The Dragon Ate My Complaint Thread
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I think my reply notices are broken. I am not getting any for the recent replies in this thread. I am subscribed to this thread.
Mum is teaching a class right now. I am afraid my stepfather will volunteer me for something stupid. I just want to read the forums or write.
Happy B'Day Skiriki. Sorry I missed the party but I had my normal early thing to do.
Did you have fun?
Wow, ongrats! Spend your winning in good health (or on it)!!! :coolsmile: :snake:
To be or not to be that is the question.
Did you have fun?Sure!! I love two needles and a large dose of Heparin every few days. Then I get some meds that make everything taste like copper for a few hours. Really though it's now bad, the hardest part for me is sitting in my chair for hours, my Arthur does not like me to be still that long. But I'm five by five for almost four years now. That's Fun in my book.
Happy BDay Skiriki :)
Cheers !
I'm not afraid of needles but I'm sick of seeing them. I've had more than I can count in my back for some procedure. One needle left a hole so big that I'd swear needed a stitch.
I do not like needles.
Today's complaints:
I've never played the Lotto, they never had one in my state and it gets voted down every time.
I had to get up way to early today, I was sleeping so good when the alarm went off.
I'm waiting to see if I will have a Dialysis crash today or not. Hoping for not.
I had to drive in the rain this morning, just wet enough that the cars in front of you messed up your windshield.
The meds I got today make things taste coppery, copper coffee is one flavor that will never sale.
Even after installing ALL my Genesis content I have loads of content left to install.
I went and bought MORE Genesis content I still need to install.
And LAST today, my caretaker screwed up and I'm out of my Arthur pain medicine and need to run into town today.
Can you go hangout at the public library til after your mum gets home?
when i used to play hooky during my jr.high years, i'd hang all day at the library. no one ever bothered me.
i read every massppb that library had in their turny-things.
in 7th grade english class, teacher was handing out Siddhartha for us to read. i handed it back to him, "read it." :lol: it was a shiny moment.
poke, poke, poke, owie. i hate needles too.
I wonder if a $700 USD laptop can play the latest games. The processor in the laptops look ok, they only have Intel HD 4000 video chips. Uggg. I'll keep looking. My desktop computer is still too slow after I upgraded the video card and RAM. I guess the new games use a ton of high quality textures and high polygon characters and other objects not found in games older than three or four years.
maybe you need a directx update?
Can you go hangout at the public library til after your mum gets home?
when i used to play hooky during my jr.high years, i'd hang all day at the library. no one ever bothered me.
i read every massppb that library had in their turny-things.
in 7th grade english class, teacher was handing out Siddhartha for us to read. i handed it back to him, "read it." :lol: it was a shiny moment.
Two problems. I do not know where my stepfather hid my keys. I also do not know where the local library is. I am new to this area where my mum lives.
Two problems. I do not know where my stepfather hid my keys. I also do not know where the local library is. I am new to this area where my mum lives.
can you take his keys and offer a hostage exchange?
complaint, i haven't been asked out on a drinks date since last March. March dang it.
i luv playing with poser on a Saturday nite, but i need to go out this time.
there's a TES party t'nite. taxi,train,taxi to get there. not really in the mood for that though.
i'd rather have a Guinness straight from the tap.
best Guinness ever was in Galway. would like to visit there again some day.
Two problems. I do not know where my stepfather hid my keys. I also do not know where the local library is. I am new to this area where my mum lives.
can you take his keys and offer a hostage exchange?
Need to start hiding the things. This guy sounds like he's real fun to live with.
Happy birthday, Skiriki. I hope you have a terrific day and that all your wishes come true.
@LeatherGryphon: Wowsers! I've never known anyone who won that much before. Sounds like you've used it wisely. Big congratulations.
Happy Birthday Skiriki
woot - shopping - bought a couple nursoda stuff.
16 dineros left on my visa.g.c.
what are the odds M5pro will go in the fastgrab for 16 dineros :lol: sigh
or i could save it for next month ... nah no fun in that
maybe you need a directx update?
HD4000 onboard graphics are not suitable for first-person shooters or high frame-rate gmes. DX11 performance is miserable, and because t uses shared system RAM you'll have ontention between the app and the video card for memory bandwidth.
Your best bet is an i5 system with a discrete NVidia GT630/GT640 card with dedicated VRAM. You can get one from Newegg for about $700 or so. I almost did...
My Blue Dragon keychain arrived and it RULES!!!! :vampire: :vampire:
Metal and enamel, perfectly shaped, smooth, and kick butt!!!
I'll never lose my keys nowwwwwwww! :coolsmile:
Got some Sculpey at Walmart when I refilled my prepaid VISA - then got SOAKED coming home as it went WOOSH!!!
Little rainies, falling down
Rainies make, a splashing sound!
Little rainies, on my head
Make me wish, I were in bed!
Little rainies, splash and splish!
