What features would you like to see appear in dazstudio 5?



  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Ability to import and use Bryce models. I mean, it's geometry, right?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,262
    edited December 1969

    JOdel said:
    Ability to import and use Bryce models. I mean, it's geometry, right?

    I'd like that too. I have some old Bryce models that would come in handy. I know you can export via Bryce but it would be nice to not have to load that app.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited December 1969

    beregar said:
    Batch rename where you can selectively rename portions of multiple scene items simultaneously...

    i.e. I may want to rename a collection of tables for example if I've typoed "table" without losing running numbering or other parts of the name. I.e. I want to be able to rename tabl01, tabl02 to table01, table02 etc without having to do that individually.

    Seriously I'd kill for this right now.

    My freebie for the Christmas PA giveaway a couple of years ago was scripts relating to selections, including a batch rename. I must get those back up again - I think the links died with the switch to Magento.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited December 1969
  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited March 2013

    strange that this still is not a sticky...

    all those useful input requests made by the users here about future improvement, is it actually been used?
    or will user input again ignored?
    just wondering...

    Post edited by Fixme12 on
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I doubt it's being ignored. That it's not a sticky doesn't bother me very much. The interest is obviously there, and even though DAZ employees don't often post (it's likely due to DAZ policy) I'll bet they read the forums often enough. That's a guess on my part, but I'd put money on it.

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    I doubt it's being ignored. That it's not a sticky doesn't bother me very much. The interest is obviously there, and even though DAZ employees don't often post (it's likely due to DAZ policy) I'll bet they read the forums often enough. That's a guess on my part, but I'd put money on it.

    yeah you're probably right.
    they probably have not much time with so few people.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited March 2013

    wancow said:
    I doubt it's being ignored. That it's not a sticky doesn't bother me very much. The interest is obviously there, and even though DAZ employees don't often post (it's likely due to DAZ policy) I'll bet they read the forums often enough. That's a guess on my part, but I'd put money on it.

    I wouldn't make it too much money.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    wancow said:
    I doubt it's being ignored. That it's not a sticky doesn't bother me very much. The interest is obviously there, and even though DAZ employees don't often post (it's likely due to DAZ policy) I'll bet they read the forums often enough. That's a guess on my part, but I'd put money on it.

    I wouldn't make it too much money.
    You trying to rain on my parade, Chohole? Damn... now I'm all depressed... I guess I'll just have to make a scene or start a fight... maybe that'll get DAZ's attention :P :)

  • beregarberegar Posts: 269
    edited December 1969

    Thank you (and sorry for delay)! :)

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    DAZ Studio 5? My wish is simply.......

    a few years away. PLEASE. Let me get my content straight and my knowledge of 4.5 and Genesis farther along before anything new. Thank you very much.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    LOL Spit! I'm loath to try to disagree... :)

  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    One thing I'd REALLY like to see is the ability to import formats not commonly supported by free 3D conversion utilities, esp. Bryce files (since Bryce is no longer free)
    Carrara and Vue would also be at the top of my list. I couldn't care less about DAE, FBX, DXF, or 3DS since most 3D conversion programs convert these to poser and/or wavefront format already, and therefore I think it would be a huge waste of time for DAZ to make these formats importable. Also allow DAZ to read .bump files for old Poser models. Oh, and another big one!! Allow DAZ to read MC5 and MC6 files! There are so many wonderful free and commercial Poser shaders out there!

    I'd also like to see a fix for the crackle effect that appears on imported Wavefront files when using Uberenviro light 3, though I know this is more Omnifreaker's domain (so I hope he reads this!)

    Another one-- allow an option when importing for a popup menu or such asking for "original format" of the wavefront file for automatic rescaling.

    Oh, and a big one-- BETTER AND MORE COMPLETE BUILT IN HELP UTILITY, DAMMIT!!! Yeah, I know what accept and cancel do. I want to know what raytracing, rigging, point at, and things of that nature do.

    Oh, and fix the bugs in 4.5. That one is top priority, of course.

    2nd top priority-- BIG ONE-- allow for a "Move object to Center" option under Object/Figures. A lot of imported files are loaded at an offset by mistake.

    Sorry if any of these were already mentioned-- I searched "import" on the first page, but forgot to search for the others.

    Post edited by IceEmpress on
  • edited April 2013

    Please is there is there any possible news about DAZ Studio 5 from the DAZ team?

    Is this the main thread about DAZ Studio 5 or there is another one?

    Would there be finally a proper and real full manual for DAZ Studio?

    Because I think that if you want to be able to learn better how to use a software is much better to start from a PDF manual that you can browse and that is updated up to the latest version. The video tutorials are very good and very useful and great BUT they are NOT a replacement for a good manual.

