Fix the Browser issue of seeing someone elses name



  • Fille123Fille123 Posts: 44
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for providing the link, Fille123. For some reason hitting the new releases option doesn't work for me from the filters option. The last thing I was getting was the Men of Character II.

    I clicked on your link and was able to see all the new releases, an entire page of them plus one that was on the second page.

    It's obvious that this link: isn't working because when I went back to the Shop tab and then clicked the new release filter, I again got the Men of Character II.

    Click your link and I apparently get the correct version of the new releases.

    Might I inquire where you found the link?

    You're welcome... I happened on it by random luck; was browsing the new releases, went to page 2 (it displayed a different number of items in the category), clicked to go to page 1 (it displayed newer items but not all of those), changed the sorting order and when setting it back to newest first they were all there.

    Edit: bad4u found a real fix for this issue here, use his link instead of mine:

    Post edited by Fille123 on
  • LillianaLilliana Posts: 105
    edited December 1969

    I'm only seeing a single name consistently.

    Steps I take so they can be replicated. Using Firefox 12.0, Cache is set to be dumped once I close the browser window. I have been able to replicate this after clearing cookies as well.

    1) Navigate to
    2) Click Log-in
    3) At this point my information is showing correctly.
    4) Enter my authentication information (Name/PW)
    5) Click Log-in
    6) At this point I see the other name once the page reloads.
    7) Navigate to another page
    8) At this point the other name reverts to my information
    9) A random intervals, my wishlist total displays an odd amount. My correct total is "125 items" I have seen "105 items", "350 items".
    10) Clicking on the Wishlist link brings me to my correct list. Wishlist display in the store pages however is sometimes incorrect. Like telling me I have "Raw Oagre" on my wishlist when I had been at work at the time of release on the day of release.

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited June 2012

    Well, I'm not seeing "redacted" anymore, but I'm still getting other people's names. Now it says I'm two people, one when I'm logged out, one when I'm logged in (on the main home page).

    But I will admit that ever since I started clearing my data, the site itself has been working a little more smoothly...

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,099
    edited December 1969

    Please remember not to post the actual names you see if you wish to report this issue.

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited June 2012

    Please remember not to post the actual names you see if you wish to report this issue.

    I see. Understandable and my sincerest apologies. In that case it's probably best to delete my complaint topic of the same name... >.>

    Either way, if this hasn't been mentioned before yet (I can't be bothered thumbing through 7+ pages of comments), then allow me to be the first to inform you all of something I found interesting just now while clicking around the site.

    I have the main site address in my Bookmarks (I use Google Chrome) since the newsletter I received officially announcing it. After finding this thread and clearing my history data as instructed, I have noticed that upon accessing the site through my Bookmark I enter the sight automatically logged on as MY ACTUAL SELF! However, If I proceed to either click on the "DAZ 3D" logo at the top or the "Home" icon in the site tabs, the account re-identifies as another user like usual.

    Also, while I'm on that, something I've been meaning to ask is, why is it that every time I click on the "Home" tab or "DAZ 3D" logo it shows me the main page with the tab automatically on "Shop"? As stated previously, when I access the site via Bookmark I am logged in my actual account as I should be and the "Home" icon tab is properly selected (as seen Here). But then when I deviate from the page and re-access it via "Home" tab or "DAZ 3D" logo I am shown the home page, but as stated, as another user along with the address bar and site tab stating I'm in the "Shop" (as seen Here). I find this odd, because then when I continue to click on the actual "Shop" tab is when I am taken to the actual Shop page with an extra "shop/" added to the address (as seen Here).

    That one there's not so much a complaint as much as it's simply a "What's up with that?"

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited June 2012

    Well someone didn't do their homework that's for sure. If HUGE sites like and can all of a sudden have a fully functioning store, with forums, in no time (probably being tested on a test server and then going live) then I think DAZ3D could do this IF they had the right folks running this side of the show. DAZ makes content not web sites, they should have hired someone to do this for them.... I stand by my comments on that. There are brilliant web masters out there who need the work. This has done LITTLE to help the DAZ3D reputation in Poserdom .. they are probably all laughing actually. I'm just frustrated and annoyed but trying to be patient! :roll:

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Not wanting to bash DAZ, I realise they must be having a majorly crappy time of it right now, but clearly so are the customers.

