Strange lines on the legs



  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,150

    Thanks Lyoness for your solution and to everybody else who contributed!

  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557

    As I render linear at gamma 1, not the default Daz 2.2, I go through every texture in a scene and make sure it's set to gamma 1 in the Image Editor.

  • The gamma you use for rendering and the gamma of the textures are not related - in principle you still want to correct the colour images for their probable embedded gamma of 2.2 even if you are rendering to gamma 1.

  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557

    Done that time and again, and I still have to manually edit the gamma value in the texture editor to 1.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    This has solved an issue I was having occasionally after edditing textures.

    I just checked the Gamma on a custom texture and it was 1, whereas the original was 0; this is good to know. The work around I had was to open and save the image without altering anything, and using the saved image as a custom one, even though I'd not changed it; although I knew the default save was altering something.

    This made an interesting read:

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