Fix the Browser issue of seeing someone elses name



  • CymbidiumCymbidium Posts: 213
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, as I've mentioned before elsewhere, the store pages seem to be working properly for me until I log out, then when I get returned to the home page the old 'wrong name and wishlist' reappears, but usually the same name these days......

  • DAZ_bfurnerDAZ_bfurner Posts: 62
    edited December 1969

    Cymbidium said:
    Yeah, as I've mentioned before elsewhere, the store pages seem to be working properly for me until I log out, then when I get returned to the home page the old 'wrong name and wishlist' reappears, but usually the same name these days......

    This issue should be clearing up in the next few days. The web team has seen great improvements and this should be cleared up as the pages are updated. Many are seeing the problem resolved. I was seeing it as well and with a hard refresh on the page, the issue was gone.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • MJ_VivianightMJ_Vivianight Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I have not see the "Not John Doe?" issue for a good week...until five minutes ago. Was different this time though as after being auto logged out on the forums, I went to the My Accounts store page to log out, and when I clicked the "Log In" link I was directed to the DAZ homepage with a "Not John Doe?" showing at the top. Had to click that stranger's My Account in order to reach a Log In Page.

    Don't need a reply to this, am just passing on that information to the team working on the codes.

    Cheers and good luck!

  • CymbidiumCymbidium Posts: 213
    edited December 1969

    Cymbidium said:
    Yeah, as I've mentioned before elsewhere, the store pages seem to be working properly for me until I log out, then when I get returned to the home page the old 'wrong name and wishlist' reappears, but usually the same name these days......

    This issue should be clearing up in the next few days. The web team has seen great improvements and this should be cleared up as the pages are updated. Many are seeing the problem resolved. I was seeing it as well and with a hard refresh on the page, the issue was gone.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Thanks for the reply! :) Strangely, when I logged out just now I didn't get that problem, so maybe fixes are percolating through as we speak........:lol: I'm so pleased to hear that real progress is being made - knew things would get better and I thank you all for your patience and perseverance!!

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    ...this should be cleared up as the pages are updated. Many are seeing the problem resolved. I was seeing it as well and with a hard refresh on the page, the issue was gone.

    Just noticed something else, probably related to the same need of a page update.

    I logged out just now and it was correct even on logoff, but after a short pause I get redirected to:

    ...and that seems to be where it's picking the name up from. So, I cleared everything and went direct to that URL with a clean cache this time, and guess what, the name was still there without ever having logged in or out on this current cache. Looks like it's fixed on the logout, but it's when we get directed to that shop URL, that's when the name gets replaced with the mystery person. Certainly on my system my cache has nothing to do with it, but it does look like that shop URL has been cached at DAZ's end. It comes up even when visiting the URL on a fresh cache.

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • Velvet GoblinVelvet Goblin Posts: 532
    edited December 1969

    I'm still seeing names. I can empty my cache, delete all my cookies, and remove my entire browsing history -- still seeing names. Problem has not been fixed.

  • Wiccan1Wiccan1 Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    I cleaned out both C&C, and am seeing other names again. :(

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Last Minute Update:
    Now it is working correctly for me, even on a new cache and going directly to the store URL.

    That is now though, so by the time you read this it might have changed again.

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I take back my celebrating post... -_-

  • edited December 1969

    This tip worked for a couple of days, but now the problem has returned


  • LillianaLilliana Posts: 105
    edited December 1969

    Gwythion said:
    This tip worked for a couple of days, but now the problem has returned


    It is indeed back.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Just tested again, still fine for me, I wonder if it's a locale thing somewhere along the line.

    Richard mentioned that it's not browser dependent, so what else does that leave, locale?
    Anyway, UK here and it's still working for me at time of posting.

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    I have not seen someone else's name for several days now (as they say, knock on wood, whatever in the hell that means), but it still sometimes asks if I am me.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I take back my celebrating post... -_-

    Yeah, me too.

    I can confirm that at least one way it happens is after the forum logs you out and you can't get back in without logging out from your account, the next time you visit the store all these strangers show up. I had one name on the main page, and another on the new products page.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,994
    edited December 1969

    ...yea still totally borked. Clicked on the newsletter link for the weekly freebie and I'm one person. On the Daz3Dhome Tab I'm another.

