand what you were saying there? If so I apologize in advance *sheepish smile* Still haven't had enough coffee to properly wake up from my zombie mode :)
No offense taken Carola, you misunderstanding was my fault, as I figured out from scorpio64dragon's comment: Your use of ‘we’ is confusing, it sounds as if you are speaking for others,
I am, but not in the way it seems to be interpreted by others and that is my fault. My "better half" and I are working together in this. We share the expense of items, and the task of learning the programs we have gotten. We both stumbled on Daz I think way back in 2005 or so, and downloaded the new builds each time it came to mind again. But we never got around to installing or using them. This year around July we actually downloaded again .... and installed it, and a crap load of other programs and are trying to learn them all togethert, and it is just so natural for me to say "we" instead of "I".
My apologies to all that have been confused or offended and I will try to reread before posting and correct the we to I so as not to do it again.
Carola, we are new too, just wish we would not have bought all those (crap did it again :ohh: I from here on out!) A sincere YEAH! for you in that you will get a Pro Bundle free. Got them as each one went on sale, or was offered at a reduced cost as a new release. So can't whine too much about missing out on it being a freebie.
I am really glad those of us who are new are being able to find great bargains, but I agree with scorpio64dragon that they disappoint those who have already purchased bundles when they set limits. Why not just make the reward to pick a Daz bundle of our choice. Then they would not have some folks loosing interest. Carrara 8.5 held the same disappointment for those who had the bundles offered. But their are many who do not have them. The cost on a bundle is REALLY high unless it goes on sale, that is when I got them.
Anyway, again my sincere apologies to any and all who may have been confused or offended (or just plain decided I was schizophrenic -- well there is me and Tina, and Julie, and Deb ... which one do you want to talk to...... LOL) Promise I will try to keep it to I from now on!!
I still am confused about the last two product listed under the Tier Two Rewards for this week.
Fantasy Fighter & Fight! for Fantasy Fighter
Cute Minidress and Shoes & Cute Mini Textures
I can not find either of these with a search.
Are they new items that will be released before the Rewards unlocking date of the 18th?
Are they as ryemac3 asked "on par" with the Pro Bundles being given away.
No offense taken Carola, you misunderstanding was my fault, as I figured out from scorpio64dragon's comment: Your use of ‘we’ is confusing, it sounds as if you are speaking for others,
I am, but not in the way it seems to be interpreted by others and that is my fault. My "better half" and I are working together in this. We share the expense of items, and the task of learning the programs we have gotten. We both stumbled on Daz I think way back in 2005 or so, and downloaded the new builds each time it came to mind again. But we never got around to installing or using them. This year around July we actually downloaded again .... and installed it, and a crap load of other programs and are trying to learn them all togethert, and it is just so natural for me to say "we" instead of "I".
My apologies to all that have been confused or offended and I will try to reread before posting and correct the we to I so as not to do it again.
Carola, we are new too, just wish we would not have bought all those (crap did it again :ohh: I from here on out!) A sincere YEAH! for you in that you will get a Pro Bundle free. Got them as each one went on sale, or was offered at a reduced cost as a new release. So can't whine too much about missing out on it being a freebie.
I am really glad those of us who are new are being able to find great bargains, but I agree with scorpio64dragon that they disappoint those who have already purchased bundles when they set limits. Why not just make the reward to pick a Daz bundle of our choice. Then they would not have some folks loosing interest. Carrara 8.5 held the same disappointment for those who had the bundles offered. But their are many who do not have them. The cost on a bundle is REALLY high unless it goes on sale, that is when I got them.
Anyway, again my sincere apologies to any and all who may have been confused or offended (or just plain decided I was schizophrenic -- well there is me and Tina, and Julie, and Deb ... which one do you want to talk to...... LOL) Promise I will try to keep it to I from now on!!
I still am confused about the last two product listed under the Tier Two Rewards for this week.
Fantasy Fighter & Fight! for Fantasy Fighter
Cute Minidress and Shoes & Cute Mini Textures
I can not find either of these with a search.
Are they new items that will be released before the Rewards unlocking date of the 18th?
Are they as ryemac3 asked "on par" with the Pro Bundles being given away.
No worries, I actually ended up being a little bit unsure if I had missunderstood or not.. considering I am more like a zombie than human without my coffee *laughs*
And can totally understand your use of we since you talk for both you and your partner :) so no worries, that I know that I wil ltry to keep that in mind *smiles*
I was close to buy the M5 bundle when it was in fast grab, but picked up the Horse 2 instead, considering the rewards for this week I am quite grateful for that I must admit. I do feel sorry for you and your partner having all of these already :(
Regarding the Fantasy Fighter & Fight! for Fantasy Fighter and Cute Minidress and Shoes & Cute Mini Textures. My guess is that they are items that will be released either at the end of this week by the time the rewards are to be picked, or sometime during this week. THouhg this is only a guess from my side and I can be wrong about that :)
We aren't releasing any new items for week 1, but you still have until the 10th to fill your power bar for week 1 and try to reach tier 2 if you haven't already. Anything listed on this page: will give you a power up point for week 1 through 10th. Rewards for week 1 will be issued on the 11th.
