What features would you like to see appear in dazstudio 5?



  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited December 1969

    fixme12 said:
    As I said last time you asked about that, the need there is for an importer for the desired application - it's not a feature of DS.

    I had a very busy month...
    forgot that I asked this question earlier. :shut:
    Why did daz created a dson exporter for poser?
    If daz can do this for poser, why not for other 3d software?

    DAZ3D cannot do everything.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    fixme12 said:
    As I said last time you asked about that, the need there is for an importer for the desired application - it's not a feature of DS.

    I had a very busy month...
    forgot that I asked this question earlier. :shut:
    Why did daz created a dson exporter for poser?
    If daz can do this for poser, why not for other 3d software?

    Because SmithMicro had to do something first for Poser, before Daz could do something about it.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    fixme12 said:
    As I said last time you asked about that, the need there is for an importer for the desired application - it's not a feature of DS.

    I had a very busy month...
    forgot that I asked this question earlier. :shut:
    Why did daz created a dson exporter for poser?
    If daz can do this for poser, why not for other 3d software?

    Because SmithMicro had to do something first for Poser, before Daz could do something about it.Exactly. I read some nice info in Paolo's Reality 3 for Poser thread over on RDNA regarding how the DSON Importer came to be. Not in depth but just enough to understand. :) Here is the thread http://forum.runtimedna.com/showthread.php?72442-Reality-3-development-journal can't remember what page.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    fixme12 said:

    I had a very busy month...
    forgot that I asked this question earlier. :shut:
    Why did daz created a dson exporter for poser?
    If daz can do this for poser, why not for other 3d software?

    Heh... they could make a MAYA Plug-in... but they'd have to charge like $500 or so for it to make it worth doing.
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited January 2013

    Szark said:
    Because SmithMicro had to do something first for Poser, before Daz could do something about it.Exactly. I read some nice info in Paolo's Reality 3 for Poser thread over on RDNA regarding how the DSON Importer came to be. Not in depth but just enough to understand. :) Here is the thread http://forum.runtimedna.com/showthread.php?72442-Reality-3-development-journal can't remember what page.

    Found it:
    Pret A 3D Said;
    That is so nice of you to say. As you know I started the Reality project with Studio and I am making a living today because of all the people who daily buy Reality. There are a few thousands of you crazy Reality artists out there now!
    The most often requested feature for Reality was... a Poser version. After I released version 2 I decided to see if it was possible to make it happen. Up to thatnp point there where technical obstacles that stopped me from writing Reality for Poser. That is because I care so much about the user experience. What Reality aims to be is a rendering system that makes the task of using something as complex as Lux simple and fun to use. To do that it is needed to have a very sophisticated level of intereaction between the user, the software and the hosting application, Poser in this case. At that time Poser didn't have the infrastructure to provide that level of interaction and integration.

    This is why I contacted Smith Micro at the beginning of this year to see if they would work together to bridge the gap that exsisted at that time. They have been just wonderful in embracing this project and, for the first time in years, they added an expansion to their API ( Application Programming Interface ). This expansion, the new Add-on Framework, has been designed in cooperation between our two companies and had caused some additional "side effects", like the DSON plugin for Poser.

    What is emerging, as Reality 3, is a brand new architecture that will allow me to bring this technology to other platforms. Poser will get i be first because Studio users had Reality for two years already. After the Poser versions is out I will work on the connection for Studio. My goal is to bring the Reality technology and User Experience to several platforms so that artists will use whatever "flavor" they prefer.

    I have to say that I am very impressed by what I see happening in Smith Micro. The level of dedication that they have for their software and the plans for the future (don't ask, I can't tell) are impressive. I had left Poser for a while, since I was working with Studio so much, but when I started working with it again I started appreciating more and more its rebustness and sophistication.

    Regardless, whatever program you prefer there will be a great Reality solution for it.

    Happy New Year to everyone!

    Post edited by wancow on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    edited December 1969

    I am not looking forward to Daz 5. I bought Daz 4 Pro, and would like it to be fixed before they even think about Daz 5.

    Yes! What she said!


    1. Stability
    2. Everything working that is there already!
    3. Did I mention stability?


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    I am not looking forward to Daz 5. I bought Daz 4 Pro, and would like it to be fixed before they even think about Daz 5.

    Yes! What she said!


    1. Stability
    2. Everything working that is there already!
    3. Did I mention stability?

    ...hear hear.

    ...along with updated documentation in downloadable PDF format.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited January 2013

    Mattymanx said:
    fixme12 said:
    As I said last time you asked about that, the need there is for an importer for the desired application - it's not a feature of DS.