    I am sorry that I have not read the whole thread.

    I am wondering if DAZ Studio 5 is going to be available sometime this year, or the DAZ Team is working in other projects that may have more priority and more important that could earn more money for DAZ and so it would be the release of DAZ Studio 5 for next year 2014?

    As now DAZ Studio is free, they will not get any profit from selling it it could be more important to get first more products to sell for DAZ Studio 4.5 than spend more time than needed for DAZ Studio 5.


    Post edited by spaceray2005_e908957707 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    This is a thread started by a forum member, it is not a thread started by anyone connected to DAZ 3D, and as such it consists of wish lists posted by other forum members.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,960
    edited April 2013


    mis read the post I quoted.

    Post edited by Mattymanx on
  • edited April 2013

    chohole said:
    This is a thread started by a forum member, it is not a thread started by anyone connected to DAZ 3D, and as such it consists of wish lists posted by other forum members.

    OH, Yes, you are right and is true that this thread is not connected to any DAZ member and was not made by DAZ and that all the information is about forum members wishes and I already knew that, although I have not seen all the 17 pages, so I could not be absolutely sure, so thanks to let me know that.

    Even then that this is only a forum users thread and not connected to any DAZ member I still keep asking the same questions even knowing that maybe there is no possible answer from any from DAZ as probably they will not be allowed to do it.

    Please is there is there any possible news about DAZ Studio 5 ?

    At least from any forum user, as perhaps some forum user may know something about DAZ Studio 5 evolution and development, and not directly related with DAZ

    I will be good just knowing that DAZ Studio is in development and going right

    Sorry if I may be wrong doing this, and I do not want in any way to reveal or break any secret law from DAZ, I am just curious to know if there is some possible news

    Please, if all this is totally secret information and can´t be known, I will not ask again anything and will patiently wait until some information is given by DAZ about version 5.0

    Post edited by spaceray2005_e908957707 on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    I don't know if this is even possible (or, ore to the point, legal), but I'd like to be able to import .vob models. There are a number of them out there. I suspect that a lot of the ones on places like Rendo would come in without problems -- but some of them over on E-on's own market are "locked" models which evidently can only be used in Vue, or specific *versions* of Vue. They're not just plain .obj files that you can import like any other .obj, and quite a few of them aren't available as .obj versions.

    And an awful lot of them look remarkably nice, and it would be awully nice to be able to use them.

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited December 1969

    poser pro almost ready to buy.... a poor surprise. :red:

    what do we still need in studio?

    - motion paths for camera's, lights...

  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131
    edited December 1969

    In the LIE - Layered Image Editer have the ability to rotate layers (currently you can only rotate 90 degree increments)

  • nightwolf1982nightwolf1982 Posts: 1,176
    edited December 1969

    Don't know if anyone's posted these (except documentation) but

    1 - Documentation - It's damn hard to learn a program wwhen there's no explanation of what things do. Even harder to learn about new features when there's no explanation.

    2 - Tutorials - Not just basic stuff like user interface and loading figures/props. Cover the more advanced features too, like geometry shells, geografting, etc.

    3 - Activated Plugins - Nothing annoys me more than downloading a plugin I can't use. I would love to use Optitex's dynamic clothing control plugin, but I can't afford 50 bucks to buy it right now.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    With the Pro version being free, the majority of the plugins you would have had to purchase if you could not have afford the Pro version at it's original price tag are free. Decimator was included in the paid version of Pro but is not included in free version of Pro due to prior agreements between DAZ and the developers. The Cloth Control plugin has always been a separate plugin. It may go on sale before the annual PA sale but it will be half off at some point during the annual PA sale.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    opal42987 said:
    One thing I'd REALLY like to see is the ability to import formats not commonly supported by free 3D conversion utilities, esp. Bryce files (since Bryce is no longer free)
    Carrara and Vue would also be at the top of my list. I couldn't care less about DAE, FBX, DXF, or 3DS since most 3D conversion programs convert these to poser and/or wavefront format already, and therefore I think it would be a huge waste of time for DAZ to make these formats importable. Also allow DAZ to read .bump files for old Poser models. Oh, and another big one!! Allow DAZ to read MC5 and MC6 files! There are so many wonderful free and commercial Poser shaders out there!

    I'd also like to see a fix for the crackle effect that appears on imported Wavefront files when using Uberenviro light 3, though I know this is more Omnifreaker's domain (so I hope he reads this!)

    Another one-- allow an option when importing for a popup menu or such asking for "original format" of the wavefront file for automatic rescaling.

    Oh, and a big one-- BETTER AND MORE COMPLETE BUILT IN HELP UTILITY, DAMMIT!!! Yeah, I know what accept and cancel do. I want to know what raytracing, rigging, point at, and things of that nature do.

