Is genesis 2 still in demand?

kickassetskickassets Posts: 63
edited April 2016 in New Users
Just curious as a potential vendor if theres still a demand for genesis 2 vs 3 content or does the latest always means the greatest for customers to migrate to, making creating content for the previous generation in vein?
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  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    I still have plenty of G2 material on my wishlist. I started using Daz JUST before G3 came out so I didn't have much of a character library. I have been using G3 models almost exclusively but because G2 clothes work so well, it doesn't bother me at all to snag a G2 outfit if it's a style or theme I need.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    I think there is still interest in G2, not everybody have moved to G3. Beside G3 doesn't work in Poser or Carrara currently.

    G3 content might sell better since it's new, though.

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917

    I am still making free items for G2 as many people are still asking for them, more so than G3.

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    You hear a lot of loud G2 demand here on the Forum but som PA posted some approx sales distributen in a thread some thread and those hinted that sales numbers are significantly better fro G3 stuff.

    Same number suggested that if you offer fits for both G2 and G3 this has a significant positive impact on sale numbers.

    I'm primary a G3 user but i still buy G2 Clothing since it almost allways works (beside shoes) but I'm not sure if I would buy G2 stuff without a very decent sale.

    G2 Characters i buy only if i don't have something similar for G3 or really really like it (Like ) or at a high discount

    G2 Poses are ok since there is a good converter. But need to be really special to be interesting.

    For Hair I don't really care for which Generation it is since fitting it is almost allways no problem.

  • Wow u guys r awesome! Ive been ghosting around these forums for years but never contributed as i was always learning. But its so cool to b apart of a lively forum where u dont have to b a hot shot artist like on deviant art to get feed back. Thank u again for ur insights too. Just a little confused since i see people still making content for the victoria 4 and michael 4 figures.
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    M4 and V4 are the last figures DAZ produced in Poser native format, and are still widely used by Poser users (Genesis and Genesis 2 can be used in recent versions of Poser via the DSON importer but that doesn't work well on all systems). Beside they have been available for a very long time so there's a ton of content available for them, which makes them pretty useful. And M4/V4 items can also be made to work with more recent figures (via autofit for the clothes, for example) for people who use them.

    So yes, there is still a market for M4/V4 content too.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Genesis 2, absolutely! For me anyway. I usually like to try new things, but in my case, Genesis 3 came out about a week after I heavily invested in Genesis 2 morphs and figures. That was almost a year ago, but quite frankly, I still don't think I want to buy all those things again for Genesis 3, so I'm sticking with Genesis 2 for now...

  • Thank u. yeah, I figured I'd start off with character morphs, texture products, and commissions but never attempted due to fear of putting in all that work for it to mean having to do it all over for another figure unlike with environment sets.

  • sura_tcsura_tc Posts: 174

    I use primarily G2 as well as G1. G3 has so little options right now that I am avodiing using G3. Most of stuff on my wish list is G2 related stuff. Some are G1 related and only few are G3 related.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    edited April 2016

    Gens 1 and 2 suit my needs quite well. I don't want to spend a lot of money buying a whole new wardrobe and accessories. I do have some G3 items, but plan on staying with the older system, as it does what I need it to do.

    So most of my purchases are for V4-G2, and I am still buying clothes for them.

    Post edited by Petercat on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    I heavily invested in G1 and G2, and am not interested in G3 at this time. I compared the lists of morphs (because I usually morph the character to my needs) and am very disappointed to find fewer asymmetrical shaping morphs for the face. Symmetrical faces are not as realistic - no human being has a face that's identical in both sides. I'll wait for the next generation and see what it has to offer. I'm even hesitant to buy G3 clothing, because the autofit isn't as good looking as I would like.
  • kickassetskickassets Posts: 63
    edited April 2016
    Interesting. I really appreciate everyone's insite. Looks like ill start off with genesis for characters then and go from there.
    Post edited by kickassets on
  • EveniosEvenios Posts: 119

    heck tons of people still use victoria4.  so im sure the older figures will still do well :-)

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504

    Thank u. yeah, I figured I'd start off with character morphs, texture products, and commissions but never attempted due to fear of putting in all that work for it to mean having to do it all over for another figure unlike with environment sets.

    I'll give you one small piece of advice if you plan to sell your wares, markets can be a bit unpredictable. If your first release isn't the success you expected, don't let it deter you from picking yourself up and trying again with something new. Long-time PA's here know roughly what sells and what doesn't, but even they can be surprised by products they thought would bring huge profits and fall flat.

    Having a thick skin and being able to accept criticism and critique goes a long way towards helping you refine your skills. Over time, you'll learn to work out what's valid criticism and what's not but early days can be a bit brutal on self esteem if it doesn't go well. The silver lining is that when you come out the other side you'll be that much better for it.

  • Thanks Herald of Fire for giving me heads up on the realities of the market. As for thick skin, its pretty thick as i pride myself on being a realist or at least a diciple of reqlism lol I would rather grow than b stagnant in ignorance. So i always tell everyone i want theyre brutal honest opinion. To b honest though it only kinda hurts when ive already invested.
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    While I have some things for G3 and will continue to get more, I still use G2 for the bulk of my renders as I have more toys for them with which to play and modify them.  Until I can do the same with G3 as I can with G2 specifically the male figures, I will still use G2 more than I use G3.