    I had a very busy month...
    forgot that I asked this question earlier. :shut:
    Why did daz created a dson exporter for poser?
    If daz can do this for poser, why not for other 3d software?

    DAZ3D cannot do everything.
    ..what? You mean they won't make my morning coffee, clean the flat, fold my laundry, or make sure the buses run on time?

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Mattymanx said:
    fixme12 said:
    As I said last time you asked about that, the need there is for an importer for the desired application - it's not a feature of DS.

    I had a very busy month...
    forgot that I asked this question earlier. :shut:
    Why did daz created a dson exporter for poser?
    If daz can do this for poser, why not for other 3d software?

    DAZ3D cannot do everything.
    ..what? You mean they won't make my morning coffee, clean the flat, fold my laundry, or make sure the buses run on time?

    Morning Coffee: have you seen that Geico commercial? CGI coffee tastes terrible.
    Clean the flat: it'll be as neat and organized as your content folder.
    Fold my laundry: needs morphs for that.
    Buses running on time: no, no one can do that.

  • yungexecyungexec Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    needs multi pass - z depth-external render capabilities(maxwell) and better 3d export (cinema 4d)...make facial expressions exportable with figures (wtf)...and either start making the products in ya catalog werk with new versions of daz...or put them on a legacy server...i go thru all ya'll cool plug ins...and none of them work...but ya'll still wasting time n money on hosting them...and ripping off customers:lol:

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited December 1969

    yungexec said:
    needs multi pass - z depth-external render capabilities(maxwell) and better 3d export (cinema 4d)...make facial expressions exportable with figures (wtf)...and either start making the products in ya catalog werk with new versions of daz...or put them on a legacy server...i go thru all ya'll cool plug ins...and none of them work...but ya'll still wasting time n money on hosting them...and ripping off customers:lol:

    DAZ3D has a 30 day return policy. Contact them here - https://helpdaz.zendesk.com/requests/new

    Fill in the required info and they WILL refund you for those plugins that do not work in DS45.

    Make sure you check the product page closely to ensure that its states it works in DS45.

    DAZ Studio will export OBJ which is the most universal 3D format. When you move a model from one app to another it is NEVER perfect and will always require work. There is no way to avoid this as all apps have thier own ways of doing the same thing.

  • yungexecyungexec Posts: 6
    edited February 2013

    wow...amazing response time...what about multi pass at least for z depth passes...thats all daz is missing...unless ya'll fix mood masters2...thanx matty


    Post edited by yungexec on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited February 2013

    ...that would have to be taken up with DreamLight.

    Still waiting to see he will come around and update MM and LDP for 4.5

    I still have 3Advanced installed so I can use them.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited December 1969

    yungexec said:
    wow...amazing response time...what about multi pass at least for z depth passes...thats all daz is missing...unless ya'll fix mood masters2...thanx matty


    For Z-Depth, there is this product - http://www.daz3d.com/atmospheric-effects-cameras-for-daz-studio

    As for multi pass, I am not sure what is going on under the hood for DS when it renders.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    DFORMS: the ability to use DFORM with the POLYGON GROUP EDITOR so I can select specific groups for the DFORM to Affect

    TOO: the ability to easy replace morphs... and by that, I mean something such as a baked clothing morph for say, V5... so, if I make adjustments via DForm to an item, I can easily replace the baked morph from there...

  • Gerry1Gerry1 Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    Please bring back the classic UI from DAZ3xx

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited December 1969

    Gerry1 said:
    Please bring back the classic UI from DAZ3xx

    Yeah, I miss that.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 1969

    ...me too.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    DAZ 3 had a UI? who knew! :P

  • zapboy007zapboy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    How about a content window that actually works!!

    How about training so when there is a problem we can figure out that the hell to do!!

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited February 2013

    zapboy007 said:
    How about training so when there is a problem we can figure out that the hell to do!!

    That's what the forums are for :)
    Post edited by wancow on
  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited December 1969

    zapboy007 said:
    How about a content window that actually works!!

    How about training so when there is a problem we can figure out that the hell to do!!

    If your are having technical issues with your content tab I highly recommend you start a thread about it in the Nuts and Bolts section.

    As for training, well there is a difference between how to use the program and how to trouble shoot it. Any time you are in need of help, again, please dont hesitate to start a thread in the Nuts and Bolts section.

    Nuts N Bolts:

    Of corse if there is an answer to your issues already, you might be able to find them quickly in the Nuts and Bolts section or even the new users section or the DAZ Studio section.

