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WOW Kurt that's an amazing render!! I have to agree about the scenery, but you did a beautiful job of composition. I love how your renders always look like paintings. :-)
Kurt's stuff is always amazing
I need to get him strapped into my talent steeling machine, then all his talent will be mine!! all MINE !!!
Kurts stuff makes me wonder if I should just give up.
He has made the Mill horse look terrific even
Oh I like this render Cho. You did a great job on the posing. That couldn't have been easy.
yep, good job. Lots going on
I did these last night as a test renders. This is from the dragon lady collection that was released yesterday By Studioartvariations
Seven - @
...LX, thank you for a place to show some Gen4 love amidst all this Genesis madness.
agh! if I wasn't still stuck in 32 bit land I'd have more new ones to show, so for the time being a couple from the past.
Steph4 was the best thing Daz ever did.
I now have a "Gen4" Laura and Pre Teen Girl.
The "Safe" version of my latest render. If its not against the TOS I would like to post the link to the unedited version on my DeviantART page. EDIT; I can include the link so here it is, WARRING: contains nudity
...they need to get the "nudity" tag working.
No more NViaTwaS pics until then.
So not even out side links with nudity then? OK.
Two of my favourite renders I did a while ago.
You can post a link to your DeviantArt page, as DA has content filters.
You can post a link to your DeviantArt page, as DA has content filters.
OK great I'll edit the link into my original post .
[...ahh, fixmypcmike beat me to it.]
The topmost is the weirdest thing ever, thanks for posting it!!
Your top picture, Zev0, made me stare for ages to figure out how you've composed it (or how I would anyway ;-)) Brilliant :-D
my latest M4 V4 render
Awesome thread, LycanthropeX. Lots of really kewl work here, some I've seen before and some I haven't. Thanks for sharing guys!
To be honest, I've found no reason to switch to Genesis yet as I'll have to spend a fortune to get anything near what I can already do with the Gen 4 figures. Here's a few of my images using M4 and V4, some finished and some test renders. Last one is video game fanart.
you all are making this thread awesome, thanx for showing your love for the Gen 4s!!!
You know sir, you have one verrrrry dark side. Great render there! :-)
twinkle Belle
A couple more fey drops.
...and one from the darker side of the hedge.
...what broke the page margins?
You know sir, you have one verrrrry dark side. Great render there! :-)
me? dark side? nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I've been test driving some new purchases today and I'm really pleased with the way that this one of Rebel Mommy's V4 My Lin came out, while I think Vyktohria's V4 Alicia from over at Rendo may be one of the prettiest characters I've bought to date.
Ditto. I think I remember this render from the old forums. Outstanding.
...back about four years ago when Vicky 4.2 was the only gen4 model available and M4 was still a gleam in the Daz Developers eyes, several of us embarked on a project t develop a child character off of the base V4.2x. The threads still exist on the forum archive.
About time I get a render in here. The statue in the background is default M4. Then we have M4 as a sixteen-year-old, V4 as a fourteen-year-old, K4 as a nine-year-old, and K4 as a baby. I'm so glad Poser supports single-axis scaling now! :D