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Just to prove the point, I'll disagree with what everybody is "plus-ing" to.
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Well the funny thing is that making threads like this that passive-aggressively vocalise one's distaste for an individual poster probably sows more discord than anything the poster (probably me) ever did or said.
And I agree with your right to do so. Disagreements are a healthy discourse for society.
the ones I have on ignore are more for my own protection
because engaging with them inevitably leads to me getting email notifications from the DAZ Moderation Team
it serves more as a reminder not to
I post in these threads as I want it fixed so one does not see their posts or threads at all like the first forum they had back in 2010ish did
This is drifting rather towards the reefs of the ToS, please set a course for open water.
The Reefs of the TOS are such great party resort to get wasted at though
。。。 dive in reflective thinking or die in merry-making
It's only a matter of time before this becomes The Blocked Their Messages But Their Posts Still Show Up Complaint Thread.
...oh no they un-blocked Kenny...
Metamucil, prunes, laxettes!
Was not pretty;)
I kind of feel like the band Roxette was underappreciated. Laxettes and Roxettes.
Sigh... I don't get it ~
...when I get alerts from my local transit system about a "blockage" on a bus or tram route I always picture a tanker truck of laxatives being dispatched to the scene.
They'll really be on a joyride then.
That's what they call mindfulness these days?
We had one notable falling out and I still wouldn't block you. You add too much value to these forums!
About eight or nine years ago I was wearing out the Daz forum team because I was feeding a particularly notorious troll. Eventually, my fellow forum people convinced me to put that person on ignore and I felt much better. In general, I am for disagreement, but there are limits. On the internet, there are enough people that someone will be testing those limits. BTW, I like knowing that if someone has me on ignore, they will not see this message.
I'm always mystified by how folks here could rack up over 10K posts. The likes of Richard Haseltine, or any other member of the mod team, I can understand. After all, voluminous communication comes with the job. But your average bloke -- is silence not golden?
Feeding a forum troll. Now I know.
Believe it or not, the forums used to be more active with more exctement and optimism than there is now which lead to more interaction. As for feeding forum trolls, the mods make it hard to do that even if one wanted to get into it with them.
most of my massive number of posts are from participation in a number of off topic threads in both the Commons and the Carrara forum
mostly interacting with a few others also with large post numbers
it's a social thing, I don't really post excessively everywhere else but often chime in if I can help someone
I do tend to White Knight a bit if someone else trying to help someone gets nasty replies from the one asking for help though
if they are nasty to me I might reply that someone else can help them and usually just leave it at that
it's the repeat offenders who tend to be the same towards others that cause me to get into moderation trouble and also my tendency to join in on controversial topics
I actually don't have many locked threads I started myself
but if there is a juicy thread I am drawn like a moth and by no means the only one being chastised
most of my posts, a good 20K+ were accumulated 10 years ago
I had an absurd number of posts in the old forum. Like almost as many as Richard had.
I think it's one of those double edged swords. All of that moderation is probably what's killing the forums too.