You can do better



  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Sergey Sam_T - Welcome to the Bryce forum, both versions are beautiful. Hope to see more of your work in the Show us Your Bryce Renders

  • Thank you Horo and Mermaid010!

    Frankly speaking, haven't thought about the geographical location of the landscape while creating it. Perhaps, in the Land of my Imagination)))) though, windmills are associated with the Netherlands, in the first place.

    BTW, I'm not a novice here... A decade or so ago I participated in the DAZ forum and posted some of my works in the DAZ gallery. Then, it all disappeared, the links went dead... Beside, everywhere the interest to Bryce was going down. I even started thinking that I am the last dinosaur using Bryce. Glad to know that it's not true and I'm not the only one.

    However, maybe there are no more such "stubborn" Bryce users as me)))). Bryce is still conventionally considered a "landscape generator" and is still used as a render engine and the place for importing and composing 3d objects as well as, for example, VUE or Terragen. However, in contrast, Bryce allows creating the scene by means of solely this software from scratch to the final (whereas VUE or Terragen are helpless in this, their modelling tools are in embryonic state, everything depends on import). It's by all means easier to import someone's model, but I'm interested in modelling everything by myself using Bryce. Sometimes I need to use some non-standard solutions which make the process even more challenging. The same is true concerning bitmap picture textures. I find it more interesting to reach the necessary result not by trite use of a photograph, but by "wizardry" in DTE.

    Perhaps, I'm not the best DAZ customer: hardly ever buy anything, make everything by myself... :-)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    Sergey Sam_T - you're certainly a welcome "brycer". Yes, there are less Bryce users, it's easier to purchase a few things, put them in Studio and render without any serious changes. There are yet two places I know where you find "brycers": and Renderosity. I stayed with Bryce (though experimented with Carrara, Terragen, Studio, ...) because it is very versatile. You can do landscapes, underwater and space scenes, abstracts, model buildings or whatever comes to your mind. It is easy to use but if you really dig into it, you will be surprised what can be done. It has options other 3D software hasn't yet or not for long. We have two different render engines, don't need to buy a new graphics card each second year, can also render over a network if you have more than one computer connected, you can batch render several files in your absence, it works on my Win2000, XP, Win7 and Win10 computers and though still a 32 bit program and thus limited to 2 GB, if your computer sports at least 4 GB it can be made Large Address Aware (at no cost) and can then manage around 3.2 to 3.5 GB. Huge bitmap textures are seldom needed, DTE textures don't need a lot of memory.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Sergey Sam_T, Welcome to the Bryce forum. You are not the only one, but indeed, we are getting fewer. Horo, is a stallwart, compared with whom I am a newby, I think. But there are othere, like Slepalex, who make fantastic landscape scenes with Bryce.

    I really like both of your landscapes. Personally, I prefer the sky in your original one. But the additions in the new version make it much more lively. Keep up the good work!

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Sergey Sam_T - I loved reading your fondness for Bryce and the fact that you like making your own models in Bryce, it's so cool. I love Bryce it's fun and like Horo mentioned so versatile. Hope to see more of your renders.

  • Sergey Sam_TSergey Sam_T Posts: 9
    edited December 2021

    Thank you all once again!

    Mermaid010,  you can look at some of my earlier works here, in the gallery (see the link below). Gradually add newest and actual works.

    Horo, I know about Renderocity and I registered in Renderocity as far as in 1999. Then, it was an excellent place. It was possible to GET useful advice and real criticism. However, in time it became overcrowded. At the same time, quality of works and communication decreased. On Bryce5 I also was a decade ago and posted there several pictures. And I liked the site as well. Unfortunately, I happened to be extremely overloaded with my main job and hardly had time for my hobby. Yes, I popped to the site not long ago, saw that it was still alive'n'kickin'. But the number of users also came down. Among the newest pictures I saw your works, the works by Caperh and Slepalex, and nearly noone else's...

    Hansmar, we are good friends with Slepalex and we fruitfully communicated some years ago on some Russian-speaking forum dedicated to Bryce. Sadly, it also 'died'. Although the links are still working, it exists in name only, with zero attendance. Hope, Slepalex​ will soon turn up here and we'll continue communication))))))yes

    Post edited by Sergey Sam_T on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Sergey Sam_T said:

    Hi everybody!
    Has just seen this forum's topic...
    Accidentaly, have a couple of works. In 2010 I experimented with alpha-channel for procedural textures. It resulted in getting a texture which applied to a terrain (with lot of noise) looked like greenery (grass, small shrubbery). In order to look at this texture in the environment I made this picture. It was before Bryce 7came out.
    10 years later, coming across this picture in my archive decided to rerender it. First, changed the clouds for the ones with more volume. Exchanged Bryce trees (with monstrously large leaves) for a birch grove. The latter is far from being ideal, I don't like it either. However, it's better than it was in the original. Also added some details and people, as well...


