The We Love Gen 4 Render Thread



  • KalypsoKalypso Posts: 208
    edited December 1969

    Wow, these are the best Poser kids I've seen! Teen Vicki and the 9-yr-old are such cuties! Are they your morphs and scaling or are they available anywhere?

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Zaarin said:
    About time I get a render in here. The statue in the background is default M4. Then we have M4 as a sixteen-year-old, V4 as a fourteen-year-old, K4 as a nine-year-old, and K4 as a baby. I'm so glad Poser supports single-axis scaling now! :D

    Well done Zaarin! I especially like K4 as a 9-year old and as a baby. Very well done, especially if they're all you're own morphs and scaling. :-)
  • ZaarinZaarin Posts: 365
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! :) They are all my own dialing and mostly my own scaling.

    M4's body is a mixture of Hiro 4 Realistic, Hiro 4 (very tiny), Elite (Svelte around .3, Prosaic around 0.05-0.1), and Morphs++ (young, thin, etc.). The face is a mixture of M++, Elite, and Elite International (maybe a little Hiro 4 American?). His scaling was completely custom--scale down the entire figure to about 98%, scale down the hip, abdomen, chest on the Y-axis. Scale up the shoulder a little one the X-axis. I also used morphforms to scale up the hands and feet a little.

    V4's body is a mixture of Aiko 4 Realistic, Aiko 4 Petite, Elite Sylph (small amount), and Morphs++ (young, thin, a little bulk, dial down breast size a lot, etc.). I would have used S4 but the Kenzi outfit doesn't support it and I wasn't in the mood to play with magnets. I used the Reby Sky scale morph at 1, and then scaled down her abdomen, chest, hip, and thighs on the Y-axis. Her face is a mix of Elite Sylph (tiny bit), Morphs++, Stephanie (tiny bit), and a little help from the custom morphs from FR Venus and ARTCollaboration's Piper.

    K4 is complete custom dialing using Morphs++ and Morphlet. Scaling is based on Shape of a Child, but heavily modified by me afterward. Biggest issue with the nine-year-old is that to get a realistic look I had to set the Head Size morphform to something like -0.140.

    K4 baby is a mixture of Toddler, Morphs++, and Morphlet. Again, scaling is based on Shape of a Child but even more heavily modified by me.

    (Textures are Elite Jeremy, Kaylee for V4 by Raiya, Mark for K4 by Gypsyangel, and Josi K4 by Thorne, if anyone is wondering; the eyes are all from PDEyes and Rebelious Eyes over at Rendo. All use EZSkin 2.0.)

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Well you did a great job. Not sure I'd have the patience to do all that fiddling for more than one character, especially not 4 of them. They look great. :-)

  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    I'd render kids more... except knowing me they would be dead dismembered horribly mutilated kids... not sure what the TOS is on that

  • KalypsoKalypso Posts: 208
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Zaarin for all the detailed info. You've made some very realistic characters, can't wait to see more!

  • edited December 1969

    Still use M4 and K4 some, so can contribute a couple.

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  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    the girl with e kitty is just adorable

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Look into my eyes

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  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    that is wicked cho

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...Keep getting render crashes even in scenes that are relatively simple.

    Apologies everyone but the handwriting is there on the wall, 32 bit is dead as it no longer can support this media.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Save up buddy, you'll have a puta upgrade soon :cheese:

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited August 2012

    Zaarin said:
    About time I get a render in here.

    And what a render!

    For myself, I'm wondering if we need a We Love Gen 3 thread as I started playing with Jochen38's Elizabeth freebie for V3 from over at Rendo again last night and I don't think the result is entirely obsolete ;)

    800 x 1131 - 103K
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  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Still use M4 and K4 some, so can contribute a couple.

    Love the one with the cat! It's amazing how close in resemblance it is to my cat lol

    Beautiful renders everyone! :cheese:

  • ZaarinZaarin Posts: 365
    edited December 1969

    DWG said:
    Zaarin said:
    About time I get a render in here.

    And what a render!

    For myself, I'm wondering if we need a We Love Gen 3 thread as I started playing with Jochen38's Elizabeth freebie for V3 from over at Rendo again last night and I don't think the result is entirely obsolete ;)

    That does look nice! I love that outfit, especially the jacket! :)

    (And thank you. :) )

  • jepegraphicsjepegraphics Posts: 884
    edited August 2012

    I just let Vicky present my upcoming new Special Effects Pack on my DAZ Facebook site:
    She's wearing Danae's wonderful Paris texture and morph (enhanced with NGM) and my Body Jewels - rendered in Poser Pro 2012.

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  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited August 2012

    Zaarin said:
    For myself, I'm wondering if we need a We Love Gen 3 thread as I started playing with Jochen38's Elizabeth freebie for V3 from over at Rendo again last night and I don't think the result is entirely obsolete ;)

    That does look nice! I love that outfit, especially the jacket! :)

    (And thank you. :) )

    Thanks! The outfit is Fashionista if anyone doesn't know it, though Elizabeth is actually wearing it with a dynamic skirt. And yeah, I really like it too!