    I agree with RAM' because whatever this was tested on, it certainly wasn't an exact offline clone of the live server, otherwise it would work. No doubt some testing was done on it because it was first announced a long time ago. But the amount of issues it has makes it all the more puzzling why even simple things like layout, avatars, and even basic text formatting slipped under the radar.

    I'm amazed that even DAZ were prepared to release it in this state, especially as customers are having to deal with it. It's the same sort of attitude as selling programs without completed documentation on release. DAZ have a very lax attitude towards things, and while business is business, I think sometimes you have to draw the line at where you are prepared to take a hit on profit in order to protect your name.

    I think you deserve the stress you must be going through right now, but maybe this will make you realise that your name is far more important than a temporary loss of profit. You need to start valuing the name "DAZ" a lot more than you appear to, because if you don't start doing so, neither will anyone else.

    I wish DAZ the best in sorting this out.

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited June 2012

    pumeco said:
    Not wanting to bash DAZ, I realise they must be having a majorly crappy time of it right now, but clearly so are the customers.

    I agree with RAM' because whatever this was tested on, it certainly wasn't an exact offline clone of the live server, otherwise it would work. No doubt some testing was done on it because it was first announced a long time ago. But the amount of issues it has makes it all the more puzzling why even simple things like layout, avatars, and even basic text formatting slipped under the radar.

    I'm amazed that even DAZ were prepared to release it in this state, especially as customers are having to deal with it. It's the same sort of attitude as selling programs without completed documentation on release. DAZ have a very lax attitude towards things, and while business is business, I think sometimes you have to draw the line at where you are prepared to take a hit on profit in order to protect your name.

    I think you deserve the stress you must be going through right now, but maybe this will make you realise that your name is far more important than a temporary loss of profit. You need to start valuing the name "DAZ" a lot more than you appear to, because if you don't start doing so, neither will anyone else.

    I wish DAZ the best in sorting this out.

    I've posted a detailed analysis of what has happened. I also posted more information in another post that was deleted for containing too much.


    Supposition, speculation and outright guessing are unhelpful and only serve to make the person doing so look bad. Comparing to Amazon is ludicrous, Amazon has physical product -- DAZ does not. DAZ wouldn't be having some of these problems if they had physical product.

    Read my previous post.


    Post edited by Kendall Sears on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,994
    edited December 1969

    ...OK cleared the cache & cookies, refreshed the page, and when I logged out after my last session, I was no longer the original "wrong" person, but somebody entirely new.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited June 2012

    I'm sorry Kendall, online business, physical or digital makes no never mind. DAZ's responsibility to run it's business for the sake of keeping their heads above water and keeping their customers happy has not only fallen short it's a complete and utter disaster. I don't care HOW your spin this for them. They F'd up and it's not looking very favorable for ANYONE right now.

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    I'm sorry Kendall, online business, physical or digital makes no never mind. DAZ's responsibility to run it's business for the sake of keeping their heads above water and keeping their customers happy has not only fallen short it's a complete and utter disaster. I don't care HOW your spin this for them. They F'd up and it's not looking very favorable for ANYONE right now.

    At the chance of being deleted again...

    I am not saying that the migration wasn't messed up. NO ONE will say that. Not me, not DAZ. I am not trying to spin anything. However, what we have is what we have. There are reasons that what has transpired has. Those reasons really make no difference right now. However, recriminations, shoulda, coulda, woulda, will not resolve anything.

    Continuing to grouse about what should have been done then, does not help anything now.

    DAZ did testing. Things were proceeding well, as far as they went. However, the production environment didn't match what DAZ expected. I cannot divulge specifics.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited December 1969

    Well they should be pulling experts in, like yourself, to help resolve this. This isn't an experiment this is a business and it's trashed .... Issues like this, unresolved, will close their doors, I hope they realize the brevity of this mess! I'm sure they do but then why aren't they taking stronger measures, like calling in whomever can fix it? Who wrote the software? Can't they contact them with a list of "needs fixing now" questions, even if it means paying this person for some answers? Makes no sense after a month long of "getting it fixed soon" they can't afford DAZ SOON right now! I'm sure there are some pretty upset merchants about right now as well. Lordy! :bug:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,994
    edited December 1969

    ...Kendall, I agree, to a point. Recriminations and finger pointing will not solve anything.

