Fix the Browser issue of seeing someone elses name



  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:

    You use the word "Vitriol" in your reply, yet both of my posts on the matter have been carefully worded so that I don't come off like that. My opinions on this should come as no surprise to those at DAZ I've spoken to often enough, so I'm confident they'll not take offence to any of it - at least I hope not. It wouldn't matter if I "knew" the person (or group of persons) who are responsible or not, my opinion is still the same:

    As per normal, while I may be using your post as a contextual springboard, I was not specifically responding to you. I am right now. I normally avoid responding directly to other posters without overtly emphasizing the quote part or otherwise denoting that I am responding to a specific person. It's a habit from my Usenet days in the early 80's.

    pumeco said:

    Whoever or whatever is responsible needs a bloody good arse kicking because there are no excuses for this level of incompetence.

    Back to talking to folks in the general sense.

    There is much information that is not open or well known to the public-at-large and I am not comfortable with exposing that level of information in a public forum. Please forgive me if I seem a bit vague on some things. There wasn't any overt incompetence involved in this situation that I can discern. Some things changed between one point and another and those who needed to know weren't informed. It happens more often than most know in these kinds of situations. The fact is that the situation is not as clear cut as some would like to think it is.

    Using one thing as an excuse for another is not going to work on the majority of people, and the size of a company has no direct bearing on the decisions it makes, whether as a group or an individual. What does matter is the decision makers and the mechanisms in place that set the standards they want to achieve. In other words, while a decision might have been satisfactory to them, what is satisfactory to them and what is satisfactory to customers, are two different things.

    While it may look like making excuses, that is not what is intended. Some accusations and assertions have been made by some who have no knowledge of the true situation. There have been those who have drawn conclusions on only the most superficial of information and sometimes not even that. What I am asking is not that anyone accept any excuses, but that people refrain from unfounded accusations and assertions and stick to applying energy into helping resolve the situation. DAZ knows that things went wrong, they've admitted it, and now they are trying to remedy it.


  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited December 1969

    There is always the freebie contest over in the freepozitory. Much fun to be had.


    Or theres the green box thread in the MO, or the stupid thread in the commons.

    Yes....both of those threads are alot of fun... Thanks for the suggestions.... :blank:
    Also, If ANYONE is interested, there IS my General Gen 5 Render Thread somewhere berried in this sea of fixated pages. The only one who was able to see it was Scott-Livingston.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    After reading your last response, I noticed your signature.

    You seem to know what went wrong yet you are not a speaker for DAZ according to your signature. Due to that I must assume by default that you are some sort of PR mediator in this, sort of official in task but also officially unofficial. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but just in case it is, I'll drop the conversation on the grounds that I don't want to be seen as adding flames to the fire.

    My message is simple, DAZ do need to take more pride in their name, that is all.

    The big names behind DAZ are surprisingly quiet in all of this, and I'm guessing that's where you come into the picture. I think that's a bit naughty of you, which of course means you also deserve a good arse kicking, Kendall


    Post edited by pumeco on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:

    You seem to know what went wrong yet you are not a speaker for DAZ according to your signature. Due to that I must assume by default that you are some sort of PR mediator in this, sort of official in task but also officially unofficial. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but just in case it is, I'll drop the conversation on the grounds that I don't want to be seen as adding flames to the fire.

    Let me reiterate: I have no affiliation with DAZ outside of being a customer. If you'll read my previous posts you'll see that I've made that clear. I am just a very knowledgeable forumite. I've helped other companies through very similar situations and I have resources that are a bit above average. I happen to be able to access information that, shall we say, is hard to come by. I do not know exactly what happened inside of DAZ, and I probably never will. However, I do know a lot about the surrounding situation circumstances that I don't feel is proper to discuss in a public forum. I also have a lot of knowledge about/experience with all of the parts that make up this drama.

    My message is simple, DAZ do need to take more pride in their name, that is all.

    The big names behind DAZ are surprisingly quiet in all of this, and I'm guessing that's where you come into the picture. I think that's a bit naughty of you, which of course means you also deserve a good arse kicking, Kendall

    Again, I have no special relationship with DAZ. In fact, DAZ may want me to shut the **** up. They haven't told me as much, but there's still time left. Please do not assign to me any significance with respect to DAZ. There are certain things that are plainly obvious to those versed in the field, and I'm not the only forumite that has seen them. Using these data points it is relatively simple to see what has happened, especially if one has been through them before. I have tried to be very careful not to say more than I plainly know, while at the same time not saying what I shouldn't.