    Hello, Sergey! Where have you been for many years (10?)
    I'm glad you appeared on the horizon, because the brycers are dying out like mammoths.
    Naturally, the second option wins a lot. I remember this work.
    I once created some procedural textures for birch trees. For Bryce and Arbaro. I took into account the fact that dark (black) bark predominates closer to the root and the branches of birches are not white. It was easier for Arbaro since branches and trunk are different objects. For Bryce birches, I had to work hard and incorporate all my knowledge and skills into the DTE. If anyone is interested in the topic of texturing trees, I will share my best practices. 

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Sergey Sam_T  - very nice renders in the gallery,

    Slepalex said:

    For Bryce birches, I had to work hard and incorporate all my knowledge and skills into the DTE. If anyone is interested in the topic of texturing trees, I will share my best practices. 

    I would love it if you shared your expertise, that will be great.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    Yes Slepalex, it would be very nice to share how you textured the birch trunks. Part of the fun working with Bryce is that one can always learn something new.

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited December 2021

    There are yet two places I know where you find "brycers": and Renderosity

     Another active place with people sharing and/or discussing Bryce-related things is this facebook group:

    Bryce Paradise.

    Some veterans like Brian Foley can be found there.


    it works on my Win2000, XP, Win7 and Win10 computers 

    Yeah, unlike most modern software that gives up on compability and demands you lates win10 (or win11 soon). Overall i see a huge trend in people behaviour to blindly follow "all updates, right now!" without a thought.

    Maybe it's my nature, but i'm more a person of "if it's not broken, don't fix it". Though of course if 3d is not a hobby, but a profession*, most likely it's inevitable to be "up to date" and switch "pipelines" like "last year we all worked in Maya, now everyone switches to Blender fast".   While we, for whom this all is a passion interest, are more "free".

    *though even in work there are some curious examples like this:


    we are getting fewer

    Sadly, we now live in era of globalization. I already mused about how it affects web space (see ), but it also can be witnessed with every life aspect including choices of new 3d artists/enthusiasts today. In most cases when i hear from a person that they started 3d, it usually means either Blender (which now, after 15+ years of development, reached complexity that you can compare with Maya or Max or C4D, yet Blender itself is freeware AND there is constant stream of tutorials, videos, articles and what not - so it ALWAYS get exposed) or something more specific like Zbrush (for sculpting). It's like echo chamber, popular things only get more popular, while obscure ones appear less and less visible. Also i'm sure for plenty of people, idea of "working with not very up-to-date software that is kinda archaic and you have to be creative with workarounds to do stuff that you thought you could not" is not very tempting, and they would choose something more "safe" and "not risky" instead. Like, you know, as they say... . And don't forget socialization instincts "i will use what my friends and everyone else uses".

    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • Sergey Sam T - welcome back. The Renders in your Gallery are great. Nice to see that the Bryce- World is still living.... 

    and, Slepalex: I agree with Horo.


  • Sergey Sam_TSergey Sam_T Posts: 9
    edited December 2021

    akmerlow said:

    There are yet two places I know where you find "brycers": and Renderosity

     Another active place with people sharing and/or discussing Bryce-related things is this facebook group:

    Bryce Paradise.

    Some veterans like Brian Foley can be found there.

    akmerlow Thanks for the FB link. Joined. Strange that I couldn't find the group when tried the search for anything connected with Bryce on FB...


    Yellow Pen Thank you!

    Post edited by Sergey Sam_T on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Slepalex, I always love it when you share your experience and knowledge! Please do.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651
    edited December 2021

    akmerlow - thanks for the FB link, will check it out.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845
    edited December 2021

    akmerlow - sorry, I do not use Facebook.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Akmerlow, I am also a Facebook-free person.

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124

    You can still view posts there even as guest.


  • PixelPiePixelPie Posts: 331
    edited December 2021

    @Hansmar what a fantastic idea! I have hundreds of files dating back to Bryce before Daz - My first copy of Bryce was boxed version by Corel.  I'll have to see what I can come up with! Really fun thread!

    Post edited by PixelPie on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Akmerlow, Of course, you are right.

    Rasberri, Can't wait to see what you will show.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651
    edited August 2022

    I was going to post this in the Show us Your Renders thread, but this thread is more apt.

    A re-render of a scene I did a long time ago following David’s tutorial changing only the sky and the water material. Personally I like both versions.



    900 x 675 - 100K
    900 x 675 - 594K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    mermaid - two great renders. I like the first a bit better, great late evening render and the haze shows the distances of the mountain ranges very well. The second is also excellent, just a tad on the bright side in my opinion - though that's not wrong for a midday scene. And the water looks better.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : wonderful renders, I like them both, different time and light, very good work.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Thanks Horo and Adbc for the nice comments

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Mermaid, two excellent renders. I like the top one a tiny bit more, because of the same reasons Horo already gave. And, indeed, the water in the second one looks a bit better. I think the waves in the first one are a bit big for the very quiet feel that the render has. But all in all both are excelent.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Thanks Hansmar

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651
    edited September 2022

    I re-rendered this scene to make it less bright. Instead of reducing the Sun intensity or Hdri effect, I used the WarmRed lens.


    900 x 675 - 555K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    mermaid - yes, it looks "warmer".

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Mermaid: very nice warm feeling now.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : I agree with Horo and Hansmar.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Thanks Horo, Hansmar and Adbc

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