    However you have to agree that the lack of any contingency plan should something go wrong (especially given the issues experienced with the last update) was a huge mistake.

    Most likely the anxiety levels at Daz are reaching a boiling point as they are losing sales, customers, and community members. I understand from my past experience in programming that oft times when you fix one thing here, something over there breaks. That is why several of us have urged Daz to call in professionals to set things right. Yes it will cost, but the alternative could very well be Daz going under as the loss of revenue could become too much for the company to handle.

    So moving forward, If they have a good idea of when and why things went wrong, what measures are being taken to resolve the situation.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Well they should be pulling experts in, like yourself, to help resolve this. This isn't an experiment this is a business and it's trashed .... Issues like this, unresolved, will close their doors, I hope they realize the brevity of this mess! I'm sure they do but then why aren't they taking stronger measures, like calling in whomever can fix it? Who wrote the software? Can't they contact them with a list of "needs fixing now" questions, even if it means paying this person for some answers? Makes no sense after a month long of "getting it fixed soon" they can't afford DAZ SOON right now! I'm sure there are some pretty upset merchants about right now as well. Lordy! :bug:

    Please keep in mind that I AM NOT AFFILIATED with DAZ and I have no "inside information." I have not spoken to anyone at DAZ and what I know is from my connections within the industry and my knowledge of this kind of thing. With that being said:

    As I am not privy to the measures being taken, from what I can tell, DAZ has "unlimited support" from "Magento certified development" experts. Now, going on my experience about "experts"... they tend to be one-trick ponies and usually cause more problems than they solve. They also tend to put in a limited amount of "unlimited support" -- usually limited to normal business hours and shared with other clients who also have "unlimited support."

    I'm pretty sure that DAZ thought (I.E. were told) they were getting a turnkey system that they could customize to their needs. They did their "recommended" testing and things looked "OK." So they pull the trigger expecting that everything would be "plug and chug." They run the scripts that convert the databases from the old system to the new system, and things look good. They fire up the processes that handle the web portion and log in... looking good. They run a few test transactions and nothing jumps out as wrong. They contact a few "trusted individuals" (BTW, I'm not one of these) and say "give it a quick try." Things look good and everyone gives a thumbs up. The decision is made to go live. At first things look great, sales are being made, and things look promising. They make the announcement that things are "re-open" and then chaos strikes. This is the norm for this type of thing.

    As for business, it seems to me that DAZ is still mostly functioning. I don't want to say much more, I don't want to get into trouble.


  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited June 2012

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...Kendall, I agree, to a point. Recriminations and finger pointing will not solve anything.

    However you have to agree that the lack of any contingency plan should something go wrong (especially given the issues experienced with the last update) was a huge mistake.

    Gaack! Do you guys want me to get into trouble? Let's take this from a hypothetical:

    You're running on a system that is broken. You have an entire staff dedicated to keeping it up and running. Your support personnel are inundated with requests that are caused from the broken system. Your business is suffering from all of this. So you investigate systems that can offer close to what you have. You find one and talk to the provider and assurances are made.

    Skip ahead 6-8 months: You've done the necessary testing and things look about as good as you're going to get them. Your old system is now beyond broken, and your staff is no longer worried about keeping it running, but about keeping their sanity. Once you convert your databases over there is no turning back as replicating any new orders/subscriptions would be darned near impossible. Your provider assures you that "nothing can go wrong." You know better, but you also don't have a choice. You give the go ahead and cross your fingers.

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Most likely the anxiety levels at Daz are reaching a boiling point as they are losing sales, customers, and community members. I understand from my past experience in programming that oft times when you fix one thing here, something over there breaks. That is why several of us have urged Daz to call in professionals to set things right. Yes it will cost, but the alternative could very well be Daz going under as the loss of revenue could become too much for the company to handle.

    Nope. The boiling point was hit the first Friday. All hair was on the floor by Saturday, and by Sunday desperation. Sorry, I'm not going further than I have on the rest.

    So moving forward, If they have a good idea of when and why things went wrong, what measures are being taken to resolve the situation.

    I'm sure that by now it's a "just get it working as fast as you can" situation.


    Post edited by Kendall Sears on
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    I've posted a detailed analysis of what has happened. I also posted more information in another post that was deleted for containing too much.