    As far as getting an arse kicking, I get it kicked often by my Sensei during training. :-) If you wish I can ask him to be especially hard on me during the next session. My next rank advancement is approaching and I could probably use the experience.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited December 1969

    Well I have figured out days back your one of the good guys Kendall. If DAZ knows of you and knows your own expertise it's beyond me why they haven't asked you for advice, esp at this juncture of this mess. I hope you get a few good kicks in during your training with your Sensei.

    Richard :P

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Well I have figured out days back your one of the good guys Kendall. If DAZ knows of you and knows your own expertise it's beyond me why they haven't asked you for advice, esp at this juncture of this mess. I hope you get a few good kicks in during your training with your Sensei.

    Richard :P

    Thank you for your kind words, but at this stage in the game I don't know that I can be that much of a help. As I stated in a previous post, bringing in someone from the outside, in many cases, doesn't help the situation. Sure, I may be able to consult a bit, but it would take me a little time to come up to speed with configs, desired direction, etc. I don't know that DAZ would necessarily want to take that time. The guys and gals at DAZ aren't dummies.

    There are things that I see that I believe are easy fixes, especially with respect to the forums. My understanding is that the forums are nowhere near a priority. However, the store is significantly more complex and would take more time for me (or anyone for that matter) to determine exactly where the faults lie. Besides, DAZ has access to "professional" support and I'm not altogether sure that bringing in an outsider would sit well with their maintenance contract.

    This isn't to say that I'm unwilling to help, only that I'm not sure how much of a help I can be in the time frame DAZ needs. There are issues of non-disclosure and other legal/regulatory matters that would necessitate delays before any outsider could become involved. DAZ needs this thing working two weeks ago.

    Re: My Sensei. Not much of a chance of that, he's hachi-dan and I'm a piddling san-dan. He'd lay me out like a floor mat. Wait... he already does that, regularly. :-)


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited December 1969

    LOL... well if your doing what you like then more power to you. I'm more of a peaceful but mouthy warrior! lol

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited June 2012

    Wait! HOOOOOLD up! You do martial arts? :ohh:

    Okay... Is it me or are A LOT of tech heads these days beginning to do that? What I mean to say is, you're not the first person I've heard of be both a computer expert AND a martial artist at the same time...

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    Wait! HOOOOOLD up! You do martial arts? :ohh:

    Okay... Is it me or are A LOT of tech heads these days beginning to do that? What I mean to say is, you're not the first person I've heard of be both a computer expert AND a martial artist at the same time...

    Yup. I've been an instructor for many years. Well many tech heads are victims of bullying while young, so it's only natural some of us would learn to defend ourselves. :-)

    There are several of us MAs here. We're the stealthy types .... heh heh. :-)


  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Okay... Is it me or are A LOT of tech heads these days beginning to do that? What I mean to say is, you're not the first person I've heard of be both a computer expert AND a martial artist at the same time...

    There's a reason for that. ;) You know how some users are troublesome..? Well... there are ways around that. ;)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited December 1969

    I'm a Wolffie, I just bite ankles and pee on them! :P

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,994
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...Kendall, I agree, to a point. Recriminations and finger pointing will not solve anything.

    However you have to agree that the lack of any contingency plan should something go wrong (especially given the issues experienced with the last update) was a huge mistake.

    Gaack! Do you guys want me to get into trouble? Let's take this from a hypothetical:

    You're running on a system that is broken. You have an entire staff dedicated to keeping it up and running. Your support personnel are inundated with requests that are caused from the broken system. Your business is suffering from all of this. So you investigate systems that can offer close to what you have. You find one and talk to the provider and assurances are made.

    Skip ahead 6-8 months: You've done the necessary testing and things look about as good as you're going to get them. Your old system is now beyond broken, and your staff is no longer worried about keeping it running, but about keeping their sanity. Once you convert your databases over there is no turning back as replicating any new orders/subscriptions would be darned near impossible. Your provider assures you that "nothing can go wrong." You know better, but you also don't have a choice. You give the go ahead and cross your fingers.

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Most likely the anxiety levels at Daz are reaching a boiling point as they are losing sales, customers, and community members. I understand from my past experience in programming that oft times when you fix one thing here, something over there breaks. That is why several of us have urged Daz to call in professionals to set things right. Yes it will cost, but the alternative could very well be Daz going under as the loss of revenue could become too much for the company to handle.

    Nope. The boiling point was hit the first Friday. All hair was on the floor by Saturday, and by Sunday desperation. Sorry, I'm not going further than I have on the rest.

    So moving forward, If they have a good idea of when and why things went wrong, what measures are being taken to resolve the situation.

    I'm sure that by now it's a "just get it working as fast as you can" situation.