Now I'm soaked, just like a fish!
Little rainies, made me wet
And I'm getting, damper yet!
Lighting flash, and thunder boom
Clouds they glower, and they loom
Rainies fall, and make some mud
As it turns, into a flood!
IPray for rain, and it delivers
Raging torrets, like some rivers
Wash away, the cars and roads
Get got rain, oh tons and loads!
...conga rats!
Maybe there's hope for me tonight yet. Tried to get a Powerball ticket yesterday (before I heard someone won the 330$ million, our news media out here is slow on the uptake sometimes) and found they raised the ticket price from 1$ to 2$. Only had a single George W (which I already put into the machine) so I punched a quick pick for tonight's Megabucks (4$ million).
Yeah systems and ticket buying schemes are silly. To cover all the possible combinations of how the numbers might fall could cost as much if not more than the jackpot is worth. Even just to match the odds (Powerball was something like 175 million to 1) is futile.
The usual thing I do is pick a set of numbers and get a ticket for the three weekly draws (Mon. Wed. Sat.) during my weekly market trip.
A good strategy (should the "lighting bolt" actually strike) is opting for the multi -year payout instead of the lump sum as you only pay taxes once (basically regular "income" as if you has an annual salary) rather than having them take half up front and then paying taxes on the rest (which can definitely kick you into a much higher tax bracket).
I mainly want to clear up my debts (like finally rid my self of that pesky student loan balance), trade the current the day job (and the way too long commute) for a part time position in something I like to do (such as community radio), find a nice long term lease in an older neighbourhood (as I don't need a lot of space), and maybe get a cool old car (something like the '67 LeMans I just saw go by).
My one "splurge would be to take my 3 - 4 month sojourn to Europe - via transcontinental train and transatlantic crossing on the Queen Mary II (see below).
...oh, and finally be able to afford Photoshop, Modo, an upgrade to the Small business licence for Marvelous Designer, as well as duo hexacore 48 GB system like Ps1Borg's (and a small render farm to support it).
The ads say "Dream Big", I say "Dream Practical".
...Happy Brithday
...can't believe "Sir Paul" turned 70 this year. Didn't seem that long ago he was known as the "Baby Faced Beatle"
...oy, must be getting old.
He has his keys hidden somewhere too.
I want to take a nap.
...sprinkled a bit this morning. a good thing as it really "scrubbed the air out after the stifling weather we experienced the last few days. Also reduces the wildfire risk, the area has been on alert for most of the week.
Felt really good when I stepped out this morning.
Well, back to the hunt for a new abode this weekend. Not having a credit score (as I never have made any purchases on credit since this whole credit watch garbage began) really bites. Doesn't matter I've held down a steady position with the same company for over seventeen years and will get a wonderful reference from my current landlady of almost fifteen years. I have no credit score, so therefore, because I didn't take a risk, I'm considered a credit risk (how's that for an oxymoron?).
That's why I just want to - no, strike that - need to win the Megabucks Lotto since society seems so hung up on something some silly little three digit number, it has lost sight of the "bigger picture". Here I am gainfully employed earning a paycheque that can afford a nice modest place, with a modest yet positive bank balance and good rental history, yet, I can easily find my self homeless and on the street.
...hah, wait a minute! I think I got it! I know what the fabled "Number of the Beast" really is. It's that dang credit score, for without it you really are "nothing".
Here's hoping you can find a nice, sensible Letting Agency, and a nice landlord, like we managed to do. OK first off we only signed what they call over here "Assured shorthold tenency" for 6 months, then renewed for another 6 months, now we are on first name terms with the landlord, and he says we can stay here as long as we want to.
They really were ace, they were so helpful, once we expalined the situation. in the US things are so bloody corporate driven, Just about every listing on our local daily "fish wrapper's" classifieds page has some corporate management logo on it. The worst is IPM - around these parts we call them "Imperium Property Management" (cue the Darth Vader theme). Another I just looked at included a fairly foreboding form (which needed to be accompanied by one of those "non refundable" payments) that seemed to focus on the whole credit rating/score issue.
To add salt to an open wound, the city has such restrictive housing codes (which is why I am forced to move in the first place) the availability of a rental situation similar to where I am currently living, is very scarce. Meanwhile they bend over backwards for the big megabuck upscale and gentrification developers. In one district of the city known as the "Pearl" which used to be the old warehouse district, they basically gave away the land for a song to developers who turned it into a "community" of upscale apartments, condos, clubs and boutiques the average working mensch is unable to afford.
Oh one can get a room in a "shared" residence, but after nearly fifteen years of peace and quiet, I don't need to go back to all the baggage and drama that comes along with it.
Not having a vehicle ( or even licenced to drive) makes it difficult to get around to check places out. What's worse, most rental offices are closed by the time I get home from work and on weekends (the latter which is the only time I have to go around and look without taking unpaid days off from work that, given the situation I am facing, I really cannot afford).