    Supposition, speculation and outright guessing are unhelpful and only serve to make the person doing so look bad. Comparing to Amazon is ludicrous, Amazon has physical product -- DAZ does not. DAZ wouldn't be having some of these problems if they had physical product.

    Read my previous post.


    You're talking on a totally different level to everyone else here, no doubt because you know a thing or two about this stuff.

    The problem is you're taking almost everyone's posting as a criticism. My post both started and ended with an indication of how it was intended to be taken. The bit in between wasn't about telling DAZ what to do, it was about telling them what they should have done. You telling us that the design of the software has something to do with it, is not a valid reason for the state of the website right now. The only reason we're using the website in this state is because DAZ didn't test it properly before it went live.

    Like I said, I agree with RAM' because he's spot on - it's as simple as it is obvious!

    You won't find this sort of thing going on with sites like Amazon because they value their name. Can you imagine the outcry if Amazon customers suddenly started getting another persons wishlist and found the name of a total stranger on their login?

    The point of my post was that DAZ need to value their name more, and I'm sorry, but the technology or structure behind the new system has nothing to do with the customers. It's something for DAZ to deal with before it goes live, it's not for customers to deal with after it goes live - which is what we have here.

    Part of me is laughing at this and part of me is saddened by it. I'm laughing because to me, this is just typical of DAZ. I'm saddened by it because I generally like DAZ, they're good to their customers and it's unfortunate they put-out this air of incompetence all the time. I'll say it again, I wish them the best in sorting it out, but it should never have happened in the first place.

    You're right in that someone looks bad here, but I can assure you it isn't me (it's not the customers).

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited December 1969

    And to make my point as it should be taken.. it's not criticism but it's frustration and a great bit of a concern. I love DAZ... they feed my habit but if the store is a mess and the forums are a mess what's left? Used to love coming here, sure the missing posts which caused the page errors when clicking on the emailed notification was always maddening but NOTHING that compares to this. The store, while it was held together with virtual chicken wire and used gum :P at least functioned as expected and the user base was happy. The merchants had new products being posted when they were ready and making sales! NOW? No, I'm greatly concerned and yes frustrated/annoyed. If DAZ doesn't do what they should have done after the first week of this and this continues I fear the worst on all levels for everyone ........ :down:

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,937
    edited December 1969

    I can understand completely. We can understand most peoples complaints. We are going through them along with everybody else. The only exception is the fact this is our job and it become three times harder when they switched so we are equally frustrated. We want fixes to our control but we have to wait our turn so to speak. So believe me we understand and are taking that into account when modding the forums.

  • SherrySherry Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I tried the cleaning the cache thing. no go.. good grief. when is the site going to be fixed?

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,937
    edited December 1969

    As fast as they can. LOL!

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    OK, I'm going to reply without using a contextual springboard.

    Look, I'm as frustrated as anyone else -- maybe moreso since I have a pretty good idea what happened and the situation DAZ is in at the moment. I'm positive that we're all less frustrated than the folks at DAZ. However, discussing what "should have" been done, or "could have" been done is useless and counter-productive. What's done is done. We are where we are and we must work within the constraints that we have.

    The guys and gals at DAZ are people. People trying to do a job. A job made harder due to a sequence of events outside the immediate control of DAZ. They get hurt by the comments made here; the same as you would if someone was constantly harping on the job you were trying to do under less than optimal circumstances. It is too easy to be harsh on some nebulus remote company on the internet. These people know what "should have happened" and I'm sure that they can look back and say "Yep. That sure didn't go the way we intended. I guess we should have done it some other way."

    What I'm saying is that before one fires off a comment on "well, they sure screwed the pooch! I'm really p****ed off that I'm inconvenienced" that one considers that DAZ is a small company with folks that most of us have "spoken to" or at least interacted with. These people are working to preserve their jobs, and I'm positive that they are not out to deliberately make any one person angry.

    I continue to purchase content when something I like or need comes available. Sure, it's not as easy as it could be, but at least it can be done.


  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited June 2012

    Well, like I said previously, I DO admit that ever since I started clearing my browsing data that site itself has started to work significantly smoother for me. It's definitely not perfect where I'm still seeing other people's account names where mine should be and still very much nervously seeing shape-shifting sales prices with every click. However, as Kendall said, I too am still able to and continue to this day make purchases.