Check out week 2 for today's new releases: The rewards for week 2 have also been announced so make sure to check those out as well.
Will the 99-cent sale be changing soon?
Will we be having the "voting" concept this year?
No problem firefly43, I confuse easily - especially in the mornings.
I've been using DAZ since July, so I'm still sort of new-ish to the scene. I'm loving the fact that I got all the gen 4 bundles for free last month. I already bought V5 and M5. I've been holding out on V6 in hopes that I'll get it at a deep discount. I already picked up Horse 2, Dragon 2, Anatomy Pro. I'm running out of bundles to buy!
Come next year, I'll be in the same boat as some of the "gray beards", having all the bundles and not seeing the advantage of the freebies. Then again, come next year, they'll almost certainly be something I won't have. Maybe my tastes will change and I'll want an Aiko bundle, or The Girl. We can't complain, or be picky. We're getting such deep discounts on this stuff, that the freebies are just gravy. It's nice if you score a freebie you didn't already have, but you can't be disappointed otherwise.
As far as spacing out the sales, that would be great. If it wasn't for the fact I spent a good $200 bucks last month, I'd probably be buying more this month. I'm finding myself being a little more selective with what I buy this month. December is out. I don't think with the holiday season people would be too keen on dropping $200 bucks on themselves. Maybe push it back to June as a summer sale. It would give people's wallets a rest in time for the PC Anniversary.
I have to say the crazy deal Marrakesh today was awesome, I didn't have any of it and got 3 of the bonus items with it at 60% off each. Usually I have had most of the bundle items so this was great deal for me : *happy, happy* skips away to play with new stuff
What's the chance that you might throw in David 5 and Hiro 5 bundles, give the boys a chance; the only pro bundle I don't have is the David 5 one - it would be really nice if you did.
I also looked for these:"Fantasy Fighter & Fight! for Fantasy Fighter and Cute Minidress and Shoes & Cute Mini Textures" and couldn't find them either.
My guess is that they are released for people that already have all the bundles and give them a head start with those new releases so they have something others don't have yet as to even out the more expensive bundles.
I did found this:
Oooh, I found a lot lot of new stuff hehe
Thanks Estroyer! REALLY hope it is a new bundle! That would be awesome!
Carola O & scorpio64dragon
No really my bad, but thanks for understanding. I need to clarify when saying we or people will just take it the wrong way. Not their fault they don't know me, and if the role was reversed I would wonder why they were including others .... LOL
Nice to know there are others that are new out there we (me & better half) are playing with things everyday and have figured some things out. Have not gotten the saving stuff right though. So far everything we save will not reload, get an error of one sort or another from can't locate it to dose not exist to corrupted file. Hope your having more luck!
As for the sales I am not going to complain!! Being the anal retentive gal I am ... LOL ... I have been keeping track of what I spend in relation to what I would have spent purchasing these items one at a time, and my savings are off the charts!! After my purchase today total spent so far will be rounded up $79.00 / $18.00 of that was the $0.99 cent Expansions for the Mega Pack / and $8.00 on Items past the tier two.
So had I just bought my 12 points worth it would only have been 42.00 for the week.
Because we (me & better half) can rarely afford the normal bundle prices, most would be bought individually as we could afford to. Using the normal listed price for each individual item and not including discounts or coupons (This is NOT including the mega bundle) I have gotten $903.94 worth of products for $78.11 a savings of $825.83!
If I add in the Mega Bundle it jumps to $1,212.94 Grand Total of products for $78.11 Total Savings for Week One & Today $1,134.83 .... Hard to complain when you look at it this way!
Definitely doing a happy dance here !!!! I figure this month will be a major hit to our credit cards ( which called for suspicious behavior by the way ... LOL) because we don't have a lot to spend these day (The economy and pay sucks these days, on top of being raped by taxes .... can I get an amen anyone .. LOL)
But in the long run it is going to save us thousands that would have been spent on so many things we do not have and probably would not be able to afford.
Getting the Characters was pretty essential, can't use clothes, hair, etc. on air space ... LOL. So we focused our piggy bank money on those, but had very little in the way of scenery, clothing (especially for the guys) and so on. This month is going to be a real boost for us. Then we will spend time catching up the cards and playing with what we have.