    Post edited by DWG on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Save up buddy, you'll have a puta upgrade soon :cheese:

    ...actually have one in the works but the project stalled because the store where I bought the case gave me the wrong optical drive rails. Been trying to get replacement ones from the manufacturer but they have been out of stock for a while. I already posted one support ticket with them to no avail, [Basically they replied giving me a phone number which I'm supposed to call, which when I do, I get stuck in a long wait queue. As the only time I can call is during the day, I have to do so from work during my lunch break (which is only 30 min) Today I was stuck on hold for over twenty minutes before I finally gave up].

    Without the DVD drive I can't install the OS and several of my apps (like PP 2012 and PSP-X), other utilities and re-build my runtimes as most of my content installers are backed up on DVDs.

    I'm going to enter another ticket explaining the situation . I cannot believe they don;t have one set of these laying around somewhere.

  • Saba TaruSaba Taru Posts: 170
    edited December 1969

    New one! A character from my new book. Rendered in PP2012 with IDL and SSS.

    This thread is wicked fun. Now everyone has to post more renders so I have something to distract myself with from work... :)

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  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Awesome thread, LycanthropeX. Lots of really kewl work here, some I've seen before and some I haven't. Thanks for sharing guys!

    To be honest, I've found no reason to switch to Genesis yet as I'll have to spend a fortune to get anything near what I can already do with the Gen 4 figures. Here's a few of my images using M4 and V4, some finished and some test renders. Last one is video game fanart.

    I fell in love with your renders here, Great work :)

    I also searched every where for the clothing and accessores you had in one particular render, real tribal style (I love it) Was wondering if this was something you made yourself or if you got it from somewhere.

    Rather than describe the render I'm talking about that you posted... I'll attach it here.
    PS. I would quote the image but it doesn't let me do that lol

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  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Saba Taru said:
    New one! A character from my new book. Rendered in PP2012 with IDL and SSS.

    This thread is wicked fun. Now everyone has to post more renders so I have something to distract myself with from work... :)

    Can I just say that IS a beautiful Render! Love your eye icon also!!! I've really got into eyes lately :) There's so much you can go with them!

  • ShanarahShanarah Posts: 94
    edited August 2012

    Awesome thread, LycanthropeX. Lots of really kewl work here, some I've seen before and some I haven't. Thanks for sharing guys!

    To be honest, I've found no reason to switch to Genesis yet as I'll have to spend a fortune to get anything near what I can already do with the Gen 4 figures. Here's a few of my images using M4 and V4, some finished and some test renders. Last one is video game fanart.

    I fell in love with your renders here, Great work :)

    I also searched every where for the clothing and accessores you had in one particular render, real tribal style (I love it) Was wondering if this was something you made yourself or if you got it from somewhere.

    Rather than describe the render I'm talking about that you posted... I'll attach it here.
    PS. I would quote the image but it doesn't let me do that lol

    Thank you! That means a lot to me. :) I've tracked down links to the clothing and accessories I used in that picture. Most of them are freebies with the exception of the bag from Cheyenne for M4 available here and the arm wraps which are EvilInnocence's Forearm Bandages for M4 from RDNA. Here are the links to the rest of the items. Some are for V4 so they just have to be tweaked to fit M4. - belt & loincloth - long necklace - horn necklace - feathered armband - Soulbringer Staff

    I can't remember what earring set I used, it may have been an old V2 or V3 set, but there is a similar simple gold hoop set for M4 in this set -

    Post edited by Shanarah on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited August 2012

    Thanks so much for that... I was totally looking in the wrong places! The items were so well made not to mention the very developed and professional render! That I assumed It couldn't freebies lol But freebie shopping often brings amazement!! Cheers Shanarah!!

    Edit: Removed quote.

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • JasmineSkunkJasmineSkunk Posts: 1,906
    edited August 2012

    Just wanna quick share my love for V4! ( I will always have love for V4 :) )

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  • ZaarinZaarin Posts: 365
    edited December 1969

    I love your Eve, Jasmine! :D Adam and Eve is something I've wanted to render for a while and have never gotten around to doing. :/

  • Satira CapriccioSatira Capriccio Posts: 523
    edited December 1969

    I use V4 far more than I use M4, but this is one of my favorite M4s. Clothing was created in MD2 for an anatomically correct M4.

    Odd how I completely missed this topic.

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  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Oh Satira, that is a stunning render. :-)

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    OK, I played with a couple of newer purchases and came up with this, featuring DM's Outpost Tower and Orion1167's Phantasie Outfit.

    Since I had to resize for the forum, check out the full-sized render here -->

    800 x 600 - 393K
  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042
    edited December 1969

    V4 as a blue Twi'Lek: JetBike Pinup 001 (contains nudity in form of a see-through top)

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Just finished another of a character and outfit I just got an update for. Presenting Kitty for V4.

    Click to see the original render size -->

    480 x 800 - 127K
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