    ...from this it sounds as if Daz found themselves in a desperate situation and was forced to make a decision on which software to go with before everything came crashing down like a house of cards. Not a good position to be in admittedly as it often means grasping at the first thing that appears as if it may work. Regrettably, they now have to live with that decision for best or worse as yes, there is no going back. This is why I fear for the company as customers, some of them long time members, are either holding off on making purchases or even bailing in the wake of the difficulties experienced with the migration.

    Working in panic mode is never good , I've been there before, and I don't envy the IT staff with what they must be facing.

    I'm still hanging in here in hopes they find that "magic bullet" so to say. Daz is still home to me.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Well, with all the words being written and read, I wonder if anyone has noticed what I have the last couple of days?

    I've seen only my own name in the store.

    I've had no problems logging in here in the forums. No sending me to my account and having to log out before I could log in.

    I'm waiting to see when the next new item comes aboard if it shows up in the proper place.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    As far as getting an arse kicking, I get it kicked often by my Sensei during training. :-) If you wish I can ask him to be especially hard on me during the next session. My next rank advancement is approaching and I could probably use the experience.


    That's ok, but feel free to let him loose on DAZ and give them a bit of a shake-up!

  • CymbidiumCymbidium Posts: 213
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    Well, with all the words being written and read, I wonder if anyone has noticed what I have the last couple of days?

    I've seen only my own name in the store.

    I've had no problems logging in here in the forums. No sending me to my account and having to log out before I could log in.

    I'm waiting to see when the next new item comes aboard if it shows up in the proper place

    Yeah, I've noticed that the store is much more stable the past few days. :) I only seem to see the 'wrong name/wishlist' problem on the home/shop pages, usually after I log out. Hoping that they are finally getting there.......:coolsmile:

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited December 1969

    Wait! HOOOOOLD up! You do martial arts? :ohh:

    Okay... Is it me or are A LOT of tech heads these days beginning to do that? What I mean to say is, you're not the first person I've heard of be both a computer expert AND a martial artist at the same time...

    Yup. I've been an instructor for many years. Well many tech heads are victims of bullying while young, so it's only natural some of us would learn to defend ourselves. :-)

    There are several of us MAs here. We're the stealthy types .... heh heh. :-)


    I was guessing that scenario... That or you were just a weeaboo like every other nerd I know! :)

    Well, with all the words being written and read, I wonder if anyone has noticed what I have the last couple of days?

    I've seen only my own name in the store.

    I've had no problems logging in here in the forums. No sending me to my account and having to log out before I could log in.

    I'm waiting to see when the next new item comes aboard if it shows up in the proper place.

    That's what I've been saying here. Every now and then I DO see my name appear, but that's only if I visit the site through a bookmark on my browser after a cache clean-up and even then when I return to the home page I see begin to see other people's names again...

    But yes, absolutely! Ever since I started getting in the habit of clearing my browser data, I have noticed that the site itself has been begging to work more smoothly.

  • SassyWenchSassyWench Posts: 602
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    Well, with all the words being written and read, I wonder if anyone has noticed what I have the last couple of days?

    I've seen only my own name in the store.

    I've had no problems logging in here in the forums. No sending me to my account and having to log out before I could log in.

    I'm waiting to see when the next new item comes aboard if it shows up in the proper place.

    I posted about this in some thread a few days ago. :) But I guess everyone was so fixated on telling Daz to get the site fixed,they missed the part about the site IS being fixed. LOLOL

    Ah well, I'm just glad other people are noticing too! :)

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited June 2012

    Spit said:
    Well, with all the words being written and read, I wonder if anyone has noticed what I have the last couple of days?

    I've seen only my own name in the store.

    I've had no problems logging in here in the forums. No sending me to my account and having to log out before I could log in.

    I'm waiting to see when the next new item comes aboard if it shows up in the proper place.

    I posted about this in some thread a few days ago. :) But I guess everyone was so fixated on telling Daz to get the site fixed,they missed the part about the site IS being fixed. LOLOL

    Ah well, I'm just glad other people are noticing too! :)

    I guess I'm lucky. I've not had many problems since the migration at all. I had the initial "guru meditation" from Varnish due to conflicting cookies, but I immediately cleared my cookies and since then everything has been "good." Then again, I use Linux to surf the web and have always had a fraction of the problems (approaching 0) that users of other OS's report.


    Post edited by Kendall Sears on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    Wait! HOOOOOLD up! You do martial arts? :ohh:

    Okay... Is it me or are A LOT of tech heads these days beginning to do that? What I mean to say is, you're not the first person I've heard of be both a computer expert AND a martial artist at the same time...