    Gahhhh!!!!! I feel like I'm going Sybil Dorsett here...

    35 x 29 - 2K
  • KalypsoKalypso Posts: 208
    edited December 1969

    Still seeing different names and I noticed with a refresh a new different name appears :(

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,846
    edited June 2012

    Kalypso said:
    Still seeing different names and I noticed with a refresh a new different name appears :(

    It is still being chipped away at a little bit. While for the most part the issue is gone there are still lingering little caching oddities that cause it to reappear. To those who have been working with me to help pinpoint those things, thank you so VERY VERY much it is appreciated. As pointed out somewhere, it isn't the job of any of you to "help us" fix the issues but it is through your help that we can get things narrowed more quickly and fixed faster so we do appreciate the help :)

    THANK YOU :)

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798
    edited December 1969

    I came to the site yesterday (but did not log in), and did a link route run-through that usually yields the name issue. Everything was fine, and I didn't run into any page errors. I thought everything was fixed, and the site was now good to go.

    Today, however, proved very different, and we are not quite there yet. So, here is my report to the staff:

    I turned on my PC, logged onto the internet, checked my email, and found a new DAZ Newsletter with a link to a new freebie. So, I clicked the freebie link, and I was treated to the "Not so-n-so?" name page error on the current freebie item page.

    I decided to run another test, and see if I could "Add To Cart" on this persons (apparent) log-on. Low and behold, I succeeded in adding the freebie to this persons cart. I then proceeded to check the sites security features further by trying to complete the order, and download. I am happy to report that I was stopped dead in my tracks trying to checkout. The site was asking for me to log in, and was not showing any of this persons sensitive information. All well, and good. Just another glitch for you guys to look into which I am confident will eventually be resolved.

    With this done and behind me, I decided to log in to the forums to check this very thread. What came next was most surprising.

    My "Forums" log-in took me right to checkout of the very freebie product that I added to cart from someone elses account without ever being logged in, or adding to my cart. It showed all my sensitive information, and was proceeding just as if I had been logged in for the past twenty minutes, and was shopping for this product. I had planned to go back to the freebie later, add it to my cart, and checkout later, but went ahead with completing the order since everything was already in motion.

    I don't believe it to be a security issue, but I do think it is tied to the log-in errors. So, here is another glitch you guys might want to look into. Thank you DAZ staff for your hard work, and continued efforts to eradicate all the bugs. I have faith in you.

    Below are supporting pics to illustrate the encounter. I have numbered them just in case they do not load in the proper order (another bug?):

    800 x 489 - 65K
    800 x 491 - 84K
    800 x 490 - 69K
    800 x 492 - 106K
    800 x 493 - 100K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2012

    Cicking on any of the clickable words "my Cart" "May Wixhlist" "my Account" or the name that appears instead of the "Log In" button will automatiacally take you to a login screen. so you are not adding it to anyone elses cart, you ar adding it to your own cart.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798
    edited December 1969

    Thanks chohole. I stand corrected.

    I just tested this, and indeed it seems to be a function of the store to be able to shop and add items to cart without the need to log in. Then, when attempting to checkout, the log-in requirement is initiated.

    This makes sense as whatever is in cart is still in cache. I am going to test this again tomorrow after I get some sleep with clearing cache, and system reboot. I suspect nothing will remain in cart, and when I log in I will not be proceeding to checkout.

    Thanks again for clearing this up. Nothing to see hear... Move along...

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Cicking on any of the clickable words "my Cart" "May Wixhlist" "my Account" or the name that appears instead of the "Log In" button will automatiacally take you to a login screen. so you are not adding it to anyone elses cart, you ar adding it to your own cart.

    *peers* Are we enjoying some Welsh spirit up the mountainside with the sheep? ;)

    j/k. Anyway, I did some idle charting today regarding which pages are giving -- at least to me -- wrong names when the cache is empty and there are no cookies:


    Tested with two different browsers.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    chohole said:
    Cicking on any of the clickable words "my Cart" "May Wixhlist" "my Account" or the name that appears instead of the "Log In" button will automatiacally take you to a login screen. so you are not adding it to anyone elses cart, you ar adding it to your own cart.