  • jleeperjleeper Posts: 76

    I have 1 G3 character and 1 G3 outfit. I got them during the introductory sale at a deep discount to test them with Poser. They do not work. As a long time Poser user I find DS awkward and not well adapted to my workflow. Consequently, I have no intentions of acquiring any further G3 assets. I am quite happy with G2, V4, & M4. I think DAZ was very short sighted when they developed a flagship product that freezes out a significant portion of their user base. When I first started this stuff, DAZ said we want to sell you content, so we will give you the 3D software for free and offer you high quality content at a reasonabe price. I have been a Platnum Plus member for a number of years and have a significant DAZ library. Recently, I have been concidering switching to Renderosity Prime, as they still have a large selection of G2 and X4 materials.

  • kickassetskickassets Posts: 63

    Thank you for your contribution jleeper. I think I 'll just dab my feet in the Daz character market with one genesis 2 figure product to see where it goes while I mostly focus on  custom morphs, accessory and prop commissions in the meantime. But everyone's been so awesome with their insight into market relevence. Thank you all so much, especially being new to actually interacting with the community on here.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    I probably don't speak for the average consumer, but just to provide you with another data point, I do not necessarily abandon the older figures when the newer figures come out.  I am still actively purchasing for V3, M3, and G1.  (That doesn't help you with G2 of course.)  Although the future is unpredictable, I do not currently intend to move from those figures as I have invested quite a bit into them, and while not perfect, they work for me.   When I had had very little invested in V1 and V2 however I did move on to V2 and then V3, so I was not always frozen at a set of figures, and new customers would presumably have reasons to start with different figures, so your target audience might affect your decision of which figures to support.

  • kickassetskickassets Posts: 63

    hmm, I see sriesch. Basically it comes down to my targeted demographic, in that there's still a market for the older popular figures. Whether people buy products for a newer figure or not Ultimately comes down to if there's enough variety of content to support that figure and how much customers have invested in a particular one versus it just being about the new figure on the block. In other words the latest doesn't automatically mean the greatest due to other factors involved. A new audience just getting into the daz 3d scene seems to be more likely to try out new figures, as they havent invested in the previous. That makes sense.

  • thrain9thrain9 Posts: 103
    edited May 2016

    Just my 2 cents, I buy a lot of G2 and G3 products. I give heavy priority to those products that provide both in a single file.

    I also use both IRay and 3Delight renderers. I give priority to products that contain both texture types in a single file.

    I generally avoid products that are too specific to a genre, character, or style (ie. manga, toon, etc)

    I also look for products that have more than one possible use, and with a lot of morphs, in other words gives me maximum flexibility on how I use it.  For example: lots of material zones (aids in changing the look), clothing and structures with multiple pieces that can be used all at once, or "bashed" into a scene the PA never expected, (examples: check out stonemason's latest products, also I mix clothing parts from different products, and even different genre)

    Personally I avoid anything that is Genesis/V4M4 only. Most of the time I avoid products that are designed for a single figure, such as Monique 6. (nothing against her, just not as useful unless those products can also be auto fitted to other characters, which is why I say most of the time)

    Since I am a relatively new user, I reserve the right to change my mind though.

    Good luck.

    Post edited by thrain9 on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I started literally right before G3 came out as well and am also heavily invested in Genesis and Gen2 figures, clothing etc.  And while I do have stuff for Gen3 I happen to like Gen 2 and even Genesis and V4/M4 better than I like G3.  So yes, I would be very interested in new stuff for the generations before G3.  and since I just picked up Carrara even more so lol.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Despite what some users have posted here, look at the store and what products are coming out and what figures they are made for. If you are doing this for monetary reasons, it's best to go with the latest and greatest for maximum results. There will always be users using older figures and these users will want support for them. I have a ton of products for V4, I have a ton for genesis 1 and I have a fair amount for genesis 2, but unless I can use products made for older generations on genesis 3, I don't purchase them. Characters being one I don't even look at anymore unless they are for GF3.

    Good luck, hope to see some ideas of what you are working on in the future!

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    One other thing to consider is that many of us are still using the older figures, and if you come out with new items for G1 and G2, you will have the new clothing market all to yourself. If you make them usable with G3 as well, so much the better.

    If you make them G3 only, you'll be competing in the new clothing market with everyone else.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    My 2cents is that I tend to look at stuff that is for both G2 and G3 more than G3 alone.

    I mainly use G2...i keep gettng tempted by G3 characters, but come to my senses

  • kickassetskickassets Posts: 63
    Lol ok. Yeah that makes sense with the new rat race for newer figures
  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Lol ok. Yeah that makes sense with the new rat race for newer figures

    Where are you finding new rats? The only ones I can see came out in the V4 era!

  • kickassetskickassets Posts: 63
    Lol no just my lingo for competition.
  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Lol no just my lingo for competition.

    Y'know, I would actually like to see a Daz Rat Race... a tabletop track, a few flags, some bleachers and a refreshment stand for the spectator rats...

    I think I need more coffee.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    hmm, I see sriesch. Basically it comes down to my targeted demographic, in that there's still a market for the older popular figures. Whether people buy products for a newer figure or not Ultimately comes down to if there's enough variety of content to support that figure and how much customers have invested in a particular one versus it just being about the new figure on the block. In other words the latest doesn't automatically mean the greatest due to other factors involved. A new audience just getting into the daz 3d scene seems to be more likely to try out new figures, as they haven't invested in the previous. That makes sense.

    That's right!  New and shiny doesn't mean that what you have is old and crappy!   Sorta like the iPhone...

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