    Yup. I've been an instructor for many years. Well many tech heads are victims of bullying while young, so it's only natural some of us would learn to defend ourselves. :-)

    There are several of us MAs here. We're the stealthy types .... heh heh. :-)


    I was guessing that scenario... That or you were just a weeaboo like every other nerd I know! :)

    Heh. While I am quite accomplished in some of the Okinawan and Japanese Martial Arts, I also practice, and used to teach, Occidental and Native American Archery. I have a significant portion of Native American Heritage so NA archery has always held an attraction for me. I also am a proficient user of multiple types of firearms. I just like the Martial Arts in general I guess. :-)


  • DAZ_bfurnerDAZ_bfurner Posts: 62
    edited December 1969

    EDIT: Update note: The problem our customers have been seeing in the store of "If you are not John Doe" or another customer name...has been fixed. The web team has updated the store pages so this should not be a problem any longer.

  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    EDIT: Update note: The problem our customers have been seeing in the store of "If you are not John Doe" or another customer name...has been fixed. The web team has updated the store pages so this should not be a problem any longer.

    Now that's what we want to hear. Yeahhhh!!!!

  • booksbydavidbooksbydavid Posts: 429
    edited December 1969

    EDIT: Update note: The problem our customers have been seeing in the store of "If you are not John Doe" or another customer name...has been fixed. The web team has updated the store pages so this should not be a problem any longer.

    Sorry. Still happening. Just logged in and got the "not so and so". So, I guess not fixed.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,187
    edited December 1969

    So far so good. Cleared out the Cache and loaded up the store page. Interestingly enough if I go to the Store HOME page, I look as if I'm not logged in but when I chose New Releases then I'm logged in! Just a note in case there is a tiny bit more adjusting you can do there. Clicked on page 2 and then back to page 1, everything is showing in the order it should be in... so far! :-)

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited December 1969

    *Clears Cache, logs back in and clicks around*


    YESSSSS!!! :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Sorry. Still happening. Just logged in and got the "not so and so". So, I guess not fixed.

    ...yeah, grabbed a totally virgin no-cache whatsoever for DAZ3D browser, and, uh, went through the steps I outlined in my earlier posts, and got called as someone else.

    (Go to front page, click on log in, wait for log in page to load, click on DAZ Studio home logo instead of logging in, and BAM, I am mystically someone else.)

    Y'can do it guis! 'Cause when I clicked on 'shop' it didn't call me as someone else. ;)

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,846
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    Sorry. Still happening. Just logged in and got the "not so and so". So, I guess not fixed.

    ...yeah, grabbed a totally virgin no-cache whatsoever for DAZ3D browser, and, uh, went through the steps I outlined in my earlier posts, and got called as someone else.

    (Go to front page, click on log in, wait for log in page to load, click on DAZ Studio home logo instead of logging in, and BAM, I am mystically someone else.)

    Y'can do it guis! 'Cause when I clicked on 'shop' it didn't call me as someone else. ;)

    TY VERY MUCH for posting this...doing exactly as you illustrated I can reproduce it as well. So I took a screenshot of that and am gonna send it along with the reproducible steps right after I check to see if I can reproduce it in any other way like log out and click on New Releases or something or if it just seems to be that DAZ3D Login. Anyway TY!!! Much appreciated :)

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,846
    edited December 1969

    Actually that may have helped greatly. I logged out and if I click on any other link (granted I couldn't try literally every one) but no matter what other menu or product page or site link I clicked it ONLY did it when I clicked that DAZ3D logo. Which I do very very often when I'm browsing. I am gonna forward on what I can tell thus far. I am sure they will further test it but that was really helpful so TY again and TY to everyone who has been helping to narrow the lists of evil coding "suspects" :)

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited June 2012

    You're welcome! That helps my techie jitters somewhat.

    Oh yeah, and note that you have to clear the cache and cookies to test it repeatedly.

    Post edited by Skiriki on
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    EDIT: Update note: The problem our customers have been seeing in the store of "If you are not John Doe" or another customer name...has been fixed. The web team has updated the store pages so this should not be a problem any longer.

    As other have said, unfortunately not.

    But just in case it helps to narrow it down a bit, I can confirm that using the Chrome browser that earlier today it did appear to be fixed, and it was only just now when I logged-out that I noticed it was up to it's old tricks again. After a cleared cache everything is fine, I log on, and everything is still fine, I log out, I get the funny stuff.

    Whatever it is, it appears to be pulling stuff from the database only on logoff, and displaying it.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    THANK YOU EVERYONE for turning this thread into a helpful resource!


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