    So aside from those two main issues (that and restoring images and new posts to Page 1 here on the Forums), I have to confess that I'm beginning to warm up to this new site.

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • JasmineSkunkJasmineSkunk Posts: 1,902
    edited December 1969


    I feel completely out of the loop...

    OK, so the site and the store are completely botched right now, nothing is working like was expected and we don't have our avatars and people can't shop or have some download problem... bunch of stuff...

    yeah... it sucks.

    OK..... now what?

    I feel most sorry for the newcommers who are going to think everything around here is just crazy. They're going to not only think DAZ3D is crazy (cuz nothing is working) but they will also think the community is crazy cuz... well... just read for a bit... lol...

    ..just cuz.

    Yeah, everything bites right now.... and it is frustrating..... but even I know it won't be like this forever. Eventually things will work out. I wish I could help those who are incredibly frustrated, and believe me, we all understand... and I know that no one wants a pat on the head.... we don't want to be reassured or comforted anymore.... we just want things like they should be... I get it... they get it... we all get it.... now what?

    Can't we all just get along (lol) and do something semi-fun while we wait? I'm open for suggestions... Cuz I'm seriously missing some fun. Anyone have a deck of cards?



  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969


    I feel completely out of the loop...

    OK, so the site and the store are completely botched right now, nothing is working like was expected and we don't have our avatars and people can't shop or have some download problem... bunch of stuff...

    yeah... it sucks.

    OK..... now what?

    I feel most sorry for the newcommers who are going to think everything around here is just crazy. They're going to not only think DAZ3D is crazy (cuz nothing is working) but they will also think the community is crazy cuz... well... just read for a bit... lol...

    ..just cuz.

    Yeah, everything bites right now.... and it is frustrating..... but even I know it won't be like this forever. Eventually things will work out. I wish I could help those who are incredibly frustrated, and believe me, we all understand... and I know that no one wants a pat on the head.... we don't want to be reassured or comforted anymore.... we just want things like they should be... I get it... they get it... we all get it.... now what?

    Can't we all just get along (lol) and do something semi-fun while we wait? I'm open for suggestions... Cuz I'm seriously missing some fun. Anyone have a deck of cards?



    There is always the freebie contest over in the freepozitory. Much fun to be had.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Or theres the green box thread in the MO, or the stupid thread in the commons.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ...a job made harder due to a sequence of events outside the immediate control of DAZ. They get hurt by the comments made here; the same as you would if someone was constantly harping on the job you were trying to do under less than optimal circumstances.

    People aren't interested in that sort of thing, Kendall, and you need to remember that when people complain, they complain about "DAZ", it's not anyone specific that is being singled out. As far as I'm concerned, it's the person who was responsible for looking-over the procedure and ultimately giving it the go-ahead that is responsible. DAZ Employees and Moderators follow orders, DAZ decision makers give them.

    I'd say someone screwed-up on the decision making part and now the rest are paying for it, simple as that.

  • JasmineSkunkJasmineSkunk Posts: 1,902
    edited December 1969

    There is always the freebie contest over in the freepozitory. Much fun to be had.


    Or theres the green box thread in the MO, or the stupid thread in the commons.

    Yes....both of those threads are alot of fun... Thanks for the suggestions.... :blank:

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:
    ...a job made harder due to a sequence of events outside the immediate control of DAZ. They get hurt by the comments made here; the same as you would if someone was constantly harping on the job you were trying to do under less than optimal circumstances.

    People aren't interested in that sort of thing, Kendall, and you need to remember that when people complain, they complain about "DAZ", it's not anyone specific that is being singled out. As far as I'm concerned, it's the person who was responsible for looking-over the procedure and ultimately giving it the go-ahead that is responsible. DAZ Employees and Moderators follow orders, DAZ decision makers give them.

    I'd say someone screwed-up on the decision making part and now the rest are paying for it, simple as that.