    *peers* Are we enjoying some Welsh spirit up the mountainside with the sheep? ;)

    j/k. Anyway, I did some idle charting today regarding which pages are giving -- at least to me -- wrong names when the cache is empty and there are no cookies:


    Tested with two different browsers.

    Baaa hic ! I am fluent in typoese.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,123
    edited December 1969

    I don't think I'm seeing wrong names any more; but the wishlist count and visible wishlist are often wrong. Clicking on 'My Wishlist' is never wrong, though.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Things backslid substantially tonight; I had the 'Not {so and so}' on both my iPad and my laptop, with the _same name_! (I emphasize that because it clearly indicates that it's server-side.) I also cannot add items to my cart at all, which upsets me because I really wanted the Fast Grab sale on JeanZ for V4 (pants typically convert wonderfully to Genesis using the transfer utility, so I was hoping to convert them). I've had login loops, multiple different 'Not {X}' displays, wishlist numbers all over the place, and a complete inability to buy anything, unfortunately.

    Things had been going SO well, a few days ago, too.

    Is the site just more unstable at night? Do they work on it, and accidentally/intentionally disable/overcache/etc., during the night?

    -- Morgan

  • LoaarLoaar Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:

    Is the site just more unstable at night? Do they work on it, and accidentally/intentionally disable/overcache/etc., during the night?

    -- Morgan

    Night is relative to where you are.

    I find personally that I have almost no issues with the store apart from the occasional "Not XXX" on some pages, but I also live in Australia, so when I'm checking the store its normally the early hours of the morning in the US. I suspect I have so few of the issues people are complaining about because the site has so little traffic when I'm visiting it.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969


    Loaar said:
    Cypherfox said:

    Is the site just more unstable at night? Do they work on it, and accidentally/intentionally disable/overcache/etc., during the night?

    Night is relative to where you are.

    I find personally that I have almost no issues with the store apart from the occasional "Not XXX" on some pages, but I also live in Australia, so when I'm checking the store its normally the early hours of the morning in the US. I suspect I have so few of the issues people are complaining about because the site has so little traffic when I'm visiting it.

    Very true! I should have specified that I'm a time zone or so over from DAZ's Utah location, which is where I presumed this stuff is being worked on from.

    Anyhow, amusing note, the clog got unstuck, and I ended up with 14 JeanZ in my cart, and one other item I'd used for testing. ;) So evidently it hadn't been reflected in my cart, but it had been putting it into the database... :)

    I'll go check out now, and count my blessings.

    -- Morgan

  • CymbidiumCymbidium Posts: 213
    edited December 1969

    Just for info - pages have started displaying different wishlists again, after several days of apparent stability. Seems like somethings slipped backwards again.........

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,123
    edited December 1969

    Ostadan said:
    I don't think I'm seeing wrong names any more; but the wishlist count and visible wishlist are often wrong. Clicking on 'My Wishlist' is never wrong, though.

    Spoke too soon. Wrong names are back. I hope the web programmers are having better luck understanding the pattern than I am...

  • StorypilotStorypilot Posts: 1,669
    edited December 1969

    I'm speculating, but I think what we saw initially was them trying desperately to make the problem disappear by whatever means necessary. I think they came up with work arounds to force it to deliver non-cached pages, while separately trying to fix the caching issue at the core. And we saw mixtures of success, and a couple of days of pretty much no visible issue. And now, they are going back and trying to remove the workarounds, and we are seeing it again because they are trying to make it work the way it's really supposed to. So I wish them success, I expect the "real" way is much trickier than the"make it go away" way.

  • DAZ_bfurnerDAZ_bfurner Posts: 62
    edited December 1969

    I was next to a web developer when it popped back up again yesterday. It appears to be an issue they continue to track down.

    Just remember that it will not let anyone access the secure data in your account. You are safe, it's just a display issue.

    We are working hard to fix this problem.

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