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How about a few K4 renders?
And another couple? :)
Edited: If anyone wants to view the full-sized images, they're here: A Little Curiosity, Baby Punkin Witch, Dream Big, and Snow White.
You can always forward the images to us if you are unsure if they will pass or not. We are happy to preview images before postedFrank you've seen my Bruuna work, I'm very sure 99% of it will not pass the TOS. This one Will.
awesome K4 renders!!!
This is a graphic cut from a animation I did called Diane Dublin dragon hunter . you can see the animation if you like at this link -
I had posted in the animation thread but i think some may have missed it.
anyway this is just a scene cut. I did when i was doing test renders for the lighting.
One more Bruuna, she is a morph for V4.
I have posted this one before. on the old site.
The Naught Step
Nice thread! I'll have to get some stuff in here later. :)
I just saw this thread, and I want to play, too! :) So many wonderful images!
Here's a few of mine...
You can always forward the images to us if you are unsure if they will pass or not. We are happy to preview images before posted
Me too, me too! I definitely need to approve those images personally! :lol:
As for Gen4 content, here's a link to one of my better renders. This is dear old V4 with about 144 dial spins. No postwork, either.
Me too, me too! I definitely need to approve those images personally! :lol:
As for Gen4 content, here's a link to one of my better renders. This is dear old V4 with about 144 dial spins. No postwork, either.
I'm Jaderail on DA Slimer. All my stuff is up.
This thread is full of amazing images. While I don't consider mine to be of the same level, here are some of my favorite Gen 4 images.
and a few more...
...last lot...
Toast? :lol:
lol - After spending time on the forums, I was trying to talk to my hubby about m4's toast, and he had no idea what I was talking about. When I explained, he came up with the idea for the render. It was fun sitting in front of the computer, laughing and trying to set the scene at the same time :-)
nice images Shaaelia :)
Thanks Ivy :-)
Thank you, LycanthropeX! I guess I was on a Kids + Dragons kick there for a while.
Here are a few of my most recent V4 dialed characters, L to R: Prima (a character from a book project; the result of Google searches of pretty Persian women); Rosario, Halima (inspired by Somalian-born archaeologist Dr. Sada Mire), and Anja. Larger image here. A companion to Da Boys I posted a few pages back.
(Edited to add that I used characters sets by Morris: Regina, Nicole, Kerry Ann, and Aliya.)
Feeling like pic spamming today. :) Themed sets of a sort, this batch being women sneaking around: The Gate Crasher, Sitting Pretty, and Rooftop Adventures:
And my last post for the day. This time, a few weird women: Ereshkigal, Helel, and Avatar of Death. The first two are also book project related, and, yes, I postwork the heck out of things.
great images mmalbert. My favourite is Helel - her eyes are rather compelling.
That's why I fell for the Leader of the Pack
Ain't it just always the way. She's spent days trying to catch his eye, and when he does stop by and offer her a lift she was so eager to get on the bike she caught her heel in a rut, ripped the heel of the boot, and the boot from her foot.
Ouch, that is not the way to make an impression.
Tribal Elder
He may be old. He may no longer be able to hunt and fight, but he is not useless.
As he sits in front of his tipi; he watches all, he cares, he supports the tribe. He knows all the stories and the teachings and he passes them on to the younger members of the tribe. He teaches the children how to be rainbow warriors.
nice chohole :)
G-rated Adult Humor cartoons I submitted to magazine a while back.
Please remember that we have no content filters at the moment on the forum. Take note of the restrictions noted in this thread
I am sorry Chohole .. I thought i pretty much had it covered under what is acceptable with nudity thread.
I wasn't showing any genitalia areas. maybe a butt crack or 2. . I thought i had everything covered up
My Bad .
besides I got to keep you practiced with that club of yours : D
Yes, thanks for that.
I was so glad to get it back, I felt kinda naked without it. :coolsmirk:
ANd as to the nudity bit, what we have to work on at the mo is the "Not Safe For Work" thing.
OK, I'm not used to posting renders in the forum, but since we no longer have the old ArtZone Galleries, here goes . . .
Chronologically, starting with 2010 (prior to that was all Gen3)
This first batch, except for the Dystopian Console render, were tests of different clothing items. Most of all my renders displayed in this and the following posts have been resized down by me to display properly here on the forums, as the originals were way too large.
Be sure to click on each to see full size.