    "DAZ" is a small company. Unlike AT&T or Bank of America, they don't have thousands of employees. Most times the employees in a small company are directly involved with the decision making processes. When you criticize "DAZ" you are criticizing those employees, not some invisible, uncaring executive(s) who are out on the Golf Course. If DAZ operates like 95% of small companies in the US, each employee is as much a family member as an "employee." Most "divisions" aren't so much divisions as just "duties" that a couple of people, or maybe a few people, do. Customer support is probably 2 or 3 people and possibly an extra when things get busy on the phones. I'd bet that others help on the electronic support where they can. Marketing is probably 2 or 3 people, then you have the "web crew" who probably are responsible for internal IT as well. There are the coders for DS4, Hex, Bryce and Carrara that may be 6 or 7 people in house. The QA staff which is probably 2 or 3 people. Then the accounting staff, and executive folks. Not a lot of people. Probably a lot of overlap, lots of cross-job skillsets.

    You can bet that more than a few members within "DAZ" are responsible in some way for the decisions related to the migration. You can also bet that everyone who can do something to resolve the problem is. I can't imagine that there is anyone within DAZ that is sitting comfortably in their chair doing nothing.

    When one hurls vitriol at "DAZ" one is hitting lots of people one probably "knows."


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited June 2012

    While i feel bad for the DAZ folks that are getting wind of all the "insults" which they really aren't, we are customers and fans that are just upset and concerned, it's not helping fix any of this. I stand by my previous statements, DAZ needs to swallow their pride and let a true web master sort of individual get in there and fix, enhance, turn on features and write in other features that need written into the current code base for both the store and forums so we can ALL get back to business. It's well and good to have a heart around all this but at the same time this is a business, small or large, they are letting down themselves, their merchants and their customer base with continuing to try to fix things that might very well be out of their scope of knowledge! .

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    "DAZ" is a small company. Unlike AT&T or Bank of America, they don't have thousands of employees. Most times the employees in a small company are directly involved with the decision making processes. When you criticize "DAZ" you are criticizing those employees, not some invisible, uncaring executive(s) who are out on the Golf Course. If DAZ operates like 95% of small companies in the US, each employee is as much a family member as an "employee." Most "divisions" aren't so much divisions as just "duties" that a couple of people, or maybe a few people, do. Customer support is probably 2 or 3 people and possibly an extra when things get busy on the phones. I'd bet that others help on the electronic support where they can. Marketing is probably 2 or 3 people, then you have the "web crew" who probably are responsible for internal IT as well. There are the coders for DS4, Hex, Bryce and Carrara that may be 6 or 7 people in house. The QA staff which is probably 2 or 3 people. Then the accounting staff, and executive folks. Not a lot of people. Probably a lot of overlap, lots of cross-job skillsets.

    You can bet that more than a few members within "DAZ" are responsible in some way for the decisions related to the migration. You can also bet that everyone who can do something to resolve the problem is. I can't imagine that there is anyone within DAZ that is sitting comfortably in their chair doing nothing.

    When one hurls vitriol at "DAZ" one is hitting lots of people one probably "knows."


    A few years back I was one of those selected for the Bryce Steering Committee, I got to speak directly to the people who make it happen. One of the first things you pick-up on in such an environment is how hard the employees at DAZ work - and man do they work! Indeed it appears to work like a big family, just like you picture it, where despite a person might have a dedicated role, they might also be expected to diversify and take on other roles to help things along. For me, the notable workhorses were Blaine, Steven, and the Scopic guys, they all deserve a medal because quite frankly, I'm amazed at how they managed some of it.

    You use the word "Vitriol" in your reply, yet both of my posts on the matter have been carefully worded so that I don't come off like that. My opinions on this should come as no surprise to those at DAZ I've spoken to often enough, so I'm confident they'll not take offence to any of it - at least I hope not. It wouldn't matter if I "knew" the person (or group of persons) who are responsible or not, my opinion is still the same:

    Whoever or whatever is responsible needs a bloody good arse kicking because there are no excuses for this level of incompetence.

    Using one thing as an excuse for another is not going to work on the majority of people, and the size of a company has no direct bearing on the decisions it makes, whether as a group or an individual. What does matter is the decision makers and the mechanisms in place that set the standards they want to achieve. In other words, while a decision might have been satisfactory to them, what is satisfactory to them and what is satisfactory to customers, are two different things.

    DAZ have some of the most desirable 3D apps on the scene, they have employees that work their a$$es off, yet DAZ still suffer from a reputation for incompetence and that's a shame - a real shame.

    Post edited by pumeco on
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