I know it is really disappointing when the rewards are things we already have (I'm disappointed I have all the Pro Bundles) .... but just cannot beat the massive savings on all the other offerings. So YEAH!!!!!
Ouch did not see that Marrakesh Souks 2012 was required for Quel Bazar in the CrazyDeal Marrakesh 1 so my total spent has changed to 87.12 Was not planning on dropping $20.00 the first day into the week, but a savings of $1,115.82 is still good.
the point system seems a lot better than the buy it all option, so at least daz is trying to make it more manageable to get the "big" prize as well as incentive prizes along the way for unlocking the tiers, that's got to be be hitting daz's wallets, I'm not sure how it was last year, I think I completely missed it, but I do like checking in on new items and trying to get the points for the tier and its awesome of daz to allow the pc items and freebies to be counted as points as well, and even if the "big" reward ends up being a $5 coupon, still hoping for M6, I'm sure with all the other tier rewards it'll still be worth it
Yea, it's always been a catch-22. The PC anniversary sale will always be in October.. the PA sale was historically in November and the same arguments were heard. DAZ moved the PA sale to September, and now the reverse is heard sadly.
The Pop-Down Banner is just so annoying.
There are three levels of Platinum club members:
1. Those with huge runtime libraries,
2. Those with moderate runtime libraries, and
3. Those with small runtime libraries.
Those with smaller runtime libraries have a lot to gain from the sales. Most everything is new to them.
Those with moderate runtime libraries have some gain from the sales. Some of the items and bonuses they have and some do not.
Those with huge runtime libraries run into issues with the sales. They already have most of the bundles, and other items. They have several PC sales under their belt already.
My Daz Runtime (not including items from other stores) is over 107 gig. It is hard to find items other than new releases that I don't already own (or care for).
Take the V5 Pro Bundle and M5 Pro Bundle offered for the Tier 2 package. I purchased them when they were released. I was given another copy when I bought Carrara 8.5 Pro. So the pro bundles are of no value to me since I already have them.
I ask that the pc folks keep the long time, huge runtime users in mind when selecting the bonus items for the tier purchases. Don't forget about the other pc members either, but give us some choices so we can get a deal as well.
Very true, I purchased most pro bundles on release time I only got V5 and M5 on their release I went on a long leave of absence, only pro bunle I don't have is the Stephanie one but I do have the starter, I do understand where others are coming from though, and there are still two more tiers with unknown rewards :)
The pro bundles include the starter bundles. See the What's Included tab
edit: Never mind, I misread your post.
ncampI think they've done a better job thus far in this PC Anniversary Sale than they have in many other sales. The fact that two of the rewards are as-yet-unreleased items is a really smart move, IMNSHO.
But it's also worth noting that we of the biggus-librarius species (circa 170G myself, despite starting some 4 years later) are also the fewest in number, and yet dramatically over-represented here in the forums. DAZ has the numbers that indicate what percentage of their user base has various products, and some of their decisions may factor that data in. (I certainly would, if I were a company in that space.)
Still, with this week's rewards including unreleased items, I think they've done a good job of building something that can appeal to anyone.
-- Morgan
Seconded — I keep clicking on one of the page top links for the cart, or the Shop dropdown, move the mouse down to where my next click is about to be, then
I get that great big banner lunging down at my mouse pointer, covering up the link I'm a finger twitch away from clicking on.
Seriously, I'm getting severely fed up with these animated banners and dancing thumbnails. They don't do anything for me, and way too often they actually get in my way. I'd prefer less clever HTML5 coding (if that's what it is) and more clever actually useable page layout design.
-- Morgan
I just totaled up my runtimes and the total is at 167 meg (not including my Carrara stuff on another drive and the stuff I haven't installed yet).
I agree that the PC sale is much better than some of the prior ones, and I was not really fussing at DAZ, just sorta whispering in their ear for some goodies. :cheese:
Seconded — I keep clicking on one of the page top links for the cart, or the Shop dropdown, move the mouse down to where my next click is about to be, then
I get that great big banner lunging down at my mouse pointer, covering up the link I'm a finger twitch away from clicking on.
Seriously, I'm getting severely fed up with these animated banners and dancing thumbnails. They don't do anything for me, and way too often they actually get in my way. I'd prefer less clever HTML5 coding (if that's what it is) and more clever actually useable page layout design.
Ditto'ng this, unfortunately. Pretty as the graphic usually is, impressive as it may seem the first time you get the full effect, in general use it's a pain in the pixels. “I get that great big banner lunging down at my mouse pointer, covering up the link I'm a finger twitch away from clicking on.” :ahhh: Yep, exactly.
You'll notice that for week 2 both Tier 1 and Tier 2 have rewards related to a brand new product. We did this specifically for users who already owned all the other bundles.
