The Dragon Ate My Complaint Thread
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Your sketches looked better each time but this last one is much cleaner than the previous sketches. Is this one all hand drawn and colored? Or did you use something like Adobe Illustrator's two features: "LiveTrace" to create the outlines and "LivePaint" to fill in the colors?
Personally I have zero artistic ability so I always rely on technology to create my images. I can't imagine having the ability to just pop a picture onto paper with nothing more than pen and ink.
Edited to add:
Oh poop, the new forum doesn't automatically include photos of previous posts when you quote them. I'm refering of course to your colored "Fluffy" head.
We did. We also had Fruit Viking.
(Totally a reference to a very NSFW online comic.)
lol Fruit Viking
Pretty much how I did this:
I drew it in at a lower resolution (Around 470 pixels) with a pencil-like brush, then I copied that into a new document, scaled it up to 1,600 pixels, then slowly traced over it on a new layer~
I traced it by hand with my tablet :3
We also had interesting table decorations...
...tentacle nests for starters...
...and carrot cake.
Yeah but I cannot change it. I do not want my mum to control my love life so I do not dictate my mum's love life. I know my mum wants me to find a guy to fall in love with instead of a gal. She also wants him to have similar beliefs to the ones I was raised with.
I like MLP but not sure how to watch it. I have no control of what I watch while I stay with myi can watch a limited amount of stuff with my kindle. Anything available for free.
Someone requested I draw my raptor Fluffy with his dragon character. This is what I have so far (And he seems to like it, despite how much I see wrong with it, so I guess this is what I'm going with)...
We also had interesting table decorations...
...tentacle nests for starters...
...and carrot cake.
unflateable ponies!
making an early dinner today, a small pan of lasagna. i can freeze portions then reheat during the week.
jeff dunham & walter -tee hee
jeff and peanut. - luv peanut :lol:
My stepfather blames me for my mum not feeling well right now. According to my stepfather my mum is not well and is resting in her bedroom. He probably does not want me to see her.
I tried watching an episode of torchwood but the Internet connection is unstable.
I had a video saved on my kindle but now I do not feel like watching it.
Finished the drawing~
aww baby fluffy
did Fyredragon ever get married?
i guess married dragons are real busy.
let's have a thead party t'nite! :lol:
anybody else staying in?
is there left over fruit viking?
Morning. Cold again today ;)
Aw, too cute :)
Sorry, early night yesterday and early start today (our Monday) Thread party best on your Friday PM, for me :)
I wrote up a post and lost it.
Sorry, early night yesterday and early start today (our Monday) Thread party best on your Friday PM, for me :)
uncranking ac/dc til next weekend :)
- Back in black Back in black
- forget about the tip, we'll get hell to pay, have a drink on me
the crickets outside are chirping jinglebells
Heh I used to go see ACDC at a local pub years ago, big time now hey :) Catered lunch today - gah, I need more than designer tidbits to eat !
1600 Monday here and I'm on the way home, yay that's a relief I thought the job would last well into the night: it did the last time :)
Mac & Cheese and Fish Fillet :3
I got a short novel for Christmas a few years back that was supposedly about a red dragon. I only skimmed through it very briefly and saw that the main character probably wasn't one (Or if it was it was shapeshifted.) and later in the novel a black dragn was trying to force the main characters to kill it for him.
I tossed the book out because it had the AD&D logo on it. Don't know why I didn't see that there earlier, but all things considered I should probably be glad I noticed it later than sooner, since tossing a present in the trash shortly after opening it would be a bad decision.
Hmm... Not sure why, but I played NetHack a bunch despite it being a - or at least based off of - the D&D series. Maybe because it was straightforward with no actual character developemnt and interactions (I do like that yes, but depending on the game and setting sometimes I'd prefer a simple "Just go out and do somethin'" sort of gameplay rather than something more complex.), and all the creatures were just tiny little 5 pixel wide icons. Much easier on my mind than something that would make me feel bad about killing later ^^;
*edit to add* that I never did reach a level in the dungeon that would start spawning dragons of any kind, but I do know what their icons look like in-game since I browsed over on the wiki.
Anyway just needed to get that out. I don't have any regrets throwing it out, and probably would have had more if I read it, but I just felt the need to say something. Not sure why though =/
Oh oh oh here's a complaint:
My fingernails need clipping and we don't have a single nail trimmer in the house DX
Hates early mornings, got home and ate and crashed, now it is 2200 and I'm not sleepy at all. On the upside I have a late start and short day tomorrow :)
percolating a fresh pot o' joe. dunkindonuts french vanilla. no donuts, wahhh wantz donuts
i watched a few webinars yesterday on rigging, weight mapping, and animated joints- gonna see if anything sank in by practicing on dork.
Can't say I wrapped my head around actually animating the animated joint things yet, i seems like a lot of extra work for very poor results for me so far :(
Sculpting challenge has started over at the C4DCafe. I like this entry the best:
"Drakes claim to be dragons--until the dragons show up."
I think that was from a MagicTG card...? Not sure and don't really care, but I like the quote XD
Although when I'm writing and drawing, I'm a little more biased towards a drake being a "teenage" sort of dragon rather than a separate species. I think that started when I first played Warcraft 3 and it just... Stuck ^_^
I can now say with all certainty that I hate drawing raptor hands. The way I used to draw 'em was very easy, but this new way is sooo tough! DX
Anyway. The pic on the left I looked at a few other pictures of models and such to get the general pose and stuff right, but I ended up making his head too small and narrow. I resized it and redrew some of it, but it still seems too... I dunno... The skull just doesn't seem as thick as it should be. Continuity, proportions, and fluff do not mix well with me, I'm afraid DX
I am getting better at drawing his tail feathers, but his neck fluff still comes out resembling a dragon's plate-scales rather than fluff XD
Fluffy pracitce sketches have been colored~
*edit* Geez... At first I hated the left drawing's tail feathers and liked the right ones more, now that they're colored I can't stand to look at the ones on the right XD