    Oh, and fix the bugs in 4.5. That one is top priority, of course.

    2nd top priority-- BIG ONE-- allow for a "Move object to Center" option under Object/Figures. A lot of imported files are loaded at an offset by mistake.

    Sorry if any of these were already mentioned-- I searched "import" on the first page, but forgot to search for the others.

    One major problem with mt5 and mc6 files, even if DS could read them, they wouldn't work. Procedural shaders are tied to the render engine. DS and Poser use similar but different render engines.

  • creativemodelsbecreativemodelsbe Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is my one and only request for dazstudio pro 5, some important feature for 3d character software.
    it's requested on the run'dna poser2014 forums to implement in poser to.
    Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Dazstudio 4.6:
    NEW Render Engine
    Including spot rendering for re-rendering portions of an image.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited May 2013

    icprncss said:

    One major problem with mt5 and mc6 files, even if DS could read them, they wouldn't work. Procedural shaders are tied to the render engine. DS and Poser use similar but different render engines.

    I don't know about mt5 files but mc6 files show up in ds. They will even apply to a certain extent. As you mention though they are tied to a different system and I'm sure they don't fully apply all functions just some of the basics.

    Post edited by Pendraia on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Pendraia said:
    icprncss said:

    One major problem with mt5 and mc6 files, even if DS could read them, they wouldn't work. Procedural shaders are tied to the render engine. DS and Poser use similar but different render engines.

    I don't know about mt5 files but mc6 files show up in ds. They will even apply to a certain extent. As you mention though they are tied to a different system and I'm sure they don't fully apply all functions just some of the basics.

    DS can read the basics settings found on the first level of Poser material room shaders. However, DS and Posers render engines handle even something as simple as a bump map differently. Poser is pretty much black and white in bump mapping whereas DS tends to the shades of gray.

    Ambient and specularity are another known issue between the two. There are probably more as you get deeper into the shader tools.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited May 2013

    icprncss said:
    Pendraia said:
    icprncss said:

    One major problem with mt5 and mc6 files, even if DS could read them, they wouldn't work. Procedural shaders are tied to the render engine. DS and Poser use similar but different render engines.

    I don't know about mt5 files but mc6 files show up in ds. They will even apply to a certain extent. As you mention though they are tied to a different system and I'm sure they don't fully apply all functions just some of the basics.

    DS can read the basics settings found on the first level of Poser material room shaders. However, DS and Posers render engines handle even something as simple as a bump map differently.Poser is pretty much black and white in bump mapping whereas DS tends to the shades of gray.
    Ambient and specularity are another known issue between the two. There are probably more as you get deeper into the shader tools.

    The difference here is that Poser bump mapping black is flat (or ground level) and white is the higest point, shades of grey show the variations in an upward bump only, until you insert a negative math node to simulate the downwards from the flat level bump, to give a two way bump. DS bumpmapping the flat (or ground level) is a medium grey, darker shades of grey go downwards with black being the lowest level and lighter shades of grey are upward, with white being the highest level, so you get a two way bump automatically.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • artistb3artistb3 Posts: 188
    edited December 1969

    I suggest that fixing the design flaws in Smart Content should be high on the list. I assume that DAZ has spent a lot of money on providing metadata in the past couple of years. Why not make it a priority to then provide a feature in DS that makes good use of this metadata. As is, Smart Content is barely usable.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    icprncss said:
    Pendraia said:
    icprncss said:

    One major problem with mt5 and mc6 files, even if DS could read them, they wouldn't work. Procedural shaders are tied to the render engine. DS and Poser use similar but different render engines.

    I don't know about mt5 files but mc6 files show up in ds. They will even apply to a certain extent. As you mention though they are tied to a different system and I'm sure they don't fully apply all functions just some of the basics.

    DS can read the basics settings found on the first level of Poser material room shaders. However, DS and Posers render engines handle even something as simple as a bump map differently.Poser is pretty much black and white in bump mapping whereas DS tends to the shades of gray.
    Ambient and specularity are another known issue between the two. There are probably more as you get deeper into the shader tools.

    The difference here is that Poser bump mapping black is flat (or ground level) and white is the higest point, shades of grey show the variations in an upward bump only, until you insert a negative math node to simulate the downwards from the flat level bump, to give a two way bump. DS bumpmapping the flat (or ground level) is a medium grey, darker shades of grey go downwards with black being the lowest level and lighter shades of grey are upward, with white being the highest level, so you get a two way bump automatically.


    My analogy was not a criticism so much as an observation that Poser bump mapping is more open and shut, yes or no, this or that whereas DS tends to be more flexible.

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