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No aniBlock from GoFigure has done this. When does this happen for you?
That is mainly because these users don't want to take the time to learn something new. Every program has it's own unique UI, some worse than others. I hated the UI for DS for the longest time, but learned it to take advantage of a few things DS specific and actually love DS4.5 now.
...with the Darkside UI and optional Content Tree view, it feels and functions pretty close to older versions of the application. While I first thought it as bothersome, the Camera Cube is so much easier and more precise to use than the old orbit control.
One thing I find though is that the item selection tool needs to be a bit more precise. Often times I just want to select a single body part or prop but it frequently ends up selecting either the whole figure or the entire scene set in the background.
I also agree, a sculpting tool would be a nice addition.
The viewport widget appears on the origin of the selected node. If you are going to use the Parameters pane to do the posing you can use the Node Selection Tool, which doesn't have a widget to get in the way. If you ue the hip, rather than the root Genesis node, for positioning then the widget will be local (but then it will leave the root node's origin in the centre of the scene, which will be away from the repositioned figure, so you need to be consistent about which you use).
I want self collision smoothing. EG if I make Genesis finger press into the arm I want to see an indentation:) Using invisible suits and props is not an answer. They are too limiting and Genesis can only collide with one at a time. Or if this cannot happen, make an actor able to collide with multiple objects.
A complete rethinking of the user interface.
I want to be able to move characters easier in different parts of large sets easier. Woe bedide you if you want to place a character on a balconey or at the side of a screen. Lots of paramenter moving and such.
Ability to specify where characters are posed.
Abilitiy to make any surface 'ground'. I hate getting a new set, and having the characters feed dip down into the ground because it is rocky or raisesd.
Abililty to really delete content fom content manager. I find if I uninstall content, there is some legacy stuff sometimes left in my runtime. I'd love to be able to just click and delete and remove 'em
Ability to easier focus the character's eyes, or move to face eachother for posing. Sometimes I think a character is well posed, move around to a different view, and nope, they aren' even looking towards eachother. So would love a way to 'group interract characters so they are both facing eachother, and in the character's line of sight... Natually.
Can we get a STICKY from this thread?
it's important for daz improvement, that all daz users can have their input and not only a few that found this thread.
just an idea. :)
Last thing I want.
This sound to me like bad programming skills, to make us work, so you don't have to. Sounds like Bill Gates to me.
And you proved my point "which will be away from the repositioned figure" There should be a way to move the
widget or you make the program where it is always in the pane that we are working in, but not on top of what we
are posing. And people are saying there needs to be a sculpting tool to take your product into the future, and
not be a "toy program" as people are saying. I think your product can be the best out there, if you get over your
Bill Gates mentality. You do the work so we don't have to, not the other way around. Blow away the competition,
or I am going to start a software business again and put you all out of business. No body had to ask how to use
my software, it was so easy to use they did not have to ask. I mean 20 .exe files just to load one product. Give
me a break. They should all be like genesis, one .exe file with options to load a character.
If the widget moves away from the actual origin then using it to rotate or scale will have unexpected results - hardly user-friendly. The conceptual problem is that the root, "Genesis" in the Scene pane, is not tied to the figure - that can be a good thing (if you set up a multi-figure group using the hips to ge the relative positions you can then apply the same transformations to all of the root nodes to place the group in the scene). Personally I'm not convinced that losing that, or having rotation and scaling occur relative to a different point from the widget being used to apply them, would be desirable but I'm not a developer - if you have a concept of how you would like it to work make a bug report, setting the severity to feature, so that the development team can review it. would be nice if you could actually assign and save an individual name to a figure in the scene tab. That would be very helpful when working with multiple figures instead of just having them labelled "Genesis, Genesis(2), Genesis(3)" etc...
Very easy to do. Just click on the Genesis 1 2 or 3 once or twice in the Scene tab. It will highlight and you can name it what ever you want. When you save your scene the named Genesis's will save with their new names.
First click selects the item, clicking on an item that is selected makes the name editable - as with file names in Windows.
I'd like to be able to temporarily turn off smoothing on the Scene level, like preview lights. That way I don't have slow down while I'm setting up the scene, but I also don't have to remember which items did and didn't have smoothing enabled when turning it on and off with batch select.
Well now I can see why your product will never be the best. Better for me, so now I can be the best. You show
the same mentality as all the Bill Gates, Adobe, Zbrush, Autodesk types. If you are not a developer then why are
you asking us how to improve your product? If you need me to tell you how to have the widget in the same
screen as the character, then I won't tell you, I'll just do it. Clue it ain't rocket science, it is just a matter of pushing
number, and I have been doing that since I started animating screens in COBOL when no one had a clue how to
do that. I thought it was normal and eveyone did that. Good luck with your little toy.