Okay this is just a suggestion, -- please keep all sharp instruments in their sheaths, and all beating sticks where we can see them ... LOL
If we look at Most the Pro Bundles, they list at about 124.95 for most of them, which may or may not be the PC Member price, ours may be lower. But working on the assumption that this is what a non member pays, here is my suggestion.
Lets Use Victoria 6 as an Example -- If each Product in the bundle was purchased individually
Casual Sexy Poses for G2 Females 12.95
Nocturne Poses for V6 9.95
Vianne for Victoria 6 14.95
Garden Party Dress 12.95
String Bikini for V6 16.95
Sweet Emotion V6 9.95
Darkwoods Heroine 19.95
Club 58 Dress 14.95
Caped Rouge 19.95
Nordic Hair 16.96
Charm Hair 14.95
Udane Hair 19.95
Fashion Hair 14.95
Norma 15.95
Nyssa 14.95
V6 39.95
For a Grand Total of $270.21 If purchased individually
Why not solve some headache for you in keeping up / and lessen the backlash of Unhappy Dazerites and just make the
Teir 1 Reward a Store Credit of $135.00 .... and the
Teir Two Reward a Store Credit of 270.00
This way we can buy whatever we need or want from Daz and willing participating Vendors.
It is a win/ win for everyone involved, participating Vendors get some of their product out, and when I get a good product I bookmark that vendors store for shopping.
Daz gets to be a shinning hero for meeting the needs of everyone
And we who spend our money at Daz don't feel like we are unappreciated shoppers.
It's only a script away to change it before the Week Two is over. Wouldn't this be simpler then keeping track of who gets what .... not to mention that all Daz members would profit in one way or another by the sale.
I know it may sound like alot, but really, come on, we all know that once you start spending here it becomes an addiction, ..... Just Gotta have that new piece, or that item they have been drooling over.
What better way to perk buying incentive even when there are no sales then to treat everyone with the courtesy of being able to enjoy the sale. Plus a happy customer goes a long way! I always return to buy from someone who has given me value & quality for my money, sale or no sale.
Okay so just saying .... no need to ban me from forums ... or close my account ... or shut down my shopping cart, just one business person to another offering a little insight.
EDIT Sorry about the price line up just can't get it to line up :roll:
Just a note... Store Credit like that doesn't really work, because DAZ Originals are 100% theirs to give away, but PA items are not. So if they could give you Store Credit that only worked on DO's, that might work. But I'm fairly confident they can't. (The monthly coupons aren't the same thing.)
So the store credit idea is actually a non-starter, because it's real money, as opposed to gifting you digital items they 100% own.
This is true at any level of store credit suggested, really. So no, they're not going to give equivalent credit to items, nor are they going to let you pick 'any items' to substitute, as that's a technical nightmare to implement.
So instead they've got some really cool stuff for folks who aren't normally quite as ravenous about getting Pro packs, and it looks like some decent stuff for folks who've got everything already.
-- Morgan
Depending of course on which figure the alternative supports, I would like to see some props as an alternative not figure or software reliant, which all customers could use.
I did not look at it from that aspect, and when you view that way it dose make sense. Still would be nice to be able to pick which ever bundle you wanted. But they are coming out with two new items for those who have most of the Pro Bundles. The items have been pretty good, in MHO anyway.
Hey belovedalia did you get my pm? about the other topic.
Hi Morgan,
Here is a variation on that suggestion........... yes, make available the bundle as an option, but if someone already has it, make a lower value coupon available to be used on anything or with conditions......
Hi Morgan,
Here is a variation on that suggestion........... yes, make available the bundle as an option, but if someone already has it, make a lower value coupon available to be used on anything or with conditions......
Problem is that it would most likely be eligible only for DAZ originals, and we already have enough gnashing of teeth with the PC monthly coupon and that condition ;)
Problem is that it would most likely be eligible only for DAZ originals, and we already have enough gnashing of teeth with the PC monthly coupon and that condition ;)
But it's still much less restrictive than a specific set of rewards which are all DAZ Originals.
So effectively a coupon is like a make-your-own-bundle... kind of thing.
Edit: Also, I reckon people have a problem specifically with the PC coupon because it replaced something better.
Tier 1 unlocked. Aiko 5 won´t escape me now... :coolgrin:
Ditto'ng this, unfortunately. Pretty as the graphic usually is, impressive as it may seem the first time you get the full effect, in general use it's a pain in the pixels. “I get that great big banner lunging down at my mouse pointer, covering up the link I'm a finger twitch away from clicking on.” :ahhh: Yep, exactly.
I agree!
All these moving and shifting when you mouse over things are nothing more than the <BLINK> tag of the modern era.