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Six items unlocks tier 1, to unlock tier 2 you'll need to buy another six items with points.
You get 1 point for each qualifying product you buy. Your next product will get you your first point for tier 2.
LOL, it's buggy! I bought 1 additionnal product and I jumped to 3 of 6 products for Tier 2 (I may have forgot West Park Ailmentsbut didn't tell previously because it's $0) It should have said 2 of 6 the previous time (and yes I did F5 and ctrl+R in my browser)
I was at one point for PowerUp from the earlier purchase of the freebie. I just bought 3 more items that are listed as having one point each (HDR ProSets Yosemite Pack Two, Tarnished and Polished Shaders, and Advanced Ambient Light); BUT I Did NOT receive point credit for any of them and my meter remains at one point.
And even worse I didn't get a link to manual download Advanced Ambient Light.. It would only let me download with DIM (download and install manager) that I don't use. So I can't download it to install later. Grrr! What a waste! I may have to file a support ticket and get a refund.
The points haven't been showing up immediately. It's been taking a few refreshes, sometimes a relog. Give it a little time.
Thanks. They did eventually show up. But I still can't decide what to do about Advanced Ambient Light that I can't manually download and save for later. I suppose I could just wait to download it until I'm ready to install it; But I really would like to download and save it.
You do have the option of using DIM as a downloader, but not as an installer.
So would it be safe to assume one pc item left to be released for this week?
There should be one on Monday as well that counts as for this week.
Safe? SAFE? It's never safe to assume anything where the anniversary is involved. Mwahahahaha.
Actually, it sounds reasonable - Jack did say there would be items Saturday and Sunday - but I don't know for sure. Oh, yeah - it would end on Monday probably, I was forgetting that.
I'm trying hard not to assume anything ever since a communications teacher told me:
Don't assume, it will only make an ASS out of U and ME
Not impressed with today's selection. Looks like I'm stuck at 5 points for the day. I just hope I can make it to 12 by the 10th.
Aircraft Colo is free for Platinum Card members, so you can make Tier 1 for nothing extra.
Aircraft Colo is free for Platinum Card members, so you can make Tier 1 for nothing extra.
Good catch! Thanks. How did I not see that? Maybe I wasn't logged in when I first looked. Thanks for the heads up. And thanks DAZ, I take it back! Tier 1 unlocked!
(Now all I need is a Tom Cruise for M4 and I can make an Oblivion scene!)
Good catch! Thanks. How did I not see that? Maybe I wasn't logged in when I first looked. Thanks for the heads up. And thanks DAZ, I take it back! Tier 1 unlocked!
(Now all I need is a Tom Cruise for M4 and I can make an Oblivion scene!)
You mean the one over at Rendo?
He is on my wishlist
That's funny. I was kidding. Merely pointing out the similarity between this ship and the one in Oblivion.
THAT'S what it looks like! Yes. Thank you.
HMMMMM .... Okay it has been 4 hours now since my last purchase for PC items. I should be showing 10 items bought now, but it is still showing 4. How long dose it take for this to update. I should be in Tier 2 now.
Does anyone know how long it takes to update the bar??
Which PC items have you bought?
Aircraft Colo - Free One
Mad Nurse for Genesis
Mad Nurse for Genesis 2
HDR ProSets Yosemite
Good Nurse / Bad Nurse
PC Anniversary Bundle 1
Do these not all qualify?
Yes they count. What does your bar actually say? Does your bar say Tier 1 rewards unlocked and then 4 of 6 products for Tier 2?
All of the qualifying PowerUp point items are all on this page:
Edit: The PC Anniversary Bundle 1 doesn't qualify
Edit-Edit: PC Monthly Freebie Aircraft Colo doesn't qualify either. Looks like the 4 points you have is correct.
Edit-Edit-Edit: My error on the Edit-Edit. Aircraft Color gives you 1 PowerUp point!
I've bought 10 items and this is how my bar looks.
Which means you probably only bought 4 products that qualified. Products on this page are those that qualify If all your purchases are from that page then you will need to contact support.
Bangs head against wall muttering .... "stupid newbie,,, stupid newbie"
Okay I admit that was a REALLY dahhhh moment on my part. Going to shut up and go to my corner and try to regain some slim feeling of intelligence now.
In the famous words of Roseanne Roseannadana (for those of you old enough to remember the original cast of Saturday Night Live)
"Never Mind" LOL
Thanks anikad!
Question for any Daz staff/mods in the know browsing the thread
How is the DO discount going to work? is it an authomatic thing off your next purchase of a DO or do you get a coupon which gives you a discount?
Since it's off one item I would think it has to be a coupon you elect to use, but I don't know. Nor do I know if you'd get a choice if there were multiple items in the cart at once, though I suspect it would take one (probably the cheapest - that's how that sort of offer works elsewhere).
The PC Anniversary bundle is not shown and doesn't qualify; BUT Aircraft Colo is shown on the top part of the page where it says 'Each item is oine PowerUp point and should qualify for a PoiwerUp Point (which it did for me earlier today).West Park Ailments is also free and counts for 1 point.
His bar is 4/6 of tier 2, which means all 10 products qualified. 6/6 tier 1, and 4/6 tier 2. 6+4=10 :P
The PC Anniversary bundle is not shown and doesn't qualify; BUT Aircraft Colo is shown on the top part of the page where it says 'Each item is oine PowerUp point and should qualify for a PoiwerUp Point (which it did for me earlier today).West Park Ailments is also free and counts for 1 point.
Opps, my bad! Thanks for pointing out my error re: Aircraft Colo.