P.S. one last suggestion, you should have some type of reset for body parts, as a arm, when it gets so twisted
out of shape it needs to go back to normal limits, big time saver.
There are commands for restoring and zeroing (not always the same) in the Parameters pane option menu. They include options for the whole figure and for selected nodes, though there isn't an option to affect the selected node and its children (so that you could simply click the collar and fire the command, instead of having to fiddle selecting all of the arm parts).
I would like to have the default+perspective cameras both loading with new scenes again. A small thing, but it's very annoying when I get the camera set up just as I like, then forget I had to create a new one and lose it when I come back to the file later because the perspective cam is not saved with files (whereas the old default one was).
Also, for a while DS was not generating cruddy icons every time I resaved an item to library, which is something I have to do through several versions as I do morphs. I don't like having to go back and manually delete the "bad" item.duf.png icon so that the "good" item.png one that I've rendered will show up (usually five times in a row with a big morph list).
Could we go back to not auto-generating icons on save every time, or is there a way that could be optional for the people who can't be bothered with rendering icons? Or is it already optional and I can actually change this now?
Edit->Preferences->Scene tab. First check box under "load scene" is "create 'default camera'"
Edit->Preferences->Scene tab. First check box under "load scene" is "create 'default camera'"
Durr.. Thanks! Well, that's an easy fix, then. :-D
i would like to see the platform plugin that daz promise when genesis was launched.
use the genesis platform with all it's features in programs like max, maya, c4d, modo, lightwave, blender etc.
where is it?
That's nothing to do with DS - that requires an importer, like the Poser DSON importer, for the application in question.
For me, it really doesn't matter what upgrades they do since Studio 5 will be free. You can't expect the moon on free software. It will be free, won't it? I mean, DAZ isn't actually going to charge us for this, are they? Heck, I paid almost $200.00 for DS 4.5 and then they gave it away for free after 4 months. I, for one, will save my next $200 for my VUE upgrade.
I have learned my lesson here that store content is king and early application adoption is for suckers. I am not naive and realize the free software promotion is helping to increase DAZ and PA store sales as well as attracting new customers, but there are still many long time, loyal customers that paid good money for this software and won't be rushing like lemmings to shell out our hard earned dollars to get 5.0.
An “eraser” for the weight map brush. There’s only a paint and a smooth brush.
I really need that.
Hold down alt to erase.
That worked, thanks. Now I'm complete. :gulp:
I would like to see them take another stab at the posing tool. Since it's not going to be rendered in the scene, how about making it easy to see and click onto? I find myself in a good camera position for a pose, but you can't see the manipulator's hidden circles until you manage to get your mouse over them IF you can see where the hint line is... Why not make those circles completely visible all the time, so you can find the rotation controls no matter what position you are in. I think Poser's direct manipulation tool, and for that matter Messiah Studio, Blender, Modo and a slew of other 3d applications. The hidden circles are the most frustrating thing about working in a scene to me.
Though I personally would not use it in DS since I am content with the node selection tool and the Parameters Tab, I will say that I like the multi-selector in Silo3D which is simular to the one in Hex which I dont mind either. But to each their own.
There are multiple methods to posing a character in DAZ Studio. Some like to use the node seelction tool and the Parameters Tab while others use the Universal Tool. I think there is at least 5 different ways one can modify the characters pose in DS. I stick to the node selection tool and Parameter Tab myself.
With content in DS, either natice DS content or Poser content you can organize it several ways as well. I cannot give you any help or advice with the Content Manager within DS since I do not use it but you do have the ability to sort your content anyway you wish. DS native conent is extremely flexable for otganization as DS does not care how you do it as long it is all installed with in the Content or My Library folder.
Facial expressions are found on the Parameter Tab under the heading "Actor" if it is Genesis. If its a Gen4 or Gen3 figure then available expressions are listed as morphs. Normally one needs to select the head first inorder to see them. Please note that with the Gen3 and Gen4 figures that you need to have a morph pack installed to have all the expressions instead of just a few.
DAZ Studio was not designed to be a modeling app. You can adust the figures using D-Formers within DS but that is a per scene adjustment if you use them. If you need to make adjustments to any mesh you have the option of using Hexagon or Blender since they are both free or any 3D Modeling app that you already own.
Ease of use comes with learning. No major production tool is easy to use but instead, sophisticated. All 3D apps have their own native file types, methods for rigging and ways for working on surfaces. As a result there is no universal and perfect way of getting models from one to another without some sort of work involved for the end user in the app it is going to. Though Autodesk tries to provide a good method with FBX, it is not perfect. OBJ is the most universal 3D file output but it cannot carry any rigging info or unique shader information for each app. While I too would like to see bridges be developed between DAZ Studio and other apps such as 3D Studio Max, Lightwave, Maya, Blender and so on, DAZ3D cannot do it alone or be solely responsable for it.