    New Users Help Forum

    DAZ Studio Discussion

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited February 2013

    ...yeah, but being online takes valuable processor resources away from the task of scene production, not to mention the time to hunt down threads related to the issue at hand and/or posting your own. I've been involved in self directed study for some time, but it only works if you have the proper support materials (like a well written manual) at hand. When I still wrote code back in the "good old days" , I documented everything. Why is that such a difficult concept for developers today to wrap the heads around?

    ...and for my two Zloty's worth, video tutorials are no replacement for good ol' fashioned (and well bookmarked) PDFs.

    Maybe someone needs to come out with a Daz Studio 4.5 for Dummies book. I have the latest update of the Blender one and find it very helpful.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 1969

    ...ahh, the "it's a fair cop" response. So easily used then abused.

    The "we don't have the resources" argument is a poor excuse (guess shinies are more important than substance, just like what the aforementioned company I worked for banked on before they failed, and what our local transit system lives - and will soon die by).

    Yeah, you'll have much better fortunes with Blender as the community there is incredibly supportive of new users (plus you'll get a totally boot to the bum render engine without needing a plugin to access it). The tutes are downloadable, not just from the Blender community but other sites as well, and there are several good third party publications available (including the one I mentioned above).

    If you refuse support the needs of your customer base (which includes proper documentation for your software) they will look elsewhere. The original Daz Studio was simple enough to learn by intuition (and there actually was a useful manual). 4.5 Pro is much more complex, and has nothing for users to refer to when they run into a snag.

    A major soft drink company once had the motto: "Image is nothing". Simple and to the point, something Daz3D (and a lot of other businesses) needs to subscribe to. If you have substance as a foundation, the image and reputation put forth to prospective customers will be a lot more sound and solid. That is why, for example, Steinway Pianos are the standard others are measured against.

    Why does it always seem so difficult to do the simple thing?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited February 2013

    ..and that is the trouble the average businesses model today. Simple is elegant. Complex is cumbersome.

    Southwest Airlines kept it simple, one aircraft type (the Boeing 737), settling an extended multi-year fuel contract when prices were low, offering only one class of service, crosstraining ground service employees, careful and calculated route expansion, and not going head to head with another airline in that company's home hub. Southwest is still turning a profit. while other airlines have either gone under, or were forced to merge with another carrier.

    While their level of service is fairly basic (you get a seat on a plane to go from point A to point B), they are "up front" and honest about it and have not embraced the "nickle and dime" mentality of other domestic airlines. The result, Southwest has built a loyal customer base which includes those who used to fly regularly on the other "full service" carriers.

    Daz3d could be the "Southwest" of 3D software providers if like the airline, they focused on basics which includes attention to the quality of both product and customer support. It would go much farther to solidify their position, than continually introducing one shiny after another while the core software of their flagship app is always in a "Beta state".

    Yeah procedural documentation is boring, I know, I did (and still do) a lot of it. But when I can take a week or two off from my job and relax, confident that I will not return to a total nightmare, the effort is well worth it. Granted, even at my workplace this makes me somewhat an anomaly. However, because of this, things don't come to a grinding halt in my absence, which is not only good for the company's bottom line and client relations, but has built for me a positive rep in the eyes of the firm's admin and owner.

    Substance first makes the image that comes afterwards much more solid.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    zapboy007 said:
    How about training so when there is a problem we can figure out that the hell to do!!

    That's what the forums are for :)

    Actually, that's what proper documentation ( :bug: what's that?) is for. With it, many issues wouldn't even be issues I'd bet.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 1969


    When you can get the answers you need at your fingertips without having to spend a lot of time surfing forums, on line tutorials, and asking questions every time you run into a potential issue, you are ahead in the workflow game.

  • nightwolf1982nightwolf1982 Posts: 1,176
    edited December 1969

    There are only two things I would want for DAZ 5: Proper, thorough documentation, and a good long stretch of time before it gets here. Honestly, I feel like I'm running a race to keep up with all the updates and new versions of everything that keep coming out, all while still trying to figure out the current stuff!

  • beregarberegar Posts: 269
    edited December 1969

    Batch rename where you can selectively rename portions of multiple scene items simultaneously...

    i.e. I may want to rename a collection of tables for example if I've typoed "table" without losing running numbering or other parts of the name. I.e. I want to be able to rename tabl01, tabl02 to table01, table02 etc without having to do that individually.

    Seriously I'd kill for this right now.

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