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I think it was a combination of that and the common reaction of harassers to being blocked where they take it as an excuse to find ways to escalate. If they don't immediately know they're blocked and can't see your posts, it's less likely.
This. 200% this.
There's a lot of people on this forum I'd add to my ignore list and I know I'm on several people's block lists because lmao I don't play nice when airing my opinions, but I'm a grown adult who can handle different opinions and POVs with critical thinking skills, which is a skill sadly most on the internet have lost over the years.
PAs will never improve if they don't get constructive critique, and I've seen people on the forums try to shut down any constructive critique -even kindly phrased ones that try to phrase it in a positive way- and circle the wagons to shield a PA from it. If a PA themselves can't handle posts that don't kiss their boots 100%, that's their problem. But the toxic positivity this forum has is absolutely detrimental to improving PA products and Daz Studio as a whole (especially the vaporware that's DS5). If people want to block those who are offering help and pointers in improving things, then they shouldn't complain the next time an item comes out with a slew of issues or DS5 is bug-ridden to a point of unusability.
Agreed. I am probably on a few ignore lists since I like to be devils advocate and post opposite discussions to others complaints at times so the discussion doesn't come across as one sided, especially for new users reading the forums since I want the DS user base to grow. .I also know I have had more posts removed from Richard than I like, even though I saw nothing wrong with most of them, so thanks for keeping me in check Richard, LOL
I will never put anyone on ignore since I believe in discussion, even if we don't agree (and I might even learn something new from the discussion)
you are very helpful on these forums.
Me too... more or less. I know I usually speak in direct manner and like to think in the other way around and challenge "what've been stated for years"...For sure I always get notifications in my mailbox - Post Removal, haha ~ I know mostly it was not a problem of "right or wrong"...
Anyway, I've been improving myselft and I'll never ever "ignore" anybody, even if, like FSMC said, I might be also a devil's advocate... (that reminded me of the movie The Devil's Advocate, which is one of my favorites. Hoho~)
I hope I don't annoy too many people. I try to be fair and constructive. I'm still new enough to Daz (and to art) that I tend to think that I don't know enough to have a valid opinion, aside from basic functionality.
There's alternate points of view and there's nasty.
Most of us are here to relax and tinker with stuff, and people who constantly start drama or yell about stuff? Life's too short.
It is becasuse the forum notifications don't work properly so people turn them off.
IMO blocking should only affect your own experience. That lame blocking where blocking someone hides your posts from the person blocked just ends up being abused wherever I have seen it implimented. jim don't like joe, so jim block joe, then jim talk [negatively] about joe, while joe can't even see it or respond to it type [of stuff]
(edited by mod for language)
Well I don't have anybody on my "Ignore" list. But I must confess I did block your profile picture some years ago. The only one I ever blocked. And I too have had more posts removed than I would like. Hmm maybe a few people have blocked my profile picture and I'll never find out.
I think that's a thumb not what you might think it is
I probably wouldn't have blocked that. But there was a time I had issues with emojis in general. I'd assume the person felt like the emoji. So people would alternate between happy faces and sad faces and I'd think they were sad, then happy, then sad, and it was all too much.
Now I can't unsee that.
I don't think I have more than 2, maybe 3 blocked, it's rare for me to do so, especially here, as it is diligently enforced and has extremely active moderation (I should know! :^P) so people here are much more civil than the unmoderated mess that is "the internet" so there's usually no reason for me to block someone, but yeah, I most definitely have been blocked as I am very direct, so I can seem pretty harsh at times for others, though that is not my intention.
lets just say if you think I have you on ignore you are 100% mistaken
I don't as a rule interact in any way with the few I do and in most cases neither do others because at least 2 of them insult everyone who does, especially if they try to help them or suggest a product
Thanks for saying so, :^) yeah, I rarely if ever insult or denigrate any one person, as it never moves the conversation towards a reasonable conclusion...
It appears everybody in this thread has blocked everybody in this thread.
or TimberWolf has as they haven't been back
I'd obviously block myself if I could.
I have - why do you think I make so many typos?
well i haven't blocked anyone lol, but i was searching for a function to stop email notifications for the forum WHILE still having threads bookmarked. because i hate the spam in my email inbox, which i don't consult every hour anyway, and i prefer to follow my threads by visiting the forum/checking my bookmarks. so where can i stop those notifications? i only found the email subscriptions for sales/wishlist etc...
Go to your own profile and then click the blue gear at the upper right. Edit preferences. I had to adjust my settings. The emails were driving me mad (der
). and then click the Notification Preferences link on the right.
THANK YOU sazzyazzca & Richard Haseltine ! that's one intricate spot where i really didn't think i'd find this!
Oh there's the solution I was looking for
, I once told you I'd make a Great Moderator...then I could block myself and nobody would be able to block ME
bwAAHhahahaaaAAA...(sorry abbout that), so how do you apply?
How do you feel about signing documents in your own blood?